Feb 16 2004, 08:52 PM
QUOTE (Neon Tiger) |
Son of Sam ... puts on his FFBA-3 (4/1), then straps on his Vest with plates (4/3) and finally, an urban camo suit (5/3). This gives him total armor of 9/4. |
In my reading of the layering rules (SR3 p. 285), you count the main layer at full value and a second layer at half value. I see no indication that a third layer helps at all. In your example, I'd give the character a total armor of 7/4 with penalties for anyone less than Quickness 9.
By my reading of the rules, you can get to 7/5 as follows: Secure Jacket (5/3), FFBA (4/1), and Rapid Transit (CC p. 50) Heavy Jumpsuit (2/4). If you are Quickness 7 there are no penalties to this combination. To this you can add a skateboarding helmet (0/1 in my game, 35 nuyen) or Forearm Guards (0/1 against melee attacks) and get to 7/6 without penalties for a Quickness 7 character.
Feb 16 2004, 09:06 PM
Last week I was target-shooting in my trenchcoat. That worked okay. I've also played with swords in it, though.. and it did kinda get in the way.
Neon Tiger
Feb 16 2004, 09:07 PM
QUOTE (OurTeam) |
QUOTE (Neon Tiger @ Feb 16 2004, 06:57 AM) | Son of Sam ... puts on his FFBA-3 (4/1), then straps on his Vest with plates (4/3) and finally, an urban camo suit (5/3). This gives him total armor of 9/4. |
In my reading of the layering rules (SR3 p. 285), you count the main layer at full value and a second layer at half value. I see no indication that a third layer helps at all. In your example, I'd give the character a total armor of 7/4 with penalties for anyone less than Quickness 9.
By my reading of the rules, you can get to 7/5 as follows: Secure Jacket (5/3), FFBA (4/1), and Rapid Transit (CC p. 50) Heavy Jumpsuit (2/4). If you are Quickness 7 there are no penalties to this combination. To this you can add a skateboarding helmet (0/1 in my game, 35 nuyen) or Forearm Guards (0/1 against melee attacks) and get to 7/6 without penalties for a Quickness 7 character.
Well, it's true that there is no canon rules for layering more than 2 pieces of armor, so if it came up in my game, I'd just divide the third layer too. Same for any additional layers. But I guess nobody wants to wear more than 3 layers of armor, I mean he would need a hellishly big quickness score to avoid penalties.
Feb 16 2004, 09:11 PM
I also see nothing that says you CAN'T use 3 layers of armor...
Feb 16 2004, 09:19 PM
*Directs everyone to the power armor thread.
And no, I refuse to link to it.
Feb 16 2004, 09:23 PM
QUOTE (LoseAsDirected) |
I also see nothing that says you CAN'T use 3 layers of armor...  |
That's fine, but you don't get a bonus for it.
Well actually you can, but only two ballistic values and 2 impact values can be applied to the equation.
IE: FFBA 3, Rapid Transit Heavy, Armor Vest W/ Plates
Armor values 4/1, 2/4. 4/3
Combined: 6/5 (Using emboldened values)
Feb 16 2004, 09:25 PM
And what page of what book did you get that rule from?
Feb 16 2004, 09:29 PM
QUOTE (LoseAsDirected) |
And what page of what book did you get that rule from? |
QUOTE (Layering Armor @ P285, SR3) |
... add the rating of the highest rated piece to one-half (round down) the rating of the next highest rated piece of clothing or armor to determine the effective combined rating. |
Nothing there talking about the third highest rating.
Neon Tiger
Feb 16 2004, 09:30 PM
I'd say it's House Rule™ time!
So, everyone, chip in and tell us your house rules on layering armor!
Feb 16 2004, 09:33 PM
QUOTE (OurTeam) |
QUOTE (Neon Tiger @ Feb 16 2004, 06:57 AM) | Son of Sam ... puts on his FFBA-3 (4/1), then straps on his Vest with plates (4/3) and finally, an urban camo suit (5/3). This gives him total armor of 9/4. |
In my reading of the layering rules (SR3 p. 285), you count the main layer at full value and a second layer at half value. I see no indication that a third layer helps at all. In your example, I'd give the character a total armor of 7/4 with penalties for anyone less than Quickness 9.
By my reading of the rules, you can get to 7/5 as follows: Secure Jacket (5/3), FFBA (4/1), and Rapid Transit (CC p. 50) Heavy Jumpsuit (2/4). If you are Quickness 7 there are no penalties to this combination. To this you can add a skateboarding helmet (0/1 in my game, 35 nuyen) or Forearm Guards (0/1 against melee attacks) and get to 7/6 without penalties for a Quickness 7 character.
The problem: you combine the unmodified ballistic value to determine Quickness penalties.
So with three pieces of armor:
Secure Jacket 5
Heavy jumpsuit 2
The total Ballistic rating = 11.
Which means the Quickness 7 character suffers a +4 penalty to Quickness related skills as well as working on a reduced move multiplier.
Additionally, since the total Ballistic Rating is 4 points over the character's Quickness of 7, he loses two points of Combat Pool.
All that for Secure Jacket 5 + FFBA (4/2) + Jumpsuit (2/2) = 8 Ballistic
(Note, I divide the lower piece of armor by half, defaulting to the largest value for a base)
ImpactJumpsuit 4 + Secure jacket (3/2 = 1.5, round down) + FFBA (1/2 = minimum 1) = 6 Impact
However, because the total of the unmodified Impact rating (

exceeds the character's Quickness by 1, he loses another die of Combat pool.
So far: +4 penalty to Quickness tests, -3 points of Combat Pool. For an end result of 8 Ballistic/6 Impact.
Feb 16 2004, 09:34 PM
QUOTE (Siege) |
Really Kage? I've never had a problem with my trench coat and arm/shoulder flexability. Of course, I wasn't playing with a sword either. |
Yep. It's especially bad if, like me, you usually use a katana or other two-handed weapon. I'd imagine that you ought to be able to use a rapier without too much difficulty, but it does get in the way somethin' fierce when using both hands.
Ah well. Another few months and I might be strong enough to go one-handed...
Feb 16 2004, 09:39 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
QUOTE (Siege @ Feb 16 2004, 03:52 PM) | Really Kage? I've never had a problem with my trench coat and arm/shoulder flexability. Of course, I wasn't playing with a sword either. |
Yep. It's especially bad if, like me, you usually use a katana or other two-handed weapon. I'd imagine that you ought to be able to use a rapier without too much difficulty, but it does get in the way somethin' fierce when using both hands. Ah well. Another few months and I might be strong enough to go one-handed...
Cut the arms out of your long coat for a cool look and freedom with your arms.
Feb 16 2004, 09:54 PM
Not so sure about it being a cool look, and it also kinda damages all the other reasons for having a longcoat. Much simpler to spend a few days practicing a nice dramatic way of throwing it off quickly.
Feb 16 2004, 09:58 PM
... and hoping you don't get it caught when you need to.
Much better to just wear something you can fight in.
Feb 16 2004, 11:01 PM
QUOTE (Siege @ Feb 16 2004, 01:33 PM) |
The problem: you combine the unmodified ballistic value to determine Quickness penalties.
So with three pieces of armor: Secure Jacket 5 FFBA 4 Heavy jumpsuit 2
The total Ballistic rating = 11. |
Siege, the FFBA does not count toward Combat Pool Loss or penalties to Quickness Tests or penalties to Quickness-linked Skill tests. See Cannon Companion p. 51.
If you have an older printing, also include the
Errata for Cannon Companion (search for "Page 51" or "Body Armor").
This is why the FFBA is sometimes called "Shadowrunner Underware".
Feb 16 2004, 11:02 PM
QUOTE (OurTeam) |
QUOTE (Siege @ Feb 16 2004, 01:33 PM) | The problem: you combine the unmodified ballistic value to determine Quickness penalties.
So with three pieces of armor: Secure Jacket 5 FFBA 4 Heavy jumpsuit 2
The total Ballistic rating = 11. |
Siege, the FFBA does not count toward Combat Pool Loss or penalties to Quickness Tests or penalties to Quickness-linked Skill tests. See Cannon Companion p. 51. If you have an older printing, also include the Errata for Cannon Companion (search for "Page 51" or "Body Armor"). |
Damn, I knew I was forgetting something.
Oops, my bad.
John Campbell
Feb 16 2004, 11:03 PM
Sounds to me like you need to get a coat that fits you. I've never had any trouble with my London Fog binding in the shoulders, even when I was using my bastard sword or other two-handed weapon. The tails don't get in my way, either... my sword shouldn't be down there in the first place, and they're not long enough to trip over. It actually provides some advantages... I've had people miss leg shots because they were attacking the coat instead of where I actually was.
Feb 16 2004, 11:08 PM
When I mentioned the length of a long coat as a possible entanglement, I was thinking more along the lines of skulking and creeping and crawling that might accompany a SR.

Feb 16 2004, 11:11 PM
Sounds to me like you need to get a coat that fits you. |
Or more precisely, one that doesn't fit. High quality overcoats should be relatively fitted around the shoulders, just like a well-tailored suit or tux. Such clothing isn't designed for any type of athletic activity.
Feb 16 2004, 11:16 PM
Well and sometimes you just need to clam-shell up your troll to go in the door first with a big gun (strength based skill). He can't run, he can't dodge, but he has over 10 points of balistic armor and 13+ body. And everyone else can use him for cover.
Feb 16 2004, 11:25 PM
Instead of the Rapid Transit jumpsuit, look at the Winterized Coverall.
4/4 rating with a higher concealability (10 versus 6).

Feb 16 2004, 11:59 PM
Yeah, but that should have some in-game effects. It is, afterall, designed for a cold climate. Use something like that on a high-intesity shadowrun on a warm day and you'll be sweeting bullets.
Feb 17 2004, 12:01 AM
Ahhh, but the Winter Coverall doesn't come with 10 colours and patterns.
Virtual Rutherium at a low low prices.
Feb 17 2004, 12:18 AM
There is an additional reason that multiple armor layers are a Good Idea
Armor modification is limited per piece of armor to a numbe rof points equal to balistic plus impact. so, I can put non-conductive 5 on my FFBA, and on my full camo suit i could put up to 8 points of mods, and chemical seal is a good one.
Now, thermal dampning is nice too. It dones nasty things to the availibility though (mine is on the wild hunt anti-sensor camo).
With enough armor, you can get some good stuff. And only insulation and gel packs add any weight- the rest is just cost and availibility.
of course you cant layer anything with gel, and hardened 5/3 isnt as good as it sounds, since it only really stops holdouts.
As for the layering limit- Just get FFBA, some other armor, and a balistic shield. easy 10/4 armor with a camo suit or armor jacket, for quickness 8+ (fear the quickness 9 dwarf).
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 17 2004, 01:20 AM
QUOTE (Teulisch) |
so, I can put non-conductive 5 on my FFBA, |
Read that again. The total mods are impact+ballistic, no one mod can surpass whichever of the two is higher.
Feb 17 2004, 01:26 AM
No one has topped my combo yet. Is it possible that the Troll/Military Armor/Assualt Cannon/Cyberware/Spell Shielding combination is the ultimate PC killing combo? (Juggernaut does not count as there are no 3rd ed. rules for it.)
Feb 17 2004, 01:31 AM
Sigh... Vampire mage with assessories. Like the military armour you like so much and oh, lookie here! Free Blood Spirit with Hidden Life in the Vampire! Can you say Immunity to Normal Weapons in solid(not mist) mode?
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 17 2004, 01:34 AM
QUOTE (Hecatonchires) |
(Juggernaut does not count as there are no 3rd ed. rules for it.) |
Just to check, you're not talking about the armadillo of doom on page 33 of the Critters book are you?
Feb 17 2004, 01:47 AM
Yes I am. Emphatically the Armadillo of Doom!
Feb 17 2004, 01:48 AM
Then it is in the 3rd Ed rules, man. 3rd ed Critter has the jug.
Feb 17 2004, 01:51 AM
Is it possible that the Troll/Military Armor/Assualt Cannon/Cyberware/Spell Shielding combination is the ultimate PC killing combo? |
Properly played, a 15 year old street kid can be just as lethal.
Feb 17 2004, 01:59 AM
QUOTE (TheScamp) |
QUOTE | Is it possible that the Troll/Military Armor/Assualt Cannon/Cyberware/Spell Shielding combination is the ultimate PC killing combo? |
Properly played, a 15 year old street kid can be just as lethal.
Feb 17 2004, 02:00 AM
Sure he can. Just give him a sniper rifle, or make him otaku, or some plastique. But not in terms of being able to take and deal raw physical damage.
@Toturi I don't know if you have tried to find the GM screen and Critters recently but I have and it's not happening. I even wrote WizKids and they directed me to a site that's supposed to have almost anything I could want and while their collection was impressive they lacked the GM screen. If you know where I can get one it would be greatly appreciated.
Feb 17 2004, 02:19 AM
I hate to say this...
But you can get it on File sharing services.
NOTE: I only got it to convert my PAoNA powers.
Feb 17 2004, 02:26 AM
QUOTE (toturi) |
Then it is in the 3rd Ed rules, man. 3rd ed Critter has the jug. |
Gotta love a nice pair of jugs...
Feb 17 2004, 02:27 AM
Please, Siege. I've had my fill of puns for today.
Feb 17 2004, 02:28 AM
QUOTE (toturi) |
Please, Siege. I've had my fill of puns for today. |
That wasn't a pun -- that was thinly veiled innuendo.

Feb 17 2004, 02:35 AM
QUOTE (Siege) |
QUOTE (toturi @ Feb 17 2004, 02:27 AM) | Please, Siege. I've had my fill of puns for today. |
That wasn't a pun -- that was thinly veiled innuendo. Please.  -Siege |
Oh baby. Puns make me so hot.
Feb 17 2004, 02:36 AM
QUOTE (k1tsune) |
QUOTE (Siege @ Feb 16 2004, 09:28 PM) | QUOTE (toturi @ Feb 17 2004, 02:27 AM) | Please, Siege. I've had my fill of puns for today. |
That wasn't a pun -- that was thinly veiled innuendo. Please.  -Siege |
Oh baby. Puns make me so hot.
Stop that! I can't outrun you and REM at the same time...
Feb 17 2004, 02:36 AM
And me.
Feb 17 2004, 02:38 AM
QUOTE (moosegod) |
And me.
Dude, I am not interested in a little prick...
John Campbell
Feb 17 2004, 02:44 AM
QUOTE (Hecatonchires) |
No one has topped my combo yet. Is it possible that the Troll/Military Armor/Assualt Cannon/Cyberware/Spell Shielding combination is the ultimate PC killing combo? |
You've obviously not considered the potential capabilities of your basic rigger. I can, without much difficulty, build a custom drone that will bounce assault cannon rounds without even the formalities of damage resistance checks, and return fire with naval damage scale weaponry. Used to be I could even do it for a low enough price tag and Availability that a starting PC could get one. Or several. Rigger 3 Revised closed the Availability loophole, but the vehicles themselves are still perfectly legal... and since your military armor and PAC troll is obviously ignoring Availability restrictions....
If you want raw hurting people and breaking things capability, and ability to absorb same from others without ill effect, nothing a metahuman can tote around can hold a candle to what a properly equipped rigger can dish out.
Feb 17 2004, 02:55 AM
QUOTE (Layering Armor @ P285, SR3) |
... add the rating of the highest rated piece to one-half (round down) the rating of the next highest rated piece of clothing or armor to determine the effective combined rating. You didn't quote the whole text. |
You should have listed the full quote, you left out the most important part.
QUOTE (Layering Armor PG. 285) |
Characters can layer armor for more protection, though even layered armor has limited effects. When wearing *more than one layer of armor...
If they meant only two, they would have said two. They said more than one. To determine your armor you take the highest rated piece (minus FFBA) and then divide the rest of your armor in half.
*Emphasis mine.
John Campbell
Feb 17 2004, 03:01 AM
QUOTE (Shadow) |
If they meant only two, they would have said two. They said more than one. To determine your armor you take the highest rated piece (minus FFBA) and then divide the rest of your armor in half. |
No. You take the highest-rated piece, then divide the next-highest-rated piece in half. You can wear more layers beyond that, but the rules do not provide for them having any effect on your armor rating.
Feb 17 2004, 03:04 AM
Just because the example only provides for two does not mean thats it. They don't say only two. They don't say you can't have more than two. The only thing they say is,
That is a direct quote, not something I made up. Explain to me please how that means only two?
Feb 17 2004, 03:07 AM
Sure he can. Just give him a sniper rifle, or make him otaku, or some plastique. |
No, I'm just talking about your basic 15 year old kid who lives in the sprawl.
But not in terms of being able to take and deal raw physical damage. |
Ah, now I see. You're taking the "least imagination possible" approach to giving PC's a hard time.
Just because the example only provides for two does not mean thats it. They don't say only two. They don't say you can't have more than two. |
The explanation given says that you take the highest piece, which means only one - the piece with the biggest number for that particular armor type (ie, ballistic or impact). It then says that you take half of the next highest piece. It ends there. That's how the rule text itself is written; the later example is merely a duplication of that specific bit of language.
John Campbell
Feb 17 2004, 03:21 AM
Okay, here's the full quote:
QUOTE (SR3 p.285) |
When wearing more than one layer of armor, add the rating of the highest-rated piece to one-half (round down) the rating of the next highest-rated piece of clothing or armor to determine the effective combined rating. |
You're correct that there is no restriction placed on the number of pieces of armor you can wear. However, per the quoted rule, only the highest-rated piece and the next highest-rated piece are considered in the calculation of the effective combined rating. Neither the third highest-rated piece nor any subsequent pieces are included in the calculation. It does not say "the next highest-rated piece and any pieces after that", or anything to that effect. Just the highest-rated piece and the next highest-rated piece. Two pieces.
You can wear as much as you want, as much as your carrying capacity and Quickness allow. But only the two highest-rated pieces have any effect on your armor rating.
edit: And note that the actual effect of that "more than one" that you keep harping on is to underscore that this rule, with the calculation that takes into account only the best two layers of armor, applies in any case where the character is wearing more than one layer of armor, not merely to cases where they're wearing only two layers.
Feb 17 2004, 03:34 AM
You may indeed be correct. I just don't think so

I think that if you were to wear more than two pieces you would indeed start to look like a punching bag as they say. But I think FFBA, a vest, and a Longcoat would work. without making you look like the Michelin Man. I guess I will have to wait for the FAQ to be updated.
Feb 17 2004, 03:36 AM
But it does not specify HOW to determine the highest rating. Is 4/4 higher rated than 5/3? Or is 6/2 higher than 2/6?
Feb 17 2004, 04:02 AM
It depends on which armor value you're calculating. Do them seperately.
Note that this can make wearing three or more pieces of armor useful, even with the rule that only two layers apply to any particular rating. Example:
Form fitting body armor, 4/1
Armor Jacket, 5/3
Genuine Leather, 0/2
This person has Ballistic 7 (5 + 4/2) and Impact 4 (3 + 2/2). Without the extra leather layer, they'd have Impact 3 (3 + 1/2 rounded down).
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