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QUOTE (Lazarus)
Does that mean I know what I'm talking about? Nope. I don't even know what RAW or IIRC stands for. Everytime I see it on the boards I'm too embarassed to ask.

RAW = Rules As Written
IIRC = If I Recall/Remember Correctly

biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Just a little more "Politeness" injected into this lovely thread.
QUOTE (Lazarus)
Nope. I don't even know what RAW or IIRC stands for. Everytime I see it on the boards I'm too embarassed to ask.

Yeah, RAW is something that started being thrown around when the SR4 newbies showed up.

IIRC, is short for If I Recall Correctly.
Hell sometimes I think I come across as a HUGE d**k when I don't mean to be.  Other times I find myself writing posts but deleting them thinking "Dude it's not personally.  You probably didn't communicate your idea effectively."  or "He's a f**ker and do you really want to get into this?"

As far as being in a gaming group it's like anything else.  You gotta find who you can deal with.  One my favorite DMs I played with for about ten years he and I used to fight all the time.  He even threw a boxed set at me once.  <It was the Tales of the Lance boxset I think.>  We was a great AD&D DM, but he sucked at SR, mainly because he wanted to play it like AD&D.

Now what does d**k, f**ker, and AD&D stand for?
[ Spoiler ]
QUOTE (Critias @ Jul 12 2007, 04:42 AM)
Got a link?  That might've been me.  It all sounds fuzzily familiar.

No linkies available to the dearly departed Lounge threads. frown.gif
I recall the thread. It wasn't me, but I remember when the person made the interjection, I was kind of pleased.

I dunno, I remember long ago there was a time when the politeness and political correctness and the general attitude that dumpshock was above all that petty falaming and trolling stuff, was so pervasive it was actually annoying.

I thought you were talking about before my time, but I seem to be mistaken. I remember lurking before joining and thinking you better have a bit of attitude if you were going to post here.
DuckEggBlue Omega
It's entirely possible my memory of the forums at that time has been coloured by that thread. That it still stands out in my mind is probably a good indication of that, or that there was really was a mythical Pyrite Age in DSF's history and I'm just incorrectly associating it with that thread. I'm not even sure when it happened year wise, my brain seems to think that storing memories chronologically is overrated. I think the forum was brown at the time...

Either way, that thread was very unusual, and mildly disturbing, and I too was glad to see the interjection.
I never spent much time in the Lounge if I could help it, though I remember that thread somehow. That said, my impression was that the cultural norms there were almost totally different from those in the Shadowrun-debate areas of Dumpshock.

QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
RAW is an abomination. You should not bother to learn what it means.

Remember that thread where people took phrases from the book and drew ridiculous conclusions from absolutely literal readings?
Alas, my search-fu seems to be weak, and I cannot provide linkage, but it made well the point that a gaming rulebook is not a programming language, and should not be treated as such. It was a fun little thread, though.
I think you're spot on with RAW showing up here with the release of SR4. It used to be used almost solely in discussions about d20 (mostly D&D), and when SR4 came out billed as "easier to learn" etc. and started attracting the new, younger D&D crowd, it ended up getting used over here.

Personally, I find it ridiculous. RAW is just "the rules". If you want to be clear about the fact that you're talking about rules in the book, just say rules. If you're not, you're talking about house rules. And frankly, if you think you're up to joining in from a "I'm quoting the rules" stance, you should know the rules well enough to know when someone is talking about something that's obviously not by the book. If you don't, what business do you have quoting rules in the first place? (I don't mean "you should know the rules perfectly, but still.) But, it is in pretty common usage now, so oh well.

Again, just my opinion. Nothing official here, etc., etc.

Other "forumspeak" abbreviations I can think of include:
AFAIK - as far as I know
IME - in my experience
IMG/C - in my games/campaigns
YMMV - your mileage may vary

Well personally I usually use RAW with just a hint of a muttered curse, to me it stands for unreasoned aherence to the letter of the rules instead of the intent of the rules.
I still prefer to use 'canon'.

Shhh, or I'll change that to 'a cannon' just for you. nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Jul 12 2007, 06:30 AM)
I never spent much time in the Lounge if I could help it, though I remember that thread somehow. That said, my impression was that the cultural norms there were almost totally different from those in the Shadowrun-debate areas of Dumpshock.


My perception of the lounge was that it had a more international flavor and part of it had a definite anti-US slant. Also that it was where politics and religion would get discussed way too often, and politics and religion are about the two worst subjects to get in an argument over.

The other heavy subject matter was personal relationships. There was the poster keeping an online journal, maybe exclusively guys talking about their homosexual/crossdressing tendencies, and teenagers complaining about their parents.

As far as the use/abandonment of the term canon, I think that is because some potential users do not know what it means and some posters have a hard enough time using the correct version of your/you're, there/their/they're, to/too/two, etc., much less canon/cannon. If they can use a shorter term and not risk looking ignorant, they go for RAW.
I remember a truly massive thread identified only by the thread title, "Sex!".

That really about sums up my experience of the lounge.

Tisoz's perception of the Lounge lines up pretty well with my own perception of the Lounge. Pretty much every thread I recall with any distinction and detail, I can similarly recall my PMs and warnings from the mods over. It was a dark time in my user profile. A dark, bloody, time.
Talia Invierno
I liked it. It skated the edge of anarchy; and as such, I encountered there povs and lifestyles I'd never have known otherwise. Much of it was alien to me, yes: but then I've always been one for trying to understand how others think.

Every other Internet board I'd encountered before this, well, it was easier to mean well when you're just a few dozen friends who mostly think in the same ways. Almost invariably the strong differences of opinion that led to real tension were reacted to in one of two ways: either the board drew back and metaphorically or in Internet equivalent closed its doors except to like-minded individuals; or the administrators started getting more and more heavy-handed, to the point where abuse of power threads were virtually a daily occurance. One of the classics I've encountered exceeded a thousand posts -- entirely on topic, and with not one non-administrative member losing their temper (at least, on-board).

Another common outcome seems to be administration-by-peer-pressure/community-sanctioned mocking, but that's virtually universal -- even in the animal world, now that I consider it.

The Lounge was as close to a free-wheeling balance as I'd seen anywhere. Edgy, yes, but I did find its tone singularly appropriate, especially for a Shadowrun board -- life-appropriate, not just in the abstract. There's all too few places like that in the world today. And now, there's one less.

For sure RAW wasn't used here before SR4. I've got an "advantage" here: in that I have a clear skip in my life during which I had no access here. Before, SR4 had only just been released. (Remember the deluge of threads as everyone tried to find out its contents from the privileged few who'd managed to score a copy at GenCon?) At that time, no one was using the term RAW. But when I came back, everyone seemed to be using it.

Is it just me, or does the acronym immediately evoke the WWE? (Which could further narrow which demographic originally coined it and among which it caught on.)
QUOTE (Talia Invierno)
I liked it. It skated the edge of anarchy; and as such, I encountered there povs and lifestyles I'd never have known otherwise. Much of it was alien to me, yes: but then I've always been one for trying to understand how others think.

I pretty much only visited it when the SR forum was slow, or I had too much time to kill. I think 98 or 99% of my posts were in the main SR forum. Compared to that, some loungers were 99% or so posting to the lounge. I'm curious about what lifestyles you were ignorant of without the lounge? People where I grew up, are usually termed rednecks or hillbillies, but 20 minutes away is a huge liberal college town, so maybe my view is skewed.

One of the classics I've encountered exceeded a thousand posts -- entirely on topic, and with not one non-administrative member losing their temper (at least, on-board).

This implies the admins were the only ones losing their temper. wink.gif

(Remember the deluge of threads as everyone tried to find out its contents from the privileged few who'd managed to score a copy at GenCon?)

Oh yes, I was the deluged. I was actually shocked that I did not get shut down for all the copywrite material I was putting up. I remember trying to sum up and paraphrase, which of course just started arguments from others that had the rules and further speculation from those that didn't. Settling those problems many times involved direct quotes.

Concerning privileged? I put up a thread bitching about my efforts to secure a copy and the piss poor way the powers that be were handling the situation. IMO of course. For example, on day one there were over a hundred people waiting in line. The powers that be decided that they needed a Public Address announcement, with lots of hype, to say the books had physically arrived, knowing they already had more people in line, even limited to one copy per person, than they had books. Result, a mob, line cutters, either intentional or unintentional because of the confusion caused by the mob. Just one example...

Is it just me, or does the acronym immediately evoke the WWE?  (Which could further narrow which demographic originally coined it and among which it caught on.)

Never. I guess I'm not that big a redneck.
I liked it.

I found it quite interesting to discuss various non-gaming things with a hugely diverse group of people who all had at least Shadowrun in common.

I enjoyed learning about various world events, customs, or idiosyncrasies that I would otherwise never have discovered, and then discussing them with a group of, if not friends, then at least contemporaries.

I was just as happy with the 'trivial bullshit' as I was with the 'important stuff'.

I learned about 911 while cruising Dumpshock in the middle of the night (Oz-time), and followed the progress through the various threads in the Lounge (among other places) with my fellow 'shockers. This is the single most defining moment of all my internet experiences, and I am sad to see the forum gone, and none of the 'replacements' will ever be quite the same.
QUOTE (Fortune)
I learned about 911 while cruising Dumpshock in the middle of the night (Oz-time), and followed the progress through the various threads in the Lounge (among other places) with my fellow 'shockers. This is the single most defining moment of all my internet experiences, and I am sad to see the forum gone, and none of the 'replacements' will ever be quite the same.

I believe that day had the greatest number of Dumpshockers logged on simultaneously up until the introduction of SR4 eclipsed it. I wasn't online at the time, I was going in and out of the US and caught up in the border closing business for about a week. I do recall a lot of concern about Dumpshockers known to live in the effected areas who no one had heard from. But I also recall some "You guys had it coming" remarks. Typical Lounge talk.
Post pumper! wink.gif
I remember Lounge thread either being nice places to discuss perhaps some interesting piece of SR-related news, or a private shouting match between a handful of posters. Overall I don't miss it. The 'problem' with DSF members (and Shadowrun players in general, IMO) is that we tend to be intellectuals who don't back down from philosophical fights. That has a way of getting ugly.
I came to the conclusion that many DSers are GMs who have a bit of a God complex and tend to forget that though they master their own little SR universe, they are interacting with the GMs who are Godlike themself.
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Jul 12 2007, 12:00 AM)
How do you manage to move so fast? We've been playing three years, and our characters played from mid-June 2055 to late August 2055.

RAW is an abomination. You should not bother to learn what it means.


I'm almost embarrassed to admit this but I played with a group who all had no steady girlfriends, no real jobs to speak of <min. wage>, lived in the same apartment complex, so we played three to five sessions a week. We did this for about four years.

We were sort of like WoW & EQ hardcore gamers except with pen & paper. Three of our SR games had rotating GMs.

It was pretty sweet while it lasted. Then it came to halt when one guy got married, another graduated college and got a real job w/ a live-in girlfriend, I got a girlfriend and got married, and the other two plugged into EQ, DAoC, and then WoW.

We've tried to get back together a few times but we're lucky if we can meet twice a year now. So we usually don't.

Now I'm sad. frown.gif
QUOTE (tisoz @ Jul 13 2007, 11:42 AM)
I came to the conclusion that many DSers are GMs who have a bit of a God complex and tend to forget that though they master their own little SR universe, they are interacting with the GMs who are the Godlike themself.

Ah, no. And if you disagree with me I shall smote your ruin upon the mountain!

Talia Invierno
QUOTE (tisoz)
I'm curious about what lifestyles you were ignorant of without the lounge?

I knew of sex change, but I'd never encountered anyone who'd gone through it. That's probably the most extreme one.
QUOTE (tisoz)
QUOTE (Talia Invierno)
One of the classics I've encountered exceeded a thousand posts -- entirely on topic, and with not one non-administrative member losing their temper (at least, on-board).

This implies the admins were the only ones losing their temper. wink.gif

That would not be inaccurate. The only reason the thread didn't get deleted was because there had just been a major issue over precisely that (to this day known as Black Friday); and the only reason the thread didn't get locked down was because the administrators themselves were split over the issue between those that held it important to give a solid administrative front (against the members), and those who realised just how serious this potentially was. Shall we say, it was a rather blatant abuse of power -- and further may have involved hacking. (Strong evidence, but never proven.) At the end of it the person involved was stripped of administrative privilege.

Oh, and this is all public knowledge -- became so in the course of the thread -- so I'm not breaking any confidences by mentioning it here.
QUOTE (Talia Invierno)
QUOTE (tisoz)
I'm curious about what lifestyles you were ignorant of without the lounge?

I knew of sex change, but I'd never encountered anyone who'd gone through it. That's probably the most extreme one.

I quit actively dating when I found out I was interested in a guy going through such. Got to get out out of the game if ya can't tell the players without a program. Funny thing is, when some of my friends teased me about it, I showed them a picture with the person and 4 girls. No one ever picked the one on the first or second guess. A couple guys said they'd date the person. lol

QUOTE (tisoz)
QUOTE (Talia Invierno)
One of the classics I've encountered exceeded a thousand posts -- entirely on topic, and with not one non-administrative member losing their temper (at least, on-board).

This implies the admins were the only ones losing their temper. wink.gif

That would not be inaccurate. The only reason the thread didn't get deleted was because there had just been a major issue over precisely that (to this day known as Black Friday); and the only reason the thread didn't get locked down was because the administrators themselves were split over the issue between those that held it important to give a solid
administrative front (against the members), and those who realised just how serious this potentially was. Shall we say, it was a rather blatant abuse of power -- and further may have involved hacking. (Strong evidence, but never proven.) At the end of it the person involved was stripped of administrative privilege.

Oh, and this is all public knowledge -- became so in the course of the thread -- so I'm not breaking any confidences by mentioning it here.

I remember a thread like that. Was that the one where the guy dared the admin to delete his posts and/or ban him, so the admin did, giving the lame justification he was only complying with a request?
Talia Invierno
It wasn't on these boards.
The original topic was interesting, but the thread has drifted a fair bit. Bring it back inline please. Issues about The Lounge are not exactly Game related (Belong in the Dumpshock Issues forum, at best), plus, we've hashed that out a million times. The Lounge is dead and buried. Let it rest in pieces.

Talia Invierno
Interesting timing, Bull.

Would this be a bad time to point out that the drift happened precisely after Caine Hazen moved this thread out of the forum in which it belonged? (in one of only three posts he's made this month?) Almost cause and effect, wouldn't you say?

I set you a challenge:

Move this back to SR4 -- and we'll return at once to the regularly scheduled discussion of whether personal experience is an appropriate measuring stick by which to measure the value of one's contribution to discussions about the RAW.

QUOTE (Bull @ Jul 14 2007, 08:50 AM)
The original topic was interesting, but the thread has drifted a fair bit.  Bring it back inline please.  Issues about The Lounge are not exactly Game related (Belong in the Dumpshock Issues forum, at best), plus, we've hashed that out a million times.  The Lounge is dead and buried.  Let it rest in pieces.


My posts have maintained a touch to SR or gaming in general, and since the thread got moved to the General Gaming purgatory, seems well enough.

previous post with reference to the dating game
QUOTE (tisoz @ Jul 14 2007 @ 01:08 AM)
I quit actively dating when I found out I was interested in a guy going through such. Got to get out out of the game if ya can't tell the players without a program.

previous post with reference to GMs, aka Game Masters, which incidently Shadowrun in particular uses as well as other games
QUOTE (tisoz @ Jul 13 2007 @ 11:42 AM)
I came to the conclusion that many DSers are GMs who have a bit of a God complex and tend to forget that though they master their own little SR universe, they are interacting with the GMs who are Godlike themself.

previous post referencing Shadowrun Fourth edition announcement
QUOTE (tisoz @ Jul 13 2007 @ )5:40 AM)
I believe that day had the greatest number of Dumpshockers logged on simultaneously up until the introduction of SR4 eclipsed it.

previous post referencing gamers asking for Shadowrun Fourth Edition Game rules
QUOTE (tisoz @ Jul 13 2007 @ 02:33 AM)
(Remember the deluge of threads as everyone tried to find out its contents from the privileged few who'd managed to score a copy at GenCon?)
Oh yes, I was the deluged. I was actually shocked that I did not get shut down for all the copywrite material I was putting up. I remember trying to sum up and paraphrase, which of course just started arguments from others that had the rules and further speculation from those that didn't. Settling those problems many times involved direct quotes.

previous post referencing gaming discussion terms canon and RAW
QUOTE (tisoz @ Jul 12 2007 @ 11:22 PM)
As far as the use/abandonment of the term canon, I think that is because some potential users do not know what it means and some posters have a hard enough time using the correct version of your/you're, there/their/they're, to/too/two, etc., much less canon/cannon. If they can use a shorter term and not risk looking ignorant, they go for RAW.

Now they may have been small parts of a post, or they may seem tangential to gaming, but it is hard not to admit they touched on gaming in general, ala the dating game, and usually Shadowrun in particular. And I have to agree that after the thread got arbitrarily moved to this purgatory (which I took without uttering a fucking murmur), I felt less need to uphold a Shadowrun reference.

I think I will have to check other threads I noticed heading toward chat and joking and see if they got the same treatment. Heavy handed moderating is one thing - Arbitrary Heavy handed moderating, might lead to the conclusion of bias toward subject or bias toward poster.

I'm heading to the Feature Request Forum. I'll race you there. (Is a race a form of game?)
The thread got moved because it wasn't necessarily SR specific. General Gaming is still a valid center for discussion of gaming topics. Caine felt it might be better served here, especially since we know there's a (very) small amount of non-crossover between the SR and SR4 forum.

As for my comment above, that was specifically directed at Lounge discussion, which has been beaten to death. I apologize greatly if my attempting to be diplomatic and not specifically name names or point out exactly what was being discussed was off topic. I'll remedy that now.

Stop posting about the fucking lounge. It's dead and gone and not ever coming back.

Better? Now stop arguing semantics with me. I have better things to do with my time.

QUOTE (Bull)
Stop posting about the fucking lounge.

So, we can't even post about our previous experiences there ... even if they may also relate directly to Shadowrun (and Dumpshock)? Are we not even allowed to mention the subject?

If that is the case, it might be a good idea to make a note of this rule in Dumpshock's TOS and/or Guidelines.

I'm gonna let someone else handle this. YOu guys are killing me here. Seriously.

Seriously. I'm not trying to be a dick (whether I have succeeded in being one or not is a different matter wink.gif ). I am just trying to get things clear.

I didn't get the impression that there was a general call for a new Lounge in this thread. Merely a discussion of the type of place that it happened to be. Most of the posts do seem to contain something of relevance in relation to either Dumpshock in general, Shadowrun players, or Shadowrun in particular.

I know that the former Lounge is a somewhat touchy subject, but is it that much of a taboo that even the mere mention of it is disallowed?
Caine Hazen
I think the point Bull is trying to make is this; most of the discussion of the Lounge on this thread has wandered away from gaming talk, and more pointedly seems to be a reminiscence thread about what is missed about life back then. Overall that has nothing to do with gaming, SR or SR4, meaning that this thread would be better served by being out of those areas as well. Being as there is no channel labeled "Lounge Reminiscing" it really has no place at all in these forums.

Or I can put this in mod terms:
Final warning, this thread is about who interprets rules more correctly, or how the rules as written relate to how right you are when you post answers to someones gaming questions. Please move this back on topic or the thread will be shut down.

Thank you.
Bull is having a bad day, and I am very busy, so this is my only post on the topic, and it's in my admin voice: this thread is topic-winding and confusing enough that no matter anyone's goals, it will not help anyone -- admins included -- to try and clarify things here.

If people wish to restart threads discussing the various issues brought up in this thread [one thread per topic, please], I suggest that in most cases the correct forum is Dumpshock News, Bug Reports, Feature Requests, & Discussion

However, be advised that I am on a harsh deadline and at least one other admin is out of town this weekend, so responses wil not be instantaneous.
That's fair enough. smile.gif

And I apologise for ruffling any feathers.
So, in games, how many people can't help but reflexively ignore (or at least interrupt) boxed text? I can't tell you how many times we've had a decent GM give us a boost on initiative rolls because, while he was somewhere between describing to us in exacting detail the bone-crafted throne the evil Necromancer Queen was sitting on and wrapping up the long-winded list of generic, pre-published, threats and megalomaniacal proclamations aforementioned Necromancer Queen was in the middle of delivering, one of us just said "FIREBALL!" and tossed a d20 for Init.

There's just something a little silly about boxed text. The assumption that, upon entering the Necromancer Queen's chamber (bruised and bloodied and battered after hacking and blasting your way through several levels of Necromancer Queen's dungeon) the entire party will stop, catch their breath, and take a good look at what gems she's wearing, will pause long enough to give a fuck about how ooh-scary-evil her throne is (after killing dozens or hundreds of her undead), or will -- hahahahahhahah -- give the skinny bitch a half second to talk shit to them (nevermind waiting for her to point a bony, ring-encrusted, finger at us and screech "Attack, my minions!").

Screw all that. We're gonna get a glance at those minions, gauge 'em by way of quick head count (so we can decide what spells to cast), and then we're gonna start slingin' dice. Published adventures need to learn that RPGers are, by the time they get their eyes on the prize at the end of a long adventure, far more likely to cut to the chase then get in a Mexican Standoff with the head of Arcology security, share a staredown with that head Tir Ghost, or enjoy a tense and likely-poisoned drink after breaking into the back room of the local Mafia's favorite watering hole.

We see the bad guy, our blood's already up, and we know what we're here to do? It's go time, yo.

GMs that are able to roll with that are great. I know a few, locally, that will give us an initiative bonus, maybe even toss us a whole surprise round, because the bad guy is so arrogant, so condescending, so used to being in total control and being able to finish their sentences and control situations -- that us just starting to whip out guns, swords, or spells while they're in the middle of telling us how close their plans are to fruition will just catch that mo'fo with his pants down.

Conversely, I've had GMs that will blink, shake their head, and ignore what we're saying -- then, head down, squinting until they're almost glaring at their page, will speed up their reading and raise their voice to be heard over the rest of us. They'll speed read and talk like a friggin' auctioneer to finish that sacred three paragraphs of italicized or bolded text, because the ancient rituals say that a GM can't possibly leave boxed text hangin'. They live in fear that Boxedtextia, spirit of vengeance, will swoop down and curse their dice if they don't stubbornly ignore their players and kowtow to the writers, or something.

If you ask me, even more than particular gaming experience, the ability to improvise and listen to your players are some of the most important abilities any good GM (or player, for that matter), can ever have. The GM runs the adventure, not the other way around.
But won't you be doing the absolutely coolest thing, "a pause"?

Talia Invierno
Pauses are most valuable when all the players know that paper messages discussing precedents based on RAW and alternate interpretations of RAW at other tables are flying back and forth between a few players and the GMs; and that a few almost insultingly-railroading pieces of boxed text may be gettting a reread and reconsideration as a result, perhaps by some other GM who wasn't responsible for the initial writing of the scenario.

Boxed text does have its place. Most players do like some level of understanding and consistency as to how this part of the game universe is intended to function. Players who refuse to acknowledge it utterly are setting themselves up for a fall.

However, when you've written it, it's hard to see boxed text -- or, indeed, the entire adventure -- in any way other than the one you'd already decided to set down in writing. How do you tell a pair of writers that perhaps a piece of writing which hadn't taken the PCs' memories into account really needed some playtesting and consequent editing, diplomatically: and still have him understand it? How do you tell a writer, diplomatically, that it was the boxed text itself which derailed the players in the first place?
QUOTE (Critias)
Conversely, I've had GMs that will blink, shake their head, and ignore what we're saying -- then, head down, squinting until they're almost glaring at their page, will speed up their reading and raise their voice to be heard over the rest of us. They'll speed read and talk like a friggin' auctioneer to finish that sacred three paragraphs of italicized or bolded text, because the ancient rituals say that a GM can't possibly leave boxed text hangin'. They live in fear that Boxedtextia, spirit of vengeance, will swoop down and curse their dice if they don't stubbornly ignore their players and kowtow to the writers, or something.

If you ask me, even more than particular gaming experience, the ability to improvise and listen to your players are some of the most important abilities any good GM (or player, for that matter), can ever have. The GM runs the adventure, not the other way around.

Alternatively the GM can say, "F--k you all, if the Box Text doesn't get read, we aint playing by the RAW. And if we aint playing by the RAW, then your F--king Fire-on-your-balls fiz-the-F-off-zle."

If you ask me, even more than improvisation and listening to players, GMing by the RAW is the most important ability any good GM can ever have.

How do you tell a writer, diplomatically, that it was the boxed text itself which derailed the players in the first place?
You'd never need to if you do it by the RAW.
Talia Invierno
toturi // the SR bookninja of RAW-Fu // strikes again // hahaha spin.gif

[Edited for SR-appropriateness]
Boxed text and "two-authors thought is should go such and such a way" are the primary reasons that I usually don't try and run published modules. They're great for one-shots, quick games with characters you don't care about, beer and pretzels, or just for idea mining, but running them in an ongoing campaign is just tedious. If you take the time to read up on it enough that you can account for player action and change it on the fly as needed, and it still fits what you're doing, they can be okay.
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