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Full Version: Unusual spells in combat
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The wreck spell is for Sphynx because of his posts about wreck(object) earlier. I'm willing to accept that people are choosing that animate can only target objects that one has a personal relationship to as an individual entity. However, that seems like a house rule not something from the book. PLus, it seems that any one person could view any object as complete in and of itself and thus the valid targets for the spell as one should read it are any object. For your lightbulb example someone who manufactures lightbulbs might very well see them as an object in and of itself. My argument is that the spell as written can target any object, and then it is up to the GM to decide which objects can be targeted. Imagine a person is wearing a wig and a mage tries to animate it; they should be able to since its an inanimate object that is not part of something else. If that wig is a bad combover and the mage targets it thinking it is a separate entity then would the spell fail even though the target is still an inanimate object that the mage believes is its own object? If someone was having a bad hair day could they decide to target hair since they now have a personal connection to it as a separate entity?
Just remember, if you're targeting a spell on a small object on one's person, you'll be looking at higher target numbers just as if you were making a called shot to the head with a gunshot. Not to mention that many goons will be hiding their grenade belts under their jackets or whatnot.

I know that none of my characters who've ever carried grenades have ever used a sling or belt carried over their arm. Usually they've been stuffed into a duffel bag.
More then willing to accept that LOS can cause issues and make it much harder.
Pick up a blanket and fling it at goons.

If they ignore it, they get covered with a blanket, if they don't you get spared a couple rounds of fire (no pun intended).

Has anyone ever successfully used the bind/net spells? I was flipping through MitS this morning and suddenly found myself thinking that every mage who expects to see combat should carry such a spell. For the area version, +2S is not so much to soak if it means being able to just walk away from a group of surly gangers as they jump about helplessly.
Talia Invierno
A free spirit of one of my PC's acquaintance uses Bind regularly (also Decrease WL and nasty variants involving various physical appendages).
Out Uber-Troll would kill, stop, maim, delay or plain irritate ANYTHING with her "Move/shape earth spell".

Has the nastiest imagination of what would stop a fleeing witness, too.

"Ok, shape earth , lemmie see, a volume roughly equal to that of a shipping container about, say, 10 feet infront of that lone-star patrol-car escaping..."

(About 6 zillion successes, no bonus pools, nuthin.)

(Roll reaction/crash for the car.)
(Roll chance of survivability.)
"It dead yet?"
"Yeah, look, what's the drain?"
(Rolls, scoffs.)
Gunbunny - hell, I get more tired hauling these (Hold up gun collection) about!
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