QUOTE (hermit @ Jan 17 2011, 03:57 PM)

Armed Forces info: Include something on the shifter/human divide, and spirits commanding the shifters (the famed multi-shifters).
Uh, in 4E terms, that'd be Realistic Form and Multiform powers, yeah?
Also on Armed Forces - if we're going to write up unit compositions, do we have standard icons for that?
QUOTE (hermit @ Jan 17 2011, 03:57 PM)

Also, feel free to go to town with weird folk legends. After all, shadowrun is the world where those things suddenly spring into existence.
Sure thing. Actually, Siberia has quite a number of caves, and I was thinking of putting something, you know, Mysterious in those, too.
QUOTE (hermit @ Jan 17 2011, 03:57 PM)

Also maybe "it's a dog's life - a guide to life in the Russian army", because we all love our clichés (or not, depending on your image of the Russian army in 2074).
Yeah well, the general outline of the Army affairs is in SoA, and it's pretty much the cliché one. I'm fine with that.
QUOTE (hermit @ Jan 17 2011, 03:57 PM)

The Baltic Fleet and Atlantic fleet probably need to have a desertion problem because, well, they tend to lose subs to just about anyone. Also, there'S a weird but kinda fun story in a German novel I can summary if interested (Sturmvogel, involves nuclear weapons, evles, and russian subs).
Actually, I wasn't going to write about the Baltic and Black Sea Fleets, since they are so far from the conflict. But it could make an interesting example/Shadowtalk retort/whatever. So please do tell, I haven't read any of SR fiction (and I don't think I'm going to, eh).
QUOTE (hermit @ Jan 17 2011, 03:57 PM)

Consequences: sattelite access should be mentioned (and the troubles with it; you do not want to coordinate your anti-russian operation over Evo's NavStar network).
Yeah, see, I have it in the draft:
Military communication over vast distances: floating drones, direct link chains, secure landlines, high-signal transmission; jamming and electronic warfare.
I'm thinking of writing up some actual military-grade electronic warfare jamming, maybe up to the point of something capable of jamming sat connections - what can be more fun than fighting in Siberia without command uplink?
QUOTE (hermit @ Jan 17 2011, 03:57 PM)

Game Info: Maps: I really, really second the typical setup maps. Maybe write up a certain outpost, complete with NPC and all, and a few suggetsions on use, and then give guidelines on adapting it to anywhere? Also, a typical russian warship and tank regiment, a rebel base, and maybe a Yakut army camp.
Here are some maps I've made for my games. Think something like that would work?
QUOTE (hermit @ Jan 17 2011, 03:57 PM)

Russian weapons can well blatantly be stolen; I also have a list of weapons canonically mentioned I could put up.
Won't we run into trouble with Pegasus?
That'd be nice of you. I have Arsenal 2070, but again - I only have firm knowledge of 4E stuff, earlier than that I haven't read everything yet. You could just list the books, flipping through them would be useful for me.
QUOTE (hermit @ Jan 17 2011, 03:57 PM)

Yakut tribal magic is described in Target: Smuggler Havens.
Oh, nice, a chapter on Vladivostok, I'm going to build up my version of the Fleet from what they have there, at least.
Now, there's nothing that unique for Yakut magic in T:SH, just stating that they are shamans (which is pretty much obvious already).
And I'm looking for a bit of new spells, maybe a war ritual - see that Bratsk bridgehead massacre in my draft? My design is: Red Army has a large force there, preparing a move down Yenisei, cutting Yakut in half; when something large and magicky wipes them the hell out. Massive spells, powerful spirits, preset charges hidden with magic so far - the whole works.
That allows for the whole further setup for a massive open warfare battle under Bratsk, Yakut forces trying to cut Transsib in Bratsk-Tayshet-Tulun triangle - it'd be boring if we went with the realistic variant of a much smaller more Awakened-gifted army only falling back to guerrilla strikes.