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Full Version: Looking for German to English translators
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
German to English for this Project:

(Moderators: This post doesnt really fit in here, but not really a lot of people seem to visit the projects section. Feel free to delete it if it is to obtrusive)
Dear S, I would like to suggest that you include what language do you need the translator to know in the topics' title.

As I can see in the linked topic, it is german. Can't help with that.

If you ever need anything with Spanish, I could help, though. There are some German natives in DS; I believe Rotbart Von D is one of them, surely they are easy to find...

Just my 2 Y, good luck in your search, and keep it up with all that work!


Thanks for the hint.
Included it in the inital post (as one can not edit teh topic).

I am German myself (well, obviously I wrote the tool). My problem is that my English is not good enough to translate very specific words like certain job descriptions and that stuff properly.
Thanks mods for changing the topic.

here are some examples of what needs to be translated:


Glasbearbeiter, Glasveredler
Eisen-, Metallerzeuger, Schmelzer, Verfahrensmechaniker
Greveur, Ziseleur
Rohrnetzbauer, Rohrschlosser
looks like:

glassblower? glassworker? (noble iron? no idea what glass noble iron is)
metallurgist/(metalworker is direct translation AFAICT)? smelter? (babelfish says procedure mechanic... machinist??)
(no idea, but the word looks kinda like engraver) (no idea whatsoever)
hmmm... blacksmith?
pipebuilder (babelfish says farmer... hydroponics?) and pipefitter i would guess are the direct translations... so plumber or something along those lines i would guess (steamfitter?)
hmmm... and this looks like "machine fitter" would be the direct translation.

i wonder how accurate those guesses are... i don't even speak much german nyahnyah.gif
Hehe, well, problem is, I need about 200 of those translated and some other stuff. The NPC generator is quite complex.

But it seems Ive found somebody. Keep your fingers crossed. If everything goes well you might have an English version using English culture files in a month or so.
Great! I'll be waiting!


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