Jun 25 2007, 09:40 AM
I've had players ask about this in the past and I've never really given it a really good going over. So I was wondering how you other GMs handle it in your game.
Moral issues aside I'm really more interested in the practical aspects of it.
1) How long will a dead body keep before the organs, the stuff you get nuyen for, go bad?
2) How much do you get for fencing cyberware or bioware?
3) Any other bodily things that you can or do sell? I.e. blood, semen, hair, whatever.
Any info would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Jun 25 2007, 11:43 AM
1. On page 142 of MitS there is the organlegger's spell called Preserve.
but it is most oftem used by forensic spellcasters to protect cavaders from decay before autopsy |
It lasts for (force+successes)x12 hours after the spell is made permanent.
2. Usually 30 or so percent of book value.
3. Up to the GM. I don't recall reading anything about this.
Jun 25 2007, 11:55 AM
1) Ischemia doesn't usually start killing off organs, IIRC, until 3-4 hours in (with a few notable exceptions, like the heart and brain). We generally go with the guideline that if the body is on ice within an hour and transferred to specialists within twelve, it's probably ok.
2) As per the fencing rules in SR3.
3) Not unless you want to define them and their prices. Organs and 'ware already have defined costs you can use.
They really should have put out an organlegger sourcebook.
Jun 28 2007, 07:11 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
They really should have put out an organlegger sourcebook. |
Amen to that brother.
But you know you're not supposed to play "bad" guys, right? I mean killing people and things who work for big, bad corporations is okay but then selling their corpses is just Wrong!
Oh wait no. Not only am I going to sell their organs I'm going to use their fat to make soap and bombs. And use that money to buy guns, ammo, and armor.
Jun 28 2007, 07:19 AM
I imagine that Petrify if a better organlegger's spell than preserve is, because killing the people severely limits the potential uses for them.
Jun 28 2007, 12:51 PM
I have transplanted the term Ripperdoc from CP2020 as it sounds so nice along with organlegging.
My PC's killed an exstraction runner team who came after their principle. It was a big pay day in the cyber and functioning body parts, thankfully the PC's where on their way to medical help so someone else got the score.
It brings a whole new level of headache when your team will not only sell the gear but also the body. Thankfully the opportunity is rare as most teams do not have the equipment to hand, also as time is of the essense getting a accurate appraisal of what is still functional is hard.
Its often a standard price per body as time is against the seller.
Jun 28 2007, 03:27 PM
The trouble with dealing with organ leggers is that eventually they might realize that you have what they need.
Jun 29 2007, 05:51 AM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
I imagine that Petrify if a better organlegger's spell than preserve is, because killing the people severely limits the potential uses for them. |
QUOTE ("Pendaric") |
My PC's killed an extraction runner team who came after their principle. It was a big pay day in the cyber and functioning body parts, thankfully the PC's where on their way to medical help so someone else got the score. |
How would damage affect the condition of organs/'ware? What about combat spells, particularly mana spells?
The more you think on it the more issues arise. I agree that we need a sourcebook - suggested title "The Tamanous Manifesto".
Jun 29 2007, 07:41 AM
Link brings up a good point here.
I think you can great around that by employing a hit location system in combat. You make up a standard by how much damage you take in that area of how much the ware is still usuable
Light: 5 - 20% reduced
Moderate: 21 - 50%
Serious: 51 - 75%
Deadly: 76 - 100%
Of course it depends if the ware in question is system wide like Wired Reflexes or one area like a cyberlimb.
Another thing to consider is that if the person in question has some custom stuff like Beta or Delta then it would be almost impossible to resell since those mods are made for specific people.
Jun 29 2007, 11:03 AM
QUOTE (Demon_Bob) |
The trouble with dealing with organ leggers is that eventually they might realize that you have what they need. |
There's a fable about this. Something about the Shadowrunner who laid the golden eggs?
Jun 30 2007, 12:21 AM
QUOTE (Demon_Bob @ Jun 28 2007, 08:27 AM) |
The trouble with dealing with organ leggers is that eventually they might realize that you have what they need. |
You are suppling them with what they need. Whether it's food for ghouls or spare parts for whoever, it would be terribly short sighted to snatch one of their suppliers. Not saying it doesn't happen now and again, but that's just however much less you have coming in. Doing that only hurts them.
EDIT- Yes, the Petrify spell is a good one. I was going off the OP's dead body question.
Ed Simons
Jun 30 2007, 01:08 AM
QUOTE (Demon_Bob) |
The trouble with dealing with organ leggers is that eventually they might realize that you have what they need. |
This is true of anyone in Shadowrun. The question is whether the short term bonus to income is worth the Runner never being able to provide you with product again. Plus the fact your betrayal may scare off other Runners who might have provided product for you.
Jul 1 2007, 03:18 AM
As so long as they don't consider you a loose end.
Jul 1 2007, 03:35 AM
Which is flawed logic IMO. What do they think you're going to do, go up to the next LS patrol you see and tell them you sold some guy in *insert seedy location here* some guy you murdered's organs? "No officer's we weren't going to just dump him somewhere we were going to sell him to organleggers..." Now you're not only a murderer but a sicko as well. Even trying to plea bargain won't work, because you just admitted to more crimes.
Eh, just my take on things.
Jul 1 2007, 03:44 AM
Yeah. Just so long as you don't come to them saying the Star is closing in on you and they gotta help you vanish, I can't see a reason why a rational organlegger would try to take a supplier.
Jul 1 2007, 06:55 AM
Sure they would. Hell, an Operating Theater for a full organ recovery takes less time to set up than it does to actually recover the organs today. It literally takes 40 minutes from cross-clamp to stitching up now, less if you don't do lungs (they take a bit of time).
Tissue's a bit different, but again, if you're not worring about disposing of the body, it's about 7 or so minutes to debone a human body.
Jul 1 2007, 07:01 AM
"They would…" what? The only thing I can see that referring to is that you're advocating the idea that Organleggers would harvest their suppliers, which I don't really see the rest of your post making any argument for—sure it's quick, but what about all of the other details, including having one less supplier?
Jul 1 2007, 07:13 AM
Meaning, by the time the runner team got to a Star patrol, and the Star got back to the place where the Runners dropped off the body (not necessarly the place where the recovery was going to take place), Tanamous is probably not going to be there when/if the Star shows up.
I don't think they would harvest their suppilers. Why would they? Cloned organs are already available to those with means. Tanamous supplies the people that can't afford such things, but can afford 'pre-owned' organs. That supply doesn't exist without people willing to supply those warm-ish bodies.
A supply that would quickly dry up without willing partners/sellers. And you can bet if the organ-leggers are killing off runners, someone would hear about it. And stop dealing with them. Which is why they don't do it.
Jul 1 2007, 07:27 AM
Then I agree with you, but I still don't see what that initial part of your last post refers to.
Jul 1 2007, 09:04 AM
Mainly timing and location. Sorry for the confusion.
Finding them's the hard part. Dealing with them? Not so hard.
Jul 1 2007, 09:15 AM
Something to keep in mind about cyberware is that not all of it is something that you can rip out and put into somebody else, and the installation is where the real cost arises from. Someone's wired relexes were probably put in by nanotech or bio-designed microorganisms - it's not actual "wires" that you can pull out and thread into someone else. Even muscle replacement will consist of theads woven into existing muscle fiber. I could see things like cybereyes or suchlike being "resold", but most cyberware would get the runners far, far less than "book" value.
Of course, organlegging presupposes either kidnapping live victims (and keeping them subdued while tranporting them undetected - which would include finding a way to deal with DocWagon bracelets and internal tracking devices), or taking down victims in a way that does no damage to the bits of them that you want to sell. Then, you need the appropriate biotech skill (since this would presumably be out of the range of a medkit's funtioning) and tools, as well as either a handy cold container or a mage with a preserve spell (who doesn't mind putting his astral signature on something carved out of a corpse).
While the reactions of others to organlegging might be hypocritical, they will still have those reactions. Murderers still beat up pedophiles in prison. So even in the criminal world, there are still unwritten rules about appropriate behavior. That's not to say that the runners should get vindictively screwed over by the GM. But if word of their activities gets out, it should affect how the other denizens of the shadows feel about them, and deal with them. Some of their contacts might act cooler towards them, security forces might be a bit more vindictive, they might get approached for nastier jobs (such as wetwork) more often, and so on.
Jul 2 2007, 02:41 AM
Agree with Glyph
The problem isn't just in finding Organ Leggers but convincing them that you, an independent contractor, are worthy of their trust. The whole loose lips sink ships. You might not intend to talk to Lone Star but instead start flapping you tongue in some local bar. A bartender or patron calls Lone Star. Lone Star goes to the bar. Now Lone Star is having a persuasive talk with you. It might even be someone you considered your friend at a party who rats you out. If a Johnson doesn't find you trustworthy you just tend not to get a job. If a Organ Legger doesn't find you trust worthy you tend to end up dead.
The Mob has in the past taken people, who are good at keeping secrets, that are looking to join the Mob, given them a job and then made them disappear afterwards to cover their tracks. I can't see why Organ-Leggers wouldn't do the same.
How is anyone to really know if someone is an organ-legger supplier or not? The ones doing it can't ever talk about it. So if an established one disappears how will that reflect badly upon their previous employers. Especially if such persons are attempting to live below the radar as Shadow-runners tend to do.
There might be good reasons why hardened criminals hate and cringe at the mention of Organ-Leggers.
[ Spoiler ]
Organ-Leggers are people who are willing to kidnap women, impregnate them and use them as cows, because some company has found it more cost efficient to use Fetal tissue to grow cloned organs.
These are the type of people who will hire someone to go through medical records looking for Donor Matches for those people in urgent medical need who can not wait for a cloned part to be grown.
These are people who will grow sentient clones, work them in a hidden City-State somewhere, telling them that they are the sole survivors of some great apocalypse. Until they are needed for harvesting because it is more cost effective.
These are the type of people who will infect live human subjects with various horrible diseases in order to perfect a vaccine or bio-weapon.
The whole reselling of used cyberware is just the tip of a very nasty iceberg.
As a side note businesses can change their suppliers for a variety of reasons; better product, better delivery schedule, a valued costumer says so, less expensive; or they are a pain to deal with. So what happens to ex Organ-Legger suppliers?
Jul 2 2007, 06:24 AM
Ah for the good old days and the Transform to Goo spell. Making the harvesting of cyberware easy, and the target a lot less frisky after you revert him to normal.
Jul 2 2007, 10:12 AM
The problem isn't just in finding Organ Leggers but convincing them that you, an independent contractor, are worthy of their trust. The whole loose lips sink ships. You might not intend to talk to Lone Star but instead start flapping you tongue in some local bar. A bartender or patron calls Lone Star. Lone Star goes to the bar. Now Lone Star is having a persuasive talk with you. It might even be someone you considered your friend at a party who rats you out. |
Same problem you have as a shadowrunner. You have to convince your employers you are competant and trustworthy.
The Mob has in the past taken people, who are good at keeping secrets, that are looking to join the Mob, given them a job and then cleaned them up afterwards to cover their tracks. I can't see why Organ-Leggers wouldn't do the same. |
What do you mean by "cleaned them up"? Do you mean "offed" them? Or not send them anymore work? Or set them up as a legitimate business?
How is anyone to really know if someone is an organ-legger supplier or not? The ones doing it can't ever talk about it. So if an established one disappears how will that reflect badly upon their previous employers. Especially if such persons are attempting to live below the radar as Shadow-runners tend to do.
You have to tell someone or you won't get any business. It's like somebody one day deciding to be a shadowrunner and yet not telling anybody they are one.
As a side note businesses can change their suppliers for a variety of reasons; better product, better delivery schedule, a valued costumer says so, less expensive; or they are a pain to deal with. So what happens to ex Organ-Legger suppliers? |
That's the price of business, you either dump them somewhere, or try your luck at selling them to *hopefully* not-so-feral ghouls
Jul 2 2007, 11:05 PM
I agree that Organlegging would be considered a nasty part of the underworld, but it would be lucrative and that would draw people to it. To me it’s not the same as pedophilia or child abuse.
As far as an Organlegger screwing you over I'd say you'd have about the same chance as any contact screwing you over who is from the criminal side of things.
And as far as finding one well that's why you have fixers. The Three best contacts in the game are Fixer, Arms Dealer, Organlegger. If you've got those then you're good to go.
Mostly I would use the Organlegger to get rid of corpses, especially if we can take them along with us and if they have ware in them. I've never played or GM'd a game where characters went and looked for people specifically for that purpose, but it only takes one.
I would see this as a big business. There is a ghoul nation in Africa that needs flesh. Of course it also needs an ICBM, but that's an IC post.
Wounded Ronin
Jul 3 2007, 02:22 AM
QUOTE (Angelone) |
You have to tell someone or you won't get any business. It's like somebody one day deciding to be a shadowrunner and yet not telling anybody they are one. |
My favorite is the type who tells everyone he's a hitman/special forces guy/CIA agent but who actually isn't and just sits around being an insecure fraud-spinning couch potato all day.
Jul 3 2007, 10:13 PM
QUOTE (Lazarus) |
I agree that Organlegging would be considered a nasty part of the underworld, but it would be lucrative and that would draw people to it. |
I agree with the former, but not the latter. In a world where transplant technology is easy, then organlegging is lucrative. Shadowrun has this, except that it also has fully capable organ cloning techniques. Clone organs have *tons* of advantages over harvested ones: The quality is much higher. They can be gengineered not to have certain problems. Most importantly, the organ recipient won't have to take immuno-supressant drugs for the rest of his/her life, since they can make the cloned parts rejection-proof.
Organlegging would really only supply the poor and the sudden emergencies in the shadows. Anyone with health coverage isn't going to use anything but cloned or artificial parts. Now, the idea of organs for ghoul food is a whole different economic kettle of fish...One that I would think makes even the pedophiles look down on organleggers...
Jul 3 2007, 10:14 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
My favorite is the type who tells everyone he's a hitman/special forces guy/CIA agent but who actually isn't and just sits around being an insecure fraud-spinning couch potato all day. |
Dude I'm not insecure.
Jul 4 2007, 03:01 PM
someone mentioned kidnapping and the problem of disabling the doc wagon monitors. as long as the person isn't reported missing and isn't injured, Doc Wagon wouldn't fit into it, but a mock Doc wagon truck might stop people from reporting it "I saw her collapse but doc wagon got her so I figured someone called it in"
Jul 4 2007, 09:09 PM
QUOTE (CyberKender) |
Organlegging would really only supply the poor and the sudden emergencies in the shadows. Anyone with health coverage isn't going to use anything but cloned or artificial parts. |
I scan what you're typing CK, but I think organlegging would still be part of the SR underworld even if it’s in a small way. I don't want to get into the scale of it because you do make some very good points on clone and artificial parts. However, if there is a market for something, no matter how small or repugnant, people will step in to fill it.
It's crazy to read about some of the organized crimes that are being committed on a massive scale. Even with clone parts I have to wonder how good cloning is in the SR world <I don't have the books with me.>, and how many people would have access to it?
And with health insurance I don't see corporations or governments popping for full clone replacement when there are donors available. Call me crazy but health insurance is designed to deny you the best treatment in order for the company to make money. <And no I haven't seen Sicko yet.>
When I played SR most of the time we didn't get full value on a corpse even with cyber and bioware. The GM made a roll for everything because unlike guns or cars the organlegger didn't want or need all the parts at that time. Now that I think about it I'm surprised the Organleg contact never called us asking for a specific body part. "I need a fresh liver, Donor Type X in the next 48 hours. Can you get me one?" Man talk about a moral dilemma especially if the nuyen is right.
Jul 4 2007, 09:24 PM
Even with clone parts I have to wonder how good cloning is in the SR world |
In 2053, growing a clonal lung took 5 weeks and getting one made cost 30,000
. There were also "generic clones" that were made for the rack. They were rejected from only about 1% of recipients and cost 15,000
The cloning process could also be sped up. If you were willing to shill out 180,000
you could get a lung cloned from your stock in only 3 days. There was basically no point in doing this however, as the "type O clones" were just as resistant to rejection as the forced growth clones.
A slow and steady cloning option was also available. In 3 months you could have a full body clone and it was so cheap that this service came free with a Platinum DocWagon contract.
Jul 4 2007, 09:32 PM
I figured it was something like that. Man those are pretty good prices. Not if you're poor or uninsured, but still not too bad considering. Thanks FT.
So basically you would have Organlegging mostly for selling cyberware, ghoul food, or to people who can't afford or can't go through the legal route. Even then it seems like you're better off going the clonal path through the black market.
Jul 4 2007, 09:38 PM
That's 1.5x the yearly salary of a senior Lone Star officer, and the cost of six months of Middle lifestyle.
well, i still thiink ghoulfood would pay well, being their primary food supply an all
Jul 4 2007, 09:56 PM
I think ghoul food is where most of the money in organlegging comes from. The hardest part of getting around Docwagon is the ritual sample. Of course if they get chopped up quick enough it doesn't really matter.
ofcourse, with cloning, you even wonder if its worth it for them, like, a rx program for them
Jul 4 2007, 10:22 PM
Purchasing clonal tissue for Ghoul Food
as Platinum Doc Wagon Contracts then would cost about 180
per kilogram - or roughly 140
per Ghoul per week. Plus for every 6.9 Ghouls in the program some troll gets a Platinum Docwagon contract.
It's really quite affordable.
Jul 4 2007, 10:39 PM
Keep in mind, there are times when you can't access your clone. If a run went particularly bad, and your (fake or real) SIN is suddenly the subject of much scrutiny, then your DocWagon contract and associated clone may be unavailable. Even if you didn't get caught, the corp in question might be curious how many DocWagon clients needed a cubic meter of skin and a limb or two from their clones right after their security cameras recorded you catching the wrong end of a fire elemental.
Also, those organs who are 'generic' with the mere 1% rejection rate.. those are probably expensive for the average Street Doc, but a whole bushelfull of livers that 'fell off the back of a truck' would have enough variation that, with the right meds, you could have a similar (say 5%) rejection rate. Plus if you think about the effort and labor and materials needed to clone a body or body parts, it's probably much cheaper to pay for bootleg organs and a good freezer.
And think of it this way, while you might not make a whole lot selling corpses for organlegging, you'd probably get a decent amount per, especially if the bloodtype was a rarer one. Plus organized crime would love the idea that if someone screws up that badly, you can always get beer money selling their corpse to the 'leggers.
As for ghoulchow, there's only so much in valuable organs in a given body. I doubt there's a lot of demand for the muscles, and who needs all thirty feet of intestine, really? I'd expect the lion's share of the organlegged body going in the grinder for the ghouls.
Heh, a though just struck me about organized crime.. you could have a decrepit mafia Don, pushing 90 or more, and kept alive by the harvested organs of the minions that failed him. He would be surprisingly spry for a 90 year old, and everyone would know that while he'd be upset if you failed him more than once, he would hope that, in the end, you'd never fail him completely (since that means even your transplanted organ wasn't worth the surgery costs to implant it!) No one wants to disappoint Don Or. Ending up on his wrong side means ending up in his insides.
Jul 5 2007, 12:25 AM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
Purchasing clonal tissue for Ghoul Food as Platinum Doc Wagon Contracts then would cost about 180 per kilogram - or roughly 140 per Ghoul per week. Plus for every 6.9 Ghouls in the program some troll gets a Platinum Docwagon contract.
It's really quite affordable. |
That accounts for over half the cost of a Low lifestyle per month. It's not as highly-priced as a set of cloned lungs, by any account, but I'm really not sure I can agree with your definition of "quite affordable".
Jul 5 2007, 06:34 AM
QUOTE (Lazarus) |
I scan what you're typing CK, but I think organlegging would still be part of the SR underworld even if it’s in a small way. I don't want to get into the scale of it because you do make some very good points on clone and artificial parts. However, if there is a market for something, no matter how small or repugnant, people will step in to fill it. |
I wasn't trying to say it wouldn't be all but nonexistant. If nothing else, it'd be a great way for organized crime to dispose of bodies from hits. It's just that I don't think it's 'lucrative.' Organleggers would get by, but they wouldn't get rich. Reclaimed cyberware would be more valuable than the organs. I think Trollman's comments show exactly why the economics of it don't work out for the organlegger. The supply of cloned parts is greater and they're better stuff.
Sterling's comments are also correct, to me. Sometimes the heat is too much or the timing is too important to be able to go to a doc with a supply of regular parts. That's where the organleggers are making money. It's just that it's a much smaller part of the demand. I suppose that if someone were to corner the market, and run all of the organlegging in Seattle, he'd become rich and powerful. Rather like any other Mafia/Yakuza/Seoupla boss. But the team of five following gang wars to harvest the bodies afterwards are just going to get by.
Jul 5 2007, 11:32 AM
Like I said above, Frank misrepresents the economics pretty significantly. Take a Lone Star officer: if they lose an arm off-the-job, that's more than their yearly salary for a cloned replacement. Extrapolating from the cost for Used Cyberware, an arm from the Organlegger is a mere ¥12,500, leaving a senior officer with only ¥4,500 in debt for the next year if they maintain a Low lifestyle. As for DocWagon, a Platinum contract costs ¥50,000, or two and a half times the total salary cap for a Lone Star officer, so that isn't an effective way to get the treatment either.
For a beat cop, the only options are to see the Tamanous or find some way to arrange to get shot up on the job (they're covered while on duty by the equivalent of a Platinum contract, but not off-duty).
Jul 5 2007, 04:05 PM
Is it in the new write-up that they get the Platinum? I'm actually reading through the Lone Star sourcebook as we type and they only get Basic. It goes into detail on how a downed shadowrunner sometimes gets picked up before LS and that LS is upset that their officers have to wait in the emergancy room while upscale criminals get private recovery rooms and better care.
EDIT- As an aside a poster In LS used the word microminiaturized. The poster is Boxpusher on pg 52 and I'm upset because they stole my word.
Jul 5 2007, 04:45 PM
I don't remember where my info is from--I'll have to check when I get back from work. Either way, the point that they can't even begin to afford one off-duty stands.
Jul 5 2007, 06:25 PM
I tend to support Kagetenshi and Lazarus's positions on this one. There's generally three types of people in shadowrun: the corporate/underworld players, the SINless masses and the wageslaves. Only the first group is going to even have the option of taking the best care available in many cases. Remember, many of the legitimately employed people in shadowrun don't get paid in no strings attached nuyen. They get corp housing, corp medical care and corp bank accounts to spend on corp entertainment. If they need something they haven't somehow budgeted for, then they're probably stuck taking whatever the corp bloody well wants to give them. If they want to go any other route, than they have to risk getting scalped by some shady types, because first off they're stuck selling off goods just to scrape up the cred to deal with someone who will give them a choice in the matter. And all this is assuming that the corps aren't buying up some of these "lightly used" organs (Tamanous, much like shadowrunners, could be a useful way to avoid getting their hands dirty) and using them to patch up useful employees themselves. Cost effective is cost effective, after all. Gotta maintain those always low prices somehow.
Jul 5 2007, 08:02 PM
The secondhand market for organs is there, but it's not particularly cost effective. In 2053, the organ legged lung cost 6,000
and carried a ~40% chance of rejection.
Worse, as Ghoul Chow went, the second hand market was pretty crap. Your best bet is grabbing a metahuman leg - which costs 10,000
and is about 15% of the body mass of the guy it was taken from. That's about 245
per kilogram for the deliciously underpriced troll limbs, still a worse deal than simply getting whole bodies for 50,000
out of Doc Wagon Platinum.
Sure, scraps from leftovers of operations would probably be sold to ghouls - it beats having to pay for them to be disposed of as hazardous waste. But I can't imagine many ghouls would be willing to pay more than 100
a kilogram for street meat when the pure quality controlled legal stuff costs only 180
(and comes with a free Platinum Docwagon Contract! That's not trivial to this equation).
Indeed, if you figure that the Platinum contract minus the cadaver is worth about as much as Gold Contract, we come to the figure that whole body clones are only worth about 25,000
a pop (if you let them grow over 3 months rather than splurging on the force growth procedures). Maybe less. With the right kinds of inputs, you're looking at prices of about 100
or less - no more expensive than any other kind of meat in Shadowrun.
Jul 5 2007, 08:15 PM
These are all good points, but there's something you're overlooking--if clones can be used as ghoul chow, then why did Dunkie's will have a reward for whoever produced viable ghoul chow?
IIRC in one of the books, it says that it was hypothesized, after many failures, that it was something about the metaphysical aura of the real deal. Personally, I think it's linked to Essence--as the other HMHVV variants are required to drain Essence, ghouls can only eat flesh that once actually had essence or something along those lines.
Jul 5 2007, 08:49 PM
These are all good points, but there's something you're overlooking--if clones can be used as ghoul chow, then why did Dunkie's will have a reward for whoever produced viable ghoul chow? |
Because... a lot of the plotlines in Dunkelzahn's Will are idiotic. Many of the things in there are references to other science fiction, shout-outs to friends, and otherwise random crap that has no place in Shadowrun.
And yes, Dunkelzahn gives out money in his will to the first group who can successfully make something that was available for purchase from the first edition basic book. If you were going to be really generous, you might say that he meant for it to apply to the first people who made affordable synthetic food that ghouls could eat, since of course if you're throwing around 2-3 digits per kilogram for weekly food supplements that's really cutting into your rent money.
Ghouls have feasted on cloning scraps since the get go. All the crap about essence and shit is just crap. Ghouls eat dead flesh. They don't eat live flesh. They don't have Essence Drain. They don't derive any nourishment from Essence and cannot interact with it in any way.
The entire Ghouls = HMHVV plotline really pisses me off, but the speculation about soul eating it inspires pisses me off even more. Ghouls need to eat human flesh. They don't need to eat human souls, nor can they do that. They cannot survive forever on pork products, not even on pork products supplemented with every amino acid compound we can think of unique to humans. But any human flesh will do. Even cloned human flesh.
Jul 5 2007, 09:05 PM
In reading your post, I do not see anything actually refuting the will award for ghoul food - just your opinion. However, you allude to other bequests in the will for things that already exist. Could you point them out? It would strengthen your opinion of the will having no bearing on cloned bodies for ghoul chow.
Jul 5 2007, 09:30 PM
QUOTE (Snow_Fox) |
someone mentioned kidnapping and the problem of disabling the doc wagon monitors. as long as the person isn't reported missing and isn't injured, Doc Wagon wouldn't fit into it, but a mock Doc wagon truck might stop people from reporting it "I saw her collapse but doc wagon got her so I figured someone called it in" |
If it was that easy to snatch people off the street and make a profit, there wouldn't be any overcrowding in the Sixth World
Doc Wagon monitors can still be manually activated, as I recall, and even if they couldn't, any stun damage you do to them would likely set it off, especially if you knock them unconcious. As for the our world, you have to wait 24 hours. In a world with frequent corporate kidnappings, organleggers, and Bunraku parlors, you can forget about kidnapping anyone with a SIN without setting off an alarm of some sort. They disappear off the grid for about 30 minutes or so, and the call likely goes out.
So you kidnap SINless instead. Alright. But if they're smart, they've got DogWagon (the basic isn't that expensive), they activate it, and chalk up the extra cost of the armed response team on their deductible as a reasonable expense for continued living.
I'm all for giving the game a gritty feel, but at some point logic begins to break down. If simply walking out the door is nearly a guaranteed death warrant from gang violence, organleggers, or stray bullets, and you live in a world with perfect teleprescence technology at easily affordable prices...well, everybody just locks themselves up in vaults and telecommutes, getting their food delivered by armored drones.
Hey, that's not a bad idea for a retired rigger...start offering deliver services for paranoid shut-ins.
Jul 6 2007, 01:28 AM
It really all depends on what you think "rupturing the band means" that's one of the two main ways to get a Docwagon response. Is a rupture a complete tearoff or just a small nick? The either being the built in phone. It's probably fairly easy to jam in all honesty, going to look it up to make sure. What company is going to give high levels of ECM/ECCM to all those people?