Lady Door
Apr 30 2007, 06:10 AM
Cole finishes the call to the family, telling that that the girl didn't suffer and that she never felt pain. It's a bald faced lie but, sometimes it's what we need to hear.
Heading back to the precinct, Cole listens to classical music and steadies her breathing. She sets the car on autonav and meditates for a good ten minutes just letting herself zen. By the time she reaches the precinct she's good to go.
Apr 30 2007, 06:15 AM
The precicnt is buzzing with press. You attempt to enter the building peacefully when a mob of reporters engulf you.
Detective Cole! How do you feel about the recent develepments of the case?
Miss Cole! What is Lone Star doing to bring a quick end to this?
Have the parents been notified? May we speak to them?
Lady Door
Apr 30 2007, 06:20 AM
Cole turns and nods to the press, allowing them to take their video shots.
No comment. She then walks inside the precinct.
Walking by Mary, the precinct's receptionist, she stops. Mary, get our media rep out there. It's a zoo. Cole heads upstairs and stops at her desk, debating working on the case or issuing the demerits for the officers at the crime scene. For right now, her need to solve the case wins out and she sits down, pulling up the commlink reports on both girls.
Apr 30 2007, 06:23 AM
While waiting for the CSI team, Vaughn goes over the missing person's report for any other known friends, pulling up their names and IDs , seeing if they have any priors. Or heavy piercings.
May 5 2007, 06:11 PM
CSI team eventually shows up. They confirm that the metal peice in the car was a Nuase Gauge. What you find out is that its a peircing. Its size is 00. Which means the owner of this peircing has a hole in their nose big enough to stick your finger through.
May 5 2007, 06:13 PM
Vaughn finishes checking to see if any of the gril's assoicates have any heavy piercings like that, while driving down to Mortuary's shop.
May 5 2007, 06:18 PM
None that you can see. Just the other missing girl. And those are only minor peircings. And ear ring here, a nose peircing there.
After a few minutes more, you arrive at Moruary's
May 5 2007, 06:36 PM
Vaughn walks in, being sure to have a small snack handy for Dweeb, Mortuary's black berry cat. They've gotten on well since their second meeting, when Vaughn brought along some cat nip. Vaughn walks in, looking around the shop for the elf woman. The two of them have had an interesting past. She smuggles par-animals, he looks the other way. She supplies him with street informaion, and he forgets where he heard it. There was also the almost-relationship, but they were really just looking for a passing fancy. It doesn't help that she's always wearing those neo-goth-victorian-whatevers. Corsets make it hard for a man to keep his mind on the job.
May 17 2007, 04:16 PM
The tragicly atractive elf takes a moment to turn from her work. She soon notices Vaughn and smiles.
Vaughn dear, what can I do for you today?
Dweeb aproaches Vaughn, rubbing against his leg, purring.
You're issuing the demerites when you hear someone from down the hall come to the door. A tall human male. Dark hair, and easy on the eyes. Excuse me Evelynn? Theres a call for you. I think its someone about that girl in the trunk? They said they have some information and need to speak with anyone on the case. Want me to tell them you're in a meeting or did you want to take it?
May 18 2007, 04:47 AM
I'm looking for information on some kind of nose ring. It's some sort of gauge, and I'm looking to find out where it may have come from. I'm hoping you might recognize the work or type.
Vaughn forwards the pics he took of the gauge to Mortuary.
May 19 2007, 02:37 AM
She looks at it for a little while, with the occaional, hmm.....yes, yes... Until finnally she looks back up at Vaughn.
Well Vaughn my dear, that a Nause Gauge. And quite a large one at that. Thats a double zero guage. To put it simply, the owner of that guage has a hole in there nose big enough to stick your finger through.
May 19 2007, 05:34 AM
That part I knew. Anything more you can tell me about it or where it might have come from? Maybe who does work like that?
May 24 2007, 06:34 PM
Morturary examines Vaughn a bit more. There are a number of people who do this kind of work in Seattle. If you go looking for them, you'll never find whatever you're looking for. But there is a pretty popular S&M club that does all sorts of crazy things like this. El Hellado buen Encrade`. It means Hells Good Gate. Its located in the Redman District.
Writes down an Address.
I have a few....clients, that go there. You would be wise to start there.
May 24 2007, 06:50 PM
Thanks, I'll do that. Jumping off place is what I needed. Thanks again Mortuary. Be seeing you.
Vaughn kisses her cheek, then heads out, looking up the address once his car is pulling away from the curb.
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