Dec 29 2010, 08:50 PM - Version 1.05 of the character sheet is up.
PDF Character Sheet To-Do List- Change color of final hitboxes on damage tracks to denote they are for death-dealing blows
- Add skill augmentation boxes
- Add running program slots to commlink pages
- Add actions page for calculation of common dice pools
Dec 29 2010, 11:23 PM
Update, Character Sheet v.1.01 - Not sure how I missed this, but apparently I left out the Fading Resistance Attribute selection. Is now fixed.
Dec 30 2010, 07:59 AM
I just downloaded the new version you posted, and the fading resistance attribute is not selectable, no drop down like in the magic section, or ability to enter anything in the field.
Dec 30 2010, 05:00 PM
Drat. Must have forgotten to actually upload the file. Check the version number, and try it again now. 1.01 is now online as far as I can tell. Thanks for letting me know.
Dec 30 2010, 08:21 PM
Well the drop down is there now, but Willpower isn't listed.
Everything I've looked at so far has worked, and this looks fantastic.
Now if we could only get the spreadsheets to populate it with data.

Put in a character with a 3 body, and it's showing a Physical Damage Track of 14 boxes.
It's showing 10 in Total Physical which is correct. I take it the extra 4 boxes are supposed to be overflow, but should only be 3 boxes of that.
A 4th box would be dead. Not sure if it was meant to be this way or an error, so thought I would mention it.
If the extra are for the overflow, would be nice if the overflow were a different colour background. Say red. Just as a way to easily
differentiate the two visually.
Jan 1 2011, 06:29 PM
Good catch on the box, for some reason I was treating it as drain resistance, with willpower as the main attribute.
As for the damage tracks, the last box on physical is indeed for death. I added it just so I could have a trigger that shows the dead status in the condition monitor box.

If you de-select "highlight existing fields" option in Reader or Acrobat, you'll see that the overflow boxes are yellow instead of white. You can reach it by clicking on the first icon in the left-side navigation bar. Otherwise, all fillable forms are a purple-shade, because Adobe sets them that way by default, because they are jerks.
Jan 1 2011, 06:30 PM
Update, Character Sheet v.1.0.2 - Fixed a problem with the Fading Resistance calculations, added willpower to the drop-down menu. Also refined the field calculation order for good measure.
Jan 1 2011, 08:32 PM
I noticed that the notes on the sprites scrolls off the bottom in some cases, but there is no scroll bar. The notes being the ones generated based on the sprite type.
I've not tried printing this yet, so no clue what it looks like printed. I play with my lap top in front of me, so I haven't printed anything out yet.
it would be cool if some of those entry boxes could have scroll bars to allow for longer entries. Not sure if this is possible.
Is there a way to retrieve data entered from a previous version into a newer one?
Just noticed, while entering the character again, the default was that the character was unconscious. As soon as I put a single box of damage in, it said up and running.
Removed the box and it still said up and running, so probably something to do with the first change of stats.
The impact armour field on the second page is editable, but the ballistic one isn't. I'm thinking since the are calculated, that neither is supposed to be.
Thinking about it though, it would not take into account things like magical armour. Although that could be entered into the armour section, and selected to add in.
Jan 2 2011, 12:39 AM
I noticed that the notes on the sprites scrolls off the bottom in some cases, but there is no scroll bar. The notes being the ones generated based on the sprite type.
Unfortunately, you have to actually click on the text box in order for the scrollbars to show, but they will if you do.
I've not tried printing this yet, so no clue what it looks like printed. I play with my lap top in front of me, so I haven't printed anything out yet.
This was really intended more for players who use laptops exclusively. It probably wouldn't be very paper-friendly...
Is there a way to retrieve data entered from a previous version into a newer one?
None that I know of, sorry! I've had to go through this several times with my own characters as I've updated the file.
Just noticed, while entering the character again, the default was that the character was unconscious. As soon as I put a single box of damage in, it said up and running. Removed the box and it still said up and running, so probably something to do with the first change of stats.
Thought I fixed this with the last update, but didn't. Should be taken care of now.
The impact armour field on the second page is editable, but the ballistic one isn't. I'm thinking since the are calculated, that neither is supposed to be.
Thinking about it though, it would not take into account things like magical armour. Although that could be entered into the armour section, and selected to add in.
Also fixed. Both fields should be read-only and auto-calculated, as should all shaded, non-white fields (except for spirits and sprites when "custom" is selected. I should probably fix this so that the field background colors change when they become editable.)
Jan 2 2011, 12:40 AM
Update, Character Sheet v.1.03 - Bugfixes, see above post.
Jan 2 2011, 05:15 AM
Okay... Figured out what was going on. If you have the mouse cursor set to the text select it allows you to see the scroll bars, if it's the hand it doesn't.
After entering in Reaction and Intuition the Aug. column of initiative shows up as NaN, even though both attribute entries are correct.
The Aug. entry for initiative passes shows up as 0 instead of 1. If you change one of the attributes the Aug. entry for initiative stays NaN, but
the passes changes to 1. If you change the "+" entry for initiative it correctly displays the total in Aug.
It would be great to figure out a way to have the excel spreadsheets that are running around here populate this sheet. I like the spread sheets for figuring out
characters, but I'm really not fond of the sheets they give you. wonder if ole will allow for this... going to try experimenting.
Jan 2 2011, 11:36 PM
Good job on the bughunting. Not sure how I missed some of this stuff.
I had to do a little more rearranging of the field calculation order, but the problem with initiative calculation and the zero passes thing have been fixed. Also, I took away the read-only property for spirit and sprite powers so that the text can be selected (and thus scrolling enabled) by the hand tool.
As for the spreadsheets, I suppose it might be possible to write a macro for excel that would allow it to export values into a pdf if you know the names of the text fields you're trying to fill. Maybe someone out there knows. Good luck with that.
Jan 2 2011, 11:36 PM
Update, Character Sheet v.1.04
Jan 14 2011, 05:59 PM
Having room for at least 6 sprites/spirits would be good. so an extra page for each would be cool.
Also having the programs section listed in a table, similar to the way the character sheet in the following post. really like the way it's laid out.
Jan 17 2011, 02:35 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 14 2011, 06:59 PM)

Having room for at least 6 sprites/spirits would be good. so an extra page for each would be cool.
Also having the programs section listed in a table, similar to the way the character sheet in the following post. really like the way it's laid out.
I was thinking of releasing the spirit, sprite, commlink and drone/vehicle pages individually to accommodate times in which an advanced player might need extras. I'm also sure the GM would find them useful. It doesn't seem like there are any major bugfixes left to take care of, so I might just go ahead and put those up soon.
As for the commlink programs, I think that was the one major revision that I had planned and forgot about. I was going to try to find a way to make a seperate slot for each program, and then a checkbox for when they're running, so it could auto-calculate the drag it puts on the commlink's system. Might take me a little while to get around to that, but it would certainly be better.
Jan 17 2011, 03:19 AM
Having a toggle for programs/complex forms dice pools that allows it to calculate either, Skill+Program, or Attribute+Skill (Max successes Program) would be cool as well.
Jan 17 2011, 03:44 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 16 2011, 07:19 PM)

Having a toggle for programs/complex forms dice pools that allows it to calculate either, Skill+Program, or Attribute+Skill (Max successes Program) would be cool as well.
Jan 17 2011, 08:16 PM
Actually I just thought of something that would be extremely cool. Having a couple of sheets that listed all the actions and what their dice pools are.
This would be based on what's been checked off, ie what melee weapon, what ranged weapon, what armour, etc. As well as magic/matrix, etc.
It would be like the ultimate cheat sheet because it's specific to your character with the dice pools calculated for you.
Jan 29 2011, 08:44 PM
Found a bug in on the adept powers page. If you change your magic attribute it does not update properly. As soon as you put in an adept power cost though it updates to the right amount.
Also, I was thinking it would be nice if the skills page had a space to put modifiers similar to the modifiers that exist for attributes. Room for specializations would be good, but not as important as you can just put those in () on the skill name, but having a 5(7) would be nice.
Feb 7 2011, 09:08 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 29 2011, 09:44 PM)

Found a bug in on the adept powers page. If you change your magic attribute it does not update properly. As soon as you put in an adept power cost though it updates to the right amount.
Also, I was thinking it would be nice if the skills page had a space to put modifiers similar to the modifiers that exist for attributes. Room for specializations would be good, but not as important as you can just put those in () on the skill name, but having a 5(7) would be nice.
Hrm. Gotta fix something in the calculation order, I guess. Thanks.
Skill modifiers? I was unaware that anything could temporarily modify a skill. Modifiers to attributes automatically calculate in the skill dicepools, and they also reflect modifiers from damage.
Feb 8 2011, 06:37 AM
QUOTE (chinagreenelvis @ Feb 7 2011, 01:08 PM)

Skill modifiers? I was unaware that anything could temporarily modify a skill. Modifiers to attributes automatically calculate in the skill dicepools, and they also reflect modifiers from damage.
Medkits come to mind
Feb 8 2011, 10:30 PM
Hey chinagreenelvis,
Just wanted to say first of all that I absolutely love this character sheet (and the Seattle map on your webpage is awesome too).
I just wanted to mention that there is a little bug in your vehicle/drone condition monitor calculation.
In line 51 of Vehicle*_Body you have:
var vehicle*boxes = Math.ceil((+getField("Vehicle*_Pilot").value / 2) + 8);
it should be:
var vehicle*boxes = Math.ceil((+getField("Vehicle*_Body").value / 2) + 8);
Anyways, thanks for the work putting that together, it must have been a lot of work to make all those scripts.
Feb 9 2011, 03:00 PM
QUOTE (Xenophon @ Feb 8 2011, 10:30 PM)

Hey chinagreenelvis,
Just wanted to say first of all that I absolutely love this character sheet (and the Seattle map on your webpage is awesome too).
I just wanted to mention that there is a little bug in your vehicle/drone condition monitor calculation.
In line 51 of Vehicle*_Body you have:
var vehicle*boxes = Math.ceil((+getField("Vehicle*_Pilot").value / 2) +

it should be:
var vehicle*boxes = Math.ceil((+getField("Vehicle*_Body").value / 2) +

Anyways, thanks for the work putting that together, it must have been a lot of work to make all those scripts.
O snap. Good find. Thanks for letting me know!
Feb 9 2011, 03:01 PM
QUOTE (Tyro @ Feb 8 2011, 06:37 AM)

Medkits come to mind
Hmm. I'll have to read up on that again. Is there anything else that does it?
Feb 9 2011, 04:09 PM
QUOTE (chinagreenelvis @ Feb 9 2011, 07:01 AM)

Hmm. I'll have to read up on that again. Is there anything else that does it?
Any tool that gives a circumstantial bonus is going to be a temporary modifier. Drugs affect attributes, which affect skill rolls; I haven't looked through the sheet, so I don't know if that's covered. As to affecting skills directly, autopickers actually
replace your lockpick skill, smartlinks give a +2 DP bonus to firearms skills, vision enhancement in glasses/googles/contacts/helmets affect visual perception, audio enhancement in earbuds etc. affect aural perception, and I'm sure there's more.
Feb 11 2011, 06:49 PM
There is also cyberware and bioware that give bonuses to say, all logic based skills or all intuition based skills. It would be nice to have a spot on the skill page to place these. Also several that give bonuses to the electronic warfare skill. I am sure there are others but those are the ones that come to mind without the books in front of me.
Feb 21 2011, 05:52 PM
Good enough for me. I'll add that into the next release!
Mar 19 2011, 12:51 AM
The Fading Resistance seems to be using Resonance + Attribute selected instead of using Active Res. + Attribute selected.
Put a character in that has 5 essence, 5 resonance, needed to put in 6 resonance to get it show 5.
Also Firewall, System, Response and Signal are all limited by resonance, which they are not doing.
So if Resonance is 5 and Logic is 6 then System should be 5 not 6.
Response should show two numbers, as TRs get a +1 when in VR
So it should be Intuition (or Resonance which ever is lower) (+1 VR).
It would also be nice to be able to designate one Language skill as Native, or put an N in the place to put Rating in.
Mar 21 2011, 06:09 AM
Is there a place to note that you have used a stimpatch?
Mar 28 2011, 03:50 AM
China, two things I spotted on your sheet.
The Condition Monitor isn't reaching the correct totals. I plugged in 4 for the Body stat, and it showed 11 boxes in Physical damage. (Should've been 10.)
Spirit attributes aren't being calculated right; it shows the spirit's Force for all attributes. Also, the Condition Monitor isn't calculating properly; it showed 9 boxes for a Force 4 Guardian spirit.
Mar 29 2011, 02:51 AM
The condition monitor includes your boxes to death.
There is an option, somewhere, and I don't remember what it's called, that will highlight those boxes yellow.
edit: after looking at acrobat reader, under edit-preferences-forms-High light color: uncheck the check box Show border hover color fields for.
This makes the extra boxes show up as yellow for me. I'm also using version 10.
May 21 2011, 05:50 PM
Love the sheet. I'm using it on my current character, and I recommended it to my friends. Just one issue: I have a R2 power focus on my mystic adept. There's no place for Magic DP modifiers, and if I bill it as increased magic it ups my power points.
Oct 28 2011, 01:55 AM
QUOTE (LonePaladin @ Mar 28 2011, 04:50 AM)

China, two things I spotted on your sheet.
The Condition Monitor isn't reaching the correct totals. I plugged in 4 for the Body stat, and it showed 11 boxes in Physical damage. (Should've been 10.)
Spirit attributes aren't being calculated right; it shows the spirit's Force for all attributes. Also, the Condition Monitor isn't calculating properly; it showed 9 boxes for a Force 4 Guardian spirit.
I realize this is an old post, but I wanted to follow up on it. Condition monitor boxes include one final box to mark the death of the subject. I need to change the color of this box to red or something to denote this. Spirit attributes always match the Force when the spirit is astral, and astral is by default. Uncheck the box and the spirit's attributes will reflect the physical realm.
I can't reproduce the error you say you're getting with a force four guardian. I consistently get 10 boxes in astral, and 11 boxes in physical.
Oct 28 2011, 02:58 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Mar 19 2011, 01:51 AM)

The Fading Resistance seems to be using Resonance + Attribute selected instead of using Active Res. + Attribute selected. Put a character in that has 5 essence, 5 resonance, needed to put in 6 resonance to get it show 5. Also Firewall, System, Response and Signal are all limited by resonance, which they are not doing. So if Resonance is 5 and Logic is 6 then System should be 5 not 6.
Thanks, I've just added these fixes to the upcoming release.
Response should show two numbers, as TRs get a +1 when in VR. So it should be Intuition (or Resonance which ever is lower) (+1 VR).
The +1 is already calculated. Is there ever a time in which technomancers use a non-bonus response?
It would also be nice to be able to designate one Language skill as Native, or put an N in the place to put Rating in.
I'd just leave the rating field blank and write an [N] next to the language in the description box.
Oct 28 2011, 03:19 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 17 2011, 04:19 AM)

Having a toggle for programs/complex forms dice pools that allows it to calculate either, Skill+Program, or Attribute+Skill (Max successes Program) would be cool as well.
Run this one by me again? Where would this fit into the sheet as it stands?
Oct 28 2011, 03:45 AM
Update: Character Sheet v.1.05 - Fixed calculation problems with adept power points, active resonance, and technomancer commlink attributes as previously discussed.
Oct 29 2011, 09:18 AM
Great idea.I love it.
Any idea how I could help translate it into French?
Oct 29 2011, 05:28 PM
QUOTE (chinagreenelvis @ Oct 27 2011, 11:19 PM)

Run this one by me again? Where would this fit into the sheet as it stands?
The game I play in uses the optional rule where you use the Atttribute + skill doing matrix tasks instead of Skill+ Program.
So a checkbox noting this, say on the matrix page would be good. I need to take some time to look at the character sheet and such.
It's been a while since I looked at this thread.
Oct 29 2011, 07:40 PM
How do you input a native language?
Oct 29 2011, 07:59 PM
QUOTE (deurk @ Oct 29 2011, 02:40 PM)

How do you input a native language?
I would expect you should be able to type in the French characters with the normal French keyboard. At least I would expect that to work.
If not, try using the French version of acrobat reader and see if that helps. It's also possible that there is some funky stuff going on with
it being done in English in the first place.
I'm pretty sure it's the English version that was used to create this pdf in the first place.
So You probably need to use the French version of the pdf creation tool Adobe has to edit the pdf from English to French.
Oct 29 2011, 08:39 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Oct 29 2011, 07:59 PM)

I would expect you should be able to type in the French characters with the normal French keyboard. At least I would expect that to work.
If not, try using the French version of acrobat reader and see if that helps. It's also possible that there is some funky stuff going on with
it being done in English in the first place.
I'm pretty sure it's the English version that was used to create this pdf in the first place.
So You probably need to use the French version of the pdf creation tool Adobe has to edit the pdf from English to French.
That's not what I meant

I would like to be able to translate it, but it's the "background" I'll need to recreate, also switching to an A4 format, so I guess I will have to do it from scratch and I'm not sure if I will be able to reintegrate all the controls and calculus used in this one.
What I meant is: How do I input a native language in the knowledge skills sheet?

I can only rate is with numeric characters, not including 0.
Oct 30 2011, 10:37 AM
QUOTE (deurk @ Oct 29 2011, 08:39 PM)

That's not what I meant

I would like to be able to translate it, but it's the "background" I'll need to recreate, also switching to an A4 format, so I guess I will have to do it from scratch and I'm not sure if I will be able to reintegrate all the controls and calculus used in this one.
Most of the text of the sheet is part of the background images, correct. Making this translatable would be pretty tricky, I can imagine, but if someone really wants to go through the trouble I can supply the original .pdf files used to create each page.
What I meant is: How do I input a native language in the knowledge skills sheet?

I can only rate is with numeric characters, not including 0.
Don't put anything, just leave the field blank. You'll never need to use the skill level box for that, so just write something like "English [N]" in the description.
Oct 30 2011, 04:00 PM
QUOTE (chinagreenelvis @ Oct 30 2011, 10:37 AM)

Most of the text of the sheet is part of the background images, correct. Making this translatable would be pretty tricky, I can imagine, but if someone really wants to go through the trouble I can supply the original .pdf files used to create each page.
I'd love to have your base to work with.
Jul 18 2013, 11:23 AM
There was a request for the source files for the character sheet some time ago. Just in case anyone still wants it, I've uploaded them here:
Jan 14 2014, 04:32 PM
Has anybody used this with 5e? I haven't familiarized myself with the changes yet, so I'm not sure if this still works.
Jan 19 2014, 07:47 PM
You would need to add space for the various limits (Physical, Social, Mental) as well as accuracy for the weapons. Those would be the biggest changes layout wise. Skills go to 12 rather than 6 but I don't know if you put a limit on the skill fields. If not, then skills should be fine.
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