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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
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Lance Hawvermale
So is Arsenal not 31 March? Sorry, I haven't been keeping up with release dates.

But it's Amazon, they're the experts at this stuff, they have the heads up on this sort of stuff so we should believe what's there on their website. wink.gif

In my personal experience, release dates of amazon are often pure fiction. (Apart from that, I have ordered stuff from them for a thousand euros or so in the last few years, and never had a problem.)
Amazon release dates? Excuse my whilst I piss myself laughing. smile.gif As I've had it explained to me the problem with them is that to get your book included you have to give them the details a really long time in advance of release. Now whilst this isn't so much of a problem with regular printers and books, for gaming companies with shall we say slightly less set in stone schedules when a release date gets pushed back the Amazon one is now wrong. And they have an incredibly shite system for updating product information on books that you have to use to try an do it. For such a large company you'd be surprised. Just look at the two/three month lag between Adam letting them know of a change and their actually doing something about it.
QUOTE (Lance Hawvermale)
So is Arsenal not 31 March? Sorry, I haven't been keeping up with release dates.


No. Street release dates for Emergence, Arsenal, and other books will be announced on and when the books arrive in our warehouse; dates from any mass market vendor are likely to be inaccurate up until the point of release.
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