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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
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Ack, it's not the 20th yet? x.x
Also, yes, that's something most RPG-Books should take a page from ^^
Ancient History
Being an arcane tome of eldritch obscenities is no excuse for not having a good index.
Patrick Goodman
A useful "Search" function ain't bad, either.
Mea culpa, the thread was referenced in another thread I was reading. Normally I'd let the dead lie, but the concept was pretty close to fantastical, so I wanted to pay AH the compliment.
Ah, okay, i can understand that ^^
A threadnecromancy cast on a thread about "sexmancy", lol.

Also, that really is very interesting stuff, creppy, but interesting.
QUOTE (Brazilian_Shinobi @ Apr 16 2010, 01:18 PM) *
A threadnecromancy cast on a thread about "sexmancy", lol.

Also, that really is very interesting stuff, creppy, but interesting.

That's Ancient History for you. Creepy, interesting... & a good read.
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