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pretty much what i was figuring. Rand has no idea what the tractor beam looks like... But if it's pointed out, he'll muddle through.

Well look at it this way, this is better than the back up plan. We were going to jettison the swoop, and hope that the tractor beam grabbed it instead of us. biggrin.gif
@ All

I will be on a business trip the next week. I do not know yet if I will have limited or zero access to the net. I'll try to post; however, if I don't you will know what is going on.
Lady Door
Okay Michael, you need to be home from your business trip now cause I just finished my first Star Wars novel and need to discuss. Grr.

1.) Michael Stackpole is awesome.
2.) How come it takes three military geniuses 200 some-odd pages to realize the droid is the one behind everything? He's walking around holding the evidence people!! C'mon!
3.) Whashername... the Iceheart chica rules.
4.) Why is it that the character I really like is the first one to die?

@ All

I have minimal connection. I basically have to do this in the evening before I leave the facility where my training is. However, limited is better than none.

Assuming that I can post tomorrow, what do you need?


1.) Michael Stackpole is awesome.
2.) How come it takes three military geniuses 200 some-odd pages to realize the droid is the one behind everything? He's walking around holding the evidence people!! C'mon!
3.) Whashername... the Iceheart chica rules.
4.) Why is it that the character I really like is the first one to die?

1. Never read any of his books ... that I know of.
2. Droids are like street people in SW. They are there but no one thinks about them.
3. & 4. Every book has a character that rules and something that sucks.
Perhaps I am off base here and we covered in IM; however, I don't remember.

Plan B,

Please roll the dodge for the ship.
She had dodged the tractor beam shot, at least , the first one. Was there a second shot coming our way?

Edit: I looked it up. Plan B needs to roll a dodge vs a 25. Yikes.
OK, this scene is over and now is time to award Character Points.

Everyone gets 2.

The following are extra for making me laugh:

mom-on-the-run - Seven declining to translate the Wookie outburst
Plan B - Hal's map
F3.0 - A Jedi who is praying, crying, whatever, I liked it.

Keep in mind that future awards should be larger, I just wanted to get things rolling.

Feel free to continue to banter in IC while sliding through the stars. If you want to spend your CP, let me know and I'll tell you if you can do that on this trip.
Intending to use CP to raise Control Jedi.. thing.

The following are extra for making me laugh:

huh? But you didnt list said extra
1 each there F3.0
well once we have some time to sit, working on raising control. That puts me at currently 5 CP, down to 3. 2 days training time since I'm only raising it a pip. Maybe I'll raise it 2 pips f nothign interrupts. I'll just be the moody old man who stays in his room all the time. wink.gif
Sorry there Mr. Jedi.

You need 2 x D per pip (no Jedi master) and 2 x CP spent in training time (again no Jedi master). So ...

2 x 1D = 2 CP
2 x 2CP = 4 days

Ok, knock yourself out. Your trip through hyperspace is supposed to take at least that long.
@ Nerfherder- Roll badly, roll badly, roll badly, roll badly...

Sorry just trying to look after Rand.... smile.gif
Would he even be able to look at that sort of information from a little freighter in hyperspace?

If nothing else, at least it would be logged in the ship's computer for later reference for a paraniod jedi in hiding . biggrin.gif

No Prob


I'm not actually accessing a 'net, just looking through the warrants I have on my datapad
ah then nothing for him to find. That'll make him even more paranoind "did he slice the system?! Is he already looking for us!?"

Damn crazy old man.
@ F3.0 - you seem to bring SR style paranoia to everything don't you.

@ All

Unless there are objections, I will fast forward to the next point in the plot.
I'm fine with it, though Rand was planning on flirting with Hal a bit...
Have him flirt away. I enjoy the RP elements.
It may delay things if you're planning on moving on the plot.
Have him hit on her anyway. I still have to get mom-on-the-run to post anyway.
Cool, just wanted my ref warned.

As a Perpetuaref in my tabletop games I believe in some courtesy to my refs.
QUOTE (Alex)
Have him flirt away. I enjoy the RP elements.

Maybe you do.... sarcastic.gif
biggrin.gif nyahnyah.gif embarrassed.gif wink.gif biggrin.gif
Lady Door
I presume we're keeping this game Star Wars PG right? Fade out and left to imagination, rather than anything else (I like to check this sort of stuff as I tend towards R rated in most of my games).

[ Spoiler ]
PG Star Wars is where we are staying yes.

[ Spoiler ]
Change done.
On the PG note I think it's time to draw a curtain on th ahem 'action' IC.
Lady Door
... and scene. Fade to Black.

Hal and Rand can now be considered close friends.
All right, works for me.


For those needing a laugh ... or a new mental image ... check out Redneck Jedi.
Oh while it's on my mind I'm away in a field from the 23rd (thursday) til the 27th (nex monday). Feel free to carry on, Rand will probably stick to going along with Daylin and Hal.
@ All

If there is anything else needed during the downtime, let me know.
Lady Door
Okay... as a side note, I would just like it mentioned that Hal does not sleep with Rand. There may be some kissing and whatnot... but c'mon people they just met like 5 minutes ago. Adrenaline can only count for so much.
Anyway, probably wasn't an issue... but... just so's were all clear. Thank you, carry on.
Reasonable thing to clear up. Rand isn't the pushy sort and will be letting Hal set the pace. He's a fairly decent sort really, that and upseting the captain gets you dumped out of airlocks...
I'm definatly buying some starship gunnery once I have the Char. Pts. 3 would get me to 4D (from 3d+2) right?
Advancement is D character points for a pip. One pip at a time. Time is 1 day per CP (teacher trained) or 2 days x CP (self trained). However, if you used the skill in the previous adventure (scene since we are on-line), you can skip the training time.

Specializations are 1/2 x normal and Advanced skills are 2 x normal.
Specialisation is basically the skill for a defined catergory (ie swoops of repulsor lift op.)

What advanced skills are there?
Yes on specialization.

Blaster (Blastec D44) might be one of Han's specilizations.

Advanced skills would be things like surgery. I believe that you have to have a first aid (or equivalent) skill of at least 4 before you can pick up surgery. However, I don't have my books on me at them moment.
Cool thanks for that.
QUOTE (Alex)
Advanced skills would be things like surgery. I believe that you have to have a first aid (or equivalent) skill of at least 4 before you can pick up surgery. However, I don't have my books on me at them moment.

That does sound vaguely familiar.

Question: now that I have the rule books I've been reading up. One question I had, the "preparing an action" the most common being aiming for a round before firing. When preparing an action you use the previous round to your action to prep for it. It gives a specific list of skills that you cannot prep (all piloting and combat skills like Dodge, brawling parry, etc. Blasters is not included in that group. Essentially all reactionbased skills). So correct me if I'm wrong, but this suggests that I could use an extra round to prepare to use a force power. Much like centering your self before attempting something. Sound right Alex?
Works for me as the extra time would (IC) be spent focusing, calming, etc.
I'd just never noticed the rule before so i wanted to run it by you and clarify.

So to clarify from the IC, there is no power readings what so ever from the ship, correct?
Due to timing constraints, I am going to have to withdraw. Sorry, I thought I could keep up, but I just have too much other stuff going on right now. Have fun!!
Well I'm off for the weekend. If fisty can look after Rand's actions on the following priorities.

1) Help group
2) Proyect Hal
QUOTE (Nerfherder)
Hope the kid can keep his head if the poodo hits the refresher,


QUOTE (Ophis)
2) Proyect Hal

There's no way I'm 'Proyect[ing]' anyone for you. That just sounds gross.
With mom-on-the-run leaving the game, I will contact two people who asked to play and see if one of them wants the now idled wookiee. At work now, so I will post more later.
If neither of those people say yes.... wink.gif

PS: Yes, I have been following this game. Good work so far, heh.
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