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Keep the -1 Logic across the board.

Bear -1 Cha, Fox +1 Cha, Eagle +1 Intuition/+1 Cha. Oh, and drop Eagles Agi and Rea to +1 (flight is pretty damn sweet as it is). Definately give the Eagle Improved Sense (Vision Mag), and i'm inclined to give them all Improved Sense (Scent). Maybe even allow them to keep those Improved Senses when in human form?
you could always give cheetahs the movement power (self only, obviously), and have it last a certain amount of time (combat turns equal to body, or maybe body + magic? not rolled, that's just how long. or maybe do it like initiative with that... just a thought).

i would say letting them use it 2-3 times per day should be more than enough, really. i would say have it cause drain, but they'll just regenerate that back rather quickly...
i wouldn't say the eagle has improved scent... they get better sight instead. i just don't see eagles as being scent-based hunters.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Oct 22 2005, 09:59 AM)
i wouldn't say the eagle has improved scent... they get better sight instead. i just don't see eagles as being scent-based hunters.

I ment them all except Eagle. Though bizzarely none of the SR4 ordinary critters get it except Dog? question.gif None of the ordinary critters get Low Light either, even Big Cat. Very strange.
i suspect that may have something to do with it. they were more of a last minute thought (or at least, that's how it looks to me).

i dunno about you, but some of those stats look a little fishy to me. and i'm not talking about the shark...
They are definately different than SR3.
I guess a lot of my issues with movement apply to more than just the one animal. There's no factoring in acceleration. Cheetahs would go 0-70 in the blink of an eye, while horses would take seconds to build up as much speed, but then horses can eventually reach speeds faster than a cheetah, and maintain those speeds for longer before tiring.

That's actually only half true. Cheetahs can reach top speeds of around 110 kmh, but horses peak at about 70 (these are rough numbers), but can run for a greater length of time-like you said. But yeah, Cheetahs usually cop out and go eat/sleep after they sprint top-speed. Which would be a crappy game-play mechanic in my opinion. Possibly using the movement power like Jaid said would work better? Maybe include the drain like he said, given that the shapeshifter is going to regenerate it, but it might "knock the wind out of him" for a little while.
BTW i'm still interested anything people actually run with, and how it works out. Or more correctly my GM is going to be EDIT: in an NPC capacity for now.

Last night i GMed the wrap-up of our group's misadventures in Hong Kong and we left on a plane Stradovistok (my PC joined them at the airport) on a courier job. The GM had figured sometime back likely onto the Yukut or nearby from there. Given the SoA description that's pretty damn tough to be in that area without running into 'shifters. Even rolling it forward about 6 years there is going to be at least a few still around, if not hordes of them.

I'll also post updates how things work out we encounter the 'shifters, but i'll be a little bit limited in posting exact stats because i'll not be behind the screen.
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