Apr 23 2007, 06:08 PM
the fastest wheeled vehicle (chase/manueverability speed, not max speed)
I started with the Harley Electraglide (due to its load capacity)
Engine customization,
Nitrous injectors
Smart Materials
Drive by wire
Advanced Suspension
anything I missed?
Apr 23 2007, 06:35 PM
What's your distinction here between "chase/maneuverability speed" and "max speed"?
Apr 23 2007, 06:59 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
What's your distinction here between "chase/maneuverability speed" and "max speed"? |
max speed being simply a number (1.5 x speed value of the vehicle)
chase speed is using the vehicle combat rules, to get the most out of the vehicle, say downtown in rush hour traffic, raining, etc...., the worst conditions possible and still be able to maintain speed by having the highest vehicle points.
the motorcycle allows for maximum logical (ie realistic) abilty to manuever in tight confined areas, and the rules give it a bonus as well. so what is confined for four wheels is not for two wheels kind of thinking.
I don't just want the character to have bragging rights on the fastest vehicle, I want to actually be able to get from point A to Point B the fastest.
we are supposed to be making non shadowrunning characters, and I am making a daredevil street racer.
Apr 23 2007, 07:22 PM
Ahah. Well, since you want Smart Materials, you're going to have to do a complete vehicle design (you can't add it to a preexisting vehicle like the Electraglide). You're also going to want, if you're really going for everything, max-level Structural Agility to give you a little more out of your driving tests.
Kyoto Kid
Apr 23 2007, 08:18 PM
...for wheeled vehicles I would look at the F-1 "Brickyard Beauty" sample build in Rigger 3. As I recall that was about the fastest thing on the ground next to a maglev (or souped up French Train Grande Vitesse)
Apr 24 2007, 12:34 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Ahah. Well, since you want Smart Materials, you're going to have to do a complete vehicle design (you can't add it to a preexisting vehicle like the Electraglide). You're also going to want, if you're really going for everything, max-level Structural Agility to give you a little more out of your driving tests. |
yep yep
just from the vehicle, I'm able to get a flat out top speed of 700 MPH (622 statline on the vehicle).
an acceleration of 40
and a Handling of -3
yep yep Custom building was certainly the way to go. cheaper and got more bang for my buck.
just have to hope I don't crash....
Kyoto Kid
Apr 24 2007, 12:56 AM
...don't have my Rigger 3 with me at the moment, but doesn't extreme speed affect the target number or threshold of a handling test?
My question is why build something that fast? Unless the character has a lot of nuyen to burn (with street index, the F-1 in the book was somewheres in the 300,000
price range)
Unless your on one of the dry lakebeds in Cali Free or the Ute Nation (Pueblo Council after 2064), there aren't a whole lot of places you could wind it out. Most roads in 2050 - 60 seem to be in a questionable state of repair. Hit something in the road, even a small object like a devil rat (they seem immune to everything) or a spike/zapper strip & that will be all she wrote.
I'd personally go for A high Acc/Dcc factor with excellent off road capability and extremely nimble handling (sort of like a rally car). A lot of times it's not how fast you can go, but how well you can cut that next turn & make it through traffic. I'd also have a couple of Condors in the area feeding you road/traffic condition info.
Apr 24 2007, 01:12 AM
Maybe you missed the Handling -3? Assuming a VCR-3, that's a base TN of -6 for Driving tests, base TN -9 for most driving maneuvers.
Apr 24 2007, 02:59 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Maybe you missed the Handling -3? Assuming a VCR-3, that's a base TN of -6 for Driving tests, base TN -9 for most driving maneuvers.
~J |
in the worst possible conditions imaginable his target number is going to be
Terrible Weather Conditions: +4
Tight Terrain: +3
While being shot at and shooting: +2
My rigger (Apptitude, VCR3) will have a whopping TN# 2
now I must go start a thread with my rigger as the subject!
Apr 24 2007, 03:06 AM
Don't forget Vehicle Empathy. That's actually a better use of points than Aptitude unless you're going to be using the same vehicle type overwhelmingly frequently (or doing almost exclusively drone work).
Apr 24 2007, 03:10 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
Don't forget Vehicle Empathy. That's actually a better use of points than Aptitude unless you're going to be using the same vehicle type overwhelmingly frequently (or doing almost exclusively drone work). |
yeah I forgot about that...
Apptitude, Vehicle empathy, and Daredevil
and lightning reflexes will help with the manuever points.
gosh that's alot of points...hope I can get it all cleared.
I had to remove the controls from my motorcycle to make room for the systems to make it faster, since I'm rigging it doesn't matter but does anyone know if "dummy" controls will take up any CF?
Apr 24 2007, 03:33 PM
"Dummy" controls?
Lightning Reflexes only applies in Surprise tests, which makes it marginally useful (and also badly worded). It won't help with maneuver points.
Apr 24 2007, 03:52 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
"Dummy" controls?
Lightning Reflexes only applies in Surprise tests, which makes it marginally useful (and also badly worded). It won't help with maneuver points. |
that sucks, it's expensive to only work 5% of the time
dummy controls, because it looks better to have someone using controls on the bike than drooling while the bike performs spectacular feats of death defying gravity!
actually I would like it to look like a normal bike and not a rigger's bike hoping to get a touch link approved past my GM that looks like a smart link contact.
I'll need to grab some of the hardware that helps with dumpshock.
Apr 24 2007, 08:54 PM
Well are you talking about: controllable high speed vehicle; something that sets land-speed records, but is useless for anything else; or a go-cart with 2 booster rockets mounted.
Apr 24 2007, 09:18 PM
QUOTE (Demon_Bob) |
Well are you talking about: controllable high speed vehicle; something that sets land-speed records, but ius useless for anything else; or a go-cart with 2 booster rockets mounted. |
isn't your two examples pretty much the same thing? being able to hit top speed isn't as important as the vehicle being able to jump 10 mph half as fast as you can.
slam on the brakes turn 90 degrees and gun the engine. every time I do that I'm putting distance between you and me, because you can't accelerate as fast as me. on the freeway straight line you can open up the throttle a bit more and let the demon out so to speak.
the flat out top speed of this vehicle is not what I'm wanting to achieve in a pursuit run away from lonestar, or whatever...
but in the roleplay aspect, when asked or challenged to a dragrace, then yes, he wants the fastest machine ever made.
this is what I was thinking about when I made him:
Player 1: "oh crap we're late we have to be in puyallup in ten minutes!"
GM: <grinning evily!> "oh gosh however will you make it?" <grabbing a pen and stretching out his hand to player1>
me: "we're in the barrens...I've got pretty much one highway from here to there and a sewer drain canal from the highway to the bar...well if we have any chance to make it you better hop on."
Player1: "without thinking I jump on the back of his bike."
GM: "okay gimme your character sheet."
me: "hold on tight."
GM: <writes down phobia of motorcycles>
Apr 25 2007, 01:39 AM
QUOTE (Demon_Bob) |
Well are you talking about: controllable high speed vehicle; something that sets land-speed records, but is useless for anything else; or a go-cart with 2 booster rockets mounted. |
Was kinda in shock at some of the numbers at time of posting.
The current land speed record is about 766 mph in 1 mile.
The top land speed record in 1904 was 121 mph, and 394 mph in 1947.
the fastest track speed I could find was 300 mph, with 314 being unofficial because the guy driving the car crashed and died and they need the vehicle to travel in both directions for the record to be official.
Dragsters are needed to reach 150 m/s (336.15 mph) (530 km/h) in the quarter mile.
So being able to build a cars in 60 years that can break that record and still be able to maneuver just makes mu head go eh??
Ok! Yes I know we are talking about a bike not a car, and that they by simple physics have better accelerations. Soothing nectar for schizophrenic neurotics that would drive it. (The last is a quote from the website)
Yes the last 2 are simular, except one is survivable where the other is not.
Apr 25 2007, 02:17 AM
QUOTE (Demon_Bob) |
So being able to build a cars in 60 years that can break that record and still be able to maneuver just makes mu head go eh?? |
well the game alots for skill being the main condition of acceleration.
with the vehicle I made, a TN# 2 and 12 dice (8 successes) simply by game mechanics after one turn of accelerating you could go from 0 to 240mph (successes multiplied by acceleration, converted to MPH) in one that speed of acceleration a quick turn (brake spin accelerate) wouldn't decrease your speed unless you were going in excess of this speed to start with.
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