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Full Version: New Shadowrun video game from Microsoft?
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A self sustaining area effect healing fountain is not against canon, but is rather audacious.
QUOTE (Brahm)
In large part CRPGs are esentially book-like in nature. The sandbox style, that costs a fortune to create

I've said it before and I'll say it again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Tiny shareware developers have been doing this with varying levels of success since the god-damned early 90s.

The teleporting doesn't sound like what is normally thought of as teleporting. It first opens a hole in walls that you are going through, and then closes the holes back up immediately after you've gone to the other side. That makes it seem a lot closer to a spirit's Movement power, though not quite what I have ever envisioned myself, than the "sha-shiiiiing" thing on Star Trek as that hole in the wall suggests that you body remains physical while traveling from place to place. That would stay sort of within the realm of canon, at least not violating the spirit of the "no teleporting magic, no time travel magic" rule.

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
I've said it before and I'll say it again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Tiny shareware developers have been doing this with varying levels of success since the god-damned early 90s.

They cost decidedly more to produce to the same overall quality of product on the same platform. Because they by their nature have a lot more stuff in them. I.E. features. The ability to do things in non-linear order is a dozy of a 'feature' as it's implications impacts nearly every element of the game in all aspects of development.

Plus they tend to lead to a larger amount of content development. Otherwise it ends up feeling more like wondering around in a big empty warehouse. Or like a Flinstone's episode where Fred and Dino run past the same endtable and couch 6 times.

EDIT The reason I used the term forture is because for these next generation consoles like the Xbox360 you are talking about 10's of millions of dollars for a quality sandbox game. GTA 3, although abviously at the top end, was reported to have a budget of something like $50 million and that was for the previous generation of consoles. It is estimated by the industry that next gen console development costs will shake out to approximately double of the previous generation.
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