Aug 20 2014, 03:02 PM
Dark Back Alley, 8:06 AM August 2nd, 2075
Overkill moved ahead slightly and parked his bike near the end of the alley, out of sight of Stinger but able to keep an eye on Amy. The elf knew that his young compatriot could get carried away sometimes, and he was not willing to let even a criminal like Stinger be tortured by the young woman.
Not only that, but it is a bad idea to split up with Lynx actively hunting us.
Stinger coughs and then smiles up at Amy. "I am happy to speak to Valkyrie and tell her the location. Bring me to her - now before you get all cranky, I don't expect or want to be alone in a room with her. You all can be in the room at the same time. But I want the parameters of this job clearly defined, and I am only going to do that with a face-to-face."
"Besides, if I know her, and I do, she isn't going to do anything until she has everything priced out, invoiced, and a deposit made." He taps his head against the trunk of the car, the headjammer lodged in his datajack clinking against the metal of the taxi. "You've got me so I can't communicate with anyone else, so no worries about me calling for help. So let's just get this over with, yes? The faster I see her, the faster you get your chip, and I get the hell out of the Free Zone."
Chrome Head
Aug 20 2014, 06:55 PM
Dark Back Alley, 8:06 AM August 2nd, 2075
Amy notices Overkill and activates her microphone so that he can hear the exchange with Stinger over comms.
"The thing is.. we're the ones negotiating the terms. You'll get to talk to her, once we're satisfied with everything, and we need extra details for this to happen. Once we have an agreement with her, we'll be confident that she's working with us, not just for you. Soka?"
Amy was seemingly angry, but she calmed down, showing empathy, to add "I understand you don't want to give away the exact location, but you need to tell me at least roughly where it's at. The zone, and the neighborhood. Stop wasting time, if this doesn't work out, we'll just sell you for parts, like a used drone." She said that last part with an affected concern for his safety.
Aug 20 2014, 08:04 PM
Dark Back Alley, 8:07 AM August 2nd, 2075
Stinger shakes his head. "Look, we are in this together now." He gestures at the alley with his head. "Notice the lack of chipheads in the alley, and the fact that the walls don't have great big holes in them? We're in the UCAS Zone proper now, not in the Warrens, and I'll bet you any amount of money that we are by the Bifrost if I know Valkyrie."
He shifts slightly, trying to get more comfortable. "The fact that you haven't killed me yet, combined with the fact that we are where we are means you need this chip. I'm not even trying to negotiate with you. I don't want a finder's fee, I don't want a special deal, all I want to do is give you the chip and get the frack out of the city. I'm even paying Valkyrie's fee for the protection money. What I won't negotiate on is how this meeting goes. Just like you don't trust me, I don't trust you, and I want to be in a room with Valkyrie before any more goes down. I'm not a big fan of the woman, a little to uptight for me, but once you get a contract with her, she fulfills it."
Chrome Head
Aug 21 2014, 08:56 PM
Dark Back Alley, 8:07 AM August 2nd, 2075
Amy wasn't listening to Stinger who was just going on and on uselessly. Concentrated, she was trying to use magic directly to change his mind, but to no effect... at first. This one has a really strong mind, even injured like he is, he's still resisting. Oops, he stopped talking, I should say something.
"Listen." In the time it took for her to take a deep breath, she had had time to cast again, but this time successfully. "I don't care what you have to say. I can hurt you in ways that you can't even imagine, it's ten times worst than the most awful BTL." She knew the spell was active now, and his mind was changed. "So instead of suffering, you're going to tell me where you stashed the chip. We don't need an address, just roughly where it is."
Stinger was hesitant, but the effects of a spell like this modified your whole outlook, and there was nothing that could be done against it once it held you. "I have a flat in the northeastern part of the UCAS Zone." he blurted out. "Just don't hurt me all right? The chip is at my home."
"Good boy," she said, smiling with pride. "And don't worry, it's almost over." She closed the trunk abruptly on Stinger and walked back to the front seat.
The Bifrost Bar, 8:09 AM August 1st, 2075
Back into the room now, everyone looked expectantly at the shaman. "Sorry I took so long. You won't need to travel out of this zone, the item is in the North East. This is all we know for now."
Aug 21 2014, 10:07 PM
The Bifrost Bar, 8:11 AM August 2nd, 2075
During Amy's absence, the room was quiet. Valkyrie busied herself with work, while Jack stood silently and Grease fidgeted in his chair.
The elf had tried to make conversation, but each time Valkyrie had halted him with an upheld finger.
When Amy arrived and made her announcement, Valkyrie nodded. "That does lower the cost. So, we are thinking a mage, a rigger, a samurai and possibly a few underlings. Total billable time will be about two hours, that's transport to the location, pickup and then transport back. For safety I think that means a team of 6, including magical support." She runs a few numbers, and presents a new ARO.
"Total bill is 6,000 nuyen, plus expenses should combat occur. A 25% deposit is required up front. When do you need the team assembled? I can have them here in about an hour."
Jack VII
Aug 22 2014, 02:44 PM
The Bifrost Bar, 8:11 AM August 2nd, 2075
Jack cursed under his breath as soon as Valkyrie mentioned a deposit. Pushing himself off the wall, he nodded at Valkyrie and said, "I'll go get Mr. Moneybags, if that's okay."
Exiting the room, Jack gave the muscle a professional appraisal while he headed for the door. Walking through the front door, the ork spotted Grease's car and approached the trunk, figuring the rigger would pop the trunk once the car's sensors picked him up. When nothing happened, he slammed his fist into the trunk. "Open up, you fragged up bucket of bolts!" When the trunk still refused to open, Jack leaned forward and grabbed the lid to try to force the compartment open. Putting all of his strength into the effort, the ork was caught off-balance when the trunk popped open and slammed him in the forehead.
Blinking stars out of his eyes and cursing, Jack reached into the trunk and manhandled Stinger out, slamming the trunk forcefully behind him. Putting his right arm around his shoulder, the ork jabbed his left fist against the decker's rib cage and said, "We're going to head in for a little chat with Valkyrie, hombre. Don't do anything stupid, you really wouldn't want anything to pop up between us." With that, Jack lead Stinger to the door of the Bifrost.
Aug 22 2014, 03:21 PM
The Bifrost Bar, 8:15 AM August 2nd, 2075
Stinger walks slowly next to Jack, making sure not to make any threatening movements. "I've got no problem, we're finally doing what I've been asking."
The two enter the bar and walk past security, and the duo enter the room. Stinger extricates himself from Jack's friendly embrace, and nods to Valkyrie in greeting.
"Ok," says Stinger, now we can get down to business. "What have I missed?"
Valkyrie flips the ARO so that Stinger can view it, and he looks satisfied and then says, "Just to clarify, your team escorts us to the location, I hand the product over to these gentlemen, and then they go elsewhere, and I go back with you."
Aug 22 2014, 07:46 PM
The Bifrost Bar, 8:15 AM August 2nd, 2075
Grease pipes up, "Once we verify that the item is the one we are looking for."
Stinger pauses for a moment at the interruption, and then nods, "Of course, of course. Now, I'd also like to engage your services to get me out of the city once the deal has been concluded, but I understand that time is pressing, so we'll discuss that once we get back after the pickup."
"As to the matter of payment," he rolls up his sleeve and a portion of his arm opens, revealing a hidden compartment. He removes a credstick from within, and hands it to Valkyrie. "Please go ahead and deduct the deposit from there, I'll furnish the balance of the payment upon my arrival back at this location."
Valkyrie smoothly takes the credstick and slots it into her 'link, and then hands it back to Stinger who puts it back inside his arm, closing the compartment with a mental command. He seems to finally relax for the first time in hours. "I don't suppose you have any painkillers do you? My head is killing me." He looks over at Jack as he rubs the goose-egg sized lump on his skull where the ork hit him earlier.
Aug 25 2014, 05:11 PM
The Bifrost Bar, 9:00 AM August 2nd, 2075
The team waited impatiently for the next 45 minutes, wit Grease becoming more and more comatose as time went on.
What a time for the pendejo to come down off his high thought Jack. Pacing, he gave Grease a quick nudge to wake him up. Grease's head came up sharply, and with a quick yelp of pain he put his had to his temple.
Stinger sniggered, "I've seen that look quite a bit. Somebody needs his medicine. Remind me not to go in the car you're driving."
Valkyrie looked up from the work she was doing and scowled, shook her head, and went back to work.
Grease felt like his head was going to explode as he slumped in his chair, the chirping in his head as a message came in made him moan. <<@Team [Overkill] We've got company, multiple cars coming in.>>
Amy instantly communicated with her spirit, "Are there any hostile spirits in the area?"
"None Mistress."
The next message did not reassure the team much, <<@Team [Overkill] Looks like three, no four guys, all dressed in body armor, but not armed. They are walking toward the bar.>>
Valkyrie looks up. "My team is arriving now, we await only one more, and then we can leave."
Amy and Jack looked a little more relieved, and there was an audible thump followed by a cry of pain as Grease's head hit the table. "Perfect", mumbles Jack.
The Bifrost Bar, 9:15 AM August 1st, 2075
The door opens and the tall red-head beckons the team to come with her. "Good day," says Valkyrie. "Herr Stinger I will speak again with you shortly."
The team leaves the room and walks downstairs, where they see three humans, an ork and a dwarf finishing the straps on their body armor, each emblazoned with "Valkyrie Industries" on the back. A sixth member, an African-American female, dressed in an impeccably tailored suit was making preparations in the corner of the bar. Amy watched as a spirit of fire appeared in the Astral, hovering over the woman's shoulder.
The ork, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed hulk, came over to the team, and pulled up a map of the UCAS Zone. "Alright, where are we going?"
Stinger points to a spot on the ARO, and says, "Right there, 27 Cherry Street, in Hudson." The ork looks over to the female in the suit, who makes a brief motion with her hand, and the spirit vanishes.
The ork nods, points to Stinger, and says "You are with us, the rest of you, you are following?"
Grease nods and winces, and Jack says, "Yes, give me your commcode so we can communicate."
The ork sends it over, "Call me Hammer," and shakes Jack's hand in a vise-like grip.
"Jack. Let's keep this simple, no?"
The ork nods. "That is the plan." He turns to the rest of the team and says "Let's roll!"
"Not so fast hombre, Stinger comes with us. You can ride in front and behind us if you want, but we aren't letting him out of our sight until this is over."
Stinger starts to protest, but Hammer cuts him off with a look and holds his earpiece. "Very well. Stay behind me and in front of the other car till we get there."
Grease, Jack, and Amy walk outside to the taxi, and watch as Valkyrie's team gets into two different cars, Hammer in one with the mage and one other guard, and then the other 3 into a second vehicle. Grease wobbles his way over to the taxi and puts it on autopilot, following the lead vehicle out of the parking lot. Jack pushes Stinger into the back seat and keeps a close eye on him, while Amy sits shotgun. As the taxi pulls out onto the road, Overkill's bike follows at a discreet distance.
Aug 25 2014, 08:56 PM
27 Cherry Street, 9:45 AM August 2nd, 2075
The three vehicle convoy arrives and park outside the house. Stinger turns to the others and says, "Ok, are we ready?"
Valkyrie's team exits the vehicles and spreads out, the woman dispatching the spirit inside the house to look for intruders. After a moment, she nods, and Jack receives a message.
<<@Jack [Hammer] The house is clear. Let's get this done.>>
Jack, Amy, and Stinger exit the taxi and walk to the door. Grease offers lamely, "I'll watch your guys backs from out here."
As the group reaches the porch, Stinger says, "I don't suppose you are going to remove this, are you?" , tapping at the headjammer. Jack looks askance at him, and Stinger sighs. "Fine, I'll have to do this the hard way." He opens the concealed compartment in his arm again, and pulls out a tool kit. Expertly he opens the case on the lock on the door, and bypasses security. The door opens, and Hammer is the first through the door with one of his team, only allowing Stinger to enter after he has checked out the house.
Stinger brings Jack and Amy inside and through the living room to a work area. Computer components are strewn everywhere, and he reaches down onto a workbench, and opens a hidden compartment. He removes a chip from inside it, and hands it to Jack. "There you go. Can you verify that so our business can be concluded?"
Jack VII
Aug 25 2014, 09:38 PM
27 Cherry Street, 9:45 AM August 2nd, 2075
Jack frowned at Stinger before turning to Amy and nodding.
He sent a quick message to Hammer. <<@Hammer [JustJack] Going comm silent to check the chip in case I don't respond.>>
Taking the chip, he pulled out his Hermes Ikon and disconnected it from the Matrix, turning it into a simple data reader with a small screen. The ork pushed the chip into his commlink and waited as the device confirmed the presence of the chip. Accessing the chip's memory, the ork scrolled through the various files on the chip, paying particular interest to any video and audio files it contained. Having no way to authenticate the files, he spent a moment trying to determine if there was anything out of place with the data Stinger was providing.
Aug 26 2014, 12:47 PM
27 Cherry Street, 9:50 AM August 2nd, 2075
Jack spends several minutes checking out the chip. Searching through various video files, it appears that this was all Stinger promised and more.
There are videos of Lynx meeting with two different individuals at various locations, and credsticks change hands several different times. Both are wearing suits, but could not be more different from one another.
The first looks like an ad for the Fortune 500. His suit costs more than Grease's car, and everything from his hair to his perfect smile says corporate money. Jack fast forwards through the vid quickly, and a gold credstick changes hands - it is hard to say which smile is more predatory, that of the corporate goon or the assassin's.
The second man is much rougher in appearance, and clearly not at ease dealing with Lynx. His eyes are everywhere buy Lynx as they speak, as if nervous about simply being there. His suit says "off-the-rack", and a scar on his left cheek shows he's seen some action as he hands Lynx a data chip. Lynx gives the man a mock salute and laughs as he walks away, leaving the man clenching his fists in apparent frustration or anger.
There are other photos on the chip, a quick scan shows the relevant ones to be of Lynx and Falcon meeting with members of the Los Mags, although there is no video to go along with the photos.
While Jack is watching the videos, Stinger has grabbed a bag and been collecting various things from the house.
Jack finishes looking at the chip, turns to Hammer and says, "This seems to be what we are looking for. We are good."
Hammer nods, turns to Stinger and says, "Ready?"
Stinger pats the bag and says, "I've got most of what I need, I can buy the rest when I get where I'm going." He pulls the headjammer out and says, "If you do get Lynx, put him in the ground for me - it will be much safer for both of us."
Hammer's team escorts him out of the house and to their cars, leaving Jack and Amy to follow them.
Aug 26 2014, 02:13 PM
27 Cherry Street, 9:50 AM August 2nd, 2075
Seeing Hammer and his team speed off, Grease lets out a big sigh of relief. The doors to the cab pop open, allowing Jack and Amy to enter. Jack appears tense- as if he's waiting for the other shoe to drop. Grease asks, "Are we good?", he gets a brief nod and grunt from Jack.
<<@Overkill [Grease]: Meet us down the street and 2 blocks up; I've got the beemer parked there.>>
19 Ash Street, 9:53 AM August 2nd, 2075
Speeding away from Stinger's house, Grease arrives in front of his other car, and quickly starts transferring his equipment. Seeing what he's up to, Jack and Amy shrug and do the same. Once all the equipment and the rotodrone are in the cab, Grease taps his RCC a few quick commands and the cab speeds off.
"Jack, why don't you have Overkill check the disk."
Jack hands Overkill the disk, who carefully slots it into his deck.
Rubbing a small imperfection off the paint of his car, Grease rubs the bridge of his nose between his eyes. "So, we should probably hole up somewhere for a few hours and get some sleep. Before we do, we should probably discuss as a team what our plan here is." Waiting while Overkill checks out the disk, he continues. "We should probably have this conversation in transit." he adds, getting into his car.
Overkill sits in the front seat, still fiddling with his deck.
In the driver seat, Grease turns to address his passengers. "As I see it, that disk Overkill is checking is worth 60 large, if we want to go that route. It proves conspiracy, and it proves who is responsible for the attacks. My question to you is; do we want to go after Lynx and Bradshere for the other 60, or walk away while we're ahead? A lieutenant in LoneStar is probably pretty wired, and could cause us all trouble down the road."
Jack VII
Aug 26 2014, 03:17 PM
19 Ash Street, UCAS Zone, 9:53 AM August 2nd, 2075
Jack took a deep breath before adding to the conversation. "Assuming Lynx and crew are tracking Stinger, we're hopefully clear for the time being; Hammer and his goons can deal with them if they manage to find him. The one thing we probably need to make sure of is that Stinger didn't leave any goodies behind. There's no telling what else he might have been hiding in that arm of his."
"As far as the data, I think we should have Overkill run searches on the images to see if we can't get IDs on them. Just based on the story the pictures tell, it seems like some corp Johnson, probably with connections to the Los Mags, paid Lynx to take out Lone Star and someone at the Star provided him with the details to make the hits, just like Stinger said."
Thinking for a second, Jack said, "If we could somehow get all three of them in the same place at the same time, we could score the remainder of the fee if a law enforcement presence also happened to be there. I just don't know how we would pull that off."
"All I know is that I need some sleep. I'd settle for a coffin hotel if we can find one out here."
Chrome Head
Aug 26 2014, 09:44 PM
27 Cherry Street, 9:50 AM August 2nd, 2075
"Awesome!" Amy smiles at the announcement that they've successfully completed half of her very first job. Her enthousiasm reveals how much of a rookie she is, and also, to some extent, her young age.
"As to go for more or not, I want us to take care of Lynx, no matter what. He's after us, and I won't mind being paid to get rid of our own enemy. It'll be good for our rep, too, shows that we can get the job done to our Johnson's satisfaction. The last part, arresting the dirty cop, well I'll just say that I'd like to do it, risky as it may be it's the right thing to do. But I won't be mad if you chummers lean the other way."
The shaman remembers that she has a spirit on duty, and quickly changes its command. "Hey chief! Just watch over us now, keep an eye out for threats in either plane, and try not to show yourself, all right?"
"I'm sort of on a high right now. You know, from all the stress and it all turned out okay tonight? Still, I guess I'd need to get some rest too."
Aug 27 2014, 05:16 PM
19 Ash Street, 9:53 AM August 2nd, 2075
"There are still some open areas we need to figure out. First and foremost, if we want to go after both, how can we setup an ambush that's most likely to be successful for us? Could we play them off of one another? Can we get the ZDF to come in and scoop them up?"
Grease pauses, yawning. "Do we even need to? Could we just show this tape to the ZDF authorities, the tape from the club, and have them question Bradshere. Remember- if we setup Bradshere, it's entirely possible he'd show up with an entire precinct." He grins. "Then we'd end up cutting into our own paycheck if we ended up having to shoot our way out; it's all the same pool, after all."
He turns to address Overkill. "Sorry for fake-murdering you earlier, by the way. You played the part perfectly. Stinger sung like a canary, and we didn't even have to rough him up!"
Yawning again, he focused back on the road. "I agree though; we need to crash. We should setup a meet with Ramirez for tonight to pass this info along, then get some rack time. There's a no-tell motel up ahead we could check into that should be pretty safe." He looks at Amy in the rear view mirror. "I think we did well tonight. But I think we should deliver at least half of the goods. If we're going to try to setup an ambush on Lynx or Bradshere, we should make sure Ramirez knows they're responsible. Otherwise, if we all end up biting it he's back at square one and we didn't help at all. Always try to think of the customer!" He grins, speeding up down the road.
Jack VII
Aug 27 2014, 05:33 PM
19 Ash Street, UCAS Zone, 9:53 AM August 2nd, 2075
"If you know a place around here, let's grab some shut eye. I don't think anyone on Lynx's crew has tagged this car yet." Jack said as he transferred all of his larger weapons to the black duffel bag on the floor board of the back seat. Given the size of the sports car, it barely fit.
Nodding his head, Jack responded to Grease. "I like the idea of the ZDF doing half of our job for us, I just don't know how much they're going to believe us over the word of a Lone Star Lieutenant. Sure, the video is pretty damning, but the blue line is pretty thick and the paramilitary guys are going to be closer to the cops than us. On top of that, my contact is low-level in the ZDF and we only know each other socially. But I could probably come up with something that made sense for him to at least take a look at the chip. Hell, it could mean a promotion for him."
Pausing, Jack continued, speaking to the others in the car "But I feel like this job got a little more personal than the few jobs I've done in the past. I've never done anything cat and mouse like this. It's usually just 'go here, steal that' or 'go here, keep this guy not-dead' kind of stuff that's over within 24 hours. Lynx has taken shots at your friends and started a riot in our community. I got my venganza for Truck fragging with my friends, so if you all are okay with walking away as far as Lynx is concerned, we can."
Aug 27 2014, 05:44 PM
19 Ash Street, UCAS Zone, 9:53 AM August 2nd, 2075
Grease nods. "Despite how I may act, my conscience is not completely mercenary. If we can come up with a good plan to take Lynx and Bradshere down without undue risk to ourselves, I am willing to help." Making a quick left, he continues. "If you think the Warrens is safer, that's fine by me. I know the UCAS sector best, so that's where I'm most comfortable. I'd like to meet with Ramirez regardless; he may have some advice on what we can do going forward, given that we know what we're up against now."
Jack VII
Aug 27 2014, 05:49 PM
19 Ash Street, UCAS Zone, 9:53 AM August 2nd, 2075
"Let's try to set a meet with Johnson for later tonight, maybe 2000 to 2200? Grab some shut-eye out here in the meantime and maybe Overkill can have one of his programs do a search for information on the people in the video Stinger gave us. Then head back to the Warrens to drop off excess gear and re-equip before heading to the meet." Jack said, finishing it off saying, "Not all of us have clothes stashed out here at a friend's house."
Aug 27 2014, 06:09 PM
19 Ash Street, UCAS Zone, 9:53 AM August 2nd, 2075
Overkill pockets the chip. "I'll transfer the data to my deck when I get home, and set up my Agent to run searches. I can use some sleep too." He yawns and stretches his arms.
<<@Ramirez [Overkill] We have made significant progress. Would like to meet between 2000 and 2200 tonight. Contact me to work out the details.>>
"I will see what Herr Ramirez says, and will let you know immediately once he contacts me."
Jack VII
Aug 27 2014, 06:46 PM
Somewhere in the Hudson Community, 9:55 AM August 2nd, 2075
"Sounds good, Overkill, keep us posted. We all agreed to go grab a room at a motel around here? If so, let's do it." Jack said, looking forward to some sleep.
Chrome Head
Aug 27 2014, 07:10 PM
Somewhere in the Hudson Community, 9:55 AM August 2nd, 2075
"Yeah a motel is nice."
"No matter what happens, I want to get to Lynx. He's the one who messed up the rally and shot me. He's the one making it possible for the drugs to reach the Warrens. He's hurting so many people, I just have to put him down... Or I can settle for putting him behind bars."
Aug 28 2014, 03:58 PM
The Bedford Inn, 10:10 AM August 2nd, 2075The car pulls up to the hotel, and the team piles out, slowly making their way inside. Grease is rubbing the bridge of his nose, and all show signs of fatigue. The Japanese man at the counter accepts the 100

for the room and hands the passkey to Jack, who leads his weary party down the hallway to room 138.
The room is dingy but not filthy, with two queen beds and a small bathroom, it is far bigger than any room you would get in the Warrens.
One advantage to being out here in the sticks, thinks Jack.
Overkill takes a moment to insert the chip into his deck, and starts fiddling with it. After a moment, he is satisfied.
"Amy, can we have your spirit watch over us so we can all sleep? Or do you think it is better to have a watch?"
Jack VII
Aug 28 2014, 04:22 PM
The Bedford Inn, 10:10 AM August 2nd, 2075
Jack yawned as he stretched, "Honestly? It's probably better to have someone keeping watch, but I gotta say, I don't think Grease or I are going to be reliable watchmen. If we can setup a reasonable watch between spirits and drones that would let us rack out for eight, that would be ideal. Try and get comfortable and see to yourselves."
Sitting down on the edge of one of the queen-sized beds, he removed his boots. While probably not the best idea given their current circumstances, his feet were hot and damp from the earlier ambush at the Arsenal. The last thing the ork wanted was to pick up some kind of fungus or infection. Walking into the bathroom, Jack briefly turned the shower on to wash off his feet and dry them with a towel. Grabbing two threadbare washcloths from the sink, he shoved them down into his boots to try to absorb some of the remaining moisture. His pants and jacket he would have to tend to at a different time.
Aug 28 2014, 04:41 PM
The Bedford Inn, 10:10 AM August 2nd, 2075
Overkill pulls out his drone from his pocket, opening the window a crack and letting it fly outside. "I can add this little fellow to the watch. Also, I think I can use an actual shower, does anyone mind if I go first? " Seeing no real objections, Overkill goes to the bathroom and the hiss of the water is soon heard, along with murmurs of German as Overkill quietly sings to himself in the shower.
In about 5 minutes the elf emerges looking a little refreshed, but although his skin and hair are clean, his clothes are still rank from wearing them in the August heat. "Not much of an improvement, I'm afraid." Shrugging his shoulders, he checks on his Agent's progress briefly, and lays down on the bed that Jack is on. Similar to Jack, he has left his socks and shoes off.
"I see you must have served, my friend? My old sergeant drilled it into our heads about proper foot care." Overkill smiles wryly as he remembers. "He was a mean old bastard, but one of the best I served with in the Bundeswehr."
Jack VII
Aug 28 2014, 04:51 PM
The Bedford Inn, 10:12 AM August 2nd, 2075
"I honestly couldn't tell you, hombre." Jack sighed, as he usually did whenever his past came up. It was frustrating to him to not know who or what he had been. "I certainly seem to have been given the hardware of a soldier, but if I actually ever served, I don't remember when or where... or what I did."
Walking over to the windows, he closed the heavy curtains to block the mid-morning sun. Even though all four metahumans had the ability to see clearly in the dimmest of light, it was the ork's experience that the less light there was, the easier it was for him to get to sleep. Jack looked longingly at the shower but decided to wait until he had cleaner clothes available. Given his large-sized frame and his sense of fairness, he opted to lay down on the floor at the foot of the two beds. He grabbed the duffel bag with the long arms and used it as a fairly uncomfortable pillow.
"As long as we have eyes on our door and the windows outside, I think we'll be okay to grab some sleep."
Chrome Head
Aug 28 2014, 06:33 PM
The Bedford Inn, 10:12 AM August 2nd, 2075
Amy had lived off the street or as a squatter for all of her life. A shower was a luxury she didn't care that much for. Once a week was more than enough.
Now that things had calmed down, in the relative silence of the motel room, she really felt the fatigue from the long night. She made sure that no light came in from behind the blinds, and tried the bed. Wow.. very comfy!
Before lying down, she double checked the orders given to the spirit. "Make sure to wake me up if you see any threat while you watch over us."
"The spirit's keeping watch.. good night.." and she quickly fell asleep.
Aug 28 2014, 09:57 PM
The Bedford Inn, 6:30 PM August 2nd, 2075
Overkill awoke to the sound of his Agent burbling happily. He "heard" the message through his neural interface, the lines of code representing the Agent's speech fed directly into his cochlear nerve.
Overkill rapidly scans through the data, and then sends it to the rest of the team, along with voice mail on his burner phone. The team views the data through their various image links or DNI's
"My facial recognition software has matched the face of the man in cheaper suit to Lt. Calvin Bradshere at a 95% match." The lieutenant's Lone Star public photo is superimposed next to Stinger's video footage, and it is clear that it is the same man, or if not then his twin brother.
"I've got no matches on the location that Bradshere met with Lynx, the video is shot in an alley that could be anywhere, but at least we know who it is." He allows himself a wolfish grin, "The audio is particularly damning." During the meeting in no uncertain terms Bradshere discusses getting Officer Hawthorne out of the way. Lynx remains silent for most of the time, a quick nod or two but otherwise he is a blank slate. The video file is dated 2 days before Officer Hawthorne's murder. Overkill sends the next bit of information over.
"Here we have the opposite problem. The man in the million-nuyen-suit does not show up on facial recognition at all. I don't have a clue who he is, but look at the background."
Overkill manipulates the image, a parking garage of some sort, and moves to a shot of the exterior as Lynx walks past the outside. "That is Coors Field. The Agent says that judging by the light and the timestamp, this parking garage is somewhere to the east of the stadium." This time the audio is less useful. The suit is extremely vague, talking about how "the job" is progressing and are there any more "obstacles" that need removing. Lynx remains the same as the other vid, business-like, the only thing remotely resembling a human emotion is a wicked smile as he accepts the gold credstick from the suit.
Another mental manipulation of the data, "Lastly, here is the message from Ramirez."
<<@Churchfriends [Blocked] Motel 6, tonight, 21:00 same room.>>
Jack VII
Aug 28 2014, 10:11 PM
The Bedford Inn, 6:30 PM August 2nd, 2075
Stretching from the long rest and happy to find himself still alive, Jack grabbed his helmet and popped it on his head; the trodes contained inside firing up his DNI. Reviewing the footage Overkill had sent and the message from Ramirez, the ork smiled. This should move things along nicely, he thought to himself.
Reaching over to the battered, insulated plastic ice bucket he had filled prior to going to sleep, Jack fished out the plastic bag containing the severed fingers he had acquired from the ambush and tucked them inside the duffel bag. Figuring he would be hospitable, he stood up, walked over to the bathroom, and washed out the bucket before replacing it on the dresser. Grabbing his boots, Jack pulled out the washcloths and dropped them on the floor next to the shower. Assuming his next stop was home, he opted to leave his socks off as he laced up his boots. They were still slightly damp and dirty as drek.
"I guess we're basically set for the rest of the day." Jack said. Looking over to Grease, he asked, "Do you mind calling your taxi and giving us a lift to the Warrens? I know I could use a shower and some clean clothes before meeting with Johnson."
Aug 29 2014, 06:29 PM
The Bedford Inn, 6:30 PM August 2nd, 2075
Grease still looks fairly worn; he hasn't bounced back like you've known him to over the past couple of days. He taps a few commands into his RCC while adjusting the cuffs of his shirt under his suit. "No problem." Seeing Jack's eyes glance over his suit, he smiles. "The trick is to keep it in the bathroom when you shower; the steam straightens it out." He spends a few minutes scrolling through items via AR, and frowns when he gets to a certain portion. "I'm getting a bad feeling about that meet with the suit we don't recognize. That guy screams Corp Johnson. While we wait, what's our plan for when we take out Bradshere, and some other patsy takes his job over in a month? Lynx is skilled, but it's not like he and the Los Mags aren't completely replaceable. As long as I'm in an altruistic mood, I think we have to find out who the kingpin is before we could really consider this wrapped. That is, if we're taking it that far."
Jack VII
Aug 29 2014, 06:40 PM
The Bedford Inn, 6:30 PM August 2nd, 2075
"While I'd love to take that niņo grande down, I don't know if we're really ready for that." Jack frowned, not really liking what we was saying but believing it to be true. "If breaking this thing open causes as many problems as we're hoping it will for all involved, I'd be surprised if Lone Star didn't crack down on this hard, which might make it really difficult for whoever the Johnson is to operate. Seems like Bradshere was a pretty important cog in this machine, as far as targeting and looking the other way."
Jack scratched his chin and continued, "Let's see which way el viento is blowing with our Johnson. If he's fine with taking down just Lynx and Bradshere, I think we stick that landing. Hopefully Johnson can get the Rebuilding Together folks' names cleared and they can get back to work trying to get Crimson Fire off the streets in their own way."
Chrome Head
Aug 29 2014, 07:17 PM
The Bedford Inn, 6:30 PM August 2nd, 2075
Amy nods. "I want to help Chomsky and Rebuilding Together. But I agree that's not our job right now. I also want to put an end to drugs coming in, to cops from being dirty, and for corps, well for corps to exist at all if you ask me. But none of that is going to happen tomorrow or next week. For now, taking Bradshere and Lynx out is a very good start to make things at least a little bit better for us and everyone else in the Warrens."
"... and I'm looking forward to our payday," she adds after a moment.
Aug 31 2014, 01:55 PM
The Bedford Inn, 6:30 PM August 2nd, 2075
Overkill retrieves his socks and shoes, drier now for being allowed to sit for 8 hours. He slips them on, and says, "I need to go home and change, where should we meet up?"
Amy arranges her belongings in her ever-present knapsack. "I want to go to Hubert's to check on the kids first, if that is okay with the rest of you. If not, I'll get a cab."
Grease sighs and gets up, seeing his rest is over. "It isn't an issue for me. I've got nowhere to be, I'm already changed. Jack?"
Jack double checks the room to make sure no one has left anything and then pipes up, "I want to check in on Nic as well. We'll head to Hubert's first, and then to Nic's. Why don't you meet us there? I'll give him a head's up in case you beat us there. Wouldn't do to have come so far and have Nic mistake you for an intruder." Jack grins, and sends a quick message off to Nic.
<<@Nic [JustJack] Much to catch up on. We'll be heading over there soon, Overkill might be there ahead of us, if you can let him in. See you soon.>>
As they exit the building, Grease and Overkill have their drones return, and Amy's spirit continues its watchful presence over her shoulder. "Auf Wiedersehen, my friends, I will see you at Nic's." Overkill gets on his bike and speeds away.
Hubert's house, E. Hamilton Place, 7:05 PM August 2nd, 2075
Grease's taxi arrives at the cul-de-sac, and the team gets out, a smile coming to Amy's face as she sees Sam outside playing with the other children under the watchful eyes of Hubert and his friends. The children were engaged in fierce game of soccer and Sam's hair flew behind her as she kicked the ball down the street, running after it with abandon. Even Kevin was playing, his large body a little awkward, but laughing as he chased after the others.
On seeing his friend arrive, Hubert began to walk over to the group, his arms extended. "Amy, so happy to see you again. As you can see, the children are well."
Chrome Head
Aug 31 2014, 04:22 PM
Hubert's house, E. Hamilton Place, 7:05 PM August 2nd, 2075
"Hubert!" Amy smiles and hugs her mentor affectionately. The kids are so focused on their game that Hubert has to shout to get their attention. "Saaa-am, your aunt Amy's here!" And the little ball of energy comes running towards her adoptive mother and jumps into her open arms.
"I've missed you so much, my little dragon."
"Is it over now, aunt Amy? Are you here to take us home?"
"Sorry, Sam. I only came to check on you, I know it's been a tough couple of days..."
"No no, aunt Amy, it's okay, I like it here, I made new friends!"
The innocence of a child was a beautiful thing. They always make the best out of any situation. O all the things I would do for that little girl.
"You can go back to playing if you want. Have fun." The shaman turns back to Hubert with a very thankful look on her face. "Than-" "Don't. It's okay, come on inside and tell me what happened over a cup of tea." "Well, alright but only for a few minutes.. we're still on a schedule."
Sep 1 2014, 06:46 PM
Hubert's house, E. Hamilton Place, 7:10 PM August 2nd, 2075
Hubert smiles at Grease and Jack, introducing himself politely.
"Any friends of Amy's are friends of mine. Come, the children can continue their game."
Hubert leads the three inside his home, the cozy atmosphere enhanced by the decorations. All are clearly hand-made, a series of carvings placed around the room. They depict a mixture of animals and other pastoral settings, and are strategically placed around the room.
As they enter the kitchen, Hubert gestures for them to take a seat, and moves to the cupboard to take out an well-worn wooden box. The surface shows its age, but it has been well cared for. He opens it and lays it on the table. "Please, select whichever pleases you." There is a fairly wide assortment of flavors to choose from, and the three select one that matches their tastes.
Hubert puts the kettle on, and selects a packet marked Dragonfruit Devotion before leaning against the counter. "When last we spoke, you feared for the safety of your friends and family. I hope you are here to tell me that is no longer the case."
Chrome Head
Sep 1 2014, 11:04 PM
Hubert's house, E. Hamilton Place, 7:10 PM August 2nd, 2075
Amy appreciates the offer of herbal tea and it relaxes her. Just being in her mentor's presence often had that effect on her.
"It's not over just yet, but with what I know I don't fear for anyone else than my team and myself anymore. We've clearly taken the fight to them and soon we'll put an end to it all. Oh and you know that magical group from yesterday? I'm glad to say that we were able to stop last night's sacrificial ritual and put an end to their vile and evil practice once and for all. We even saved the poor victim."
Jack VII
Sep 1 2014, 11:51 PM
Hubert's house, E. Hamilton Place, 7:10 PM August 2nd, 2075
Jack entered the kitchen with the rest of the group. When offered a seat, Jack said, "I'd prefer to stay on my feet right now, if that's okay. Just got up from a nap." The ork leaned with his back against the counter after selecting the Aztlan Aromatic flavor for his tea. He was glad that Sam and Kevin were doing fine, but hoped to get moving soon. The thought of a quick shower and clean clothes was very appealing.
Sep 2 2014, 05:26 PM
Hubert's house, E. Hamilton Place, 7:10 PM August 2nd, 2075
Hubert nods to Jack, "Of course, of course."
Taking a deep sip of his tea, he says "That is wonderful news Amy, both that you will soon be safe and that you were able to put an end to those people. That was very nasty stuff you showed me."
"I would invite you to stay and chat for a while, but your friends look anxious..."
Chrome Head
Sep 2 2014, 06:01 PM
Hubert's house, E. Hamilton Place, 7:10 PM August 2nd, 2075
"Yes, there's still a lot to be done. I'm sorry to drop by like this and not be able to stay longer and chat. With some luck, I'll be back as soon as tomorrow to talk more and take Sam back home."
Amy makes her last sip of tea last for a few more seconds before finding the courage to get back up and leave the peaceful haven that is Hubert's kitchen.
Jack VII
Sep 2 2014, 07:01 PM
Hubert's house, E. Hamilton Place, 7:10 PM August 2nd, 2075
Thanking him for his hospitality, the team departed Hubert's house and Amy took one last opportunity to check in on the kids. Both Sam and Kevin were finishing up the game of soccer that had been raging when the team arrived. Being as large as he was, Kevin had by then been relegated to one of the two goalie positions, his bulk doing far more to keep the ball from crossing the ersatz goal line of chalk than his agility ever would. Sam was still playing her part as striker and having a ball. Catching sight of Amy leaving Hubert's house, Sam quickly lined up a shot and threaded it through the opposing goalie's legs. "Nutmeg!" she shouted as she left the field. Kevin abandoned his post as well.
As they approached, Amy said, "Alright gang, I've got to go with my friends here to take care of a few more things before work is over and we can hang out like we used to, shouldn't be too long. Are you guys okay here?"
Sam shook her head in the universal sing of everything being okay. "I'm having a lot of fun, Aunt Amy. Don't worry about me, Kevin's having fun too, right Kevin?"
Kevin nodded as well, although he followed up the nod by saying, "I'm having a good time too, but I wouldn't mind going to hang out with Mr. Nic and his toys whenever you're done."
"Alright then," Amy said, "I'll see you guys soon. Be good for Mr. Hubert!"
Nic's Knacks, 3920 S. Genoa Way, Aurora Warrens, 7:20 PM August 2nd, 2075
As the team pulled into view of Nic's Knacks, Jack breathed a sigh of relief. Overkill's BMW was parked in the front of the building and nothing seemed out of sorts. The ork hadn't heard anything back from Nic, so he was a little worried that something was wrong. Seeing the decker's bike set him somewhat at ease. Jack felt a little uncomfortable with how much he had been putting Nic in danger over the past few days. While Jack paid the majority of the bribes associated with keeping the power and water flowing to the shop, his original debt to Nic was far from being paid-off and risking his life wasn't a way to treat a friend. He would have to do better in the future.
Giving the exterior a final appraisal, Jack said, "Alright amigos, let's head inside." Walking to the front door, Jack synched his commlink with the maglock on the front door and entered the access code. Cycling the lock open, he entered the shop, taking note of Nic behind the counter and Overkill sitting in one of the available recliners.
"Buenos Noches, old man, how's it going?" Jack asked, trying to defuse any tension that might exist.
Harrumphing, Nic responded, "Things would be going a bit better if you had bothered to fraggin' tell me that you'd be gone so long. We got biz to take care of here in the shop, Jack. How much longer is this job going to be?" Nic had been around for prior jobs that Jack had done, but they largely lasted only a single night. Looking around the shop, Jack could tell that the old troll had been trying to do a lot of the heavy lifting himself. Given his fairly fragile and cobbled-together health, that wasn't a good thing.
"I'm sorry, amigo, I didn't think this job was going to take up this much of my time. I figured it would either be quick or a job that I would have a little more free time to attend to things here, but it definitely hasn't been either of those. My apologies, Nic, but I'm hoping we'll be done in the next day or two. We're getting pretty close to sealing the deal here. Once we're done, I promise to help you out here more."
Contemplating his mud and blood stained clothing, Jack said, "First thing's first, we've got a meeting in less than an hour and I need to catch a shower and get dressed. If you guys can excuse me, I'd appreciate it." On his way to the shower, Jack stopped by the deep freezer in the back corner and dropped the bag of fingers into it. "I wouldn't eat that if I were you..."
Nic's Knacks, 3920 S. Genoa Way, Aurora Warrens, 7:35 PM August 2nd, 2075
Jack walked back into the front room looking like a new ork. The water had been cold, apparently the hot water heater was on the blink, but refreshing none the less. Cleaning off the mud and blood that had stained his arms and face had revitalized him. Since the ork had other business to attend to after meeting with Ramirez, he had chosen a decent outfit: a polo shirt over his armored vest, a dark synthleather belt, and dark jeans. His combat boots were in his hands along with a brush and cleaning kit. Putting his boots on top of the counter, he pulled out a tin of boot polish and started to shine them. "So what's the gameplan for our meet with Johnson?"
Sep 2 2014, 08:07 PM
Nic's Knacks, 3920 S. Genoa Way, Aurora Warrens, 7:36 PM August 2nd, 2075
Cracking his knuckles, Grease answers first. "We do my favorite part of the job- get paid." He sits on the couch in the middle of the room, inspecting it first to make sure none of it will come off on his suit. Nic frowns, but doesn't say anything. "We show him what we have so far, and ask what he can do to help us complete the job. We then, as a team, make a judgement call if it's worth it. I know I'd feel a lot better about wrapping this thing up if we had some cavalry to count on. My guess is that we're on our own. Either way, I think we have enough proof to at least get some extra cred."
Grease's demeanor changes entirely, and he looks serious for the first time since you've met him. "The Johnson is risking a lot meeting with us. We need to show that we're operating in good faith. I'm personally worried we're leading Lynx right to him. We need to be prepared to defend ourselves, and the Johnson, if things turn sour. I know it seems like he hasn't tracked us down yet, but I'm not convinced. Plus, we're re-treading our old steps; never a good thing."
Jack VII
Sep 2 2014, 08:18 PM
Nic's Knacks, 3920 S. Genoa Way, Aurora Warrens, 7:36 PM August 2nd, 2075
Jack considered Grease's concerns before responding. "Yeah, I'm not a fan of meeting at the same location, but it's Johnson's call; unless we say 'frag the meet' which probably won't win us any points. If we get there early, we can try to set up a perimeter with the drones and one of Amy's spirits. It may not stop any drek from happening, but may give us a head's up if anything is going down."
Sticking his hand in his boot, Jack flipped it over and polished the heel, the vigorous rubbing and selective use of water achieving a nice low shine. "Going back to the other part... how much are we planning on telling him? I think he'll understand us taking Truck out if he sees the video we have of what was going down that night. Hell, he may have already spoken with Mary. We did tell her to get in contact with him and only him. But what about Stinger? I'm not so sure he's going to be bueno with that..."
Sep 2 2014, 08:53 PM
Nic's Knacks, 3920 S. Genoa Way, Aurora Warrens, 7:36 PM August 2nd, 2075
Grease shrugs. "If it comes to it, I'm more than willing to take responsibility. Going after Stinger was my call. Letting him loose was mine as well. No matter what, we're about 100 miles further ahead of where we were before we nabbed him. If you'd like I'm willing to try to chase him down now. We needed that info, and," nodding towards Overkill, "We did it without hurting him." He puts his feet up on the coffee table, and then delicately removes them as Nic's scowl widens to a grimace. "The Johnson hired us to be independent operators. He trusts our judgement, to a certain degree. I'm sure he's traded up dozens of times to get the bigger fish. It's not the best taste in the world, but it's better than the alternatives."
Jack VII
Sep 2 2014, 09:00 PM
Nic's Knacks, 3920 S. Genoa Way, Aurora Warrens, 7:37 PM August 2nd, 2075
Picking up his other boot and a brush, Jack starts to vigorously brush the top and sides of it with a steady scratch-thump sound accompanying it. "I doubt Johnson is going to really care who takes responsibility for anything. If he's like most, the responsibility is going to rest with the team at the end of the day. Either way, like you said, we did get good data from the trade. I guess I'm mainly asking if we play it recto or just neglect to tell him about it. I think the only problem with lying is that we've already shown him surveillance vid of Stinger capping one of the cops. Maybe our best bet is to present all of the evidence we've collected first, then tell him we took down Truck and made a deal with Stinger. It might soften the blow if Johnson's out for blood, so to speak."
Chrome Head
Sep 2 2014, 09:58 PM
Nic's Knacks, 3920 S. Genoa Way, Aurora Warrens, 7:37 PM August 2nd, 2075
Amy finally decides to pitch in. "I'd avoid lying to the Johnson unless we really need to. He'll probably be satisfied if we give him Lynx. Letting Stinger go got us the info we needed to complete half of the job, after all, so he'll understand."
"Now like I said before, whatever help Ramirez gives us or not, I want to keep going after Lynx. No matter what."
Jack VII
Sep 2 2014, 10:12 PM
Nic's Knacks, 3920 S. Genoa Way, Aurora Warrens, 7:37 PM August 2nd, 2075
"Oh, absolutely, that pendajo has a lot of drek to answer for..." Jack said, nodding in agreement with Amy. "So are we settled? Do we have a package put together for Johnson? I kind of figured that's what you've been working on over there, Overkill."
Finishing up with polishing his boots, Jack put them on and laced them up. Crossing the room, he grabs a tool bag and empties it onto the counter, arranging the tools so as not to anger Nic. "Don't worry, I'll put them back when I get back, I just need to borrow the bag to stash some stuff." Crossing to the far side of the room, he roots around in a pile of bric-a-brac and pulls out a thermos. Walking back over to the deep freezer, he pulls out the bag of fingers and drops them in the thermos, sealing it tightly. Returning to the bag, he places the thermos and his SMG inside and zips the bag up, securing the contents inside.
"We ready to go?"
Sep 3 2014, 03:44 PM
Nic's Knacks, 3920 S. Genoa Way, Aurora Warrens, 7:37 PM August 2nd, 2075
Overkill nods, and Grease heaves himself to his feet. Jack says, "Nic, I'm hoping we will be back tonight, but we are going to have to play it by ear."
Nic grunts, and says "Don't take too long. If you don't have those units in the south range repaired by midday, there'll be hell to pay."
The team looks very confused, and the troll sighs, "Never mind, that's long before your time."
Amy looks at Overkill, who shrugs, and they leave the old troll's home and pile into Grease's vehicle.
Motel 6, 1500 E. Smoky Hill Road, Aurora, 8:10 PM, August 2nd, 2075
Twenty minutes later, they pull into the parking lot of the Motel 6. As before, the parking lot is half full, and while the cars there have changed since the previous night, they nonetheless display the same symptoms of neglect and use. Grease's BMW slides into a parking space, its sleek, clean lines standing out among the derelict cars adjacent to it.
The Stuffer Shack is open, and its clientele has not changed since the other night, except in number. Instead of three Japanese men lounging about and drinking, there are six of them looking much more alert. As Grease pulls into the parking lot, an Americar pulls into the parking lot of the Stuffer Shack, and stops as it approaches the men. One of them leans down and has a conversation with the person in the passenger seat, and after a minute or so of conversation, the car rolls off down South Fraser.
The team exits the vehicle and enters the Motel, ducking the sparks coming off of the "A" in the vacancy sign. Jim greets them with his usual laconic attitude. "Hi."
Jack VII
Sep 4 2014, 12:05 PM
Motel 6, 1500 E. Smoky Hill Road, Aurora, 8:10 PM August 2nd, 2075"Buenos noches, Jim. We're the, uh, Smythes and we have a reservation." Jack said, his mind already on the meeting and a little worried about security. The ork waited silently with the rest of the team for the attendant to give them their access card for the room. Pulling out his commlink, the ork taps out a message to the team.
<<@Team [JustJack] We should probably deploy a drone outside the hotel entrance and one outside of our room. Maybe set up a spirit for guard dog duty to attack anyone who tries to enter the room?>>GEAR[ Spoiler ]
Streetline Special [APDS] w/2x Spare Clip [Regular] (W)
HK227 [Regular] w/3x Spare Clips [Regular] (W)
Flash-Pak (W)
Armored Vest
Horn Rim Glasses w/Flare Comp, Image Link, Vision Enhancement (2) (W)
Earbuds w/Audio Enhancement (3) (W)
Hermes Ikon (5) [Browse & Signal Scrub] w/Subvocal Mic
Medkit (3) (W)
4x Standard Credstick
Fake SIN (4) [Diego Sanchez]
Fake License (4) [Augmentations, Concealed Carry, Firearms]
Internal Air Tank (3) [Alpha] (W)
Muscle Replacement (2) [Alpha]
Skilljack (4) [Used] (W)
Skillwires (4) [Used]
Skillsoft: [Automatics (4), Pistols (4), Unarmed Combat (4)]
Smartlink [Alpha] (W)
Handblade [Alpha]
Wired Reflexes (1) [Alpha]
Sep 4 2014, 01:04 PM
Motel 6, 1500 E. Smoky Hill Road, Aurora, 8:10 PM, July 29th, 2075, 8:10 PM August 2nd, 2075
Jim nods. "You look like a Smythe." With his deadpan delivery it is hard to tell if he is kidding or not. He hands you a keycard and motions lazily down the hallway. "Fifth door on your left. Ice machine is at the end of the hall."
He yawns and goes back to his AR activities.
Jack VII
Sep 4 2014, 01:38 PM
Motel 6, 1500 E. Smoky Hill Road, Aurora, 8:10 PM August 2nd, 2075
Jack frowned and gave a weak retort, "...and you look like a Jim. Short for Jim's-Not-Funny-At-All. Thanks for the keycard." Before departing the lobby, Grease mutters something about locking his car and steps outside briefly. Other than lazily waggling his fingers in the direction of his BMW, causing his suit jacket to flutter a bit, he doesn't really seem to do anything before returning inside.
<<@Team [Grease] We've got eyes outside.>>
The group moved down the hallway, Jack carefully counting off five doors on the left hand side of the hallway before reaching their destination. Slotting the keycard, Jack opened the door to the room, a near mirror of the room the team had met with Ramirez the first time, albeit this time on the first floor.
"Let's make sure there aren't any bed bugs, sounds good?" Jack asked, hoping the team would pick up on the insinuation.