May 30 2007, 07:28 PM
Ally Spirits are given the choice of either Materialization or of Inhabitation. Is this choice independent of the creating magican's tradition? What about Possession - would it be a suitable alternative to Materialization/Inhabitation?
Should the spirit of a possession tradition magician be allowed to take Materialzation from Step 2 (Choose Forms) and then also pick up Possession in Step 3 (Choose Powers)?
May 30 2007, 07:45 PM
The choice of Materialisation or Inhabitation is independent of the magician's tradition. However, spirits conjured by Possession traditions substitute Possession for Materialisation in their power list
QUOTE (Street Magic @ pg. 34) |
all spirits conjured by magicians of a possession-based magical tradition replace the Materialization power in the spir- its’ statistics with Possession.
Therefore a materialisation tradition can choose between Materialisation and Inhabitation whilst a possession tradition can choose between Possession and Inhabitation.
May 30 2007, 08:15 PM
Note that if you get a "True Form" Inhabitation, your spirit ends up as a materializer anyway. Possession Traditions have just aa few more options for their Ally Spirits than Materializing Traditions do.
May 30 2007, 08:19 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
Note that if you get a "True Form" Inhabitation, your spirit ends up as a materializer anyway. Possession Traditions have just aa few more options for their Ally Spirits than Materializing Traditions do.
-Frank |
That's a very good point. I'd forgotten that. Have your new ally possess a pet mouse and you've got yourself a loophole.
Well unless you critically glitch and win the Most Embarrasing Familiar of the Year Award.
Big D
May 30 2007, 08:59 PM
I'd think you'd want to finagle things to get a materializing ally most of the time. Having your ally stuck in the physical world just reduces your options.
Biggest exception I can see is for a hacker ally with built-in commlink (materials have to use glasses and gloves), or a plasteel bodyguard for the extra armor over and above the INW. I could see something like that for a *second* ally.
May 30 2007, 09:23 PM
QUOTE (knasser) |
Well unless you critically glitch and win the Most Embarrasing Familiar of the Year Award. |
Mice and Rats as Familiars have a long and glorious history... Well, at least they have appeared in fantasy fiction in a few varieties...
May 30 2007, 09:52 PM
QUOTE (Demerzel) |
QUOTE (knasser @ May 30 2007, 01:19 PM) | Well unless you critically glitch and win the Most Embarrasing Familiar of the Year Award. |
Mice and Rats as Familiars have a long and glorious history... Well, at least they have appeared in fantasy fiction in a few varieties...
May 30 2007, 10:23 PM
There's a lot to be said for a Flesh Form rat. It's rat sized, it has aura masking, and it has a strength of 6 or so. Definitely a good thing to send on recon.
Big D
May 30 2007, 10:59 PM
May 31 2007, 04:59 AM
May 31 2007, 05:04 AM
Don't forget little yellow birdys.

"I tink I saw a putty cat"
May 31 2007, 05:43 AM
On a serious note, can a Magician astrally project if his body is possessed. In effect, he leaves the body behind to the Spirit. Could he do this if he has Channeling and conjured the possessing spirit himself? It should be legal to astrally project first and then have the spirit enter the body*, but I'm asking if you can get out once the Possession is in place.
*For best results, have the Spirit simply delay it's actions to Possess the body as soon as the Magican projects.
May 31 2007, 02:32 PM
QUOTE (HappyDaze) |
On a serious note, can a Magician astrally project if his body is possessed. In effect, he leaves the body behind to the Spirit. Could he do this if he has Channeling and conjured the possessing spirit himself? It should be legal to astrally project first and then have the spirit enter the body*, but I'm asking if you can get out once the Possession is in place.
*For best results, have the Spirit simply delay it's actions to Possess the body as soon as the Magican projects. |
Ooh, good question.
I have no official answer, but my knee-jerk response is to say 'yes', however the posessing spirit can, at it's option, attempt to stop you and force some kind of opposed test.
Say......Magic + Willpower vs. Force x 2?
This is the first thing that springs from my mind, if a player were to ambush me with this.
May 31 2007, 11:04 PM
i would say no. once you are possessed, you are no longer in control. you don't make the decisions any more.
however, as was noted, a spirit could certainly possess your empty body if you were to project.
Jun 1 2007, 04:30 PM
QUOTE (Jaid) |
i would say no. once you are possessed, you are no longer in control. you don't make the decisions any more.
however, as was noted, a spirit could certainly possess your empty body if you were to project. |
Not necessarily. The section on shedim in Street Magic specifically states that one of the scary things about shedim is that they can possess a mage's body while he is out. That doesn't mean that other spirits can't too, it just suggests that Shedim might be a special case.
There are game implications if every force 1 spirit can zip around looking for empty mage bodies. Not sure if that's a plus or minus, though.
Jun 1 2007, 06:56 PM
An unoccupied body is still a body, there's no guaranty that a Force 1 spirit can take it over.
Jun 1 2007, 07:10 PM
Correct. Even unoccupied, it still gets a resistance roll. If dead, then it has an object resistance threshold. For a Force 1 Spirit - like a Watcher - to be successful, it would likely need the vessel to be prepared (it gives the Spirit a +6 bonus).
The text on page 95 is suggestive that the body of a projecting Magician may count as a prepared vessel even without special preparations. Otherwise there is no need to point out that it is an 'available vessel' since nearly anything would count as available for Possession.
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