So I did a complete rework of Redeye. Here are some major points.
Being unSURGEd human is very meh outside of certain builds. Being an ork is much better. Formori is really awesome if you can afford it. Arcane Arrestor is one of the few ways for a mundane to have any defense against magic worth the name. SURGE is just a big pile of points. You don't even have to be a freak unless you want to be one. Metagentic Improvement and Biocompability is just too good for its price.
Sadly in SR4, cybereyes and cyberears aren't very good. With easy to get optics and sensor suites, it's just better to carry them around and save your Essence. The complete sucking that is the cyberskull is also sad. I tried to make something of it, but I couldn't, there isn't the room for it. If you can live with just wearing a respirator, things become so much easier. Cyberware is awesome, but just a matter of picking the right ones. I hope you feel sufficiently cyborg with Move By Wire, a cyberarm, and commlinks with DNI.
Move-by-Wire 2 is a very efficient Essence package for what you get. It's Wired Reflexes 2, Reaction Enhancer 2, and Skillwires 4 for 85000Y and 3 Essence. Since the package is normally 60000Y and 4.4 Essence, you're playing 25000Y and a Restricted Gear for 1.4 Essence. I believe this to be a very good deal. You can get it Second Hand for 42500Y and 3.6 Essence and that's just a steal. You also get +2 to dodge tests which is just a freebie.
The cyberarm of awesome (which my friends call this tactic) is what lets you pass off as a street samurai. Sell down your body and agility and buy a customized cyberlimb with a lot of enhancements. It'll average out with your low base stats to give you a decent body and agility score overall. It may or may not be cheap. I'm just happy for an edition where cyberlimbs are generically useful rather at best niche and at worst useless. However, if you use an one-handed firearm, you use the super-enhanced agility giving you a respectable combat pool. This combined with a great body score, good armor, and a reaction of 9 means you're also hard to hurt.
Nanohive with Neocortical 3 is pretty cheap and easy to fit into your cyberarm. It gives you +3 dice to all your logic-linked skills (
not to logic tests) as long as you can focus. It's a nice pile of points for when you can take your time. PuSHeD works similar and is a nice way to get an extra dice.
You forgot to get a Fake SIN. While GMs might overlook fake licenses, they won't overlook lack of a Fake SIN. I also bought a second commlink for your "public" face. Keep the one in your arm in hidden mode.
I went with automatics rather than pistols. Automatics covers a larger field of useful niches and you can get a machine pistol almost as concealable as a heavy pistol. Stay with SMGs or lighter so you can one hand them. The Praetor is an great SMG for when you need to lay things down. Be sure to palm it when you can (with a 6 die palming check you can an addition -2 to concealing stuff). If you can buy a longcoat for another -2 conceal, do it.
The only huge flaw with this character is the giant gapping wound that is lack of Charisma skills. Your best bet is to grab some pirated skillsofts ASAP. That'll give you a 5 die pool. Terrible for doing stuff, but merely "slightly below average." However your old character was in a similar boat and if you're in deep trouble, there's edge (which you now have 5 extra dice).
The build has some spare cash left. You can buy an agent, heavier guns, fake licenses, or some cyberware. If you want more points for something, you may want to drop cybercombat and let your agents fight while you do other stuff like spoofing. I didn't check Knowledge skills so I leave that to you.
In game, you want several things. The first is a Response 6 chip. That'll give you that +2 to all programs you need. The second is pirated skillsofts and a tacnet. Lastly, you can decide how you'll want to run that TacNet. I like to run it off a secondary commlink, but you can run it off your main if you want.
With Karma, buy specializations first. Then you can buy whatever you want.
[ Spoiler ]
Free CP: 0
Free Cash: 11475Y
tl;dr Summary:
Hacking on the Fly Dice Pool: 14(17) = Hacking 6 + Exploit 4 (System limited) + PuSHeD 1 + Codeslinger 2 + Optimized(Exploit) 1 + (If Focused: Neocoritcal 3)
Automatics Dice Pool: 14 = Agility 8 + Automatics 4 + Smartlink 2
Formori (45 BP) -As a SURGEd Formori, Redeye is thin and scrawny for a troll. SURGEing also messed up his immune system. While it integrates cyberware quite well, it is weaker against foreign invaders. For this and other reasons, Redeye wears a respirator whenever he can.
Positive Qualities:
Codeslinger (Hack on the Fly) (10 BP)
Analytical Mind (5 BP)
-Biocompatability (Cyberware) 10
-Metagenic Improvement (Agility) 20
-Reduced Attribute(Strength) -5
-Reduced Attribute (Charisma) -5
-Extragavent Eyes (Yellow Orb) -5
Restricted Ware MBW 2 (5BP)
Codeblock (Repair) -5
Addiction (Mild) Stimulants -5
Spirit Bane (Beasts) -10
Weak Immune System -5
Slow Healer -10
Attributes: Base(Modified)[Limb]
Body 6(10)[14] (0 BP)
Agility 2(5)[8] (0 BP)
Reaction 5(9) (40 BP)
Strength 5(4)[3] (0 BP)
Charisma 1 (0 BP)
Intuition 4 (30 BP)
Logic 4 (30 BP)
Willpower 3 (20 BP)
Edge 5 (40 BP)
Init: 9(13)
Passes: 1(3)
Essence 1.36
Cybercombat 4 (16BP)
Hacking 6 (24 BP)
Electronic Warfare 4 (16 BP)
Electronics group 4 (40 BP)
Stealth group 1 (10 BP)
Automatics 4 (16 BP)
Perception 1 (4 BP)
Knowledge: Data Havens 5
Knowledge: Illegal Augmentation Traffickers 3
Knowledge: Arms Dealers 2
Knowledge: North American Smuggling Routes 2
Knowledge: Matrix Security Design 5
Language: English N
Language: Russian 4
Language: Japanese 3
Gear: 50CP Spent (250000Y)
Obvious Cyberarm Ess: 1 15000Y (note this has an availability of 12)
Customized (Body 5, Agility 3) 12000Y
Datajack 1 500Y
Nanohive + 3 Neocortical 2 25000
Agility Boost 3 (3) 750
Body Boost 3 (3) 400
Gyromount 4 6000
Commlink 2 2000
Capacity Free 0
Second Hand Move By Wire 2 42,500Y Ess:3.6
Pushed 15000Y .1
Simrig (Cold) 5000Y .5
12500Y Transys Avalon Novatech Navi Response 4 Signal 4 System 6 Firewall 5 Optimized (Exploit) Cyptosense Module (for your sensors)
Common Use Programs 4200Y
-Analyze 6
-Browse 6
-Command 6
-Edit 6
-Encrypt 6
-Reality Filter 6
-Scan 6
Hacking Programs 72,000Y
-Armor 6
-Attack 6
-Decrypt 6
-Defuse 6
-Exploit 6
-Medic 6
-Sniffer 6
-Spoof 6
-Stealth 6
-Track 6
-Biofeedback Filter 6
Lifestyle (Middle, 1 month) 5000Y
Medkit 6 600Y
Medkit supplies x4 200Y
Tag eraser 150Y
Handheld sensor package + Skinlink 500Y
Radio signal scanner 6
Laser microphone 6
Glue sprayer 150Y
Earbuds with Audio 3, Skinlink 380Y
Contact Lens 3 w/ Imagelink, Flame Comp, Vision Enchancement 3, Skinlink 475
Glasses w/ Smartlink, Vision Magification, Low-Light, Skinlink 850
Microsensor w/ Ultrasound, Skinlink 1050
Microsensor w/ Cyberware Scanner, Skinlink 500
Respirator 6 150Y
Fake SIN 4 4000Y
Novatech Airware + Iris Orb 2500Y
Overdrive x10 1500Y
Skinweb Array 200Y
Armor: 16/12 (13/11 for encumbrance)
Full FFBA 6/2 1600Y
Armor Jacket 8/6 900Y
Secure Tech PPP System 2/4 -900
Forearm Guards, Leg and Arms Casings, Shin guards, Vitals Protector
Ballistic Shield 6/4 (22/16 total, 19/15 for encumbrance) 1500Y
Styer TMP 4P SA/BF/FA 30©
Recoil Comp: 6 = Gas-Vent 3 + Gyromount 3
Concealment: +1=2-1
Accessories: Gast-Vent 3, Concealable Holster, Smartgun External
Cost: 1475=600+400+400+75
60 SnS Rounds (2 clips), 60 Flechette (2 clips) 1095Y
Group Contact:
The Eye (15/4) (19 BP)