Doc Chase
Dec 21 2010, 08:39 PM
QUOTE (sabs @ Dec 21 2010, 09:26 PM)

Yeah, we don't want to do that either. Although it effects what we want to write pretty severely

I like your idea of an AMZ sanctioned run even better than my Agent Orange idea.. although I guess they could be the same thing. Well, let us know so that you guys can use the setting in a direction you like

Hah. You know, that might be a hell of a slap in the face.
So Amazonia has been hiring runner teams to infiltrate Azzie locations and disable defenses by way of hacking the security and leaving backdoors and certain files - one of which would be the 'incriminating evidence' of Aztlan's intent to take over Caracas and the tactics of using their special ops teams to sow terror among the locals. Afterward, they would send their sanctioned team in to find this wonderful information, thereby having definitive proof to bring to the UN that Aztlan is being naughty.
By happenstance, or perhaps the team sold their Johnson out, so many things that can happen - the Azzies swap the paydata from the incriminating evidence to information 'proving' Amazonia was the one that sent the kill teams to destabilize Caracas so they could move in, displace the population and 'return the city to nature'. They make a show of stopping the Amazonians, then accuse them on the global stage of trying to wipe their servers of the cruicial evidence, which they publish to the world at large.
Two wrongs don't make a right - but they start a war. By the time the information is vetted false, it's too late to do anything about it.
Dec 21 2010, 08:44 PM
Now that.. is an awesome double-cross of epic proportions.
And it doesn't have to be the team selling out their johnson.
It could be an AZT spy in Amazonia, or in Caracas.
It could be a pro AZT data analysis guy whose tracking certain shadow information. He gets wind of the run, and they let the run happen.
The Amazonians think the Shadow team double crossed them. AZT cackles with glee.
Doc Chase
Dec 21 2010, 08:48 PM
Tailchasers within tailchasers. Everyone double-crosses everybody, and Caracas explodes.
I love it.
Dec 21 2010, 08:56 PM
QUOTE (Doc Chase @ Dec 21 2010, 09:48 PM)

Tailchasers within tailchasers. Everyone double-crosses everybody, and Caracas explodes.
I love it.
Yeah, because you're a twisted being . . no wonder you fit right in with the rest of us ^^
Dec 21 2010, 09:02 PM
and more importantly.. who the heck knows the truth. It's a beautiful plot hook for someone who wants to run a game based on that pre-war time period.
Dec 21 2010, 09:04 PM
There is no Truth.
Truth is entirely subjective.
Doc Chase
Dec 21 2010, 09:22 PM
QUOTE (sabs @ Dec 21 2010, 10:02 PM)

and more importantly.. who the heck knows the truth. It's a beautiful plot hook for someone who wants to run a game based on that pre-war time period.
Heheh. The amount of Matrix traffic trying to prove or disprove those two pieces of data alone would crash the Denver Nexus.
Dec 21 2010, 10:14 PM
QUOTE (hermit @ Dec 21 2010, 07:22 PM)

Either we basically follow War!'S setup, or we focus our efforts on one region only and release a comprehensive guide for the war there. Issue 1: Az/Am, Issue 2: Desert/Rad Wars, Issue 3: Five Kingdoms (The Chinsese Land Wars), Issue 4: You say Jihad, I say Crusade (Frank's scenario, could also involve Israel and Venice), Issue 5: Russia/Yakut/Baikal, Issue 6: PPG/Japan trade war (oceanic war).
QUOTE (Doc Chase @ Dec 21 2010, 07:57 PM)

Why not release this in episodes?
There's nothing stopping us from writing about the wars in all their glory - but there are many. Let us start with the rewrite/remake of what War! is, then we can branch out where we want to go - Desert Wars, Survivor, Asia, Pirates of the Seven Seas, and so on.
Yep, I'm totally for doing that. We can focus on one region/ conflict at a time and will get the first issue out much earlier as if we would work on several topics at the same time.
QUOTE (Brazilian_Shinobi @ Dec 21 2010, 08:17 PM)

I think we already had enough brainstorming to move on and start writing.
So, how are we going to do this? Google docs?
QUOTE (sabs @ Dec 21 2010, 08:33 PM)

Can we ask the Happy Dumpshock people for a locked sub-forum?
No need for Google Docs if we have sub-forum here (and we should try to stay at dumpshock, as it's much easier compared with yet another new forum) - we can open up different threads for different topics and work on them there. It's important that we make changes, comments and additions visible, i.e. by each of us using a different color for this.
QUOTE (Brazilian_Shinobi @ Dec 21 2010, 08:17 PM)

We need a manager to define deadlines and divide the work.
Any takers of the most thankless job?
Dec 21 2010, 10:16 PM
I was going to volunteer Hermit

Who knwos the DumpShock admins and can ask for a sub forum?
Dec 21 2010, 10:17 PM
QUOTE (sabs @ Dec 21 2010, 11:16 PM)

Who knwos the DumpShock admins and can ask for a sub forum?
Did so just a minute before.
Dec 21 2010, 10:43 PM
Okay, here's something else worth reading:
QUOTE (Frank)
you need a style guide. It's really important. When the entire project comes together, you want to be using the same sorts of spelling and the same general format. It's not just as simple as "do what Shadowrun does" because the style guides have morphed over the years. Classically, Shadowrun has used the plural "dwarfs" but in SR4 they have started also using the plural "dwarves" in some places. Switching back and forth between the two spellings in a single book is bad.
Since this is a netbook, I would suggest using a format very similar to what you see in Ends of the Matrix, with the additional caveat of having the authorial voice be a jackpoint posting with comments and a defined Game Information section where you put the stat lines. That means that you'll want a section to look something like this:
This Is The Chapter Title
"This is where we put a pithy comment that will be the tag line for the entire chapter."
We are going to have an introduction. Introductions are important because people want to know what they are getting in to. They are vitally important for a net-book, because the reader won't be familiar with the format and will want to know if this book is "worth reading". Since it is unofficial, the book has to sell itself with its ideas and presentation, and can't get people to pay money for it merely on the basis of power creep.
This Is The Title Of The Section
"Here is where we put an eye-catching and pithy comment related to the topic."
Posted By: The Name of a Character In-World
This is where the body of the text goes. We speak directly to the reader in this section, but we assume that the reader is someone who exists within the Shadowrun world, just as the author of this section is also someone who is in-world. While the actual author and reader are both people living 65 years before the current events of Shadowrun, this section is written as if both author and reader were living in the 2070s. That means that the context of the written text has to be one that excuses giving the reader the kind of information they need. It could be a primer for mercenaries from a different continent, or a corporate historical analysis segment, or some other thing where it is plausible that the fictional author would feel the need to tell the fictional reader the things that the actual author needs to know about the subject.
This section is going to be in multiple paragraphs. Because the intended viewership is on a computer screen rather than in a book, it is customary to mark paragraph breaks with a double break - that is an empty line between paragraphs, and no indentation at the beginning. This is because your reader is going to be adjusting their text size and font for better personal legibility, and you have no way of guarantying that other standards of paragraph notation (such as initial tabs) are going to be comprehensible to your reader.
* After dropping a particularly juicy hint, you can underline it by having a JackPointer comment on it. Remember to have them stay in character and consistent through the work.
* Name of the specific JackPointer making the comment
* You can have more than one JackPointer weigh in on some issue, but remember that too many comments in a chain breaks the flow of the "main" document, so if you want to have a real JackPointer conversation, stick it at the end of the section.
* Name of another JackPointer
Once you've used a JackPointer comment, your next paragraph of the main text is going to go on as if the JackPointer never said anything. Remember that within the fictional world, the entire document was written and posted, and the JackPointers added their comments afterwards. So this paragraph should make narrative sense both with the JackPointer comments (as the actual reader will actually see them) and without the comments (as the piece was supposedly written). If you can't make the piece work both ways, the JackPoint comment has to get binned, no matter how clever or spooky it is.
Subsections Also Get Titles
"Subsections should also get pithy lead-in tag lines."
A subsection is virtually by definition written and posted by the same hand that made the main section it is part of. This means that it doesn't need a "posted by" tagline on it. Subsections can be about anything, and you can even have a JackPoint comment in there somewhere that there were other irrelevant subsections that have been cut out by the SysOp in order to get to the "good stuff". In this manner you can make it totally plausible for there to be a great big cognitive gap between the main section or the previous subsection and this one. But while acceptable, it is lazy. If at all possible, you should get the previous piece to fit with this piece like a link in a chain.
A subsection doesn't have to have more than one paragraph, you could have a subsection that was just a single standalone thought or a description of some minor element that you wanted to include but didn't have room for in the conceptual space of one of the other sections. But if you do produce multiple paragraphs, use the same formatting as you would for a main section. Remember: only the heading of a subsection is reduced, otherwise treat is as a normal section.
Also, stay in-character! A subsection isn't a place to put game information unless it is a subsection in the Game Information chapter (p. XX). For now, we are going to use Page XX placeholders as a joke, but if this gets compiled into a pdf rather than staying as a forum post, the typesetter will actually fix those XX references to genuine numbers or even links.
* Once the section is completely finished, you can go hogwild with JackPointer conversations, because they aren't interrupting anything. Just like they did in Aztlan and Cybertechnology with the big flame wars at the end.
* JackPointer Name
* It's probably tempting to use shout-outs to various friends or in-jokes to your gaming group in the JackPoint comments. Don't do it. It's hard enough getting characters to have enough voice time that we can know them or care what they say, and joke-named one-off posters make that even more difficult.
* JackPointer Name
* Remember, this book is about Shadowrun, not Barsaive. Earthdawn references are frankly kind of annoying and you should keep them to a minimum. Frosty and Man of Many Names are annoying characters and people hate them. The even more know-it-all characters like Laughing Man and Wordsmyth were even more annoying, which is a big reason for them being dropped from the posting roster for SR4. Do not bring them back.
* JackPoint Name
* I'm totally serious. Don't turn your draft into some crappy "A Beutiful Mind" knockoff where you make connections between a bunch of crazy crap in the histories of Shadowrun and Earthdawn. You're here to tell a story in the fictional Shadowrun setting, not to show how many Earthdawn supplements you personally have read.
* JackPoint Name
* Earthdawn magic really isn't that good anyway. Shadowrun magicians are much more powerful than Earthdawn magicians. Not only do they cast many times faster and have spell effects go much longer distances, but basic starting Shadowrun magical effects have a tendency to be 7th circle in Earthdawn. The actual stats on Great Dragons really aren't that impressive either. Things having magical effects from Earthdawn would generally speaking not even matter a tiny little bit to a 6th world military. There are some exceptions, but those exceptions are rare.
* JackPoint Character
A good guide on how to not fall into all of the pitfalls many fan projects and War! fell into, I think. Some stuff we may not adhere that closely to (some ED references are necessary in the story we decided on) but we should keep them to hints and not be too frank about them.
That said, where do we want this fictional alt.War be posted? I'm sort of against JackPoint because it'S CGL's mouthpiece. Maybe the old Shadowland? It still canonically exists; JackPoint is more like where FastJack and his buddies set their own little corner of the Matrix up. Other ideas?
If we do not go for JackPoint but someplace else, we need our own roster of Shadowtalkers. There used to be a list of JackPointers with base descriptions somewhere. I'll upload and link it. This is kinda what we need. Also, we should try and keep their voices both distinct and consistent. We don't want to end up where War! ended up after all.
I'd be for a mix of old and new faces, as with JackPoint. We can re-use some fo the dropped Shadowtalkers from 3E, maybe have our own resident immortals (like JP has Frosty) or people with more than average mythos knowledge, but Frank is in so far right as we should not overdo it. We can also use some personal NPCs and PCs for posters, but then they should be regulars, and not one-post shout out guys. Frank's right, that WAS annoying. Also, the posters should have an interest in-world to read this. A Berlin-based Vory leg breaker would hardly read and comment a lot on an obscure American shadow board (Assuming we want alt.Shadowrun posted in some American board, that is) and show great interest in the Amazon war. We also need one-off local popsters who only really comment on specific locales. It'll probably be quite a list. But we should use them wisely.
Now that.. is an awesome double-cross of epic proportions.
And it doesn't have to be the team selling out their johnson.
It could be an AZT spy in Amazonia, or in Caracas.
It could be a pro AZT data analysis guy whose tracking certain shadow information. He gets wind of the run, and they let the run happen.
The Amazonians think the Shadow team double crossed them. AZT cackles with glee.
Or maybe AZT has some sort of spy, double agent or pressure on one of the team members in that team? That would cause even MORE paranoia, if one PC would volunteer their character for that!
No need for Google Docs if we have sub-forum here (and we should try to stay at dumpshock, as it's much easier compared with yet another new forum) - we can open up different threads for different topics and work on them there. It's important that we make changes, comments and additions visible, i.e. by each of us using a different color for this.
Agreed. We should do it like that. I have my signature color.
It's horrible, so nobody wants to use it anyway. .
I was going to volunteer Hermit

Who knwos the DumpShock admins and can ask for a sub forum?
Allright. If this grows to more than us few, I'll maybe need a hand though.
Dec 21 2010, 10:46 PM
Dude, this is my mod color. You have to chose another one.
Doc Chase
Dec 21 2010, 10:55 PM
They may not want the IE's and the dragons coming into the thread, but if we're going to use the Locus as a possibility - who else would know about it?
Well, I can see a way around it, and still have Frosty do her 'fuck, packing bags' line to underscore what might be going on. I think less will be more when it comes down to that.
Dec 21 2010, 10:57 PM
WAAH no, not my bf28ee!Okay, I'll change. Is this better?SIGH.
They may not want the IE's and the dragons coming into the thread, but if we're going to use the Locus as a possibility - who else would know about it?
Maybe not an IE or GD but someone who works for a GD/IE/The Seelie Court/the AF?
Well, I can see a way around it, and still have Frosty do her 'fuck, packing bags' line to underscore what might be going on. I think less will be more when it comes down to that.
Think so too. Apart from not annoying the crossover haters too much, it also keeps the mystery.
Dec 21 2010, 10:58 PM
I noticed that it's not exactly the same color, but very close. You should go with a gold-ish tone, as you're the boss.
Dec 21 2010, 11:23 PM
QUOTE (Doc Chase @ Dec 21 2010, 11:55 PM)

They may not want the IE's and the dragons coming into the thread, but if we're going to use the Locus as a possibility - who else would know about it?
Well, I can see a way around it, and still have Frosty do her 'fuck, packing bags' line to underscore what might be going on. I think less will be more when it comes down to that.
That's what Game Information are for. You either keep the reference anecdotal and non-central to the plot, or you need to provide enough elements for the people that do not want to read the entire Shadowrun and Earthdawn collections. And Jackpointers are not the right way to do that. Best done clearly, out of context. Obviously, it's more complicated when you have not decided, or don't want to decide exactly what is going on.
Dec 21 2010, 11:24 PM
It's golden nowSo. Any comments on the style guide? Which I agree is a good idea.
That's what Game Information are for. You either keep the reference anecdotal and non-central to the plot, or you need to provide enough elements for the people that do not want to read the entire Shadowrun and Earthdawn collections. And Jackpointers are not the right way to do that. Best done clearly, out of context. Obviously, it's more complicated when you have not decided, or don't want to decide exactly what is going on.
We should provide GMs with info on the Locus, but only in Game Info. Explain in brief whgat a Locus is and why Amazonia may want it. We shouldn't expect players to get every hint droppef for fans of the setting corssover, so we need to be frank in the game info.
Dec 21 2010, 11:27 PM
Shadowrun Earthdawn cross-over haters suck

And he's actually kinda wrong about Magic in ED vs Shadowrun .. but that's okay
I agree though that Harlequin is a pain

There's no need to actually detail what happened to screw Amz over so badly.. the rumor and the possibilities are better. Let the individual gms decide (or not) as the case may be.
If you need help with organizing, I can try to help.
I'm more of an ideas guy.
Dec 21 2010, 11:29 PM
Well Amazonia already has the Locus, but we explain why they want to keep it.
ANd why AZT wants it bad.
Dec 21 2010, 11:29 PM
Well, I'll post the organisational chart tomorrow. Heading to bed now. Help certainly is appreciatred.
Dec 22 2010, 12:31 AM
Just a comment from the peanut gallery: what I'm looking for in a War! book isn't the fluffy 'Matrix commenter' stuff. Hard info about militaries and their operations, plz.

I realize there's such a thing as icing on the cake, but I think you bake the cake first.
Dec 22 2010, 01:09 AM
I've been wanting for a long time to do something with the hilltribe/forest spirit vs Vietnamese Army conflict in Vietnam. SEAsianstudies/linguistics student working on Hmong culture and language, so it's pretty close to home. I'm on break now, so I can actually contribute. I'll get some writing done on this over the next two weeks or so, but as for a brief overview?
Basically, the feel of the fighting out in the Annam Cordillera I'm looking for is Princess Mononoke meets Platoon, while in Saigon itself it's more The Quiet American. The forest spirits basically want resource exploiters out, and are willing to use the hilltribes for that end. The hilltribes, for their part, want to grow in political relevance compared to the lowland peoples, and are happy to use the spirits' magical punch to do that. Their strategy is to try and cut Vietnam in two along the Truong Son mountains in central Vietnam, between Hue and Da Nang, hoping the pro-democratic and pro-corporate rebel groups in southern Vietnam and Saigon especially will use that opportunity to declare their independence, and they'll have neutralized the biggest nearby military threat to the nascent spirit nation in Laos by cutting it in half. Obviously, the Vietnamese and their Russian and Aztlaner backers don't want this to happen. So far it's been a stalemate; the hit and run attacks a spirit army is good at is not a good way to break major fortifications around Hue and Da Nang, but at the same time, the hilltribes have hardly any infrastructure to target and armies sent up into the mountains tend to get chewed up for little gain. Aztlan has its own war on now, though, so the Dega Alliance of spirits and hilltribes sees a chance and is likely to get bold.
Other factions have their own agendas on this. A lot of the independence movement in the south is driven by the Chinese community in Saigon and the Cholon Triad there. Cholon, a poorer, more Chinese area of western Saigon, is a hotbed of insurgency, and the Triads are everywhere the way the secret police are everywhere else. This is a bit ironic given that the relationship between China and Hmong and other hill people has generally not been good. Similarly, part of the reason the hill tribes have what gear they do is from Hmong and other ethnic syndicates in the UCAS Midwest and the CFS, who sell opiates grown in Dega Alliance territory and send back weapons.
The corps are divided on the whole situation. On the one hand, the Khouang Combine, Vietnam's state-corp, has pretty much locked out everybody but Aztechnology from Vietnam's economy. And that means the other corps would be happy to see the rebels in the south have their chance to declare independence and open up south Vietnam's economy to them. At the same time, though, Ares and Monobe in particular have been involved in resource struggles in Laos for a long time, and the Dega Alliance, if successful, might lock them out of those resources. So Ares is of two minds, the Azzies are solidly behind the Vietnamese regime, and others who hate the Azzies and have no interest in Laos' resources, like, say, Horizon, might be very much behind the hilltribes. Amazonia might be sympathetic as well to an Awakened state threatening Azzie interests.
I haven't quite figured out where some other factions fit in: the Naga in Cambodia, the Canton Confederation, Kalokdam, et al. Still thinking about it.
Also thinking about plot hooks. I feel like a second Battle of Hue reminiscent of the Tet Offensive one could be cool. Want at least one war-related intrigue adventure in Saigon, that Quiet American feel I was talking about. And definitely at least one needs to focus on the Awakened element.
Does this look like a potentially interesting chapter thus far? What in particular should I elaborate on?
Dec 22 2010, 01:25 AM
Sounds good so far O.o
The Naga could probably best be introduced via the old persecution and reluctant acceptance path.
Or maybe simply becoming strong enough and fighting back and winning enough to stay alive . . . .
Also, they could provide plot/adventure hooks simply because of who/what they are.
Dec 22 2010, 01:26 AM
That looks like it would go well in the Land War in Asia Issue
I'm seeing a pattern of "Highly Technologically Advanced Troops" vs "Awakened Bad Asses."
Dec 22 2010, 01:33 AM
Yeah, who would want to fight an army of intelligent awakened snakes in a jungle environment?
Anybody seen Anaconda for example?
Dec 22 2010, 02:32 AM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Dec 21 2010, 10:33 PM)

Yeah, who would want to fight an army of intelligent awakened snakes in a jungle environment?
Anybody seen Anaconda for example?
Yeah, worse than fight a huge semi-intelligent snake in its own territory is to fight a intelligent spellslinger snake.
Anyway, I'll try to write something about the motivations and battlefields of the Am-Azt war this weekend and post it here.
Dec 22 2010, 02:50 AM
QUOTE (sabs @ Dec 21 2010, 08:26 PM)

That looks like it would go well in the Land War in Asia Issue
I'm seeing a pattern of "Highly Technologically Advanced Troops" vs "Awakened Bad Asses."
Yeah, Aztlan vs Amazonia kind of steals my thunder in that regard. So I may put more emphasis on the mobile, decentralized, hit and run nature of the Dega Alliance forces. They're not going to just stand around and fight pitched battles the way the Amazonian Awakened forces do; the population figures in Shadows of Asia were pretty comparable to today, and today's Vietnamese Army has almost a half million active duty soldiers, and a program of conscription could drastically increase that. In Vietnam and Laos there's maybe 2 million hill tribe people total. The Vietnamese regime can absolutely afford a war of attrition, so I imagine the hill tribes are going to do as much of their fighting as they can with summoned spirits, from ambush, and in otherwise indirect manners.
Dec 22 2010, 03:03 AM
QUOTE (Grinder @ Dec 21 2010, 06:58 PM)

I noticed that it's not exactly the same color, but very close. You should go with a gold-ish tone, as you're the boss.


As Grinder mentioned, there's a discussion started about a sub-forum for your project. I'd assume you're looking to do something like a seperate thread for each chapter, perhaps sub-chapter? Could you give us a bit better of an idea of what you're looking for?
Dec 22 2010, 03:22 AM
Basically that.. a thread for each chapter, and sub-chapter
Might be nice if we could edit each other's posts.. and maybe only people working on it, were actually able to post.
but both of those things aren't all that important.
Dec 22 2010, 03:55 AM
QUOTE (sabs @ Dec 21 2010, 10:22 PM)

Basically that.. a thread for each chapter, and sub-chapter
Might be nice if we could edit each other's posts.. and maybe only people working on it, were actually able to post.
but both of those things aren't all that important.
Thanks. We'll look over and review what we can do for you.
Dec 22 2010, 04:41 AM
Do we possibly want to move the timeline of the war up some? I find it hard that Caracas saw military action from Aztlan forces in late 2071, and the war didn't really get going until 2073. Sourcebooks leading up to the November 20th, 2071 events mentioned that Caracas was a powderkeg that could throw the entire region into war. And yet the story as written by War seems to indicate that it was just... "stuff." Like, it didn't do anything. Caracas was just some tiny footnote of news buried somewhere at the bottom of page 20 and promptly forgotten about.
Dec 22 2010, 05:49 AM
QUOTE (Abschalten @ Dec 21 2010, 11:41 PM)

Do we possibly want to move the timeline of the war up some? I find it hard that Caracas saw military action from Aztlan forces in late 2071, and the war didn't really get going until 2073. Sourcebooks leading up to the November 20th, 2071 events mentioned that Caracas was a powderkeg that could throw the entire region into war. And yet the story as written by War seems to indicate that it was just... "stuff." Like, it didn't do anything. Caracas was just some tiny footnote of news buried somewhere at the bottom of page 20 and promptly forgotten about.
Seems reasonable. It might be easier to write the war as kicked off by the bombings in Ghost Cartels that way, without carnivorous trees and all that.
Dec 22 2010, 06:45 AM
Does anyone remember what the hints were regarding Cambodia's state in Running Wild's Naga fluff section and Vice's Four Winds Triad section? I left my books in Canada when I came back to the old country for winter break...
Dec 22 2010, 08:53 AM
QUOTE (hermit @ Dec 21 2010, 11:43 PM)

A good guide on how to not fall into all of the pitfalls many fan projects and War! fell into, I think. Some stuff we may not adhere that closely to (some ED references are necessary in the story we decided on) but we should keep them to hints and not be too frank about them.
The locus actually is really more of a Shadowrun thing, I don't think that it appears in Earthdawn at all. And while there is the connection to the Therans it's basically just a powerful ancient artifact that the Amazonians use for their ritual magic. Since the whole SR/ED crossover is controversial all other ED references that you might want to include and that actually impact the alt.War campaign could be banned in a separate Game Info subsection as optional plot elements for those who like this stuff. A crossover ghetto should be a reasonable compromise. Still I think we all agree this particular setting doesn't really need a lot of ED references that's one for alt.Artifacts (depending on how book number four turns out).
I would also suggest to compile a document of background information for the authors, maybe one thread in the subforum. Some key quotes (as I said the Aztlan sourcebook on the Southern Border, that's half a page, is maybe a good starting point for everyone), extracts from the Ancient Files like the
description of the locus and from the Sixth World Wiki. Also maybe a link collection for reference material on the region and on military stuff. It's nice to have your references available for other people. When some inevitable fan hate will hit alt.War they can be used as a starting point for alt.alt.War.

Regarding other hotspots it's good to think about locations but themes and play styles may be more important. Here I would suggest compiling a list of locations and of themes/variations on war scenarios and then decide on the best matches between the two lists. Though of course if you have a good location+theme pitch by all means out with it.
Dec 22 2010, 09:05 AM
You can count on my Polish warzones section. I'm currently working on it, but it seems the tone would be prevalent in the book - nature&magic vs. corporations&tech. Fits Shadowrun nicely, and was around for a long time before.
As for solid info:
-Pomerians are a better equipped and organized force, that it would seem. The country was at war recently, and there was enough weapons on the black market, plus their ties with the Kaper smuggling ring provided them with even better stuff. Off course, there will be some rumors on different corporations providing weapons to the separatists, but in the end those will be rumors only. The Pomerians use their vast Awakened resources to fuel their 'independence war', and that causes tensions between their command supported by the common soldier, and the eco and awakened radicals. That also causes some infighting amongst the Kaper ring, where three different factions want to take over the leadership and increase their profits. Plus, S-K and it's allies push hard to make Poland turn their anti-guerrilla campaign into a full-fledged war to protect it's resources - which make the most of the targets of Pomerian terrorist attacks - and to secure the rich in awakened resources region. Poland has to comply with that, despite of social tensions and support for the Pomerian cause. That, along with the feeling most non-corporate Polish people have, that the corporations stripped them of everything they had, including their freedom, causes the Pomerian ranks swell, and their resources and ties to Polish anti-corporation movements get stronger... Which causes the corporations to fuel the tensions with shadowruns and the usual blame tactics. One of the ideas of the setting is that everything will go to hell soon, and the war will break the Polish spirit, and shackle them as slaves to the corporations. We also have some corps infighting, as Horizon tries to pose as the 'good guy, that cares for the Awakened and Metas', to the S-K's 'bad guy with a dragon on top' in the conflict, which doesn't help the situation, but does provide numerous - and dangerous - opportunities for shadowrunners. TriCity officially declared their neutrality in this conflict, which caused even more shake-ups in both of it's leadership, and citizens. It doesn't keep the Zone from making nuyen from it, as they are the biggest economical power in northern Poland, even if TriCity isn't a part of it. Its markets are flooded with Pomerian goods - reagents, some of which are unique to the Pomerian forests, loot, and several brand-new and hip BADs, on which the Starowiercy - 'Old Religion', an aggressive, pro-ecologic pagan group having lots of interest and influence in the Pomerian cause - have a monopoly(which both the corporations, and criminal organizations want to break).
-The Toxic Warlords of Mazury are more than just a nuisance. The region was once one of the most beautifull and popular vacation spots. Now it's a toxic wasteland, where criminals, deserters, madmen and outcasts band together, creating clans, ruled by ruthless warlords with their iron fists - literally, as iron cyberhands made are their regalia. Currently there's six of them, and it seems that their quarrels were set aside. All six clans banded together and began raiding all neighboring territories. And both defense against them, and counter-strikes proved difficult, as the support given by an unknown group of toxic shamans, that surfaced with the beginning of raids, causes both the Polish and Russian military forces to keep their distance. It seems all they can usually do is direct artillery fire - which causes even more death and destruction - and pester the raiders with their drones. All three attacks with mechanized forces ended badly, and both the politicians, and military higher-ups are losing patience. On the other hand, Mazury is one of the worst nightmares of a common Polish soldier, with mutated paracritters, traps, snipers, and ghost towns inhabited by mutants, madmen and crazed spirits. And the badly equipped and poorly trained forces with the occasional Independence War veteran NCO isn't enough to deal with the threat. Off course there were Mercenaries hired, but two of the groups were lost - one in a clan ambush, one set foot in one of the ghost-towns, never to be seen again. The remaining mercenary units decided to either break the contract, or wait it out in defensive positions, usually in one of the more wealthy, or quiet towns. As yet the price offered by Poland isn't enough to hire any serious mercenary unit, but it seems that migh change soon. And if Poland won't take care of the problem, TriCity will have to step in, as their south-eastern assets are in real danger of being overrun by clan raiders. Their only defenses at the moment are the Woje mercenary unit, which sustained heavy losses while defending the border from the initial raids, and cannot perform anything but the basic defense. The biggest problem constant infighting among the Zone council, which cannot decide to hire additional forces, or reinforce the current one. Fortunately for the Woje, they recently managed to contact with the Kaper mercenary ring, and strike a deal. The Kapers will provide them with supplies and fresh recruits from TriCity in return for organizing a few smuggling routes, with the help of their scouts and guides who know both the terrain, and the raiders usual hideouts in Mazury.
Dec 22 2010, 09:05 AM
QUOTE (lokii @ Dec 22 2010, 09:53 AM)

The locus actually is really more of a Shadowrun thing, I don't think that it appears in Earthdawn at all.
Well, not quite.
Dec 22 2010, 09:36 AM
Go on.
Dec 22 2010, 09:40 AM
There's something about shadowtalk (Jackpoint comments) that Frank didn't say: it's also useful to introduce elements that the GM is free to include or not.
Let's say you want to use some ED reference that some people love and other hate, for example you'd think it'd be a good idea to have obsidimen somewhere. To please everyone, you can introduce it as a rumor commented by a Jackpointer:
QUOTE ("Example")
[...]. There are also a lot of big rocks.
I've got a chummer who had to spend the night there. He swears that when he woke up, the rocks weren't in the same position.
>>> Shadowtalker 1
Come on, that guy says the same thing about the whiskey bottles in his apartment.
>>> Shadowtalker 2
Dec 22 2010, 09:40 AM
Maybe, instead of doing alt.War, you should do add.War? If you cover battlefields/warzones in Vietnam, Siberia, Australia, Greece, ANYwhere but those hotspots that were covered by War!, you could make The War Netbook much more useable.
What I mean by this: No one knows where the canonical timeline is going from here. Change the Az/Am War, and you split off from the "main" timeline of SR. You may be totally OK with that, but imagine what would happen if somehow future SR products would be great again? ALL future SR products by this and any possible future publishers will build on the establishes canonical timeline, thus rendering any "fanwork" obsolete (or noncanonical).
Of course, fanwork cannot be canonical, but it can be canon-compliable (is that even a word?), thus offering the POSSIBILITY to LATER become fully canonical (it has happened before, i.e. with most of the Dark Eye setting).
So, my suggestion in short:
– if you hate WAR!, let let WAR! be WAR!
– if you want to write a War! Netbook, write about all the things WAR! did not cover
– if possible, do not contradict WAR!
– search for 1 to 3 key warzones outside of Mid/SouthAm and cover them in detail
– add whatever you like about Modern Warfare (ha!) in SR2072/73
– add new equipment, house rules, whatever
– the operative word is ADD, not CHANGE
This way, the two books could both be used, thus broadening the player base for your book immensely. If you opt for changing the metaplot instead, you are branching off from "mainstream SR", and while that is TOTALLY OK, it will make your work much more complicated snd ultimately less rewarding (do not think about now or next year, think about 3+/5+ years in the future)
Dec 22 2010, 10:00 AM
Well, that approach makes it less likely that something will be contradicting the main plot, but of course you never know were CGL will go next. That might just as well be one of the hotspots. Incorporating some advise of how to use alt.War to improve War! and how to get from alt.War to War! may be a good idea though. Remember it's pick and choose anyway and a huge part of the undertaking - as I understand it - is to provide a better organised overview of all the aspects of a military themed campaign.
Dec 22 2010, 11:02 AM
A possibility of future contradiction is by definition less likely than actually and directly contradicting NOW, isn't it?
Besides: If you take a look at the Almanac, you get a pretty good impression which corners of the world are currently "out-of-focus". Plus, if the netbook gets really popular, the snake will bite its own tail, as future authors will feel reluctant to write stuff on a topic that an unknown, but possibly high number of fans have different infos on (as long as there are blind spots or spots not covered for 10 oog-years are available, why would s.o. pick a fight by "retconning" a background that may not be official, but is established in the community (community being the magic power word of Web2.0 etc.))
The way I see it, there is less to gain by a direct head-on canon clash than by a "canon-compliable web enhancement to 6WA and WAR".
Dec 22 2010, 12:11 PM
But the stuff covered in War is, actually bad.. and makes very little sense.
The ATZ-AMZ war as described is being fought over a non-sensical reason, in what can only be described as the stupidest place to have a war in south america. Only way it could be worse is if they were fighting over Chile.
Dec 22 2010, 12:22 PM
QUOTE (raben-aas @ Dec 22 2010, 12:02 PM)

A possibility of future contradiction is by definition less likely than actually and directly contradicting NOW, isn't it?
True, but of what I understand the plot of War! is pretty incoherent. So you might be able to substitute the built-up or a few engagements and still end up with whatever the canon outcome may be. The same goes for the other hotspots admittedly. But that just means that going for good modularity is another way to make alt.War more compatible to War! and future releases.
QUOTE (raben-aas @ Dec 22 2010, 12:02 PM)

why would s.o. pick a fight by "retconning" a background that may not be official, but is established in the community
Because the community keeps talking smack about your products? I vaguely remember something about nuking the setting.
QUOTE (raben-aas @ Dec 22 2010, 12:02 PM)

The way I see it, there is less to gain by a direct head-on canon clash than by a "canon-compliable web enhancement to 6WA and WAR".
Don't get me wrong I think you have a valid point, but don't forget Rage is fueling this project. And one of the things people seem to be most angry about is just how unusable the Azt/Am setting is.
Dec 22 2010, 12:49 PM
He has a point, you know. We could still do that by adding content to what has already been done (along with all those alternate explanations of why is the war even going on), and just supplement the book with info that it did not cover (like tactical data, maps, and the analysis of modern warfare in SR).
If the plot is incoherent, make it so. We can always work with what we had before, to fix War!.
Also, writing alternate versions of those things we find 'not good' would be a lot better than just rewriting the whole thing. Like giving people an alternate version of the Auschwitz part.
And this way we don't challenge CGL's authority. And don't cause more turmoil in the fanbase. That's a constructive way of doing it. I'm all for it.
Dec 22 2010, 01:56 PM
QUOTE (lokii @ Dec 22 2010, 09:22 AM)

Don't get me wrong I think you have a valid point, but don't forget Rage is fueling this project. And one of the things people seem to be most angry about is just how unusable the Azt/Am setting is.
Actually, I don't think the Azt/Am setting is unusable as it is. I think it could be worked out (mainly describing what the hell is going on besides Bogotá and A BLOODY MAP).
But since people in this project prefers to rewrite everything, I'll go with the boat.
Dec 22 2010, 02:02 PM
Well Bogota being the center of the Amz/ATZ war just doesn't make any sense.
It's like having a War Between Germany and France, and having all the fighting in Switzerland.
Except worse, because the Andes make the Alps looks like foot hills.
And we're not rewriting everything. I mean, the war is still going to happen.
We're not changing the What or the Who
Just the Why and the Where.
And maybe tweaking the "When" just a hair.
Dec 22 2010, 02:28 PM
The problem, it seems to me is this: Bogota was a free-city with a buffer zone between Amazonia and Aztlan? Or Bogota belonged to Aztlan and was close to the border of Amazonia and Aztlan? And if Bogotá indeed belonged to Aztlan, was the region a demilitarized zone?
That is the problem I have with the book, Bogotá looks like the red-headed step child that neither Amazon nor Aztlan wanted, but now, they are fighting for it for no good reason except for the lulz.
Dec 22 2010, 02:38 PM
I'm pretty sure that in RL there have been wars for incoherent or plain stupid reasons. If you don't like the Az/Am-plotline, I merely suggest to IGNORE it, and concentrate on one or some of the other, more interesting venues/warzones other people suggested here (like Vietnam, or SE Asia in general).
Like, in the second Germany sourcebook, way back, there are smurfs (not actually, they are dwarfes with blue skin who live in Saxony). An author wrote about them. A German developer approved them. The American line developer – NOT JH! – even made them CANONICAL. And yes, I frigging hate the bastards.
However, instead of writing about the new and better and more serious and tied-into-metaplot metatype of the vaguely indigo-skinned dwarves, I plainly IGNORE them, much like about 99.999% of all German gamemasters and players, MAYBE including the author who wrote about them (seriously, we all had terrible ideas at one point or the other).
You want to make a "better" warbook? Go ahead. Great idea. Moar power to the people. I just don't think that all your creativity should go into "what would a better storyline be", because, ultimately, you'll start to fight about whose "vision" is the better one. Now, ignore the Az/Am plotline even as it unfolds in future products, pick YOUR personal warzone and make it the best-written hotspot the SR world has ever seen, and the result will be not "one more or less better Am/Az plotline depending on your personal viewpoint and preferences", but "one Am/Az plotline that some/many people find crappy PLUS 10+ fan-made plotlines on hotspots all over the wotld collected in the most awesome SR netbook of all time".
Even if 50% of those 10+ new plotlines/warzones suck (because, you know, SOMEone will write something about an SR/ED-tie-in or the invasion of the Reichsflugscheiben or whatever), you STILL have 5 new playing grounds for you campaign to rock in!
WHY in the world should you settle for ONE?
Dec 22 2010, 02:47 PM
Atzlan vs. Amazonia will be the first war/ hotspot covered by this project. If all goes out as planned, we'll release additional netbooks as well, each one focused on another conflict - so no need to continue your attempt to talk us out of re-writing the setting of War! (or at least trying to turn it into a setting that makes actual sense).
Dec 22 2010, 02:52 PM
raben, my problem with the plotline is that it is not explained at all. At some point, one book says Bogotá belonged to Aztlan, in this one, it seems bogotá was the capital of a buffer zone State between Aztlan and Amazonia that was bombarded by Aztlan/Aztechnology during the Ghost Cartel incident and the Congress was destroyed with the congressmen inside during a session. WTH?!?!
Another issue with War! is that it spends almost half the book talking only about Bogotá instead of talking about the whole Theater of War. The fact that the book doesn't have a map just adds hurt to injury.
And finally, it does not talk about how the armies of the Sixth World are arranged. Magicians and Adepts receive special training/salaray? How heavy is drone use? Using spirits? How is the new Combined Arms approach considering we now have the Astral Plane? And cyber and bio? The army gives to their soldiers or the soldiers may buy it in a kind of lease program? And after they discharge, what happens to the more dangerous cyber/bio?
It is a book about War! So let's talk about War! Seriously, if the book had at least 20 pages talking about this I would give it a 10 out of 10.