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waiting on Unarmed to reply, sending Rand as bait, but really IC and OOC , I have no idea what we're doing as we have no info fortchcoming from Kolbacca. All we know is that we're supposed to be working to catch some guy that has a bount on him. THat is the extent of the knowledge that we have.

Honestly, if Unarmed has wandered off into the void, I would suggest a restart with Ophis and myself and perhaps a new recruit as right now it feels as though we're wandering. No fault of your own, and if you've got a story line that still works with two, cool. But we are in need of some direction I think.
Let's put out the APB on the game that we lost. I will happily reboot for two. Some of the story will have to be rethought but not overly so ... I think.

Car 54, where are you? Unarmed?
This all seems fine to me. It strikes me that he easiest way of "Restarting" might be the bounty hunters heading off into the sunset after their target...
Taken under advisement. Shall I continue to play Hal? Is Plan B coming back? Shall we hunt for a replacement?
Going Once.
Going Twice!
Sorry, I've been hit and (mostly) miss for the last few days Plan B can be very finicky. It wasn't shiny right away so it didn't keep her attention. Following up, there were no kittens, so she probably won't be back.

Honest to God, those are the deciding ffactors. Shiny things and kittens.
Understood. At the end of today, I will be rebooting the game. You and Ophis still in?
Rebooting game!
fist, you and Ophis are in I assume? So, no hope of Plan B returning. Ok, I'll have to think on this a bit; however, I am leaning toward a complete reboot. You can keep you characters if you like, just let me know what type of game you are hunting so I can tailor it a bit better.

I'm cool whatever, I can come up with another char if needed, but kinda like Rand.

As my comp is currently in repair my response speed may be a bit slow.
Slow Response > No Response

Computer should be back in a week so it should hopefully not be a problem.
Ok, I am very tired right now, so I will be working on the reboot over the next couple of days. Please provide me some input on the type of game you would like to see. We can reset to the Rebel Alliance timeframe if you like or we can keep going with where we are; however, there will have to be some handwaving on my part for that to get off the ground.

I am keeping this OOC for now until we hash out some details.
I'm good with the current time line if it makes it easier for haing a jedi, but good ol' rebel era stuff is always full of meat and potatoes "let's take down the Empire" stuff, so I guess it depends on waht style of game you want to run. Ill be happy with whateer as long as I can A) get rid of myDarkside points or B) Go back to being an angry drunk that will use the dark side bonus at times. If not one or the other, the character just becomes a parapalegic marathon runner. He does nothing for a long time.

As for style, I'm pretty much up for anything. Although I think a stated style goal up front would be handy to get an idea of the tone you're going for.
Let's make it Rebel Era. Plenty of things I can do with that. "Gone your DS points are."

Style: Let's go for heroic with some substance to it. Not over the top.

Sound good?
Does that include my DS point?

Heroic sounds good to me.
@ Rand


I am thinking Rebel Alliance Special Troops. Maybe not Special Ops but kind of a trouble shooting group. I still want to think about the two people thing. More once I get home.
I'm not sure how "special troops" Daylin is, but he can do the seasoned old hand/advisor well enough. I'm thinking of leading him down a more "jedi consular" path and building up his perception skills like Persuasion if you think it's appropriate and the Char Points work out that way. We'll see. The Guardian type I just don't know if it works as a real old guy, ya' know? biggrin.gif
Yoda was old ...

Yoda was also a consular. Hmmmm.

Let's look at that some more but I think that we are on the right track.
I can do Rand as a sort of "Special forces" style, possibly the leader of a squad recently joined by Daylin.
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