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QUOTE (Blitz66 @ Aug 12 2011, 05:35 AM) *
The problem lies in ensuring no one else can remotely flick the switch.

This is why the switch is a physical one, no?
Thing is, if you want to airburst it, it needs to be wireless-enabled.
Because really, pointing a laser at a receiver on a tumbling grenade? Good luck.

Alternative: voice activation! With a slight timer.

Throw grenade.
Shout "BOOM!" with an explodey arm motion.
Watch goons give you a look as if you're the craziest man ever and point their AKs at you.
Take cover from body-shrapnel.
QUOTE (Mardrax @ Aug 12 2011, 08:08 AM) *
This is why the switch is a physical one, no?
Thing is, if you want to airburst it, it needs to be wireless-enabled.
Because really, pointing a laser at a receiver on a tumbling grenade? Good luck.

Alternative: voice activation! With a slight timer.

Throw grenade.
Shout "BOOM!" with an explodey arm motion.
Watch goons give you a look as if you're the craziest man ever and point their AKs at you.
Take cover from body-shrapnel.

Actually the way it works is you point your gun at the barrier and a laser rangefinder reads the range, it then sets the timer on the round in the chamber to explode after time X. You then point the gun to whatever open space is behind the barrier and pull the trigger. No need for wireless there.
Yeah, didn't you ever play Ghost Recon? smile.gif

I wouldn't want to rely on the grenade's tiny computer and mic accurately hearing and identifying my shouting command, which takes another free action.
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Aug 12 2011, 04:33 PM) *
Yeah, didn't you ever play Ghost Recon? smile.gif

I wouldn't want to rely on the grenade's tiny computer and mic accurately hearing and identifying my shouting command, which takes another free action.

Ah, true enough. Me and gun-tech never went that well together.

But it's so much fun!
Of course, it would need a select sound filter attuned to the user's voice, but think of the possibilities! biggrin.gif
QUOTE (mmmkay @ Aug 10 2011, 08:31 PM) *
I just realized that Airburst Link Grenades afford no means of dodge or reaction. This seems ridiculous. Heavy weapons dudes are not playing around.

I REMEMBER this! I just can't find where it says you can't dodge airburst, and it's frustrating the heck outta me. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Ah. Just finished reading the thread. I can see how I might have made that mistake.
Um, it's still a weapon skill vs defenses test. So standard combat rules still apply, and the target still has any Dodge they might have.

Airburst grenades add a few wrinkles, but they don't remove entire sections of the attack/defense sequence.

Unless you start letting people target GPS coordinates that coincidentally are near the dodging targets. nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Aug 13 2011, 04:13 AM) *
Um, it's still a weapon skill vs defenses test. So standard combat rules still apply, and the target still has any Dodge they might have.

Airburst grenades add a few wrinkles, but they don't remove entire sections of the attack/defense sequence.


Airburst links just make sure that however bad you've actually fired, or however good the target dodged, the grenade still explodes 1d6 meters away. So that might be 1 meter on a shot with 0 net hits, which is sort of... off.

Dodging grenades should let you actually get away from the grenade.
QUOTE (Brainpiercing7.62mm @ Aug 13 2011, 02:38 PM) *
the grenade still explodes 2d6 meters away.

Fixed that for you. SR4A nerfed Airburst.
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