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I believe that you actually get to roll half your dice instead, and not halve the result. In this case, it means that your character gets a 7 and a glitch, which isn't a big deal for initiative rolls anyway.

About the bag throwing though... what bag are you throwing exactly, and to what purpose?

Also because of your character freezing in combat and your bad roll, you actually get to act after the troll anyway, so you might want to change what your action is during your pass, after we resolve what is coming up.

The troll has walked up to you and intends to beat you up with his bare fists, I'll need to know what kind of dodging you want to do in answer to that (and roll).

I'll post up IC after the whole round is completed, leaving the description of your own character's actions to you.

If I've made any mistakes in interpreting the rules, let me know.
SoyKaf Adict
Yeah I know I was supposed to roll half the dice, again, it's been awhile since I've used the character so I didn't remember everything. Luckily I remembered while I was looking for grenades.
Well, I was gonna grab the nearest bag, empty it, put a live flashbang in it and chuck it so he could catch it. trying to work with the character here, but I just roll bad with him. So at this point, he'd see what McKinney was planning on doing... So I guess the best thing to do is run and then grab a bag while he's on the move.
Yeah, although I don't really see the point of going through the trouble of putting the flashbang in a bag.

Either way, like I said the troll acted first. Because he goes first, his movement rate lets him get to you in time to try to punch you as you're about to run away. You need to dodge the blow first, before taking your actions for this initiative pass/combat turn.
So it's SoyKaf and me?
QUOTE (Redjack @ May 11 2008, 11:06 PM) *
So it's SoyKaf and me?

Yup. All others were never seen again on these boards as far as I know.
SoyKaf Adict
It's the creative side of me, one would think a dumb troll is less like to shield himself from a bag of open krill-filler, than a flashbang... smile.gif

Rolling Reaction(4)+Dodge(2) for Melee Dodge.

3 hits
As a new GM in shadowrun, I'm not sure what's the best course of action here. Either I can describe the action in IC, or you can. I guess it's best if the GM describes the action from a neutral point of view, and then the player can add in some flavour from the char's perspective?

Anyway, now's the time to finally decide what you're going to do this turn. Considering the 3 second time frame, I'd say that picking up a random bag of chips, opening the bag, putting a live nade in the bag and throwing the nade-bag would all be one simple action each. Thus it would take 2 initiative passes to do this. Alternatively, getting your nade and throwing it would only be 2 simple actions and you could readily do this while trying to get away from the troll.

Choose what you want to do among those actions, or just somehting else entirely, and then roll as appropriate. You just managed to dodge the blow by the way, grats smile.gif
SoyKaf Adict
Yeah, boi! One for the EatMe! I guess the course of action that'll work for him is the running and dropping a live nade as he's running away. But I'll wait to do that after you describe the troll whiffing.
If you just want to drop the grenade at your feet, no need to roll. You should also have time to reach the other end of the aisle, running, in a combat turn. Not sure when the flash-bang would go off then, but I believe it is at the end of the turn (you can check, I don't have my books with me right now). Go ahead and post your action.
Well finish out this scene and lets move on. wink.gif
Just so you know, I will not be able to access the boards between Saturday and Wednesday.
SoyKaf Adict
Automatics(MP) 5(7) + Agility 5(6) + SmartLink 2 - Called Shot (4) + Aim 1 = 12 Dice.
(Because the head is very vital but very maneuverable, it should be maximum difficulty, maximum DV.)
Gas Vent 2, for no recoil penalty.
Simple Action- Aim, Simple Action- Burst Fire, Free Action- Called Shot.
Narrow Burst +2 to DV. (Does not apply to comparing the DV to armor rating.)

5 Hits
DV +6 Total.
3 bullets spent.

Taking into account partial cover (-2) and attacker firing from cover (-1), you actually made only 2 hits, but it turns out to be enough.
SoyKaf Adict
What was his head partially covered by? and the reason why I put in the 'side-stepping into behind the end cap at the end was for flavor whether I had enough actions to do it or not, but it was meant to be after I shot...
Hmm, after re-reading you're right on both accounts on the modifiers. For some reason I thought that you had gone off the aisle you were in when getting chased by the troll. But you didn't, you just turned back and fired. And yes, you'd have the possibility to side-step behind something.

So you're up to finish this up and we can move forward.
SoyKaf Adict
Balls in your court man smile.gif
SoyKaf Adict
Let me know how many dice I'm rolling for the two bursts with smartlink and gas vent system 2, behind cover. I have to go to work, will reply around 10 or so.
-2 dice for recoil on first burst (cancelled by gas vent, I think), -5 on second burst (reduce by your gas vent rating and by 1 if you have a stock). Both suffer a -1 die for firing from cover.
SoyKaf Adict
I have the GM Screen in front of me, since it's controlled 3 round burst, -2 for the first, -3 for the second. So -1 dice for first burst from behind cover, and -2 for the second. No aimed shot, but still using smartlink, oh yeah and the gas vent 2 system installed... So -0 on first burst, -1 on second.

Auto(MP) 5(7) + Agility 5(6) + Smartlink 2 - Cover 1 = 14 dice
Auto(MP) 5(7) + Agility 5(6) + Smartlink 2 - Cover 1 - Recoil 1 = 13 dice

First burst/7 hits
Second burst/4 hits

Puts me down 9 bullets total over all. Out of a 35 bullet clip. It does have an integral stock, but McKinney has been spur of the moment so far, and close quarters... The stocks no good to him right now. Damage is still 4P.
Sorry for not answering the part about the jacket and the colors earlier. I'll post the details of what they are in IC. Roll any relevant skill you may have for gang ID, if any.

Also, roll for either etiquette (street, -2) or intimidation (physical, +2) depending how you want to go about the woman and the camera stuff. I'll post the results of the social interactions in IC as well. If you want, you can give more details of you "persuasive arguments" assuming she is at first reluctant to act and to act quickly enough to your taste.

There are no police sirens heard for the first 30 sec.
SoyKaf Adict
Actions along his lines won't be physical, just verbal... After all he'd just become another bully replacing a bully, but atleast he's not a SINner, he can just bug out if she doesn't comply.

Going for Charisma 2 + Ettiquette(no SP though) 2 = 1 hit
Since she knows this 'RJ', I'm going for a bonus to the polite asking, with information about how RJ will be doing with Intuition 3 + Hospital Routes 2 =1 hit for time she needs to take care of him, and EatMe's original prognosis of RJ's injuries with Logic 2 + First Aid(Combat Wounds) 4(6) = 2 hits if it'll help otherwise forget the rolls.

Intuition 3 + Gangs 3 for ID = 3 hits

That's the way I'm gonna set up my next in character posting, with persuasion and small comments about the hospital arrival and RJ's condition to soften her mood. After investigating the trolls corpse.

Well, I'll let the social interactions go on through IC, which includes the information resulting from your knowledge tests. Do with it as you see fit. I'll use the etiquette test to determine the woman's reactions of course.
Trigger, I live again.....question is, does Holden still live?
Ouch mate, you couldn't have had a worse timing. I killed your character yesterday. indifferent.gif

No kidding...

But I'll tell you what. If you think you have the time to play, the team would make good use of one more member, or you could play Amok, the hacker. I know it can be annoying to play someone else's PC though, so feel free to create a new character. There's plenty of room in game for Sonic to put a new runner into the team. Let me know what you wanna do.
SoyKaf Adict
Adds to the suspense, what's up Trigger? I saw you on last night and thought 'hey he might be up to play-- Aw crap, he's not gonna like what just happened.' Hahaha, welcome back!
No problem, after posting up here last night I was looking through my old files and I couldn't seem to find Holden's sheet anywhere anyways. But yeah, I will write up a new character really quickly, probably have it up by tomorrow or monday at the latest. Anything in particular needed on the team?
I have an interesting Con Mage Punk kid that I have written up that I have been wanting to try playing for some time. He has some social skills, a smattering of other skills, and a complementay set of spells to go with his skills. He is pretty far from being a professional though, which means he may just be perfect for the PartyCrew wink.gif
The team could need any number of roles, really. A face, a rigger, muscle, infiltration, jack of all trades, whatever. It would make more sense in a way if it were any of those, but in the end, just play what you feel like, of course. We can discuss your character through PM as it comes along. And just btw, I still have a copy of your character sheet if you are curious what it was.
QUOTE (gobogen @ Jun 22 2008, 04:33 AM) *
The team could need any number of roles, really. A face, a rigger, muscle, infiltration, jack of all trades, whatever. It would make more sense in a way if it were any of those, but in the end, just play what you feel like, of course. We can discuss your character through PM as it comes along. And just btw, I still have a copy of your character sheet if you are curious what it was.

That would be great to see again because for some reason all of my saved sheets in my PM box are now gone.
Stupid PS3 and its multi-posting of my reply.
Just checking, is this game looking for people?

This game is not actively looking for new people, but I would accept one more player at the same time that Trigger brings in a new character. Send me a concept by pm and I will consider it. Or just pm me to discuss this further if you're interested.
I can't remember, were there any special rules you use for character generation?
No I use the standard rules. I give additional BPs or contacts for a good back story.

No hurry on making the sheet for now, although the concept and story would be nice to have soon.
Gobogen: Need a GM call here on what I can do (if anything) and not break the binding. Is a binding test a completely exclusive activity? Meaning, could I send a watcher to find out who it is? Could I check the door security monitor to see who it is?
Sweeper is completed and even (I think) approved, so I'm good to go. Of course, the GM already knows that, so this is just random babble. He's pretty much an infiltration guy, more on the hard side of B&E, with a fairly serious sideline as a shooter.
Yup, Carny's character's approved. Trigger's is on the way. You guys will eventually get backup, not that your PCs are much aware of that.

Good thing you asked RJ, hadn't completely thought about. Basically, I see the task as requiring most of your physical and mental activity at any given point. Every now and then, you can make short, easy, unrelated actions, but you are mostly unresponsive in order to keep the ritual going smoothly. It makes sense that at some point, your character takes a quick peak at his commlink or a video feed of the front door, and unlocks the door for the two to enter. I'll let you roleplay how busy you are from the binding ritual. For instance, I wouldn't allow any kind of skill check without disrupting the binding.
Posting in tomorrow. I had a great post 3/4 of the way written and somewhere during the fragmented, multi-tasking of my life I closed the browser without posting...
So, I have turned in my character sheet and bio to gobogen as of friday night, but I haven't heard anything back yet. Hopefully I will be able to get back in the game soon.
No worries RedJack.

Trigger, sorry I didn't reply to you already. I looked through your sheet Saturday and thought I did say something back but I guess I forgot in the same way RJ did. PM incoming.
@Gobogen: Here are my rolls for the current summon/bind. F3 Fire Elemental (optional power = fear)

Summon: [2,1,6,2,5,1,4,3] = 2 hits
Elemental Resists: [2,5,4] = 1 hits
Buy off drain; Elemental summoned: 1 service

Binding: [6,6,6,3,2,2,1,6] = 4 hits
Elemental Resists: [4,6,1,2,1,2,2,4] = 1 hit
Buy off drain; 3 net successes. Elemental Bound with 3 services owed.

@All: I'm obviously good to a fast forward to the end of the binding. (~6am)
Yeah a fast-forward is in order, unless there's something McKinney needs to do other than sleep a bit. In the morning, we'll have two more characters joining in and things should finally move along.

RJ, your two elemantals might come in handy, that's a lot of fire-power you got there.
I can't believe I got them both bound without having to use my one point of edge. Another one of those will be the first thing that I buy with my karma.. When I get more.. wink.gif
Can't believe I made him with only one edge...
QUOTE (Redjack @ Jul 1 2008, 11:25 PM) *
I can't believe I got them both bound without having to use my one point of edge. Another one of those will be the first thing that I buy with my karma.. When I get more.. wink.gif
Can't believe I made him with only one edge...

Heh, guess sometimes it is better to be lucky then good smile.gif
I messed up the time. Simon will be done summoning just after 5am.
Just in case I haven't said this clearly before. In general, feel free to state actions for Amok as you see fit.

Soykaf: what's your character doing for the next 2 hours?
SoyKaf Adict
For the next two hours, McKinney is going to do three things: Get bored of watching him talk to this big fire thingy, relieve himself in the restroom, and raid the pantry a little.
Here is a render of Simon and his fire elemental.

I'm assuming nothing else happens during the binding, so in the interest of moving the game forward I'll post up to there given SoyCaf's reply.
@Carny and Trigger: you're up.

@SoyKaf: I'd just like to know what EatMe (and Amok?) is doing during 2 hours. I'm assuming it's as uneventful as dozing off on the couch but let me know if there was anything more you wanted to do.
I'm at home right now and it is horribly difficult to do the text and color coding with my controller on my PS3, so I will respond IC from work tomorrow evening.
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