Nov 30 2005, 06:35 AM
I'm new to SR4 and only played SR3 for a couple months prior, so I'm pretty green. In our group I volunteered to play the hacker, since the veterans regarded it with a bit of disdain.
I was hoping that this board could help me brew up some hacking tricks that could be used in combat when the shells start flying. The book was pretty slim on examples of combat hacking, so what are some ideas?
I thought that getting into someone's smartlink to force their gun to drop its clip might be a nice trick, but I wasn't sure how to go about it.
Would I need to...
1) make a Scan check to locate their PAN
2) use Stealth to hide my access from their firewall
3) use Exploit to gain access
4) subscribe to the smartlink's node
4) use Command to tell the smartlink to drop the clip
Is this right? Any other suggestions of ways to affect combat with hacking?
Nov 30 2005, 07:55 AM
Thats how I run it, but to do it in AR, would take too long, so you would have to go VR, which would leave you vulnerable.
Another trick is to hack the security cameras, to give the rest of the team a AR overlay of the enemy.
Or just stay far away in the getaway vehicle or a safe area, and do the hacking from there.
Nov 30 2005, 01:34 PM
Without the commlink's protection, wouldn't it be even easier to hack a plain jane smartlink? (Device Rating would most likely be lower than a commlink's firewall)
Nov 30 2005, 01:42 PM
You will be more support staff for the sammies during combat. In addition to the things listed above, you can try to route (or re-route) Lone Star calls, control local security systems, open doors, suppress alarms, contact DocWagon. You're also going to be invaluable in the legwork portion of most runs, looking up a lot of info, hacking systems, etc. If you're into that & have enough

, you can also do a little rigging in SR4, which is more active-combat available.
Hope that helps a little. I used to look on deckers with disdain myself, but I'm giving one a shot with the new SR4 rules. We'll see how she works....
Nov 30 2005, 03:00 PM
QUOTE (godboyimmaculate) |
Without the commlink's protection, wouldn't it be even easier to hack a plain jane smartlink? (Device Rating would most likely be lower than a commlink's firewall) |
If that shadowrunner was dumb enough to leave the wireless turned on, without a commlink to protect it... yes.

50 he could turn the wireless off and have it skinlinked, so it could communicate with whatever image-linked vision-ware he has on him - hacker-free.
As for hackers. I love em.

In SR3, I played almost exclusivly deckers and riggers, dispite all the subsystems they required. In SR4 they took my two favorite character concepts and melded them together into something I like even better.

Not having to drop half my essence for a control rig is nice too.
As for your example above... they are right, it would take too long in AR, and if you go VR your body is vulnerable... so get an agent, whose job is to do primarily that same task at your command. That frees up your hacker to do something else while the agent is working.
The agent's going to get less dice than you, but work faster, and if your opponent is dumb enough to have his smartlink system wirelessly connected, you shouldn't expect a lot of resistance.
Also, if you're assuming your opponents have left critical systems like that vulnerable - you could create a lot more havok then just ejecting their clip. Why not just feed the guy edited smartgun data... so he thinks he's shooting on target, but keeps missing (impose a penalty rather than give a bonus), or just cluter whatever the guy is getting his imagelink through (eyes, goggles, contacts, whatever) with ads for simsense pr0n or something so he's essentially fighting blind.
Nov 30 2005, 03:28 PM
QUOTE (Aku) |
if you can alter his smartlink to make him miss, why not just give hims a BSoD? |
Give him a BSoD (or my pr0n pop-up idea) and he'll know you're in his system, and shut it down to avoid further damage. Without his smartlink, he can still shoot and kill you.
Subtley mess with his aim, and he might not realize anything is up, and continue to fire "at" you guys, wasting his actions and ammo.
Nov 30 2005, 04:53 PM
[ Spoiler ]
See the second version of Ghost in the Shell for nicec ideas [\Spoiler]
Nov 30 2005, 06:09 PM
Remember, going directly for someone's smartlink, without going through a commlink will require you to be within 3 metres of them.
Nov 30 2005, 06:26 PM
If you can get control of any sort of automated or remotely controlled system it can possiibly be used to your advantage. Lights, Fire alarms, fire supression systems, sprinkler systems, traffic lights, air conditioners, cleaning or gardening drones, coffee makers, stereos, trideos, animate billboards, as well as enemy commlinks could all be hacked and manipulated to create a diversion, distraction, or even a makeshift weapon in some cases. Another trick to try might be to carry a handful of RFID tags designed to broadcast some sort of ghost image or distracting image to other AR users. I've forgotten the size and durability of a basic RFID tag, but I bet it could be thrown and if planned ahead possibly loaded in to a firearm based delivery system (I'm thinking street sweeper here)
Nov 30 2005, 06:34 PM
QUOTE (Ranneko) |
Remember, going directly for someone's smartlink, without going through a commlink will require you to be within 3 metres of them. |
Isn't that only if signal 0 wireless is used? If its skinnlinked, doesn't that mean that there is no wireless activity to hack... you'd actually have to get onto their (skin) network in order to do anything?
Nov 30 2005, 06:43 PM
QUOTE (stevebugge @ Nov 30 2005, 02:26 PM) |
Another trick to try might be to carry a handful of RFID tags designed to broadcast some sort of ghost image or distracting image to other AR users. I've forgotten the size and durability of a basic RFID tag, but I bet it could be thrown and if planned ahead possibly loaded in to a firearm based delivery system (I'm thinking street sweeper here) |
RFIDs have a Signal of 1, but they also cost only 1

. I could see a drone flyover or non-damaging mortar delivery to drop a cluster of confuse-o-tags onto a site.
Eyeless Blond
Nov 30 2005, 06:58 PM
Or throw a firecracker with about 20-30 of them taped on the outside. Info-frag grenades!
Nov 30 2005, 10:17 PM
So in a way, it would be an advanced version of a chaff grenade used on targeting sytems and cameras. This would overload the enemies AR, causing them to have to go normal, losing all of their bonuses, as well as having to take the time to shut down their system (only a turn or so, but thats still a turn vulnerable) and have to deal with the sensory overload to boot.
How 'bout a grenade that instead of shooting shrapnel, emits a weak expolsion, sending heavily protected, altered RFID's, that your team has pre-blocked?
Nov 30 2005, 10:28 PM
QUOTE (Drace @ Nov 30 2005, 06:17 PM) |
How 'bout a grenade that instead of shooting shrapnel, emits a weak expolsion, sending heavily protected, altered RFID's, that your team has pre-blocked? |
Spam grenades, eh?
Nov 30 2005, 10:49 PM
QUOTE (Drace) |
So in a way, it would be an advanced version of a chaff grenade used on targeting sytems and cameras. This would overload the enemies AR, causing them to have to go normal, losing all of their bonuses, as well as having to take the time to shut down their system (only a turn or so, but thats still a turn vulnerable) and have to deal with the sensory overload to boot. |
Well, one problem is that it wouldn't acutally overload their AR at all. Their commlink can handle it and, techniqually, I think they would have to scan (as a free action) for those RFID transmissions before they saw them anyways. In order to read the data the transmission contain, I think they'd have to willingly use another action. Otherwise everytime Joe-Commoner puts his shirt on, the RFID tag on it would remind him that its a size "large" and was purchased at "CyberSears2070". He doesn't care, but he probably doesn't own a tag-eraser either.
Just because they're aware of a billion stupid RFID tags doesn't mean they have to inspect each and every one. If that were the case, no one could use AR ever... because there is an RFID tag in just about everything you purchase legally.
Imagine going into the mall, where every object is tagged for sercurity and informational purposes. Sure, you could query over them and get a listing of what your favorite store has in stock, what is on sale, etc but you're not going to be confused or blinded just by walking in. In fact, you can probably filter out things you arn't interested in fairly easily... like having it only list items that are in your size, or that are of a certain type of appliance or something.
Nov 30 2005, 10:52 PM
You have the RFID tags programmed much like spam nowadays, just have it "invade" the visual screen, covering it up with pointless screens etc, hell if you really want to, have a bunch of images pop-up like ads or flashing lights (that would be really distracting. Maybe have the grenade act as a commlink w/an agent, and all the tags are subscribed.
Nov 30 2005, 10:54 PM
When I posted the idea I wasn't thinking sensory overload so much as converting a normal area in to an instant "Spam Zone" with RFID's programmed to broadcast something distracting. The assumption was that they would be most useful in otherwise RFID sterile or tame environments (like offices) where the security guards probably are using normal AR as standard protocol because it is ordinarily advantageous to them for example it shows the employee ID badges, Tags Employee Cubes, etc. It would make them take an action to adjust their settings or suffer from some distraction modifiers.
Nov 30 2005, 11:00 PM
QUOTE (stevebugge) |
When I posted the idea I wasn't thinking sensory overload so much as converting a normal area in to an instant "Spam Zone" with RFID's programmed to broadcast something distracting. The assumption was that they would be most useful in otherwise RFID sterile or tame environments (like offices) where the security guards probably are using normal AR as standard protocol because it is ordinarily advantageous to them for example it shows the employee ID badges, Tags Employee Cubes, etc. It would make them take an action to adjust their settings or suffer from some distraction modifiers. |
yeah, that makes a lot more sense... but on the street, I imagine most people wander aroudn with their "popup-blockers" active.
Nov 30 2005, 11:15 PM
They would, it's not a universally useful trick.
Dec 1 2005, 02:23 AM
and thats good. universally useful tricks have a bad habbit of getting overused...
rather then using a spread of rfids i would just use some electronics and a powerfull transmitter. pop the safety like a grenade and the system starts blasting out visual and audio spam. all this while changing transmission id's and other stuff to fool the firewalls spam filters...
the teams comlinks however would have all the id's the "grenade" uses allready blocked or some other way of iding and ignoring the signal.
mostly its a diffrent theme but the effect would be more or less the same...
Dec 1 2005, 02:56 AM
You forget everything cyber is DNI interfaced by default now.
You don't have to Skinlink to have your smartgun talk with your smartgun eyeballs, or to talk with your gyro hand, or your imagelink, just mental note done.
You can have em wireless if you want though, but no reason to do so.
Dec 1 2005, 03:30 AM
QUOTE (Liper) |
You forget everything cyber is DNI interfaced by default now.
You don't have to Skinlink to have your smartgun talk with your smartgun eyeballs, or to talk with your gyro hand, or your imagelink, just mental note done.
You can have em wireless if you want though, but no reason to do so. |
Something has to talk to the gun. Unless its a cybergun, its not DNI
Dec 1 2005, 03:53 AM
My understanding is that unless someone had their comlink turned OFF (not just passive or hidden) that you have at least a chance of hacking into it. And of course, once you have access to someone's comlink you can always convince their gear that the commands you give them are legitimate.
Couldn't even internal gear be hacked? I mean, unless someone made the effort to have every single RFID tag in their wired reflex system removed via microsurgery, what's to stop a hacker from somehow breaking in setting its controller to enter a diagnostic mode or some other interrupting activity?
Dec 1 2005, 06:17 AM
Datajack or Palmlink for guns.
Again, there's no reason ANY shadowrunner should get his ware hacked.
Although there is precedence for your ware getting hacked in the SR4 book it mentions loading cyber with IC.
Dec 1 2005, 09:11 AM
Isn't saying that there's no reason any runner should get hacked the same as saying that there's no reason why any runner should get shot?
Wouldn't sufficient skill overcome any defense eventually?
Dec 1 2005, 09:37 AM
no, if you just use the cyber palm link like every one did in the 60's ,there's no wireless connection at all to hack in to. It was just a circuit in the palm of the hand that made the connection directly to the guns comp through the grip. No wires, no wireless, all internal.
Dec 1 2005, 11:18 AM
There is still the possibility that a social adept/hacker with a skinlink will hack your smartlink while he is shaking your hand.
Dec 1 2005, 11:41 AM
which happens a lot in a situation where you would have a gun in hand,..... like a gun fight.......
Bullet Raven
Dec 1 2005, 12:17 PM
I think he means more like 'plant an agent' than hack your gun while shaking your hand in a firefight...
"I'm gonna shake his hand!"
"You failed, he's shooting you in the face!"
"OH NO!"
hey, it could happen
Dec 1 2005, 12:57 PM
Yes, I meant to plant an agent in a social situation for use later. Say Mr J is a leet hacker and he intends to betray Dude S When they come to an agreement for the run they shake hands. Mr J is l33t haxor and plants an agent in Dude S's shartlink system.
When Dude S comes to collect his nuyen for a run well done a his targeting reticle is replaced with a giant pink drop bear which covers his entire field of vision, leaving him blind as he is riddled with bullets.
It doesn't even have to be a social hacker. A smartlink owner can hack himself doing something seemingly innocuous like downloading a new reticle pack off the matrix.
Dec 1 2005, 02:18 PM
In SR4 can you even buy a palmlink? I was under the impression that inductive datajacks/palmlinks arn't in the core book (thought will probably come out in a splatbook), and that that functionality was replaced by skinlinking things. In essense, what I was talking about is the same as having the inductive pads (except skinlinking is in the core book), because there are still no wires, and no wireless.
Its not internal, its on the surface of your skin, but some guy cannot mess with it using radio-waves. In fact, to screw with you, he would have to get on your skin-network (maybe by shaking your hand, assuming his commlink is also skinlinked) but would still have to hack his way past your firewall as normal... that, and that the core book doesn't address transmissing across more than one set of skin (sending a message through my bioelectric field to your bioelectric field, and then to your gun).
Dec 1 2005, 02:37 PM
In SR4 you would just use the skinlink. But if you have it networked through your commlink (a must for traffic management if you have several devices skinklinked) and your commlink is connected to the Matrix, then it can still be hacked through the commlink, just not directly.
Dec 1 2005, 02:56 PM
QUOTE (Slacker) |
a must for traffic management if you have several devices skinklinked |
I don't recall reading that.
Dec 1 2005, 03:01 PM
QUOTE (Slacker) |
In SR4 you would just use the skinlink. But if you have it networked through your commlink (a must for traffic management if you have several devices skinklinked) and your commlink is connected to the Matrix, then it can still be hacked through the commlink, just not directly. |
Well, of course, so you just turn the commlink's wireless off.
A street-sam or gun-adept has no buisness trying to hack anything, or browse the uber-web, in the middle of a gun-fight... if you have to have a commlink online in the middle of a gun-fight, for some wierd reason (like, you're the team hacker AND you wanna go banannas with your smartlink) use TWO commlinks - they're dirt-cheap, and just about anyone you knock-out or disable during a run will have one on him.
IMHO, if the big-ass dumb-as-bricks troll leaves his commlink online after connecting his eyes and gun to it, he deserves what he gets.

Any reasonable person can keep their smartlink-gun network from being vulnerable fairly easily.
Its like turning on your cyberarm's wireless connection. There is no functionality of a cyberarm that the owner would want it to be online for. So turn it off. A smartlink system works jsut fine offline, so keep it that way.
Bullet Raven
Dec 1 2005, 03:02 PM
QUOTE (BlackHat) |
In SR4 can you even buy a palmlink? I was under the impression that inductive datajacks/palmlinks arn't in the core book (thought will probably come out in a splatbook), and that that functionality was replaced by skinlinking things. In essense, what I was talking about is the same as having the inductive pads (except skinlinking is in the core book), because there are still no wires, and no wireless.
Its not internal, its on the surface of your skin, but some guy cannot mess with it using radio-waves. In fact, to screw with you, he would have to get on your skin-network (maybe by shaking your hand, assuming his commlink is also skinlinked) but would still have to hack his way past your firewall as normal... that, and that the core book doesn't address transmissing across more than one set of skin (sending a message through my bioelectric field to your bioelectric field, and then to your gun). |
I want a character who has a fat half-inch jack from their gun to their old datajack. I'm a sucker for the datajack for all reasons, what can I say?
Dec 1 2005, 03:18 PM
QUOTE (BlackHat) |
A street-sam or gun-adept has no buisness trying to hack anything, or browse the uber-web, in the middle of a gun-fight... if you have to have a commlink online in the middle of a gun-fight, for some wierd reason |
I don't think it will be all that uncommon to have your commlink networked during a gunfight.
For one you can stay in communication with you fellow runners without having to shout over the gunfire with it.
Also, if you hacker buddy does the trick in the opening fiction of the SR4 book where he hacks the cameras and sends targeting data to his team so that they know the location of guards behind cover, you'd need to be online. (This trick would require the smartlink to be connected to the active commlink in some way so you couldn't do the multiple commlink trick, except as an additional layer of security i suppose)
And I am sure there are at least a few other reasons that I just can't think of right now.
The ability to communicate securely with your fellow team members I would think is the most common reason to have an active commlink.
Besides, unless you are going up against a gang of hackers its not like its going to incapacitate your whole team if this is happening. If you have a good firewall it's likely to take two or more Complex Actions from the hacker to access your commlink then another to mess with your smartlink. That is alot of time for you to shoot the hacker before hand if you're the gunbunny, especially since that can't really defend if they are in VR and with the extra passes of VR it would take them even longer to do it.
Dec 1 2005, 03:32 PM
QUOTE (Slacker @ Dec 1 2005, 10:18 AM) |
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Dec 1 2005, 09:01 AM) | A street-sam or gun-adept has no buisness trying to hack anything, or browse the uber-web, in the middle of a gun-fight... if you have to have a commlink online in the middle of a gun-fight, for some wierd reason |
I don't think it will be all that uncommon to have your commlink networked during a gunfight. For one you can stay in communication with you fellow runners without having to shout over the gunfire with it. Also, if you hacker buddy does the trick in the opening fiction of the SR4 book where he hacks the cameras and sends targeting data to his team so that they know the location of guards behind cover, you'd need to be online. (This trick would require the smartlink to be connected to the active commlink in some way so you couldn't do the multiple commlink trick, except as an additional layer of security i suppose) And I am sure there are at least a few other reasons that I just can't think of right now. The ability to communicate securely with your fellow team members I would think is the most common reason to have an active commlink. Besides, unless you are going up against a gang of hackers its not like its going to incapacitate your whole team if this is happening. If you have a good firewall it's likely to take two or more Complex Actions from the hacker to access your commlink then another to mess with your smartlink. That is alot of time for you to shoot the hacker before hand if you're the gunbunny, especially since that can't really defend if they are in VR and with the extra passes of VR it would take them even longer to do it.
I suppose there are reasons, but those are mostly for a team of shadowrunners to work together... and we were originally talking about the hacker being the shadowrunner, and the smart-gunned-enemy being his opponent (who may or may not be anotehr shadowrunner). Though, I'll admit, that most enemies I can think of, off the top of my head, who would happen to have all the smartlink stuff on them, are most likely shadowrunners, security forces, or some other "team" like enemy. Chances are we're not worried about out hacker messign with the smartlink system of a single lone-gunman... since that guy would already be outnumbered 4-to-1.
Still, if on one hand I want to stay linked to my team so I can communicate with them without having to yell over gunfire... but on the other hand, I know that if I do, some hacker could gain control of my eyes... It might be worth it to use a simple action to turn the wireless off and talk to them over the regular radio, or through a seperate commlink.
With two commlinks, you couldn't use the "sharing targetting data" trick they show in the book, but you're also not vulnerable to being fed fake data, either... so I suppose, like you said, its a matter of how confidant you are that the hacker hasn't had time to hack your system yet.
And yeah, it would take the hacker some time to do it in AR, but his agent can work at near-VR speeds.
Dec 1 2005, 03:45 PM
One high-end commlink with an excellent firewall, set hidden, subscribed only to teammates. Get your team hacker to load an agent (IC) to guard dog against intrusions. Route your sensitive data through that.
At least one low-end commlink with a decent firewall, not hidden, dripping with IC and one Analyze+Edit agent whose job it is to manufacture fake streaming data (i.e.: your smartlink reporting that you have only two rounds left, your cyberware suggesting that you have delta Wired-3, or whatever is a fun ruse at the time). That's your decoy. It won't fool all hackers all of the time, but it'll make some of them waste valuable IPs.
Dec 1 2005, 06:36 PM
I've seen this crop up in the creating a sammy thread, I'm just failing to see how anyone with half a brain gets anything but his commlink hacked.
DNI, Direct NUERAL input.
Simply put means you can with a mental switch do anything with your stuff that's linked to your brain.
You want to talk with your buddies during a firefight through your commlink? you think to your commlink and your subdermal mic and speakers to talk (and not with the rest of your ware)
The worst situation there is the hacker hacks into your ears/mic.
Since you can't hack a mind yet, unless some superfreaky npc, that's the end of concern. Specially since when you know it's hacked you can just DNI flick the commlink off, bam, dumpshock for the decker.
Dec 1 2005, 06:42 PM
QUOTE (Liper) |
Specially since when you know it's hacked you can just DNI flick the commlink off, bam, dumpshock for the decker. |
If your comm is implanted, yeah.
Dec 1 2005, 07:01 PM
If I were a hacker and I was breaking into someone's implanted comlink the first thing I would do is disable the software that shuts it off. Then, if only ways he could dump me are destroy my equipment, move into a shielded area, or cut the comlink out of his flesh. Considering what I'd be doing to him in the mean time he's probably kill himself in an attempt to acomplish the third. If you want a DNI comlink get plain a datajack and an external comlink with a jackport. Then you can pull it out if your arms aren't paralyzed due to cyberlimb hacking, skillwire hacking, or RAS override hacking.
Dec 1 2005, 09:01 PM
This long thread is finally starting to yield an answer to the original question:
What does the Hacker do when the shells start flying? Add to the list make sure the other guys don't have a hacker trying to do any of the things suggested previously to his team.
Dec 1 2005, 09:07 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Dec 1 2005, 08:01 PM) |
If I were a hacker and I was breaking into someone's implanted comlink the first thing I would do is disable the software that shuts it off. |
most likely that feature is buildt into the very os of the comlink...
hex edit on the fly maybe?
not if its running from a read only rom enviroment

but then, does something like that exist in SR4? what happend to the IC that was able to damage the physical chips of cyberdecks?
Dec 1 2005, 09:28 PM
I forgot one. Uploading black IC into opposition comlinks. Being able to disable a comlink mentaly isn't as useful when the first indication that anything is wrong is your brain death.
Dec 1 2005, 09:32 PM
now thats just nasty...
can one be affected by black hammer style attacks when using a simlink to run AR?
maybe thats a reason to use all those other tools, BH screening
Dec 1 2005, 09:38 PM
The text for the Black Hammer program specifically says that it does nothing to AR users. It does stun damage to VR users using cold sim. And physical damage to VR users using hot sim.
[edit]Since Black IC is just that program bealt into IC, it wouldn't do any good to load it on most runners commlinks. At least not during the fire fight, it would be rather humorous if you killed the hacker, and the next day when you log into VR to play a game the Black IC kills you.
But the only person who would be in VR during a fight would be a hacker.[/edit]
Dec 1 2005, 11:32 PM
blackice doesn't come into play because the information from the matrix isn't bieng piped into the brain, it's bieng piped into things like the visual and audio displays and cyber linked to the AR system (commlink). That's why loading any ice into a piece of cyber won't do anything in combat, and likely never.
Running diagnostics you'd find you're suddenly using up 150mp more then before your last run, you'll open it with computer or a hot hacker before going into it yourself.
What would be interesting in a fight to do as a hacker is to try and dump any saved data in cyber eyes/ears, whatevers to figure out who you are against (if you can get into thier cyber to begin with)
The drek about skinlink hacking through handshakes is pure drek. No person is going to allow a stranger or have thier skinlink set up to accept foriegn hosts (the handshaker) to log onto thier system, let alone even have access, just look at like a isolated node from sr3. IE you need to be in a part of the system first that allows access.
Unless you're going to play a "honey I shrank the kids" scenario this won't ever happen.