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Full Version: I want to make a system for my characters...
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Can anything think of a ratio or scaling ratio that would allow people to exchange money for karma but not so much that they level themselves to high to quickly?

(I want this for the mages, technomancers and adepts in my game who sometimes feel that they have no use for money and get bored with the game.)

Edit:This is in the wrong place, sorry, could a mod move this please?
This thread needs moved to the SR4 forum.
Yes could someone please move it so I could get some help lol.
Query: Why don't you just start this thread in the SR4 forums?
Wounded Ronin
In any case, I think the answer is "no". Letting people buy karma is usually a bad idea. You don't want people to get karma. You want to give out as little as is possible. Too much karma makes your game implode. If players claim that they have all this money that they have no use for accuse them of failing to role play. Ask them who would possibly be upset that they're sitting on more money than they have a use for. Tell them that their character is allowed to blow it all at the bar.
You know, that totally depends on how much Karma and Money you give out usually, so why not give us some figures? smile.gif

Can anything think of a ratio or scaling ratio that would allow people to exchange money for karma but not so much that they level themselves to high to quickly?

Well in my group I allow either 1 million nuyen for 100 karma, (not added to the karma pool/street cred ofcourse) or 5 thousand per point. Of course they're are limits due to a charactor who came into a large sum of money recently.
Old thread, but moved anyway since it's popped back up again

We don't always spot all of these misplaced threads, so if aynone needs one relocated because they accidentally posted in the wrong area, please PM eidolon or my self.
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin)
In any case, I think the answer is "no". Letting people buy karma is usually a bad idea. You don't want people to get karma. You want to give out as little as is possible. Too much karma makes your game implode. If players claim that they have all this money that they have no use for accuse them of failing to role play. Ask them who would possibly be upset that they're sitting on more money than they have a use for. Tell them that their character is allowed to blow it all at the bar.

the problem is not a player failing to roleplay, its certain characters are karma driven and certain characters are money driven.
Mages, phys ad, technomancer, they are all karma driven in a campaign I played in the technomancer ended up purchasing a commlink and loading it up with programs instead of making complex forms, and turned into a hacker instead because the karma just wasn't there.
in a game a run I won't allow a character to purchase karma but if they give away money to charity...say 20,000¥ I'll give them 4 karma for it.
its not a purchase, its a gamble. that way the character can't loop hole into powered oblivion and they also feel like the world is a living breathing entity, I also never speak a word about the charity giving because I also dish out extra karma for being "good" making the hard moral choice because its the right thing to do.
Copy pasted from another thread I'm in here.

....And finally I'm a fan of cash to Karma. That isn't in the current rulebook I don't think. But the idea is that by living it up or whatever they can get a little extra karma. You'll want to decide how to use it in your campaign. Currently I give a +1 karma bonus for each level of lifestyle a runner pays for over "low" in a month. Note I don't make them purchase a lifestyle par se. If they're the mystic minimalist sort maybe they spend their money at a lodge on very expensive mystic meditation candles and crystals and teachers to aid them in their journey of internal discovery. Maybe another runner lives in a hole in the wall but after a windfall blows huge piles of nuyen that month out partying every night. Often I'll spend a little time RPing this stuff with them.

I like this not just because it keeps them greedy but it also allows them to role play their lives and develop their character. Plus is it really realistic that runners wouldn't blow their dough on stuff? Without something like this you're just punishing anyone who portrays their character appropriatly.

For this thread I'll comment on why I think that's a good exchange system. It's at a slow rate., and it's not a linear scale, meaning it's harder to break it and go karma crazy. But it isn't too hard for people to get a little something.

If you're feeling generous you could start the bonuses at "low" lifestyle and give higher rewards at the harder to acheive lifestyles.
Kyoto Kid
...frequency of sessions is a factor that comes into play for me. If you are only meeting say once every three weeks, using "by the book" rules for Karma awards gives the players little chance to see any improvement in their characters unless they play for a very (and in the case of Mages, Technos & Adepts very, very) long time.

I started KK4.1 over a year ago, and because of the intermittent schedule we had, she still has yet to see enough Karma to initiate and increase her Magic Attribute to 7. That is rather discouraging considering being an adept is her major focus.

For my Rhapsody In Shadow Campaign (which does meet once every three weeks), I have instituted a flat Karma award per session in addition to the mission Karma. This was suggested by another GM who I believe responded to the Karma for Money thread and makes perfect sense in this kind of situation. I feel it is better than the Karma for money option, since for one, it acts a a bit of incentive to not miss a session.

If you do the money for Karma schtick the angle of occasionally allowing a character to make a sizeable donation to a charity is a good one and something I used once in the past. Of course my price was hefty, 50,000 per Karma.
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