Jun 1 2007, 05:00 AM
I just have a quick question regarding power foci. It is my understanding that they add their rating to tests made with the magic attribute, and a player of mine believes that they add to his ability to cast higher force spells.
In his mind is he has a mystic adept with effectively 4 magic in mage power, he normally can cast at force four without physical drain. Using a level 2 power foci he believes he can cast at force 6 without physical drain.
I don't agree, but can't pinpoint exactly where it says otherwise. Is he correct?
Jun 1 2007, 05:09 AM
What is his Magic Attribute? How many PP did he sink into spell casting? If he has Magic 4, and he has 2 PP in Mystic Qualities he can cast force 2 with Stun Drain and Max Force 4 with overcasting. Throw in a Power Foci of Force 2 and he can safely cast at force 4. See the Errata/FAQ at shadowrunrpg.com.
Jun 1 2007, 05:19 AM
He's thinking of the 3rd edition Power Focus, which added to your Magic Attribute. The 4th edition Power Focus gives you a dicepool bonus to rolls you make that include your Magic Attribute.
So in the previous edition, the Power Focus made you able to cast higher force spells without taking physical. In the current edition it does not.
Jun 1 2007, 06:06 AM
QUOTE (Magus) |
What is his Magic Attribute? How many PP did he sink into spell casting? If he has Magic 4, and he has 2 PP in Mystic Qualities he can cast force 2 with Stun Drain and Max Force 4 with overcasting. Throw in a Power Foci of Force 2 and he can safely cast at force 4. See the Errata/FAQ at shadowrunrpg.com. |
no, he can't cast the higher force spells without harm like you say.
it adds to magic tests, not to magic rating.
Jun 2 2007, 03:31 AM
Thanks for the clarification guys.
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