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Crimson Jack
What spells would you like to see in the next Grimoire that are sorely missing and would enhance the game without breaking it (as in Teleportation)?
Brown Note for disabling guards en masse (and in mess)
See southpark for details.
Extremely high-frequency sound generation for handily reducing guards to vegetables.

While not exactly a spell, how about an adept power that mimicks the aiming function of a smartgun link.
Exploring alternative physical adepts -- either new powers or broadening possible horizons like social skills, enhanced pheremones and so on.

Or, opening new uses of powers based on other powers obtained, such as having the hearing amp ability and the emotion sensing ability allows the phys ad to act as a human lie detector
Enhanced amp?

I fixed, sorry. Hearing amplitude
Ahhh, got it.

That would be an interesting set of house rules -- not only for adepts, but creative uses of cyber to boot.

true, but cyber won't clue you in on emotional state.
Why not? We can do voice-stress analysis right now. It's not perfect, but I can't imagine an equation to deduce emotional state is impossible.
Because machines are far more easily fooled than magic. Yes you could attempt it, but it would require some special cyberware connections, encephalon, memory, possibly an inducer to mentalize the inputs, either a special voice-stress skill or a program to simulate it, some serious micro-vision cyber, etc.
At the risk of derailing this thread -- while empathic sense would give you an edge on someone, voice stress analysis, enhanced olfactory and arguably thermo would still provide a pretty cutting edge evaluation technique.

Of course, I'd also like to see some Way of Magic phys ad only spells in the next version. Or empathic sense opened up as an edge.
Because machines are far more easily fooled than magic. Yes you could attempt it, but it would require some special cyberware connections, encephalon, memory, possibly an inducer to mentalize the inputs, either a special voice-stress skill or a program to simulate it, some serious micro-vision cyber, etc.

Really? I'd think that's a matter of opinion. Magic does exactly what it's supposed to do, just like code. Remember how you can not set off a Detect Enemies spell if you don't have anything personal against the person you're going to kill? Remember how you can make Detect Enemies go crazy if someone cuts you off in traffic?

I'd think you'd need a lot of 'ware to collect the data that would lead to the creation of a database of vocal intonation, physical clues, etc etc but once that's done a very simple program could handle it. That would be done by the 'ware manufacturer. I would personally call a voice-stress analyzer type thing a relatively simple and small piece of 'ware. With a headware computer - or even a dedicated little processor similar to the one in a smartgun link - I'd think you could do a lot more.

edit - added quote. too many people posting at once! smile.gif
Fair enough. Magic can be fooled by intent, but this isn't a spell, per se.
Right, but the person "reading" the magic could also be fooled.

Trying to read the emotional content of a sociopath or a psychopath would provide potentially different readings than, say, a normal person.

The responses to stimuli are different and have to be interpreted.

I would imagine a professional Johnson undergoes biofeedback training to develop the ultimate pokerface. (yes, please no Johnson jokes)

That could be a good idea for an active skill, similair to the skill sim-sense stars pick up to emote the proper track for the recording.
You mean like "Acting"? grinbig.gif

With the advent of simsense tech, simsense starlets just have to learn acting on a whole new level.

Or they slot the mood-chips to generate the proper emotion at the proper time.

Which, I have to imagine would be pretty damned draining to have someone punching buttons and running your body through a gauntlet of physical/emotional responses.

QUOTE (Nikoli)
Of course, I'd also like to see some Way of Magic phys ad only spells in the next version. Or empathic sense opened up as an edge.

I agree.
Large Mike

You know what's needed? Turn to Goo.
QUOTE (Large Mike)
You know what's needed? Turn to Goo.


"Urban Renewal"!

My first physical adept with a sword paid the mage to cast that spell in the background when he entered combat.

"There can be only one!"

Crimson Jack
QUOTE (Large Mike)
You know what's needed? Turn to Goo.

Until some toxic shammy uses it on you. Heh.
I want more specific rules for noticing the effects of Mind Probe, Control Thoughts, and the like. I have a shaman with some lovely mind magic; as long as he's just pushing gangers around it's no problem, but once he starts messing with the corps he's going to have to be more careful. How much more careful? By the book, there's no way to be sure. Kagetenshi is my GM, so the answer is "really really fraggin' careful", but an actual game mechanic would still be nice.

QUOTE (Nikoli)
Of course, I'd also like to see some Way of Magic phys ad only spells in the next version.

I don't understand this. No other type of awakened spellcaster has unique spells, so why should a half-assed one have access to them?
Moonstone Spider
Mental Adepts:

A concept I came up with a while back but never really tested much. The reverse of a physad, the Mentad (no, not Mentat although it amounts to the same thing) can buy such powers as improve Mental Attribute, Mental Attribute Boost, and improved ability for things like biotech, electronics, or etiquette (My rules said .25 per die for knowledge, language, and b/r skills and .5 for all other active skills linked to a mental attribute).

Powers also included the ability to fog the memory of others and powers that acted like the spells "Mind probe" "Control Emotion/thought/action" and "detect intelligence" with no drain.

Other powers were similar to the critter powers influence, fear, and glamour.
Reason being, no other caster has the mind set for magic that the casting phys ad does. They have a unique outlook on the magical world.
QUOTE (Nikoli)
Reason being, no other caster has the mind set for magic that the casting phys ad does. They have a unique outlook on the magical world.

As do all spellcasters. A Hermetic definitely views his magic in a differing light than does a Shaman. Both of these are alien to the Voodoun practitioner, while the Psionic is another matter entirely.

I fail to see the rationale for giving Adepts of the Magical Way a totally unique spellset, unless you are willing to do that with every single variation of awakened spellcaster.
All mages can have a unique outlook on the magical world.
Herald of Verjigorm
QUOTE (Fortune)
so why should a half-assed one have access to them?

Well, if they are explicitly half-assed spells...
hehe, nice touch Herald.

Good point about each has it's own world view. Forgot about that point.
Moonstone Spider
Getting back to spells, there's a lot of room for abuse with the transformation manipulations. Create Food opens up a lot of possibilities for spells creating things, and better yet it's only S drain and what it creates lasts forever. Were I a gunbunny inclined mage I'd learn Create AV ammo first thing, quickly followed by create grenade, create milspec armor, etc. Since it can be a drag running out of fuel I'd learn create Gasoline. When I get low on Karma I'd whip out my create Gold spell and buy myself a few million nuyen worth of Karma just like spirits do with Create Wealth. Wait, forget gold, I'm learning create Orichalcum instead, So I can make a force 11 transformation manipulation foci and use 100 units of orichalcum to make it absurdly cheap to bond. With that I can create even more and sell it, Then I'd use the Karma to learn even nastier create spells (After 69 initiations in order to have the magic attribute to make such vast objects, quickly followed by a Create Force 25 Power Foci spell and a Create force 50 transformation manipulation spell) like create drone, create Anti-vehicular missile, create aircraft carrier, etc. I'd save the environment by teaching Ecologist groups spells to create manufactured goods so that there's no need to mine or log or do anything else in order to make money off the environment, ushering in a new golden age of peace and endless wealth for all.

Obviously no GM in his right mind would actually allow a player to do this. And neither would I. But it's perfectly legit by the rules.

Another spell that seriously needs fixing is the series of improve reflex spells. Those spells are totally broken, not by their effect but because Improve Reflexes 3 cast at force 99 with 10,000 successes has absolutely identical effects to Improve Reflexes 3 with force 1 and 1 success. Nobody ever learns it at a higher force or uses more than 2 die to cast it with, hence it's drain never applies. The entire series needs to be scrapped and replaced with a single spell where total number of initiative die is linked to successes and force like other spells.
I'd allow it. It'd be pretty neat, humanity living in peace and tranquility until the Horrors come and eat everyone.
Well, that is to say, I'd allow it if I didn't mind, y'know, the campaign ending.

I disallowed all spells that create something from nothing, permanently. Such as create food.
My feeling was that food was creatable because food is simple structure, I'd never allow technological or magical items to be created, but say, Amish style clothing made of cotton (no buttons, etc.) would be okay, or hemp rope, etc.
QUOTE (Nikoli)
My feeling was that food was creatable because food is simple structure, I'd never allow technological or magical items to be created, but say, Amish style clothing made of cotton (no buttons, etc.) would be okay, or hemp rope, etc.

In that case, create gold should be even easier!! It's only a single lump of a single element...
Yes, but people will notice that someone has been dealing in a lot of gold lately...
It's little different than teh create wealth power of some critters. JUst make it a hellishly high drain for a PC (we're talking they will likely suffer magic loss from casting it but once) and it will balance out. that money does little good if you keep using the money to buy kara to initiate and get your magic attribute back so you can cast the spell to start the whole cycle over again.
QUOTE (simonw2000)
Yes, but people will notice that someone has been dealing in a lot of gold lately...

The gold created would also have the casters as tral signature, making it rather touchy to get rid of such wealth if someone can ritual back to you. biggrin.gif

The scary thought is manipulation of nuclear physics. Induce Fission anyone? biggrin.gif
Neon Tiger
Do you really need more crappy spells that no-one uses? I don't think so. There's more than enough spells in the BBB and MiTS, and if you really need soemthing that's not there, hell, that's why the spell design rules are there.
I've PMed seige, but I wrote a reasonably comprehensive set of adept rules for 'empathic' or 'artistic' adepts. it included new powers and some metamagic, ranging from emotionally 'tweaking' other people using some sort of audible performance, sonic attacks (cost more than killing hands but I didn't go as far as secondary effects though I think it needs it), right up to magically enhanced mnemonic abilities. Certain powers could only be bought if the metamagic was learned.

Anyway, all I'm saying is if anyone wants any ideas on that line, let me know and you can read it over. I was going to use it as the basis for an official submission but got an attack of nerves and chickened out but anyone who wants to is welcome to look.
Expanding the metamagic skills would be nice, I think there is a lot more out there that could be axpanded upon.
Like just how useful is centering to a phys ad?
Why couldn't they learn psychometry?
Adding a special form of astral projection (metaplane only) so that aspected magicians and phys ad's could go on spirit quests would be nice
I would tend to allow an adept who could astrally perceive access to metamagics which would realistically only require that (and maybe a skill other than sorcery) to work, like psychometry.

Centering is INCREDIBLY useful to an adept. They sometimes get more use out of it than magicians do! The basic centering grants them a significant advantage, then they can learn it again for melee combat skills, again for ranged combat skills and on for most physical skills. It doth rock. A decent grade physad with a few lots of centering can do some truly staggering things!
Good to know. Though expensive to learn. Gotcha
Should say - *I* would allow them to learn psychometry. I'm not sure whether the book does.

and adepts on the spirit way - i.e. shamanic physads - can at GMs discretion go on quests if their totem takes them.

The rest just have to do it the hard way. I've seen various house rules about an adept power of astral projection with a prerequisite of buying astral perception power as well, costing 6 power points. This is a fairly standard take on it from what I can tell for people who allow it (I don't). So a starting character couldn't do it cos they couldn't have both powers with the points they have available. But its a reasonably balanced house rule. 6 magic points is a LOT of karma and points saved up.
Don't really need many more spells. However, new magic rules would be useful.

Spell matrices.

A real psionics magic variant, instead of the bad jokes about "Focus and clear your mind!!!1!" nuts. Or at least a more 'neutral' magic practice... something more akin to instinctive spellcasting than god-based (shamans) or book based (hermetics).

More fun physad abilities. Wall-running would be neat. wink.gif

Advance the metaplot a little. Bug spirits, shedim, Horrors, so forth...
An idea for psionics without changing the nature of magic in SR...
Because of their approach to magic, psionicists don't need to learn spells. They can cast anything.
They also take übernasty drain for everything unless they take a long time to cast it. If they take their time (primitive Matrices?) they can potentially get it down to the level that their normal counterparts would take casting it.

Disclaimer: not entirely thought through for balance.

Herald of Verjigorm
My take on the idea Kag made:
Psionics can learn a spell in 0 time without a need for research materials. In addition to the normal tests, the psionist must make a willpower test at the force of the spell to "realize the inner strength" or something like that.

This makes a very stubborn psionic the ultimate at improvisation once it has a dozen or two unused karma.
I like the changes. Add in a rule for how frequently someone can try to relearn the same spell and a few other tweaks (or potentially allow people to retry as much as they want but make them pay karma every time) and a few other things and you've got yourself a decently-balanced character type, I think. I may have to playtest it at some point.

Moonstone Spider
QUOTE (Nikoli)
My feeling was that food was creatable because food is simple structure, I'd never allow technological or magical items to be created, but say, Amish style clothing made of cotton (no buttons, etc.) would be okay, or hemp rope, etc.

Actually food is millions of times more complex than, say, an APDS round of ammo, and a sandwhich actually contains more chemical energy than a modern hand grenade. Note I said modern, not Shadowrun where Grenades make almost no sense.

There's no logical reason why create food should not allow, say, create bullets. To be edible the food has to contain hundreds of compounds, and keep in mind that created food is nourishing so it must contain every thing required for life.

That means it needs a minimum of 9 amino acids, around 12 vitamins, a minimum of 3 complex fatty acids, and a minimum of 18 inorganic ions (minerals).

Compare this with an ASPD bullet, which can be made out of 1 complex compound for the propellant, a single-element spike of tungsten (or Uranium if you want some real punch) for the flechette, and a simple sheath to pop off when the bullet leaves the barrel. Saying people can't make bullets but can make food is like saying your civilization is advanced enough to build the space shuttle but never learned how to make fire.

Same with gaseoline, a complex hydrocarbon, and Orichalcum which is a mere alloy of 5 elements simpler than any one of those nasty amino acids for the food. And selling Orichalcum discreetly wouldn't leave you open to a trace since any aura of yours would be overladen with the aura of the person who makes a foci out of it.

Once you get to the level of, say, create Cyberdeck or Create Aircraft carrier you start getting more complex than food. Some of those compounds in things like advanced plastics and synthetic armor will be too complex. But stuff like create fuel, create ammo, and create grenade should have an L or at most M drain considering something as nightmarishly complex as nourishing food can be created with S drain.

Oh yes, psionicists definetly need a boost, they are the ones who really deserve their own personal spell catagory since they've lost some of their own. Kag's idea's pretty good too.
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