QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Sep 9 2010, 04:45 PM)
I disagree... Elemental Strike has a given effect, and you cannot increase it with Killing Hands... You EITHER use Killing Hands (Or an Elemental Effect that uses actual Physical Damage) to kill/incapacitate your opponent, or you use an Elemental Effect (Regardless if your Killing hands is on or not; note that ES will still affect the Spirit here) that is Stun based to capture/incapacitate your opponent.... Two very different results here, for Two very different reasons...
There are only 3 Elemental Effects statted that deal Stun Damage, every other one is Physical... so your Elemental Strike using Fire that you used as an example still deals physical damage... and your Elemental Smoke does not "Blow-Up" anything, as it is Stun, and vehicles do not take stun damage, but it is very good for penalizing your opponents, and the Half Armor is Canon for all Elemental Strike Effects...
For reference:
Killing Hands :
This power uses magic to turn unarmed attacks into lethal, physical
damage. When participating in unarmed combat, you may do
normal Stun damage or declare the use of Killing Hands and inflict an
equal amount of Physical damage instead. Killing Hands may be used
with Critical Strike (p. 195).
A Killing Hands attack may also be used against creatures with
Immunity to Normal Weapons (p. 295) to inflict either Stun or
Physical damage; their defensive bonuses do not count against Killing
Hands. Killing Hands can also be used in astral combat (see Astral
Combat, p. 193).
Elemental Strike:
This power can only be developed by characters who
already possess the Killing Hands power (p. 188, SR4).
Elemental Strike enhances the effects of Killing Hands with an
elemental effect (see pp. 164–165 of this book and pp. 154–
155, SR4). The specific elemental effect must be chosen at the
time the power is bought, though an adept may take this power
more than once to achieve different elemental effects (only
one elemental effect may be applied per strike). While active,
the power wreathes the adept’s hands with a visible effect appropriate
to the chosen element. Activating Elemental Strike
is a Simple Action, after which the effect lasts for (Magic attribute)
Combat Turns. Given the focus it demands, Elemental
Strike may not be combined with Distance Strike.
So what part of enhancing your killing hands implies it turns it off so it goes to stun? In fact it happens when you hit, so I turn on my elemental strike and where does it say I can not have my killing hands on at the same time making it physical damage. If anything since it says it is enhancing your killing hands I'd say the more logical assumption is no matter what the element damage type claims to be(and given that spells ignore it it is hardly an absolute rule and more a default suggestion) it will be physical because it always used in conjunction with killing hands. (the turn stun damage to physical damage power)
As for the armor penetration I have seen many people prefer an interpretation where the elemental effects they were going for is the side effects and not the 1/2 armor part. It is more of what they think the RAI is as opposed to the RAW, since 1/2 armor+side effects for .5 even though you have to activate it vastly outperforms things like penetrating strike.