QUOTE (raben-aas @ Mar 25 2010, 03:27 PM)

So basically YOU of all the freelancers involved had the best reason to think that CGL WOULD pay up, since you already tried the "holding back copyright" maneuver and it worked pretty well (or okay, at least). Considering this, either (a) or (b) would have been a choice. © in my eyes is not a clean break, but rather a ... well, the solution that messes things up the worst of the three possibilities. Less knife cut, more frag grenade.
So ... Huh?
Round about the time
Vice was due to the printers, I withheld copyrights, Jason was pissed that I was fucking with his schedule, and after some time I received a check. Thus, when the current spate of resignations et al. came up, I was already mostly paid up (except for
Vice, whose payment would have been due today, and some forthcoming books where the contract was 120 days after acceptance), whereas many others had not been paid for contracts a year or two old.
So yes, it worked that time. However, my goal in withholding copyrights at that time wasn't all about me getting paid, it was desired to be an ass-kick so that Catalyst (rumors of Loren's malfeasance had already started to spread) would get off their collective asses and make right with all the freelancers. That didn't happen.
When the resignations came and some freelancers withheld their copyrights, I hesitated. I was pretty well paid up at that point, and was in the process of writing some other stuff. Despite rampant delays on all levels (including mine), there was finally some movement on several projects and I felt that withdrawing my copyrights and stopping work would be untimely, drop-in-the-bucket, and at worst an abuse of the contracts I had signed and agreed to. I was there to write, so I intended to write.
Then I got banned from the freelancer forums.
At this point, CGL had (through Jason) made some noises about they were aware of the situation and that paying off freelancers was a priority, but as expected nobody got an e-mail saying the check is in the mail. We're talking about tens of thousands of dollars here, so while it's not unexpected that maybe CGL didn't have cash-on-hand to resolve the situation that day, somebody would find it. Of course, given the "financial mismanagement" issues, there was serious concern that CGL was insolvent and unable to pay. These concerns were heightened by suggestions of "negotiations" with the freelancers and CGL's removal of certain books from distributors. So there was some serious concern about ever getting paid.
Anyway, during a freelancer chat, Jason posted up a speculative production schedule, including several books which I knew were seriously delayed or compromised by the resignation or copyright withholding of various people. I shared these concerns privately with some of the newer freelancers, who weren't as close-knit as the "old guard" (admittedly, my language in these conversations amounted to "Jason is a dirty fucking liar blowing sunshine up your ass," I was a bit agitated by the horrible contents of the main chat), one of them shared the log with Jason, Jason moved to have me banned, I was banned.
Considering the
entire reason I had stayed so far was to write and, I was being kept from doing that, my agitation over the direction of the game to which I was being barred from contributing to, and that all chances of being paid by CGL were quickly approaching zero, I considered my options. Withholding copyrights as an option was rapidly losing its appeal, because there was little chance of being paid under present circumstances. I had no desire to continue dealing with Jason as line developer on a professional level after our last dispute, and a similar desire to get away from Catalyst and what I perceived as their acceptance of long-term theft to the direct detriment of everyone involved with the company.
I did consider the impact on the books and the fans, but I was betting that Catalyst will fold before it pays off the freelancers and launches one of the books-under-question. I may be wrong. In preparation for which, Jason is no doubt busily re-writing my sections on all the books I had chapters in.
Now you, Raben, you love the game, I know. It shows in your work. The difference between us is
I have no faith in Catalyst or the people that represent it. Jason, Ghost love him, has become a mouthpiece for Randall Bills, who doesn't love anything that doesn't have giant robots in it. I can say that because I had to work with Randall during the between-developers-time, and it wasn't fucking pretty. Randall will probably back Loren until the company burns down around them, and Jason will be content spouting whatever Randall tells him. That was my chain-of-command, that's what I was dealing with: a thief (Coleman), his best friend that will always back him up (Bills), and a line developer that's willing to toe the company line (Hardy). I couldn't trust those people, and I don't think you should either - but that's just me. You have to make your own decision about how honest the company is being with you, what your relationship is to those people.