QUOTE (masterofm @ Aug 29 2008, 05:35 PM)

Draining fuel and dropping a plane out of the sky could get you in SERIOUS trouble. You don't know who you are going to piss off with stunts like that. Personally you knock over a plane and drain it's fuel and then drop it on someones head expect to probably destroy or take something that will probably get a AAA sending multiple teams and shadow runners at you. If not you are destroying millions and millions of

on a constant basis and dropping it on whoever you don't like. Expect to get thor shotted after you do like 10 million in damages (a.k.a. 5-10 planes.) Doing stuff like this splashes the pond a little too much I would think in a SR setting.
Actually, that was more of a joke--although this
is a VTOL craft and the arms themselves have a strength of 30 each. (Equal to the plane's body) Granted, we're playing things a little loose with real-world physics even putting arms on this thing, but this is shadowrun, not the real world. Beleive me, it's in everyone's best interest that I not be able to apply my IRL knowlege of aerodynamics.
As far as repercussions go, we already stole
this plane from a AAA after raiding one of their black labs, killing
everyone inside, rigging a charge to the geothermal tap powering the place, killing the strike team they sent in, and stealing their plane, armor, and weapons.
I'd say we're already in "super pissed-off AAA" mode.

Thing is, we covered our tracks so perfectly there's nothing for them to go on to actually
find us. The plane's stealthed to hell, and we've also adopted such uber-paranoid security measures that it'd be damn near impossible to even tie our various activities to the same group of people--let alone identify or locate said group. Thor shots don't do you any good if you don't know where to aim, and by the time things get hot enough that taking out a city to get us becomes an acceptable option, we'll have already left the hemisphere.
Besides, runner teams and corporate strike forces we can handle. To quote our GM from tonight's session: "That's it, I'm not sending any more strike teams after you."
We beat them in 1 IP, without any of our guys taking a hit. Unfortunately, he seems to be looking at dragons now.
QUOTE (Earlydawn @ Aug 29 2008, 06:19 PM)

For serious. Maintaining an aircraft that presumably moves most of the year is going to be a monumental expense, much less fueling it. They're getting no bargain.
Except that it's
not moving, hardly ever in fact. Too high profile. We just got our hands on the means to blackmail our way into control of an airport, as well a various utilities around Hong Kong, so we'll have a better means of fueling and storing this thing soon. Meantime it's parked out in the middle of nowhere and serving as a fully stealthed base of operations from which we launch our fully stealthed amphibious submersible citymaster and fully stealthed amphibious motorcycle.
As for splashing the pond, we're way beyond that. We're trying to take over the world, omae--the normal bounds of an SR setting were left bleeding in the dust with that MCT strike team we fragged.
At the moment we're cementing relations with 9x9 and surreptitiously taking over Hong Kong. From there we'll expand our power base.
As for what the GM decided on, we upgraded the plane to medium amenities, and have to pay a group lifestyle cost to cover food, security and such. I forget the exact figure it worked out to, as I'm not the one handling the group account, but he used the alternate lifestyle rules in Runner's Companion to factor in the plane's accomodations.
Our sniper's comment when the GM asked us what kind of entertainment we wanted:
"We have high explosives and low morals, we have all the entertainment we need."