Jack VII
Mar 25 2014, 05:03 PM
Inside Schaefer's Diner, 12:15 PM, July 31st, 2075
Jack considered the elf's question before responding. "Honestly? My gut says no and I think we're probably jumping at shadows right now. Hitting an event like this in force with media coverage would seem like a great way to attract the wrong kind of attention for the Los Mags or whoever else is involved. I doubt they would try anything large scale that could be traced back to them, but an assassination? Maybe... all kinds of people who tried to help the little guy have been murdered over the years at public events."
"A lot of it is going to depend on the set-up, so it would be good to take a look at what they've got set up."
Chrome Head
Mar 25 2014, 05:08 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 12:00 PM July 31st, 2075
Amy eats a second meal almost just after she had her first one, in preparation for her exhausting afternoon of binding a spirit into servitude. Having received no response from the rest of the team, she just assumed that it would be okay to have them say yes to Chomsky, although she still wouldn't speak for all without their direct consent.
<<@Chomsky (BCC: Team) [Amy] I'll be there to assist to the best of my abilities. You can think of the rest of the team as a high threat response team in case of something major happening. So don't put us officially in charge, we'll be behind the scenes, but at the ready.>>
Mar 25 2014, 05:19 PM
Inside Schaefer's Diner, 12:18 PM, July 31st, 2075
As Jiff tops off their soykaf with a smile, Grease makes what sounds like a gentle inquiry. "Say there.." he pauses, reading her nametag. "Jill. We had a pair of friends come in here yesterday, asking about that cop who got killed. They were going to come back today, but were tied up in another avenue of the investigation. We wanted to know if you would mind looking at a picture for us, and tell us if that's the person you saw when it happened." Grease gives her a kind smile, gently nudging Jack under the table until he responds with a Tusky grin.
Mar 25 2014, 05:32 PM
Inside Schaefer's Diner, 12:18 PM, July 31st, 2075
Jill nods. "I remember them, both elves, pretty girl, the guy had an accent, right? Yes, lovely couple. Glad someone is looking into the case. So, you are friends of them too? Hope you all are making progress on the case."
Mar 25 2014, 06:35 PM
Inside Schaefer's Diner, 12:18 PM, July 31st, 2075
Grease nods along. "Yes; we're working with them although we've been pursuing other leads. Of course we'd like to keep this whole investigation confidential; we don't want anything to slip to the victims family and give them false hope. That said, we think we have found a person of interest; would you mind taking a look and telling us if you recognize them?"
Grease quickly throws up the photo on his commlink, and thinking quickly adds a few random pictures from the matrix alongside it as well, to make sure she doesn't just point at the first thing she sees.
Mar 25 2014, 06:51 PM
Inside Schaefer's Diner, 12:18 PM, July 31st, 2075
She looks at each one of the pictures intently, but shakes her head after each one. "I'm sorry, but I don't recognize any of those people. I only saw the driver, he just doesn't look like any of those people."
She gets ready to take your order, and then says, "Did you just get this picture today? None of the four people I spoke to yesterday had it."
Jack VII
Mar 25 2014, 06:59 PM
Inside Schaefer's Diner, 12:18 PM, July 31st, 2075
Disappointed that his guess was apparently off, Jack was about to place his order when she asked her follow-up question.
Four?!? Jack kicked Grease under the table.
"They were given to us just this morning as potential suspects and we thought a few of them sounded like the individual you saw."
Jack paused briefly, trying to figure out the best way to approach this. "I'm sorry that we seem to be taking up so much of your time. I wasn't aware that any of our other co-workers were looking into this part of the investigation. Other than the couple from yesterday, who else has been asking around? It would be really helpful so we can get in touch with them and avoid tripping over each other."
Mar 25 2014, 07:11 PM
Inside Schaefer's Diner, 12:18 PM, July 31st, 2075
"Um, sure. I - and I don't mean to be disrespectful here, but it is a little upsetting how this is being handled. I mean, at first, no one seems to pay any attention to this case, and then 6 different people show up in the span of two days, and none of you seem to know anything about one another. It makes me wonder what's going on."
With a frown, she says, "Well, they were as mismatched a pair as I've ever seen. One was a troll, barely fit in the booth, and the other one was a skinny little thing, looked like a mouse in a suit. The troll was African American, with long dreadlocks coming down to his waist. The other one, well, he was just a guy. Skinny, small, brown hair, he did all the talking, but can't say I remember much about him. Said that his name was Johnson, if that helps. The troll didn't say a word, just pointed at the menu."
Mar 25 2014, 07:20 PM
Inside Schaefer's Diner, 12:18 PM, July 31st, 2075
Responding smoothly, Grease addresses Jill's concerns. "Of course- I can imagine how from the outside it can seem confusing, how things start and stop suddenly. This is just one of those cases of cross jurisdictional issues; There's a task force involved from one end, an inquiry from another, a grand jury investigation; it's not uncommon for there to be crossed wires. I apologize that you've had to repeat your story so many times. Tell me; so we don't have to come back out and bother you AGAIN; what did the second group yesterday ask about? We don't want to cover the same ground; we can just review their notes back at the station." Grease smiles and looks at Jill expectantly.
Mar 25 2014, 07:26 PM
Inside Schaefer's Diner, 12:18 PM, July 31st, 2075
Jill makes a face, as if to say, What are you going to do, and then says, "Well, they wanted to know what I knew about the murder, and they wanted to go over my answers to the first couple of elves, and then they wanted to know if the first couple had left me a card or contact information. I said they didn't, so they gave me a card. I put it in my apron, here it is..."
She pulled out a business card shaped piece of paper, but it was blank. She looks confused. "Huh, I could have sworn... Well, I'm sorry, I must have lost it between shifts. Wonder where I got this though?" She shakes her head. "Anyways, they said they would interview people in the apartment building across the street too. I saw them go over there after they finished eating."
Mar 25 2014, 07:41 PM
Inside Schaefer's Diner, 12:18 PM, July 31st, 2075Grease chuckles.
"Yeah, that's just like Johnson. I'm not surprised at all." Leaning in, he shares a conspiratorial look with Jill.
"Say; we've kind of got a pool going at the office, first to crack this case gets bragging rights. I don't want the the elves and the second pair know how far we are behind them in our interviews. Makes us look bad, yaknow? You look like you've got a busy shift; let me cover anyone who might short-change you." Grease sends 50

over his commlink to Jill, smiling politely and winking.
"You'll keep this between us, right? I'm going to review notes with my colleague here; you think of anything else you let me know."Still chuckling, Grease thumbs a message out on his commlink.
<<@Team[Grease]: Got some info on a tail asking about Overkill and Amy yesterday. African American Troll with dreadlocks and a human male; small, skinny, brown hair, talkative. Possibly a mage.>>
Jack VII
Mar 25 2014, 07:45 PM
Inside Schaefer's Diner, 12:18 PM, July 31st, 2075
While Grease held court, Jack opened up a window in his AR-feed and ran a quick scan to see if the business card Jill just displayed contained an RFID tag. It sounded like the little man may have been a mage, successfully pulling off the trick Amy tried on the Yaks last night, but who could tell when it came to magic. Jack silently grimaced when Grease made up the bit about a competition. The waitress clearly seemed upset that the investigation appeared haphazard. Treating it as a game might make her even less pleased. Still, if anyone could pull it off, Grease could.
Mar 25 2014, 09:56 PM
Inside Schaefer's Diner, 12:18 PM, July 31st, 2075
Jill looks less than pleased at Grease indicating that the investigation was being done in such a manner, but the money seemed to mollify her a little.
"I'll keep this to myself. Personally I don't care which of you solves it, so long as one of you does."
Mar 25 2014, 10:06 PM
Inside Schaefer's Diner, 12:18 PM, July 31st, 2075
Seeing the frown, Grease nodded solemnly. "Yes; it's a bit distasteful, but they've done studies that prove that organizations are more effective when there are internal competitions between small sub-teams. Just know we're all working together to try and solve the case, and this helps us work faster." He gives her a kind smile, although this time she doesn't return it. "We appreciate your discretion."
Mar 26 2014, 03:11 PM
Apartment Complex, Stapleton, 12:45 PM, July 31st, 2075
After a quick lunch, Grease and Jack decide to go check out the apartments across the street. As they leave, Jack motions Grease to his vehicle. Once they are inside, Jack says, "Grease, I think we ought to be a little more careful on our approach, since we know that someone has been here before us."
Grease nods, and pulls out of the parking lot, driving around and approaching the apartment complex from the south. He parks on E. 29th, and then sends one of his drones into the air, sending it around to the north side of the building. "We can use it as a guide to figure out which apartments we want to look into, based on which windows face the street, and having another pair of eyes in the sky wont' hurt."
There are four buildings in the complex, but only one seems to be in a position to have a good view of the scene. They walk over to the building, Grease leading the way, the elf walking like he belonged there, nodding to the occasional tenant, and smiling at a couple of children playing in the common area. The two walk into the building behind an older dwarf who holds the door for them, his lack of height accentuated by a deep curvature of the spine.
Based on the feedback he is getting from his Fly Spy, Grease leads them along the corridor to apartment 103. "This one seems to have the best view. Ready?"
Jack nods, I never know what is going to come out of his mouth, wonder what it will be this time?
Grease knocks, but there is no answer. He knocks again, a little more insistent, but again, receives no answer from inside.
Jack VII
Mar 26 2014, 03:32 PM
Apartment Complex, Stapleton, 12:45 PM, July 31st, 2075
Grease frowned for a moment. "The curtains on the windows are closed, my Fly-Spy can't see anything."
Jack responded, "I think there's a cat inside, but I don't hear anything else other than the appliances. It is lunch time though, maybe whoever lives there is grabbing a bite to eat?"
Jack looked around to see if there were any residents near-by to ask, possibly the gentleman dwarf who held the door for them.
Mar 26 2014, 03:46 PM
Apartment Complex, Stapleton, 12:45 PM, July 31st, 2075
Grease looks around and, seeing no one else in the hallway and no visible cameras, takes out his other Fly Spy. Patting it gently, he puts it down on the floor, then sits down next to it, putting his head back against the wall. He winks at Jack, "Watch my back for a second." He then jumps into the little drone, walking along the threadbare carpet of the hallway, its color faded with time. As the drone approaches the door, Grease switched on the olfactory sensor, was hit with an odor of feces and urine.
Opening his eyes and blinking, he tried to clear the smell from his head, although it was purely psychosomatic at this point. "Something smells real bad in there, Jack."
Jack VII
Mar 26 2014, 03:59 PM
Apartment Complex, Stapleton, 12:45 PM, July 31st, 2075
"Bad like death?" Jack asked.
Grease shrugged, but then slowly nodded his head while still pinching his nose even though he knew it would do no good. The ork shook his head. Way too many innocent people related to this case seemed to be missing or dead. The ork removed his glasses and rubbed at his eyes.
"Alright amigo, what now? There's probably a body in there, so I don't think we really want to be caught around here doing anything suspicious. We could come back at night and try to break in somehow, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. This lead seems to be..." The ork slipped his glasses back into place. "... a dead end."
A cat mournfully meowed inside the apartment.
Mar 26 2014, 04:20 PM
Apartment Complex, Stapleton, 12:46 PM, July 31st, 2075
Grease goes to slam his hand in anger into a wall, but then things better of it, and simply smacks the palm of his hand with his fist. "Damn it. I don't know what is worse. The fact that some poor schlub got whacked, or the fact that we can't even get in there to see if there is anything the killers might have left behind that would help. It wouldn't bring the person back, but it might mean we could stop them from killing someone else."
He thinks about it, "Controlling drones I can do, driving I can do in my sleep. Locks? Not so much. Do we just head back to Nic's and see how Overkill and Amy are doing?"
Jack VII
Mar 26 2014, 04:30 PM
Apartment Complex, Stapleton, 12:46 PM, July 31st, 2075
"Unless you can figure out a way to clear out the apartment comp..." Jack stopped mid-sentence and thought hard. "I have an idea, but you're not going to like it. Hell, I don't like it given the risk versus reward ratio. These old places still probably have manually operated fire alarms, right? The alarm noise could cover the sound of breaking the door open assuming I get it in one go. The downside is the fire department would show up and the body would be discovered. We'd have very little time."
Frowning, Jack rejected the idea. "No, I really don't think its worth the risk. I guess we should head back to Nic's."
Mar 26 2014, 06:14 PM
Apartment Complex, Stapleton, 12:46 PM, July 31st, 2075
Grease bows his head in defeat. "Maybe we can try and head back here later on... but for now you are right. Let's swing by Horseshoe Park and see what is going on there."
The duo moves back through the apartment complex, and gets in Grease's car. Jack can tell that this must be bothering Grease, since he keeps it to under 90km per hour on the side streets. While on the way there, Jack sends a quick message to Chapel.
<<@Chapel [Jack] Chapel, might need to top off my ammo supply, do you have any gel rounds for an SMG and S&S for a hold out on hand?>>
The response comes back a few minutes later: <<@Jack [Chapel]Sure, got plenty of that stuff in stock. Swing by the Rusty Bar-rel and we'll make the exchange - say in around an hour?>>
<<@Chapel [Jack] See you then.>>
Grease is a million miles away, letting the car drive itself, really, as he wrestles with the thought of using again. I might need it for tonight, don't want to be too slow to have someone else get killed...
With Jack right there, however, he is able to push down the urge, and continue driving.
Horseshoe Park, Aurora Warrens 1:15 PM, July 31st, 2075
They reach the park, and it is abuzz with activity. All around you see men and women of all races wearing bright yellow "Rebuilding Together" T-shirts helping to set up a stage, put up portable barricades, and hustle around. Meanwhile, several men in black uniforms emblazoned Cruz Security across the back watch over the proceedings from four checkpoints around the park. They all seem to be carrying stun batons, but are otherwise not armed. Chomskey and Greeley are both standing in the middle of it all, directing traffic.
Not wanting to get in the way, Grease sends up a couple of drones, gets some aerial surveillance photos, and then recalls them. Jack still doesn't seem happy at the prospect of all the open space, but he shrugs, and says "Listen, I have to make a stop at the Rusty Bar-rel, can you swing by there?"
Grease brings them to the Bar-rel, and they meet Chapel in the parking lot. Chapel opens the trunk of his car, and Jack pulls out the ammo he needs, and then slots his credstick and transfers the money. "Pleasure doing business with you as always." Chapel winks, and Grease and Jack head on home.
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 2:00 PM, July 31st, 2075
When they arrive, they find Nic, Sam, and Kevin all hovering around an old lawnmower. Nic is explaining in great detail how each part fits together, and its function, along with various tidbits on where to find the best replacement parts, where you can sell those parts, and a long list of scavenger dos and don'ts. Sam looks on with a serious expression on her grease-smudged face, holding the distributor cap in one hand. Kevin is looks generally confused. He keeps poking at the machine, an old John Deere from the 20th century, and says, "How does it work? Its dead, the whole thing is dead." Nic sighs and then begins to patiently explain how "back in the olden days" not everything had to connect to the Matrix to work...
Heading inside, they find Overkill propped up in the bed, eyes closed as he continued the search for Lynx. From the back yard, they could hear Amy's voice, sometimes quiet, sometimes strident, but never quite understandable. Jack and Grease decide to leave her alone for now, and head to the living area. Dropping heavily into a chair, Jack tries to relax, while Grease pulls out his disguise kit. "Well, I best get started, and at least I won't have to tell him to hold still." He starts walking toward the bedroom and Overkill's resting form.
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:30PM, July 31st, 2075
Amy had come in an hour ago, looking very tired, and collapsed on the bed next to Overkill, not even noticing the other elf's changed appearance. She fell asleep almost immediately. Grease, sitting on the floor in the living room watching the trid with Jack sighed, got up and said, "Now I know how morticians must feel." Rolling up his sleeves, he again marched into the bedroom to begin working on Amy.
Now the whole team was assembled in the kitchen, picking from a selection of stuffers that Jack and Nic had available. Grease looked over at the two elves. "What? You two look good as blondes. Although Overkill, we have to get you in the sun more often, its bad enough with the black hair, with blonde you look like an albino." Sam still tittered a little at seeing her mother look so different. Grease's disguise was very good, and if you didn't know them, you would be hard pressed to tell what they looked like before.
Grease put the surveillance photos up in AR, and said, "Ok gang, now what?"
Jack VII
Mar 26 2014, 08:00 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:30PM, July 31st, 2075
Taking in Grease's work, Jack figured that Amy and Overkill probably wouldn't thank him. They definitely didn't look like themselves, but the change was generally not for the better, if the ork was going to be honest. Luckily, no one was asking for his opinion of how they looked, but rather how their disguises looked.
"Good job, Grease, Jack said, "a small ghoul pack will make a welcome addition to our team. Seriously though, good work on the disguises. Anyone looking for the Amy and Overkill we know and love will be hard-pressed to ID them."
As the AR feed popped up and the map unfolded, Jack started explaining the layout. "Two bridges on the west and northeast for controlled access. Two security points at the parking lot, from where the majority of foot traffic should be coming. Security is being handled by Cruz Security. I don't know much about them, but they only appeared to be carrying stun batons, which I guess makes sense given the folks putting on the show. The stage is going to be here in the middle of these baseball diamonds."
"The setup isn't too bad for crowd control. But all this open space," Jack paused, pointing to the baseball fields, "...is bad news if someone wanted to set up a sniper in one of the surrounding houses. The three areas of housing closest to the stage are all well within sniper rifle range... Hell, you could pull it off with an assault rifle and a good shot. It's also very much inside the range of heavier weapons if someone just wanted to rock n' roll."
"We haven't really even scratched the surface on magic threats, but I don't really know enough about that stuff to give an opinion. One thing I do think we need to do is ask Chomsky for some of those t-shirts to blend into the crowd better."
The ork tugged on one of his tusks before continuing. "As for a plan... I'm not sure. We don't have any guarantee that a sniper is going to leave the wireless signal of their weapon turned on, so there's no telling if matrix surveillance would work. We could try and set Rhex up with someone serving as a spotter as well as the Fly-Spys to try and serve as a countersniper but, as Grease mentioned earlier, Rhex'd have to be really well hidden. We probably should have one or two people near the stage just in case they do try for something close-up. Also, if the principals aren't wearing armor, they should be, although I know that can send the wrong message. Really, it's not an ideal situation all around"
"Amy, can you add anything on the magic front? What should we be concerned about?" Jack asked the now-blonde elf.
Chrome Head
Mar 26 2014, 08:55 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:30PM, July 31st, 2075
Amy looks at herself in the mirror and laughs. "Well this suits me just fine, doesn't it, Sam? Oh you don't like it?" She asks as she places her new hair. "It's still me even without the tattoos, honey, even with a -- strangely shaped nose, too." She takes her adoptive daughter in her arms and turns to Grease. "But seriously, good job Grease."
The shaman listens to Jack's explanations and stares at the map, thinking hard about the problem, with her mouth slightly open while she concentrates. "Well if you think about it, sniping and shooting combat spells is similar, except that it's harder to get a one-shot kill. You need line of sight.. and that's pretty much it. The difference is that you can do a whole lot of other things too, like manipulating the minds of a portion of the crowd. To target someone on the physical plane, you don't have to perceive the astral, and this makes you pretty hard to spot, especially in a crowd. What I can do, however, is use my powers to protect others from magical harm, at least to an extent. If I'm close enough to Chomsky and whoever else I try to protect, it can make a significant difference in their chances to resist an attack. I'll have a powerful spirit on hand, to do astral surveillance at the same time. He'll be able to spot anyone - especially those who are magically actice - in the astral, as well as active spells, other spirits, stuff like that. Spirits are magical beings, and this makes them the perfect tool for magical security. With the other spirit I binded to me today for backup, I don't know what more I can do on the magical side of things."
Jack VII
Mar 26 2014, 10:23 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:32PM, July 31st, 2075
"That's really helpful, Amy," Jack replied to Amy's contribution. "So it sounds like you probably need to be one of the ones closest to the stage if we want to protect the principals from magical threats. Plus, your reaction speed is faster than anyone I've ever seen which can certainly help when guarding people."
A rough plan starts to form in Jack's mind. "OK, just follow me here. Amy and I set-up on or near the stage to deal with any close threats, magical threats in Amy's case, or just to act as a meat-shield in my case. Grease sets up in the taxi in the parking lot with his full crew of drones doing surveillance and serving as fire support. He's also there in case everything goes to drek and we have to get the principals out fast. Overkill sets up in the crowd running matrix overwatch and taking care of any threats coming from the crowd. It's not that great, but we can't do much given the timing. Anybody got a few smoke grenades?"
Always Overkill
Mar 27 2014, 03:12 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:32PM, July 31st, 2075
As he listened, Drave kept looking into the mirror, and couldn't help but be reminded of this crazy Neo-Aryan back in Berlin, who he now shared an unfortunate resemblance to. Shaking off the thought, he refocused his attention on the rally.
"Its good enough, Mein Freunde." Drave replied in appreciation to Jack, "Given the layout of the event, und our manpower and resources, we can't really lock this place down any better. No smoke grenades on hand, but I do have a couple flashpaks I could set up between the crowd and the podium as a last resort. I can set my Agent to run silent and scan the Matrix for Icons running silent. Also, do you want me to look like I am working or just blend in as another spectator?"
Jack VII
Mar 27 2014, 03:30 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:32PM, July 31st, 2075
Jack listened to Overkill intently. He was only slightly more familiar with matrix security than he was with magical security. The elf made several good points.
"If you're going to be among the crowd, probably best to just look like the rest of them. We probably need to find out whether the yellow t-shirts are for volunteers only or if the folks in the crowd are going to be wearing them too. From a marketing perspective, Rebuilding Together probably wants everyone wearing a similar shirt for the media impact."
Marketing? What the frag do I know about marketing? I guess something...
Jack shook his head and continued, "But everyone wearing the exact same t-shirt would make security more difficult unless they have a different color shirt or a badge for documented volunteers. From the clothes you and Amy bought the other day, I'd just put something together that would let you fit in in the Warrens. If everyone's wearing a t-shirt, just throw one on over that when we get there."
Considering the operational details, Jack continued, "Let's hold off on the Flash-Paks. With that many eyes on the stage, someone is bound to pick one out and know what it is, which might send a message that Rebuilding Together probably doesn't want to send. But scanning for hidden icons is a great idea. I'm not sure if they are planning on restricting weapons, but that should be your primary focus. How far out can you scan?"
Always Overkill
Mar 27 2014, 03:46 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:32PM, July 31st, 2075
Drave turned to Jack at his question, "I can scan up to 100 meters without any problem, but up to a kilometer with only a small amount of Noise, which should allow me to do period scans of the housing areas that have Lines of Sight to the podium. Between that and Grease's surveillance sweeps, we should be able to keep those areas under close scrutiny. I also have another Fliegegeheimagent of my own, and we could add it to your RCC if you'd like an extra sensor suite up there, Grease. But be careful with it; Oppenheimer would be very disappointed if anything happened to that thing. "
Jack VII
Mar 27 2014, 04:00 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:34PM, July 31st, 2075
"Bueno," Jack replied. "With a 100-meter scan range, you should probably set-up near the middle to the back of the crowd and focus primarily there with occasional scans of the surrounding areas. The long-range scans, plus physical sweeps by Grease's drones and astral sweeps by Amy's spirit, will hopefully cover long-distance threats. We'll have two of us near the stage and Overkill can get close enough for fire support if something goes down there. Assuming we can set Rhex up somewhere for fire support, that sounds like our plan."
"Any additions that I'm missing?" Jack asked, pausing. "If not, we probably should take a look at it as if we were the opposition with perfect info."
Always Overkill
Mar 28 2014, 02:30 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:34PM, July 31st, 2075
Looking over the park and their setup in his AR, Drave spoke up; "Unless our hypothetical attackers are looking to stir up a massive response with a public display of carnage, I would have to imagine they would be looking for a precise hit. Which gives us two shooting scenarios; a close-in shooter in the crowd armed with something concealable; or we have a sniper at long range. Any one of the windows in those houses looking out on where the podium will be could have easily been pre-sighted and ready for a sharpshooter to step in at his chosen moment and step out as soon as the shot had been taken."
He continued, "I will keep my focus on finding any weapons in the crowd, but we need to keep a tight watch on the neighborhoods with line of sight to the rally. That's where I would hit from." He looked over at Jack, "When we get on-scene, I am going to scan the windows and see if we can find some that look ideal for the shot."
Jack VII
Mar 28 2014, 02:49 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:35PM, July 31st, 2075
Jack nodded, pleased that Overkill's assessment basically matched his. "I agree. There would be a lot of variables for a close-up shooter to deal with; the security checkpoints, getting a good line of sight from the crowd, and possible crowd reaction to them pulling out a weapon all add up to complications they probably don't want. The sniping angle makes the most sense, other than a spirit popping up on stage to blast an unlucky victim. It's also one of the most difficult to defend against. You either pick up the sniper before the shot or hope to hell they aren't aiming well and armor does its job. I think we're mostly going to have to rely on Grease's drones for early detection. If there is some way we can harden the targets, we should use it. Armor, spells, whatever..."
Mar 28 2014, 03:50 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:35PM, July 31st, 2075
Grease has been quiet for some time, but then pipes up when something strikes him. "It occurs to me that if someone was planning a hit, they'd be better prepared than we are now. I think what would be useful would be for us to consider how we can change the circumstances to make their job more difficult. For starters, what if he didn't present on a podium right smack in the middle there? What if we moved the event all the way over to the side of the park, and made that change at the last minute? Say there was water damage or something and it was messing with the electricals. That wouldn't help with your "shooter in the crowd" problem, but you may mess things up for a sniper who had perched himself with a good angle at distance."
Jack VII
Mar 28 2014, 04:25 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:35PM, July 31st, 2075
Jack chuckled, "I mean... it's a good idea from a security perspective, but I'm not sure even your gift of gab is enough to get them to move all of their drek. It looked like that was a lot of work. Unless you're saying we sabotage their efforts to force them to vámonos?"
"Amy, could you pull off the same trick you used at the Park this morning? Have the principals speak through a microphone backstage and you create an image of them on stage that a sniper would target instead?"
Chrome Head
Mar 28 2014, 06:46 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:35PM, July 31st, 2075
Amy thinks about it before answering. "I don't think that's wise. Think of it like old school magic. What I can pull off on a side street to get a distracted man from noticing that he's being scammed out of 20$ won't work on a New York stage, with the whole world watching from every angle. Same thing here. I wouldn't try something this obvious in front of a big crowd and expect no one to find out. Some people would see through it immediately, for sure, especially the Awakened. I can maybe make the targets harder though, as you put it, but it depends on the amount of concentration that will require of me, and it might not be sufficient anyway. Do you really think there's gonna be an attack today?"
Jack VII
Mar 28 2014, 07:04 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:35PM, July 31st, 2075
"OK, I'm not familiar with magic. Thanks for the explanation," Jack replied.
"Do I think there's going to be an attack?" the ork asked. "No, my gut says no. I mean, it's certainly possible that the Rebuilding Together people might be targets, but so far it doesn't seem like the conspirators are interested in anyone who isn't Lone Star or a witness to a murder. I threw it out as a possibility, but if Chomsky isn't expecting anything from us, I'm not too worried about it. I guess we just do the best we can and hope that nothing's actually going to go down, focus our efforts on gathering info like we originally planned."
Jack paused, as if remembering something, "Oh yeah, one thing. As you know, Grease and I went to talk to Jill at Schaefer's. She said the man she saw driving was not the same person from the Stuffer Shack murder, which is disappointing that we don't have a solid connection. That was when we learned about the troll and the mage, the two tails Grease texted you about. Jill said they wandered over to Newton's apartment complex across the street after talking to her. We headed over there as well and Grease is pretty sure his drone picked up something that smelled like death coming from the apartment with the best view of the accident. That's probably another body to add to the butcher bill."
Chrome Head
Mar 28 2014, 07:13 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:36PM, July 31st, 2075
Amy wasn't shocked at this, just disappointed. "Oh. I see. That's probably what had happened to the woman who was hit by the van, too. She had seen too much. The fact that they are aggressively getting rid of possible witnesses is a bit scary. We need to get to one of them as soon as possible, because they'll be coming after us sooner or later. I'm getting seriously worried for our safety: they don't seem like the kind of people we'll be able to reason with."
Jack VII
Mar 28 2014, 09:42 PM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:36PM, July 31st, 2075
"I agree, Amy. We need to get this thing sewn up, quick." Jack responded.
"OK, are we good to go then? We head over, check out the area, maybe someone suggests they might want to move the stage somewhere else or wear some armor. Regardless, we're going to have Grease running the surveillance net with his drones and Overkill's Flugelhorn or however it's pronounced. Me and Amy are going to hang out backstage if they let us, Amy to cover the astral and me to cover the principals. Overkill is going to be checking out the crowd and the matrix. If we can find somewhere for Rhex to setup, the drone can be our fire support. Sounds about right?"
The ork checked the action on his Streetline Special and tucked it into the sub-standard pocket holster that the cheap firearm was sold alongside. I need a proper concealed holster for this thing. I guess when I have the time and nuyen... he thought to himself before addressing the crew. "I'm not planning on bringing anything heavier than my hold-out for this gig. If the drek does hit the fan, the main thing is to get Chomsky & Greeley out of there, agreed?"
Chrome Head
Mar 29 2014, 12:15 AM
Nic's Knacks, Aurora Warrens, 5:36PM, July 31st, 2075
Amy nods. "Yes of course. Chomsky.. and Greeley." She didn't mean to make her distaste of the new savior of the Warrens so apparent, but she couldn't help it. Ms. Greeley is under my care for tonight. I gotta protect her like I would anyone else, she told herself. "I think we've covered everything we could from here. Let's get over there and see what kind of feeling we get from the whole setup they already have down there."
Mar 29 2014, 03:42 PM
Horseshoe Park, Aurora Warrens, 6:15PM, July 31st, 2075
After stopping off to grab a quick bite to eat at a local Stuffer Shack, the team arrived at Horseshoe Park. They drove up to the parking lot behind the stage, and after a brief discussion with several Cruz Security employees, were waved through after a message from Greeley gave them permission to enter. Grease parked the BMW in an empty spot, and the group exited the car, looking a little out of place in the sea of yellow t-shirts.
Chomsky came over and greeted them warmly, embracing Amy and Overkill, "Hello, and good to see you again." Turning to Jack and Grease, "I think we may have met once or twice before, Jack is it? And as for you, I'm Chomsky - any friend of these two is a friend of mine, welcome."
He turns to a makeshift kitchen they've erected in the parking lot. "If you are hungry, we have a very basic dinner, donated by Shannon and Rebuilding Together for both the volunteers helping tonight, and then the attendees later. Please help yourself." Chomsky begins walking, motioning for the group to follow him. "Amy says we may have some security issues, but we have about 20 employees of Cruz here, along with our volunteers. I'm sure that we can handle crowd control - so I'm assuming you are talking about something a little more violent?" As you walk, it is clear that Chomsky is very popular among the people already here. Even these two sentences has taken him several minutes to get out, since you are stopped constantly by people who wish him well, or ask him for direction, or who just want to chat.
For most of the questions, he directs them to Shannon, who is on top of the stage, her suit jacket on the ground and her shirt sleeves rolled up as she helps a volunteer move a speaker into position. No sooner does she finish helping him than she turns to answer questions and direct traffic. Chomsky seems to smile each time he looks at her.
Chomsky stops walking for a moment, and his face turns serious. "I will admit that when Amy and I spoke the other night, we talked about this possibility, but it is still hard to wrap my head around it. I am not so much worried about myself, but I don't want any harm to come to our friends and the people who will be here tonight. Do you think it likely they will be in danger?"
Chrome Head
Mar 29 2014, 04:01 PM
Horseshoe Park, Aurora Warrens, 6:15PM, July 31st, 2075As they arrive on site, Amy looks around in the astral to get an idea of the general feel of the place. She'll keep perceiving astral regularly until she can summon a spirit for the evening that will do it for her.
Seeing the look that Chomsky gives Greeley, Amy can't help but feel jealousy. She grew up rich just like Chomsky, she was educated, hard-working, good-looking, charismatic, and she fought for the good cause.
She's too perfect and that can't be right. But then again, her main fault was that Chomsky was fond of her.
Amy answers Chomsky's question.
"No, not that likely. We don't know of a specific threat, other than the fact that some people would hate to see this movement succeed. These people don't think twice about using murder to solve their problems either. So we're here to try and make sure this doesn't happen, just in case they wanted to strike tonight.
Before we continue, can I ask you if it would be possible to get a volunteer t-shirt so that we can blend in with the others?"[ Spoiler ]
Ordinary clothing: Jeans and a black top. Her face is disguised.
Armor Vest
Renraku Sensei
- subvocal mic
- AR Contact Lenses (image link)
Reagents 20 drams
Mar 29 2014, 04:12 PM
Horseshoe Park, Aurora Warrens, 6:15PM, July 31st, 2075
In answer to Amy's question, Chomsky nods. "Of course." He motions to one of the volunteers, and after a brief conversation, the volunteer runs off to fetch some t-shirts.
Chrome Head
Mar 29 2014, 04:22 PM
Horseshoe Park, Aurora Warrens, 6:15PM, July 31st, 2075
"Thanks. For extra security, we were thinking some of us would stay near the stage or even backstage, and others would be among the crowd and around the perimeter. I'll have some magical backup with me, and Overkill will be looking into Matrix security. There were some ideas about moving things at the last minute to throw off an attacker with a prepared plan, I don't know how feasible this is." Turning to the others, "what else?"
Jack VII
Mar 29 2014, 04:27 PM
Horseshoe Park, Aurora Warrens, 6:15PM, July 31st, 2075Jack simply nods when Chomsky addresses him.
Guy's good with faces and names, alright...The ork looks around at the milling metahumanity busy with their efforts to finish their preparations. Having only lived in the Warrens for about a year, Jack didn't have as strong a connection to the place as Amy did. But he did appreciate seeing people investing sweat equity into changing their situations for the better. At the same time, rallies weren't really his thing. For the same amount of effort and energy that went in to putting on this spectacle, these folks could have probably fixed up a block of houses bordering the park. He did have to admit that the rally might be a good way to gather more resources. But if he were investing, he'd want to see the balance sheet at the end of the day.
At Amy's question, Jack responds,
"Chomsky, what are your thoughts on giving the folks who are going to be on stage some discrete protection? We have a few armor vests that should be difficult to spot that y'all could borrow. Also, I'd like to take a quick look under the stage and make sure it's clear, if that's okay."GEAR
[ Spoiler ]
Streetline Special [S&S] w/1x Spare Clip [Regular] & 1x Spare Clip [APDS]
Flash-Pak (W)
Armor Vest
Horn Rim Glasses w/Flare Comp, Image Link, Vision Enhancement (2) (W)
Earbuds w/Audio Enhancement (3) (W)
Hermes Ikon (5) w/Subvocal Mic
Meta Link (1)
Bio-monitor (W)
Medkit (3) (W)
4xStandard Credstick
Fake SIN (4) [Diego Sanchez]
Fake License (4) [Augmentations, Concealed Carry, Firearms]
Internal Air Tank (3) [Alpha] (W)
Muscle Replacement (2) [Alpha]
Skilljack (4) [Used] (W)
Skillwires (4) [Used]
Skillsoft: [Gymnastics (2), Navigation (2), Pistols (4), Sneaking (4)]
Smartlink [Alpha]
Handblade [Alpha]
Wired Reflexes (1) [Alpha]
Mar 29 2014, 06:10 PM
Horseshoe Park, Aurora Warrens, 6:18PM, July 31st, 2075
Chomsky thinks for a moment. "Well, I don't mind wearing one, and I will convince Shannon too, even though it will ruin the line of her suit." He winks conspiratorially at Jack.
"With regards to the stage, I have no problem with you taking a look, you would have more of an idea of what to look for than I." As he finishes speaking, the volunteer comes back with four t-shirts that look like they will fit the three elves nicely, but will be a bit snug on the ork. "Here you go, wear them in good health."
Jack VII
Mar 29 2014, 06:31 PM
Horseshoe Park, Aurora Warrens, 6:18PM, July 31st, 2075
"Gracias, amigo," Jack replied, taking possession of one of the shirts and slinging it over his shoulder. "Are you and Greeley going to be onstage at the same time? We've got four vests and Grease shouldn't really need his, but if we need to stick both of you in vests, we'll have to use someone else's. This t-shirt's probably going to be pretty tight, so a vest is probably going to stick out on me... I'm just not sure if my vest is going to fit either of you."
Looking for somewhere to change, Jack failed to spot anything. Shrugging, he squatted down, took off the ironic Concrete Dreams throwback t-shirt he had been wearing and slipped on the yellow Rebuilding Together t-shirt. It was a tight fit, his augmented muscles standing out in stark relief, the vest an obvious protective device. Slipping the end of his own t-shirt through a belt loop, he tied it off securely so he wouldn't lose it.
"Hey Overkill, when you're ready, you want to come look under the stage with me? Another set of eyes wouldn't hurt."
Mar 29 2014, 07:09 PM
Horseshoe Park, Aurora Warrens, 6:18PM, July 31st, 2075We should really get business cards, "Paranoia is our Profession". Grease hasn't said much during this portion of the run, content to sit back and let Jack, Amy and Overkill handle questioning Greeley.
What on earth does Murphy want to know about this rally? It seems harmless enough. Grease busies himself sending both of his Fly-Spys along with the one he borrowed from Overkill on an aerial patrol, checking rooftops of nearby buildings and scanning the crowd for anyone who matches the description of the shooters they've encountered. The drones rapidly scan the faces of each person in the crowd as it gathers, sending back images to Grease who sees them superimposed over his glasses.
<<@Swarm [Grease] Keep a lookout for any weapons, figures matching the descriptions given, sudden movements or noises, and any other drones. Also, make sure one of you keeps recording Greeley throughout the rally so the footage can be spliced together.>>Hearing Jack mention borrowing his vest, Grease gives a wide smile and pulls his off, exchanging it for the bright yellow t-shirt.
"Sure, borrow mine; I'll be in the car for most of this, so I should be relatively safe. Plus, that way I get to listen to the radio!" His last statement seems like a joke, but you aren't sure.
I sure hope he doesn't need that vest; it'll make this whole situation a lot more complicated, and I just bought the damn thing. "Let me send this little guy under there too Jack; he might spot something you miss." Grease drops his microskimmer, which looks like it's going to hit the ground and shatter into a million pieces before it adjusts and engages it's tiny little thrusters, keeping it hovering a few inches off of the ground. It goes searching underneath the stage in a zig-zag pattern, either through some advanced algorithim or possibly because Grease added whiskey to his soykaf this morning.
GEAR[ Spoiler ]
Essy Motors Dronemaster RCC
BMW 400 GT
Fly-Spy 2
Fly-Spy 3 (Borrowed from Overkill)
GM Nissan Doberman "RHex" (in trunk)
Ares Light Fire 75 with 2 regular ammo, 2 gel ammo clips (glove box)
Ingram Smartgun X with 2 regular ammo, 1 gel ammo clips (globe box)
Colt American L36 with 2 regular ammo clips (on person)
Regular Clothes
Glasses w/smartlink
tag eraser (in car)
Metalink Commlink (Slaved to RCC)
Cram, 1 dose (on person)
Novacoke, 2 dose (in car)
Always Overkill
Mar 29 2014, 09:04 PM
Horseshoe Park, Aurora Warrens, 6:18PM, July 31st, 2075Drave looked at the scope of the gathering and after Chomsky's embrace said,
"Herzlichen Glückwunsch in Ordnung sind, Mein guter Freund," and after Chomsky gave him a look, Drave laughed and said,
"It means 'Congratulations'; things have come a long way. I will be very interested to hear what you und Ms. Greeley have to say. You'll have to share some of the finer details of what you are planning later, but for now, there is much for both of us to do."
He then followed along behind the crew to check out the stage area.
[ Spoiler ]
Armor Vest
Proteus-AG Blitzfurhen "Lightning Drive" Cyberdeck (Renraku Tsurugi)
-All Common and Hacking programs, Agent 4
-Mapsoft- Denver
Ares Crusader 2 w- Suppressor
-120 Rounds of Stick and Shock Ammo (3 Mags)
-40 Rounds of Explosive Ammo (1 Mag)
Streetline Special
-12 Rounds of Standard Ammo (2 Mags)
Earbud- Audio Enhancement 1, Spatial Recognizer
Fake Sin 4 (Wilhelm Krieg- A Dutch Immigrant and freelance contractor who works Matrix Security in the tech industry.)
-Cybernetic Augmentations
-Bioware Augmentations
-Firearms & Ammo (to possess them)
-Firearms & Ammo (to carry them)
-Cyberdecks & Programs
-Communications Devices
Fliegegeheimagent x1 (Fly Spy) (In Grease's possession)
Bug Scanner 5
Trauma Patches x2
Stim Patches 3 x4
Jack VII
Mar 29 2014, 09:18 PM
Horseshoe Park, Aurora Warrens, 6:30PM, July 31st, 2075
Grease's tiny microskimmer slipped under the decorative material covering the bottom of the stage with little problem. Jack, on the other hand, had to push the material up in order to slip between the structural beams comprising the stage's framework. Squatting down, nearly crab-walking into the dark underbelly of the stage framework, Jack slipped when his foot caught the edge of the microskimmer rather than solid ground; the little drone deftly avoided his falling form. Grumbling, the ork looked over at the drone, its lights flashing in a pattern that gave Jack the impression it was laughing at him. As Overkill deftly entered the area, the drone returned to its normal operation, hovering about and training its scanners on different parts of the structure. Of course he didn't see it...
"Alright amigo, this should be pretty simple. We're looking for explosives. Considering this stage is almost entirely plasteel beams, any explosive devices should be pretty obvious. I'm going to take a look with my eyes if you can take a look in the Matrix. Most likely locations would be on the corners or underneath the podium."
The two men crawled around underneath the trellis frame for a good 15 minutes while the drone whizzed around underfoot. After a determined search, they fail to uncover anything. "Looks like we're good, mein freund." Overkill said as they finished their work. Clambering out from underneath the stage, the pair tracked down Chomsky. Locating him at the center of what can only be described as organized chaos, Overkill reported, "The stage is secure, mein Chef. Could you direct me to where Cruz Security has set up their operations center?"
Mar 29 2014, 10:21 PM
Horseshoe Park, Aurora Warrens, 6:30PM, July 31st, 2075
Chomsky tore himself away from several workers and came over to hear the good news. "Glad to hear that the stage is safe, follow me." He walks over to a van parked in the lot, with the words "Cruz Security" emblazoned across the side, with the logo, a Conquistador helmet underneath. Standing at the back of the van looking at an AR map of the park, a tall human with salt and pepper black hair and a mustache was making adjustments to it.
"Mr. Costalas, these are some friends of mine, they um, have some security concerns they would like to address with you." Chomsky steps back and indicates the runners should express their concerns. Costalas looks skeptical, but addresses them professionally. "Hello, Captain Mike Costalas, Cruz Security. How can I help you?"
Always Overkill
Mar 30 2014, 12:07 AM
Horseshoe Park, Aurora Warrens, 6:30PM, July 31st, 2075
Drave made a quick inspection of the van as he offered to shake the Captain's hand, noting the equipment they were using and the various angles their cameras were covering, "Guten Abend, Captain, my name is Steiner. I will be providing my services in making sure things stay secure here on the Matrix side of things tonight. We have some local "businessmen" we believe have a vested interest in seeing that this movement doesn't get off the ground; nothing concrete, but we aren't taking any chances. I will also be keeping a close eye on the crowd, and wanted to know what kind of security checks your people will be conducting on those in attendance. Are your men doing pat-downs for weapons?"
Mar 30 2014, 01:54 AM
Horseshoe Park, Aurora Warrens, 6:31PM, July 31st, 2075
Costalas shakes Overkill's hand, then pulls up the map to show the group. "We'll have officers here, here, here, and here." His finger causes the four security checkpoints to light up. "We'll pat down people as we can, but this isn't a stadium, we can't exactly completely restrict access."
He looks to Chomsky, "We were hired for crowd control, not an assassination attempt. If you want protection for something like that, then we need to renegotiate the terms of the contract - at which point I can get more men down here."