After having looked over the complete errata sheet the main issues I had with the edition have been mitigated (direct combat spell drain is optional, the OR thresholds reduced, increased attribute cost in karma offset by increased karma awards) I can say that, yes, I will be telling our Treasurer that this book is worth buying.
Honestly? I'm kinda in this boat as well. The drain change to optional was a great thing. In fact, that was something that I was all for...I'm all about optional rules. (Ok, yes, technically, ALL rules are optional. I know that. But sometimes just seeing other options that were tested already printed out is a big help, since sometimes houserules can break other things down the line they were not intended to.) Since my big concern was raising the Attribute costs and not lowering the skills, I felt that there was indeed a boat missed here in wanting to make skills look better. But then Karma awards were basically doubled...so it sorta...well, ok, didn't change much at all, kinda, in the long run. If I have to pay 15 points to raise my attribute to 5, or 10 points to raise my skill to 5, under the old system, its cheaper for the skill but the Attribute has more stuff linked, but I'm earning, say, 4-5 Karma per week. Now, I earn 9-10 Karma per week, but it costs 25 to raise the attribute but still 10 for the skill. Old system-it would take 3-4 weeks to raise the attribute. New system at 9-10 per week, it takes....3 weeks to raise the Attribute. I had to rub my eyes, but generally,
it almost takes less time to raise the Attribute now. I concede my arguement that it was a bad change, since...jeeze, it almost works out BETTER now. But I think I can see the ''catch'', that since you are sitting on much more Karma, the skills look...kinda better to purchase, since one might think ''whoa! after 2 weeks, I can buy 2 3's to 4s, and a whole new skill at 1!'' or something of that matter.
It's one of those rules that looking at it piece by piece looks pretty bad, IMO, but all together(including the much higher Karma awards), isn't that bad. I would still end up giving 950-1000 Karma for the karmagen to keep the power level the way we like it with the x5 costs, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be(remember we play very sporadically and thus don't have fast advancement to begin with.)
I always gave my thumbs up for lower Adept power costs, even though I felt that the cost for Attributes(and what I used) were best at .5/1. At least having them .75/1.5 is a bit better.
All of THAT being said, actually buying the book is something I'm not sure I need to do. My resources are a bit limited, and while the art, from the bit I saw, looks very nice, I do have to put priorities in, and simply sticking with the old edition(or even deciding to try errata later), is in my best interest at the moment. But the fact that they actually listened to some of the suggestions(making the Drain rule optional, increasing Karma to offset higher Attributes, and lowering the OR threshold), makes me give a thumbs up for that.