Sep 2 2003, 01:34 PM
I'm usually a mage/shaman, but end up as the team's face.
QUOTE (Sphynx @ Aug 17 2003, 07:38 AM) |
Magic types are, without a doubt, the best characters to play, not only because they have such a wide variety of options but because they advance the nicest, 100 Karma for a Mage will double (or much much more) his power levels |
Sounds to me like you might be getting way more karma than money in your games.
If karma is plentiful, but money scarce non-magical types will advance a lot slower. If vice versa they may advance much quicker.
If you make 100 karma, but only 100kY in some number of runs the magical types can initiate multiple times, buy and bond foci, etc while the sams/riggers/deckers can only buy one more pretty ordinary toy and some skills.
If on the other hand you get 30 karma and 3million Y the magical types will have much more money than they can spend eficiently but run out of karma and the techy types will have replaced half thier gear and cyber with higher grade stuff.
Sep 3 2003, 03:40 AM
If the slot is open (and it usually is) I'll choose to play the decker.
A good decker is an asset to any shadowrunning team and a player who understands the matrix rules helps to make the matrix part of a run pass as swiftly as the requisite firefight.
I tend to stay away from awakened characters since mine seem to die so very
Sep 3 2003, 10:57 AM
QUOTE (Cain) |
While adepts have never impressed me with their raw destructive ability, they more than make up for it in sheer versatility... |
Dude, 12d6 on skill checks + centering isnt destructive? (heard of the bow weilding adept troll aka Johnny Rambo, who shoots down helicopters with EX tipped arrows? truly both silent and deadly

Isnt it in general that sammies are versatile, adepts are specialized?
Anyway, just my opinion.
Sep 3 2003, 04:04 PM
QUOTE (Greyfoxx) |
(heard of the bow weilding adept troll aka Johnny Rambo, who shoots down helicopters with EX tipped arrows? truly both silent and deadly ) |
Yeah. Nothing says "silent" like a troll stomping around firing explosive arrowheads.
Sep 3 2003, 04:12 PM
Oh... uh well, i thought adepts and stealth were... umm... like... synonymous.
Anyway, when not shooting choppers down, normal arrows will do. And, i think, but im not soooo suuurrre, that traceless tracks can help with the stomping.
Aaagghh! No matter! i still think adepts ROOOCKK!!!
Drain Brain
Sep 5 2003, 09:44 PM
AS DO I!!!!
Adepts are my staple diet, though as yet I have never played a phys mage. A favourite was the "knack" ability, referred to in the 2nd Ed Companion as an inate magical ability. Flame Aura... heh...
A common tool for me, since I base the majority of the games I run in the UK is to defend my Druids (be they the "goodies" or the "baddies") with a few initiate "Druidic Adepts" - which is just your ordinary Shamanic Physad with a tree as a totem.
Favourite character was like that - with Willow as his guide. Real good at stealth, very calm. Excelent covert guy.
Aaaaaaaaanyhoo... as for the rest - Rigger, Decker, Mage/Shaman, Investigator, Gunslinger (Mercenary, Sammy, Weapons Spec), Covert Ops, Face, Ganger or Other, I have played (or made as an NPC) all of them with one exception.
I have never played a Shaman. I doubt I ever will. Strange, but they just don't appeal to me. I've used them as NPCs (and the Druids from above) but I can't get my head around teh old totem thing.
Give me a magic circle any day...
Sep 5 2003, 11:34 PM
Well, I've always been doing gun bunnies - awakened and mundane - I mean, who can resist? I started off as one, and I've just gotten used to them, I guess.
Nowadays, however, I'm really starting to wake up to riggers and mages as new sources of creative anomalies in the life expectancy of your average NPC. I still like them to be asskickers, but they offer me more interesting possibilities.
Sep 10 2003, 02:41 PM
Ohh, gunbunny-face-weapon expert here.
The gun skills keep me alive, but the negotiation skills are what makes a good run more profitable. Can't drive for nuts - well, NOW I can - and have a tendancy to shoot fisrt and drink vodka after, but it works.
Now, how many of you have oven-cleaner, a bucket, pool chlorine and duct tape in your vehicle of choice, because you couldn't source any truth serum and the stuffer shack was the only thing open?
Sep 13 2003, 07:50 PM
I play either a Rigger or a Decker. Tho Rigger, as you can tell, is my first choice.
My current online character is an Ork Rigger named NightWind. She's not a tough guy, she's not a gun bunny. But can you see a Geek Ork? Her favorite hobby is building BattleBots when not on runs to keep her skills sharp.
I really like the Rigger persona because they're so versital. With the right skills and equipment, they can double as a Decker. To me, they're one of the vital components of a good Shadowrunning team. They fly surveilance while the Decker covers the Matrix end.
When the run is done, they can also drive the getaway car. If the going gets bad, sure, they can always open up with the firepower. But mostly I like the vehicle concepts.
BTW, dont let the Geek title fool ya. She does Brawl and keeps a street sweeper handy to take out the kneecaps of those pesky and annoying corp guys that manage to find her hiding place.
Sep 15 2003, 01:08 AM
Ninja, you forgot ninja.
Sep 16 2003, 01:49 AM
*looking at IcePick*
SHHHHHHHH!!! You're not supposed to tell them about the Ninjas!!
Lin Hayati
Sep 16 2003, 06:01 PM
QUOTE (Rev @ Sep 2 2003, 10:13 PM) |
If you make 100 karma, but only 100kY in some number of runs the magical types can initiate multiple times, buy and bond foci, etc while the sams/riggers/deckers can only buy one more pretty ordinary toy and some skills.
If on the other hand you get 30 karma and 3million Y the magical types will have much more money than they can spend eficiently but run out of karma and the techy types will have replaced half thier gear and cyber with higher grade stuff. |
My GM is very skilled. He manages to make it so the mages and adepts have plenty of money and never enough karma, the sammies have it the other way around, and the decker never manages to get enough free time to improve her deck.
But yeah. I've only ever played in one SR campaign, and I picked the physad because it fit with a character concept I already had. Next character I make will probably *know* how to fire a gun. I'll play anything that doesn't rely on Charisma.
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