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@Karoline I had ment to point out how vast differences in IP's (everyone but one person having 3IP) can be detremental to the enjoyment. I agree that that person really had no reason to bitch, because She had the spell, but choose to refuse to use it. She later quit shadowrun, to play DnD becuase in SR you "play as bad guys."

QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Jan 26 2010, 01:08 AM) *
You only get into fights every 6-8 weeks in your game... wow... We sometimes have multiple fights in a session (and sometimes no fights in a session)... but statistically, we would probably be in that 2-3 fights/week or so If I took the time to lok at it... at which point, even I would take voluntary penalties to the roll for addiction, as I am obviously using the drug as a crutch... which was my point... the more you ise it, the worse it is going to be and YOU WILL become addicted eventually...

Hell, I have even just taken the Addictions from time to time (after play starts) because of this very thing...

Keep the Faith

I consider cram a perfectly viable option, as our games follow real world time. We play every second and fourth saturday, and somehow, we just tend to get alot of calls for runs every second and fourth saturday in game time... however if a run goes long, and takes two sessions to complete, then we tend to lay low for a month. Since we have generally one "easy" fight and one "serious" fight a session, that means that really, it's using Cram once or twice a month.

If your game is on a much tighter time line, perhaps a run every week, and two to three combats a run; using cram or jazz each time would bring on the addiction quite quickly.

Different things work in different games eh?
QUOTE (EuroShadow @ Jan 26 2010, 08:52 AM) *
Doublethanks for the explanation!

I had missed this info and it seemed to me that mage can attack creatures through direct spells while manifesting. I created a bit of terror (because they couldn't do anything about it) in my group (who has no magic) when manifesting security mage came and gave a bit of pain to them.

So is there anything that security mage can do (while manifesting) if facility is being attacked? Besides scouting and informing.

A security mage can summon a spirit, call on bound spirits, dispel the runners spells, provide counter spelling to the on site security (I think), provide info to the security, and be ready to melt the face off the runner mage if he opens up astral perception.
QUOTE (Nows7 @ Jan 26 2010, 10:51 AM) *
A security mage can summon a spirit, call on bound spirits, dispel the runners spells, provide counter spelling to the on site security (I think),

Not while manifesting (which was the question asked).

QUOTE (Nows7 @ Jan 26 2010, 10:51 AM) *
provide info to the security, and be ready to melt the face off the runner mage if he opens up astral perception.


The best uses of manifesting are for warning your allies. This is useful if your meat body is lying in a vault somewhere and the allies are in the field. Otherwise it doesn't do much.
you can summon a spirit while on the Astral Plane !
and the summoned Spirit can materialise and whupass (Arsch versohlen ?) the Mundanes if the Spirit is Strong/Big enough

You can not Dispell other Spells if they're on different Planes

QUOTE (Ascalaphus @ Jan 26 2010, 11:49 AM) *
Not while manifesting (which was the question asked).

The original post asked about what a mage can do while manifesting, and a subsequent post asked about what a security mage can do at all.

Also, I do not believe that manifesting in any way prevents the summoning of a spirit, so yes a manifested mage can summon a spirit.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (Nows7 @ Jan 26 2010, 02:34 AM) *
I consider cram a perfectly viable option, as our games follow real world time. We play every second and fourth saturday, and somehow, we just tend to get alot of calls for runs every second and fourth saturday in game time... however if a run goes long, and takes two sessions to complete, then we tend to lay low for a month. Since we have generally one "easy" fight and one "serious" fight a session, that means that really, it's using Cram once or twice a month.

If your game is on a much tighter time line, perhaps a run every week, and two to three combats a run; using cram or jazz each time would bring on the addiction quite quickly.

Different things work in different games eh?

Yes, Our game tends to follow a tighter schedule than the one you play.... which is okay with me... And yes, different things in different games indeed...

Keep the Faith
"So as long as you don't say: "Hey let me just do a quick lookie into the astral" you are safe. But if you say: let me use my astral sight, there might be something hovering above you, just waiting for you to become active so he can powerbolt you into a coma." - Summerstorm

It would have to be a mana spell, not physical. Use Manabolt.
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