Feb 22 2007, 09:35 PM
So with the supposed release of Emergence and Arsenal in germany speculated to be about a month away I thought I would take a chance and throw this question out there and see if the powers that be have an answer. How far off from now are we?
Its now at the point that I am trying to find some interpretive answer behind any little bit of information that is released as to why it is the way it is. From writers having issuses to maybe they are waiting for the SR4 book to be back in stock before launching other supplements. Its like trying to find meaning in a tone poem.
Now this could be disregarded as some geek speak rant but I think it has gone beyond that point. Its like Fanpro just has a total disregard to the how they treat their fan base and the people who are going to give them money for their work.
You guys have cleaned things up alot in SR4 and I am happy with most of the changes so can those who have decided to go with the change get better treatment as to the why and when of things.
Feb 22 2007, 09:47 PM
Sorry, but that's bullshit. You know how rare it is for the actual writers of a product to regularly post on a forum board?
I'm sorry if my tone is a little harsh, but this post sounds a whole lot like countless others I've seen on other boards about how the producers of a product/service are mistreating their fans. And in this instance, they don't freakining deserve it.
Any "total disregard" for their fanbase is entirely in your mind.
Feb 22 2007, 09:55 PM
I can't go along with total disregard for the fanbase (also called customers). I think the writers are very approachable, helpful and attentive. it's a very common occurence for writers to answer questions and offer comments here. And the highest regard for the fanbase can be seen in producing the products that they do. Everything SR4 has been high quality so far.
I am, admittedly howling in frustration waiting for Arsenal and as the subject of dedication has been raised, I'd be interested to know whether the writers work on this full time, part time and or tryi to fit in writing rulebooks on their weekends? But a disregard is never something I've felt. Overwork possibly. But never a lack of enthusiasm and love for the game.
Just the impression I get.
Feb 22 2007, 10:07 PM
Its just what my frustration has lead me to interpret. Like other fanpro projects have taken much bigger priority over SR. I can see why Battletech would be important and lucrative but spread the love around a bit. Its been 2 years almost and we only have 3 books which has had everything running incredible bare bones not to mention any other SR project online.
And I dont mean this as disrepect to the writers and the staff its just the plan and the PR can be handled better.
Feb 22 2007, 10:42 PM
QUOTE (Casper) |
Its just what my frustration has lead me to interpret. Like other fanpro projects have taken much bigger priority over SR. I can see why Battletech would be important and lucrative but spread the love around a bit. Its been 2 years almost and we only have 3 books which has had everything running incredible bare bones not to mention any other SR project online.
And I dont mean this as disrepect to the writers and the staff its just the plan and the PR can be handled better. |
well, feel free to start sending them suggestions and writing stuff for them. if you can feel it can be done so much better, then go ahead and do it better... submit some ideas, and give them something to publish if it's so easy.
frankly, i rather doubt that fanpro is holding back any products. they make money by selling product. fanpro, like all companies, exists to make money (the fact that they get to make money by doing something they love is an added benefit of course). they want their products to be out ASAP just like you. but they also know that if they release garbage, then their customers are going to stop buying their product.
this is not Wizards of the Coast, where they have enough employees that they can have internal miniatures leagues, this is fanpro. there's like, two people who work there full time, and a bunch of freelancers, or such is my understanding.
and, as has been noted, i would have to say that the writers show up on these boards quite often. in the years i have spent on the boards, i have seen one of the writers post once. that once being from keith baker (keep in mind, i don't go to the eberron section, where i understand he posts more often), who is (as i understand it) basically a freelancer. i have never seen a post from monte cook or bruce cordell, or any of the other main authors for D&D books though. not once.
heck, over on the psionics boards, mark jindra (who does the mind's eye articles, mainly) is heard from maybe as much as twice a month, and that's a lot for wizards. to be able to hear from multiple writers (freelancers, yes, but considering just about everything in SR is written by freelancers, that's more or less a given) in a day seems like a tremendous amount of involvement when you compare to what WotC has. the simple fact is, if you were to ask for release dates on the boards, it would probably take a minor miracle for it to even be noticed by one of the authors, let alone answered by one of them, or have customer feedback integrated into one of the products (for example, pretty much 90% of the psionics community ranges from disappointed to angry about complete psionic, a book which supposedly is written for them...)
Feb 22 2007, 10:43 PM
QUOTE (knasser) |
I'd be interested to know whether the writers work on this full time, part time and or tryi to fit in writing rulebooks on their weekends? |
If you take a look at the inside cover of any recent Shadowrun book, you'll note that there are quite a few authors listed. If you follow FanPro's activities, it's fairly common knowledge that FanPro really only has 1 full time employee, and that most of the writing is handled by freelancers.
Given that publishing RPGs isn't the most lucrative career in the world, it's pretty reasonable to assume that the majority of the freelancers have other day jobs.
Its been 2 years almost and we only have 3 books |
SR4 had a limited release at GenCon in August of 2005. That's 1.5 years (18 months) ago. Since then, there have been 5 releases (Core, On the Run, Runner Havens, Street Magic, and the GM Screen.)
In addition, there have been 12 free scenarios released to the web site. (A new one every month for the past year. March's will be posted around 3/5/07.) Even allowing for the redundant introductory text in the Missions adventures, the 12 of them still add up to more than a 144 page campaign book.
New books really shouldn't be that far off at this point. That's a schedule of roughly a new book every 3 months. For a small operation, that's nothing to complain about.
The only possible way to get a faster production schedule is to see consistently increased sales. (More sales means more full time employees. More full time employees means a faster production schedule.) So, if you really want to see more books, get more poeple to play.
Feb 22 2007, 11:01 PM
QUOTE (Jaid @ Feb 22 2007, 10:42 PM) |
well, feel free to start sending them suggestions and writing stuff for them. if you can feel it can be done so much better, then go ahead and do it better... submit some ideas, and give them something to publish if it's so easy.
Sorry but my plate in life is full enough. I think I do enough making sure that BBB are at the game stores and that I GM for those who have an interesting in learning the game.
Feb 22 2007, 11:27 PM
Hmmm... I have to admit I didn't realise that things were so thin on the ground at Fanpro. Given the quality (at least in my opinion, I understand there are dissenters) of the releases to date I figured the company would be bigger.
While I personally have quite limited time for extra curricular activities, so to speak, I wonder to what extent the publishers are interested in submissions by the community?
Although I don't consider myself a talented writer, I ask partly as I have what I feel are a couple of quite well balanced runs, and if the developers are interested I would be willing to submit them for consideration. Of course, if they are already inundated with submissions, as I had always assumed, there would be little point adding to their workload, as it would only delay the precious, precious books we all crave!
As far as encouraging more people to play SR, I did endeavour to enlist my FLGS, by telling them I'd buy a copy of any new SR4 books they got in. To my chagrin they seem to have ignored me. Still, I do try.
Feb 22 2007, 11:49 PM
Don't get us wrong. Your contribution is appreciated. Really, it is. Those of us who enjoy this game ensure continued publications by telling others about SR, playing the game, and buying fanpro's products.
But when you accuse fanpro of ignoring it's supporters, especially using phrases like, "blatant disregard," well, it's just not factually accurate. And you're gonna get emotional responses when you make accusations like that from people who feel that fanpro is different from a lot of the bigger companies out there, especially considering how many of the writers post in this forum.
And considering how many of the writers for Shadowrun are freelancers, who do this in their offtime, complaining about how the books aren't being published fast enough and then turning around and saying that you're not willing to do what they do to rectify the problem is counter-intuitive, to say the least.
Feb 22 2007, 11:50 PM
QUOTE (ornot) |
As far as encouraging more people to play SR, I did endeavour to enlist my FLGS, by telling them I'd buy a copy of any new SR4 books they got in. |
The most effective thing you can do to increase the number of players is to run an open demo game at your FLGS. Just ask the store manager if it's kosher, and then put up a sign there advertising it. Bring some pre-gens, and have fun.
Feb 22 2007, 11:59 PM
It's that time of month again...
Okay, let's try to clarify a few things. FanPro operates with 2 full time employees. They happen to be the line developers for the Battletech Classic and Shadowrun lines. However, it's worth bearing in mind that the lead developer of SR, Rob Boyle, also handles all the day-to-day business of running the company, dealing with printers, dealing with Wizkids, dealing with distributers, dealing with bills, coordinating new projects, acting as art director, etc, etc, etc.
As regards Shadowrun, 2 part-time assistant developers have been brought in during the past year or so, to lift some of the workload off Rob, and act as lead developers on tandem projects thereby assisting workflow. As one of those developers I can tell you it's been a bumpy ride since the very first projects facing us have been the core books (taking on Street Magic as my first development gig was a dream-come-true and a nightmare).
These assistant developers have day jobs (in my case, more than one) and work on Shadowrun in their free time (ie. whenever they can). Every freelance author in recent Shadowrun releases is pretty much in the same situation, nobody is a full time professional RPG writer. The RPG market simply doesn't allow very many people to make a living this way. As a result a lot of our work as developers goes into coordinating and keeping 5+ different freelance authors (and in recent years writers often on different continents, living and working in different time zones) on the same page and the material consistent through-out the development process - let's just say that isn't always easy. Did I mention that editing is also on a freelance basis as is layout and art work? Starting to look complicated? Well, it is. FanPro is a small company and none of this is done "in-house".
That being said, also keep in mind that many of the upcoming releases are core rule books. Anyone in the industry will tell you, these involve twice the work, twice the playtesting and triple the trouble to get into shape. These are the fundamental books that are intended to serve you for the whole of 4th edition. It's doubly important we get them right. I hope Street Magic shows what we're going for, and I'm confident you'll all find Arsenal (and upcoming books) are up to the same standard.
The good news is... things get better with practice. You learn from your mistakes and experience helps iron out future problems. It's a matter of hitting our stride and we're trying damn hard to do it.
As things stand, we've got Emergence in final layout, Arsenal in final editing, primary writing on Augmentation just completed, and Corp Enclaves development is coming along nicely.
While I personally have quite limited time for extra curricular activities, so to speak, I wonder to what extent the publishers are interested in submissions by the community? |
We are always on the lookout for new talent and new writers - in fact, a while back I posted a thread with
some pointers. Keep in mind though that there's a better chance of breaking through if what you submit actually fits with what's planned for the release schedule (eg. FanPro has no plans to release stand alone adventures except for the material relating to SR Missions, so submitting an adventure is far less likely to get picked up as submitting a really wiz concept for a
Feral Cities secondary location, or advanced rules for Technomancers for
Feb 23 2007, 12:39 AM
While I don't want to gush excessively, I've been very impressed by the material released to date, and avidly await all the new releases.
re: submitting work, I was actually thinking of SR Missions. I've been following the runs as they come out, although I've not had an opportunity to run most of them. I actually liked the Denver setting so much I ran my own SR4 game there, until my players had to leave town and I ran out of free time.
Still, if I do come up with any settings (say, in my own UK) I'll throw something up here on Dumpshock and see if any of my peers bite. As far as rules go though, I'm not sure I can compete with the quantity being suggested already.
Feb 23 2007, 01:54 AM
QUOTE (Synner) |
As things stand, we've got Emergence in final layout, Arsenal in final editing, primary writing on Augmentation just completed, and Corp Enclaves development is coming along nicely. |
Thanks Synner. That works alot better then set release dates that get missed. Now I have an understanding of where they are at and how much more of the process is left until release.
Feb 23 2007, 02:01 AM
Like Synner implied threads like this come up about monthly. Perhaps next month I'll remember this one and just link it as soon as someone starts the topic.
Kyoto Kid
Feb 23 2007, 02:14 AM
...Synner, as always, excellent points.
I have worked for a small company before with an often impatient customer base (in the early days of Multimedia development). Most of the time it was "seat of the pants" flying since our company was on the forefront of the industry. Every new project made huge demands on our individual creativity since in effect we were setting many of the industry standards as we went. The only thing that differed from FanPro was that we all collected a regular paycheck.
I have also done commission work as well as a stint at consulting in an industry which was changing at an almost logarithmic pace back then. Because of these experiences, I feel I have a relatively decent understanding of what the folks at FanPro are going through.
Yes, I am waiting expectantly for Arsenal, but I also want it to be good. If it takes a bit more time fine. I have the Street Magic PDF and can say that I am quite pleased with it, even though I rarely if ever play a mage or Shaman as a PC.
I also have considered contributing and have a copy of both FanPro's submission guidelines and the aforementioned Some Pointers post. From what I understand, it is a very tough assignment, for you need to make sure your submission fits seamlessly in with the rules and setting.
@ornot. From the "grass is always greener" viewpoint, I have mostly been running my campaigns in Europe (particularly the UK) even though I live in the US (Portland Oregon). In particular, I have made extensive use of the old London Sourcebook (really nice fluff), along with Shadows of Europe (my copy of which has seen better days with all the use it gets) and Shadows of Asia (Red Star Rising chapter)
Feb 23 2007, 09:13 AM
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid @ Feb 23 2007, 02:14 AM) |
I also have considered contributing and have a copy of both FanPro's submission guidelines and the aforementioned Some Pointers post. From what I understand, it is a very tough assignment, for you need to make sure your submission fits seamlessly in with the rules and setting. |
It's really not that tough—as long as your proposal is consistent with the current canon and you are willing to adapt to developer directions. Part of our job during the development process is to make sure your proposal translates into something that matches the overall direction the game is going. Some times this is easy, sometimes less so.
Take Jong's example for instance: You couldn't come up with something more off-beat and left-field a pitch than "Orxploitation" (it doesn't contribute to metaplot or major world-shaking developments, the ork subculture was something that had only minimally been touched upon), but when I read his proposal I just knew Rob would like it.
Even when things don't really seem to fit, there's always a chance. Among some of the freelancers, I've earned something of a reputation for being able to take up even the weirdest proposals and weave them with completely different ideas to make something that's coherent and works in canon. The upcoming Emergence is a case in point. Otaku Mike came up with an underlying concept which I liked but thought needed tweaking. I developed it further, then about 6-7 people sat around a beer table during the Essen Fair (in Germany) and added their own thoughts, after that I sat down with pals Tobias Wolter and Lars Blumenstein and hammered out those ideas into a longer proposal that integrated most if not all of the concepts fielded. Then we sat down with Rob and he gave it a twist of his own and the concept evolved into Emergence. Looking back at Mike's original concept, it's still very much there, it's just taken a life of its own. Same with most of the ideas that were suggested along the way.
To be honest, it's more of a tribute to Shadowrun's flexibility than any great creativity of my part. This game allows for a huge variety of styles of play and themes, and sometimes it's just a question of stepping back and seeing how to best make a concept work for the bigger picture of the setting. Sometimes authors get too attached to their original concepts to do that, but that's okay that's the developer's job. As long as you're willing to work as a team, accept compromises and take direction (even when it implies changes to what you had proposed) then it really isn't that hard.
Feb 23 2007, 10:01 AM
Now I am really getting curios about Emergence. I wait for Arsenal, but we all know what will be in there - Equipment and stuff;).
Union Jane
Feb 23 2007, 01:10 PM
QUOTE (Synner) |
FanPro operates with 2 full time employees. |
'Tis really all that needs to be said. Two employees? Hire more folk. Evidence indicates that FanPro's Shadowrun arm cannot release products in a timely manner with only one full-timer working on that game line.
If one's business model isn't able to meet the market needs, I should think one would consider altering the model.
Eryk the Red
Feb 23 2007, 02:19 PM
Sounds simple enough, but if they thought that they could make enough more money by hiring more people that the additional income would cover their wage and give a reasonable amount of net profit, you can be sure they'd do it in a heartbeat. But It's rarely that simple and easy. Making RPGs does not seem to be an easy business to make money in. You've got to watch your costs (such as employee wage) closely, or you'll just run your company into the ground.
FanPro is not Wizards of the Coast. They're not even White Wolf. They're little fish. The consequence of that is less frequent releases. (Which is fine to me. 75% of White Wolf's releases are wholly uninteresting to me, in spite of being a big fan.) Regardless, if we see that the problem is that FanPro is little, it's not really an easy solution at all to say "Then they need to be bigger". It's not that easy. Manpower is expensive.
Demonseed Elite
Feb 23 2007, 02:54 PM
Yeah, RPGs are not a big money-making operation. Especially small publishers. As a freelancer, I don't know the details of FanPro's income and expenses, but I see enough to know they don't have large amounts of reserve income sitting around.
On the earlier question of how the freelancers operate, I can give you my personal spin. I work full-time not as a writer, but as an audio-video technician for a government-affilated, non-profit agency. On the side, I freelance write for Shadowrun, as well as occasionally magazines and newspapers. I'll tell you up front that writing for other outlets pays better than writing for Shadowrun does, but it's a labor of love. Usually I fit my writing into whatever free time I can spare. This weekend I'll be devoting a good chunk of time to Corp Enclaves, but I'm almost done with that and I'm looking forward to some other ideas I have going. Somewhere in between work and writing I harbor a World of Warcraft addiction and I'm saving up to go back to school to get my Masters in Architecture.
Freelancers come in all shapes and sizes. Some are extremely devoted to the game. We want to see more books come out and we want them out soon. But sometimes we just can't manage any additional writing time than what we already squeeze out of our daily lives and sometimes we just know we need to go back and rewrite something because we're not happy with how the product is turning out. Sometimes you get freelancers who are really excited to be involved but learn the hard way that they can't balance writing with their daily lives. It's tough and sometimes it means the rest of us are left pitching in more to finish up pieces we never signed on to do. It's a big balancing act and I think we do a decent job with the limited resources at our disposal.
On top of all that, many of us post here, which is very unique in this industry. gets industry posters too, but there really isn't another RPG site on the Internet that gets as much involvement from the writers as this one does. I think it's really great and the writer/community exchange is definitely one of the reasons why I keep writing for Shadowrun.
Feb 23 2007, 03:02 PM
QUOTE (Casper) |
Its like Fanpro just has a total disregard to the how they treat their fan base and the people who are going to give them money for their work. |
QUOTE (Union Jane) |
QUOTE (Synner @ Feb 22 2007, 06:59 PM) | FanPro operates with 2 full time employees. |
'Tis really all that needs to be said. Two employees? Hire more folk. Evidence indicates that FanPro's Shadowrun arm cannot release products in a timely manner with only one full-timer working on that game line.
If one's business model isn't able to meet the market needs, I should think one would consider altering the model.
"Waaaah, it has carbs!"
That's from Foamy btw. I mention it because it's the same principle as what you're going on about, and just as senseless.
As Synner said, Wizkids is 2 people plus freelancers - if they could afford to hire more people don't you think they would? And as doubtlessly busy as these people are, some of them still bother to come here post. What do they get in return? A seemingly endless series of abuse about how they fucked up this book or that book, constant whining about how books are never out on time, and eternal bitching about how SR4 isn't realistic enough or Shadowrunny enough or confusing or unbalanced or whatever. Personally, with as much bitching as goes on I think its a friggin miracle they even want to post here, or work on SR for that matter (since whatever they do isn't good enough in the eyes of certain individuals).
But they do still come here, and keep SR going. And people somehow interpret this as not caring about the game or their fanbase? Where the logic in that is, I have no damn clue.
Feb 23 2007, 03:26 PM
I think that the freelancers and the two Fanpro employees know that most posters here support them. It is a minority (a seemingly very vocal one) that aren't happy.
Feb 23 2007, 03:36 PM
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid @ Feb 23 2007, 03:14 AM) |
[...] which was changing at an almost logarithmic pace back then. [...] |
Logarithmic is slow!
Feb 23 2007, 03:48 PM
QUOTE (Mistwalker) |
I think that the freelancers and the two Fanpro employees know that most posters here support them. It is a minority (a seemingly very vocal one) that aren't happy. |
I certainly hope you're right. After all, generally speaking, the negative stands out more in memory than the positive. While I admit I've done some (misguided largely) bitching too, I am firmly in the Wizkids/SR4 = good camp....and I'm tending these days to be bitchy about it
Feb 23 2007, 03:52 PM
QUOTE (NightmareX) |
I am firmly in the Wizkids/SR4 = good camp.... |
Psst -- WizKids doesn't publish SR4. FanPro does. WizKids owns the IP that FanPro licenses. The only products for Shadowrun that WizKids has published are the Duels games and the most reason run of 6 novels in English.
Feb 23 2007, 04:17 PM
QUOTE (the_dunner) |
Psst -- WizKids doesn't publish SR4. FanPro does. WizKids owns the IP that FanPro licenses. The only products for Shadowrun that WizKids has published are the Duels games and the most reason run of 6 novels in English. |
It's this legal licensing crap that I don't get

But that's cool, we'll just say FanPro/Wizkids/SR4 = good.
Kyoto Kid
Feb 23 2007, 04:30 PM
QUOTE (serbitar) |
Logarithmic is slow! |
...should have substituted "curve" instead of "pace" for "ballistic' usually has a "downside" to it on the other end.
QUOTE (Synner) |
It's really not that tough—as long as your proposal is consistent with the current canon and you are willing to adapt to developer directions. |
I do not have difficulty with this, where I do see things a bit more daunting is making sure I am current on the background well so I have everything right. I tend to run what I call a "loose canon" type of campaign e.g. a lot of personal colour (including setting details, "current events", new gear, new corp players, and even a stab at a new archetype). I am up on the major points of the metaplot but for the most part, I tend to focus more on the corporate and social-political angle while for the most part avoiding direct involvement of GDs & IEs (with the exception of the two Harlequin arcs which I still think are two of the best pre-written scenarios published). While I have just about every rule expansion & fluff book from the last two editions I am rather remiss in keeping up with the backstory through the various novels (I have only read the first three). It is not so much a reflection on the writing rather that I generally tend to stay away from game and media associated novels overall (the "too many books to read already & not enough time" syndrome).
[ Spoiler ]
At my local bookstore novel tie-ins for The game that should not be mentioned here alone occupy about two full floor to ceiling shelf units (3 m tall counting overstock). I have not read a one of these even though I was once an avid player (...back when the earth cooled I think...or was it when the dinosaurs disappeared, don't remember)
Anyway, I do not know how much or whether my lack of keeping up with the background story line affects the chances of cocontributing As I have mentioned in other posts I have a lot of original material written, a fiar poportionf it being campaign based, but a lot which is also pure setting fluff. I also have an expanded gear compendium and been planning over the last couple years have been toying with pushing into the "unknown" of near and far space.
Note - Please excuse any spelling errors, PHP spell is freaking out again by highliging fragments instead of full words - Mods, can this be looked into?]
Union Jane
Feb 23 2007, 04:59 PM
QUOTE (the_dunner) |
Psst -- WizKids doesn't publish SR4. FanPro does. WizKids owns the IP that FanPro licenses. The only products for Shadowrun that WizKids has published are the Duels games and the most reason run of 6 novels in English. |
What would happen if WizKids gave the licence to another company? And what if this company actually had the resources to pay a staff and adhere to a regular release schedule?
I realise that one full-time bloke cannot be expected to run an operation on par with Mongoose or White Wolf. Why doesn't WK give the license to a company with more than one employee?
Feb 23 2007, 05:26 PM
Wizkids could potentially pull the license and hand it to another company. However, that is pretty unlikely. Why?
a) Because in fact, the impact of manpower on the development cycle is only one factor, there are others. FanPro is a small publisher (like pretty much every RPG company outside WotC and WW) and that means there are limits on what it can put into print at any given time simply because of the state of the industry (and by that I mean publishers, distributors and retail) and cashflow considerations. There's also the limitations imposed by the freelance model (and there is no viable alternative to that in the current RPG market) and the availability and commitment of authors, artists and editors.
b) Because the current realities of the RPG market offer no guarantees that another company (regardless of manpower) would be able to do any better (particularly since FanPro has been doing pretty well by any standards).
c) Because Wizkids is quite happy with the way FanPro has been handling the SR property (and BTC for that matter). To a large extent because Shadowrun and BTC are selling strong while the market seems to be stagnated or tanking for everyone else, and because SR4 was one of the best selling products on the market for the last 2 years.
d) Because for all its apparent slowness, FanPro is still putting out more releases to its core product lines each year than most RPG publishers in its market range (which means pretty much everyone except WotC and WW).
e) Because part of the "problem" has to do with the nature of this game. Without in house writers (which is a breed on the verge of extinction in todays market anyway) it is simply not possible to maintain editorial control of the game line, the metaplot and the direction of the game. The alternative is using multiple freelancers and regardless of their dependability, there are limits to the time and commitment a limited pool of freelancers can devote to writing and developing books (doubly so when those books are core rule books and need to carry you through the whole of 4th edition). Yes, we probably could churn out rule books faster, but that comes at a cost in quality and consistency that we're not willing to compromise.
f) And finally, because FanPro has addressed the issue of manpower by bringing on 2 part time developers to aid the SR line developer and enhance workflow. Admittedly, it's been a steep learning curve for everyone involved due in no small part to the unique demands of the projects at hand (ie. the core rule books). Hitting our stride has taken longer than we would have liked, but we're getting there.
Union Jane
Feb 23 2007, 06:04 PM
QUOTE (Synner) |
d) Because for all its apparent slowness, FanPro is still putting out more releases to its core product lines each year than most RPG publishers in its market range (which means pretty much everyone except WotC and WW). |
Thanks for the reply, Synner.
I must address (d) because I have never thought the FanPro slowness to be merely "apparent." By "publishers in its market range" I assume you do not mean all of these companies that release quality books on a regular schedule: Mongoose, Goodman Games, Green Ronin, Steve Jackson Games, Troll Lord Games, Kenzer & Company, Atlas Games, ICE, and (until the scandal) Palladium.
My issue, I suppose, is that the release of SR4 was poorly planned. The main rule book was published without any sourcebooks completed to support it. The lag time between SR4's release and its first true supplmental rule book (Street Magic) was far, far too long. At the very least, the GM's screen should have been finished at the same time as the rule book and ready for shipping a month or two after the game's release.
However, if what you say is true, then we can expect another three or four books to hit the shelves this year. I won't hold my breath, but if it indeed happens, then I swear never to complain about release dates again.
But all that aside, my main question is this: Why, in print, is Shadowrun italicised? I understand that one puts book titles in italics, but no other game title appears this way. We do not italicise Dungeons & Dragons or Werewolf.
Just wondering.
Feb 23 2007, 06:50 PM
I think that quirky style dates back to the FASA days -- the first edition was simply called
Shadowrun, so it got italicized [actually, bolded], and it just stayed that way.
It's annoying from a writing/layout perspective, because you can't just automatically ital every instance of the word -- but since the word is used as part of the setting, I think it makes sense. That, however, doesn't explain why it's done in Classic BattleTech...
Feb 23 2007, 07:01 PM
I'd prefer to wait for really good books than wind up buying a bunch that I never use because they were badly written, badly conceived, or plain unnecessary; which I recall doing several times back when I used to play WoD. The most annoying thing was when they released some stuff for a line, but then quit writing for it because it wasn't doing as well as their other lines. This happened to both Wraith and Changeling which were my favourite WoD lines.
Demonseed Elite
Feb 23 2007, 07:17 PM
My issue, I suppose, is that the release of SR4 was poorly planned. The main rule book was published without any sourcebooks completed to support it. The lag time between SR4's release and its first true supplmental rule book (Street Magic) was far, far too long. At the very least, the GM's screen should have been finished at the same time as the rule book and ready for shipping a month or two after the game's release. |
That's been my personal feeling too, but I'm willing to admit I'm pretty clueless on the details of SR4's early development. They chose to keep SR4's development secret from some of the freelancers until shortly before the public announcement and also kept a number of freelancers working on late SR3 releases like System Failure. They could have done it differently, and in my opinion should have, but they probably had their reasons why they did it the way they did.
But all that aside, my main question is this: Why, in print, is Shadowrun italicised? I understand that one puts book titles in italics, but no other game title appears this way. We do not italicise Dungeons & Dragons or Werewolf. |
Like Adam said, it's just one of those quirky things. There's no real official standard when it comes to game line names. You italicize a television series name, but what about a game series name? It's pretty much up to the editors.
Kyoto Kid
Feb 23 2007, 08:43 PM
Synner's point #e) is also good. You need continuity, FanPro took over the Shadowrun franchise while SR3 was still in print. It makes most sense that those who were involved remained intact for the SR4 project. With the two part time developers and a couple more freelancers being brought on line (one who I know BTW), things will pick up, particularly as Synner implies in the case of setting books which do not require extensive playtesting and reivision as doe rules expansions.
Startups are not easy, and in a sense SR4 was a "startup" project since it was a major redeux of the ruleset and not just a slight revision as in the past. We have gone through what is it now, 3 sets of Errata to the BBB and one for Street Magic. I think they are doing an excellent job compared to some other companies, including WoTC which basically released its errata for their most popular system as a complete "x.5" revision (making you buy the core books again about six to eight months after after x.0 was originally released). Meanwhile, FanPro has been posting the Errata and FAQs for us to read and download for free which to me says they do care.
Feb 23 2007, 10:41 PM
Let's not villify WotC on false terms -- D&D 3.0 came out in 2000, and 3.5 in 2003, and a ton of the material is available for free online as part of the System Reference Documents.
Feb 23 2007, 11:08 PM
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid) |
We have gone through what is it now, 3 sets of Errata to the BBB and one for Street Magic. |
There is an Eratta for Street Magic? Didn't we just get our 4th SR4 Eratta?
Feb 23 2007, 11:13 PM
There was an *update* to the Fourth Edition errata in December, but it wasn't the first release of errata for the book.
Street Magic errata hasn't been released yet, but it -- along with some material that was cut from the book for space reasons -- is on the cards very soon.
Feb 24 2007, 04:37 AM
QUOTE (Adam) |
I think that quirky style dates back to the FASA days -- the first edition was simply called Shadowrun, so it got italicized [actually, bolded], and it just stayed that way.
It's annoying from a writing/layout perspective, because you can't just automatically ital every instance of the word -- but since the word is used as part of the setting, I think it makes sense. That, however, doesn't explain why it's done in Classic BattleTech... |
It's done in CBT for the same reason it
should be done in every game line: because it's part of the book title. It's only "up to the editors" (as Demonseed Elite said) in the sense that it's up to them to break the rules of the English language.
Kyoto Kid
Feb 24 2007, 05:45 AM
QUOTE (Adam) |
Let's not villify WotC on false terms -- D&D 3.0 came out in 2000, and 3.5 in 2003, and a ton of the material is available for free online as part of the System Reference Documents. |

...yeah I will admit, I didn't catch on to it at the outset. Wasn't aware there was a third ed until I ran into an old friend who turned me onto it in 2002 (I had pretty much been out of the D&D loop since 1994). When I encountered
Shadowrun I found "my" game system & anything D&D related became but a distant memory.
Didn't realise 3.0 had been out that long.
Many years ago at a SF convention in Seattle I was asked to demo play a new card game that was in set a fantasy world. Afterwards, I remarked it was "quaint" but too limited compared to RPGs. I think I even gave my complementary set away to a kid that weekend. The game was of course called
Magic. Several years later I was in the dealer room at another convention (believe it or not looking for "rare" SR TCG singles) when I noticed an unopened (and relatively new release) 6 card booster pack for
Magic The Gathering going for 65$ American. Some of the singles were fetching as much as 125$. Yeah, we all miss the bus sometimes.
Feb 24 2007, 11:16 AM
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid) |
I am up on the major points of the metaplot but for the most part, I tend to focus more on the corporate and social-political angle while for the most part avoiding direct involvement of GDs & IEs |
Flipping through the list of future releases, it seems to me that GDs and IEs won't be in the focus of the metaplot for quite some time.
Union Jane
Feb 24 2007, 02:38 PM
QUOTE (ATimson) |
It's done in CBT for the same reason it should be done in every game line: because it's part of the book title. It's only "up to the editors" (as Demonseed Elite said) in the sense that it's up to them to break the rules of the English language. |
Actually, the italicising of book titles is not a rule of the English language. It is a standard of formatting, much like putting "/" when quoting poetry as a way of indicating line breaks. Only recently have we all stopped using typewriters, mind.
"Because it's part of the book title" isn't reason to italicise it when we are referring to the game specifically, rather than the book. Dungeons & Dragons first appeared as a box set. Would we italicise that? Of course not. But when it appears in book form? No, we wouldn't, though we do italicise Player's Handbook.
Technically, we would italicise Shadowrun when referring to the rulebook, but not when referring to the game: "Look on page 13 of the Shadowrun rulebook for specifics about this aspect of the Shadowrun universe."
Of course, to do so would be as cumbersome as it would be absurd. (Hmmm, sounds like one of my recent romantic relationships . . . )
Feb 24 2007, 11:32 PM
"Cumbersome and absurb" describes a lot of formatting oddities in game books.
BattleTech Line Developer: "Unitalicize all the vehicle names in that chapter, Adam."
Adam: "Um, why?"
BattleTech Line Developer: "We don't italicize them."
Adam: "Okay, the names of 'Mechs are italicized, but the names of vehicles are not."
BattleTech Line Developer: "Correct."
Adam: "Why?!!?!"
BattleTech Line Developer: "Because."
Adam: *cries*
Ancient History
Feb 24 2007, 11:40 PM
Ah, Adam. Have we told you we love you today?
Feb 24 2007, 11:58 PM
Well, Union Jane did call me 'love' yesterday, but I think she was just living up to her name.
Feb 25 2007, 04:51 AM
QUOTE (Union Jane) |
"Because it's part of the book title" isn't reason to italicise it when we are referring to the game specifically, rather than the book. Dungeons & Dragons first appeared as a box set. Would we italicise that? Of course not. |
I would.

Though that comes from thinking of
Dungeons and Dragons as a book-based RPG, having first heard of it in the mid-90s, rather than as a board game. But then, ignoring me might be the best course of action. After all, everyone else does...
Feb 25 2007, 04:53 AM
QUOTE (Adam) |
Adam: "Why?!!?!" BattleTech Line Developer: "Because." |
Don't blame him, blame the people working at FASA in the 80s.

Isn't that your reaction to everything involving more work for Adam?
Feb 25 2007, 05:38 AM
There's work, and there's Work ...
Big Crow
Feb 25 2007, 05:44 AM
Amazon has concrete dates now...
Feb 25 2007, 05:50 AM
Funnily enough, I told Amazon new dates for some books in, oh, November or December, and they finally showed up a few weeks ago. I suggest that trusting Synner or myself is just a *wee* bit more reliable than Amazon.
Feb 25 2007, 06:29 AM
But it's Amazon, they're the experts at this stuff, they have the heads up on this sort of stuff so we should believe what's there on their website.