QUOTE (CanRay @ Sep 12 2008, 10:28 AM)

Nano-Maintence System does a lot, but it sometimes needs parts.
Such as the last game I ran when they needed to steal a mil-spec jet engine to repair Kane's Blimp. (Yes, the Shadowtalker Kane!).
They could either do a series of difficult runs against various places (One of which was Evo)... Or... They do what they did. Called in what few connections they had in LA, and found an engine that has all the parts in it.
Oh... Wait... They only have ONE connection in LA. An Orxploitation Rap Artist. Whose yacht had been attacked by a upgraded, gold-plated Neo-Hind Attack Helo flown by the Rap Artist's enemy, a DwarfCore Hair Metal Frontman.
You can guess which jet engine they stole.
Wait, you sent your team into the middle of a heated rivalry between music-industry stereotypes, on a mission to kick a dwarf hair metal frontman's ass and chop-shop his jet?
Awesome. Bet the pito ratings went through the roof on that one.
QUOTE (Nkari @ Sep 12 2008, 01:08 PM)

Where are the force 12-14 spirits that the AAA sends after you ?
Sitting around waiting for the AAA to figure out who we are and if we're even still alive. With the geothermal tap blown to hell it looks pretty much like: "Run gone bad, everyone dies" back there. Mitsuhama probably thinks we (and their jet) is dead.
QUOTE (Gast @ Sep 12 2008, 01:24 PM)

Wow, that sounds like a rather useless home. A home you can bring no one to, a home you need to start and land in total secrecy (I hope there's enough room for a car in there to get you to civilisation), a home you can't refuel, and a home that is probably your only link to a crime. That pissed off AAA certainly has put a high price on the head of the plane's new owners, so people everywhere will be looking out for it.
I would definitely get rid of it. It may be a nice toy, but one false move and this plane will bring the wrath of god down on you. Alternately, hide it in some desert until you need it for something.
If you feel really daring, return the plane with your worst enemies in it and frame them for it.
You sir, lack imagination. Our Invisible Skytrain Of Doom is a mobile base of awesomeness. Knight Rider and Spy Hunter had a semi they could drive their supercar into--we have a
plane, and we can live in it.
This is a home that can go anywhere on a moments notice, rain death upon our enemies, punch other planes out of the sky, and release spiky-bone-spurred-milspec-armored-drop-panda
doom on unsuspecting victims below. And yes, out invisible, fully submersible A-Team on awakened crack van does fit inside it.
As for it being our only link to a crime, it's hardly recognizable now with all the modifications and the tags burned out. We just don't want people knowing we have an invisible tricked out skytrain because A) They'd want it. and B) Nothing says "the element of suprise" like dropping a crate of explosives out the back of a plane they didn't know you had and didn't see coming.

QUOTE (CanRay @ Sep 12 2008, 01:39 PM)

I don't know, I doubt that Kane paid for his Blimp in cash, and he's been peddling around in it for decades...