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Full Version: Delta Clincs... how many and who has 'em?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
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It's not a bug, it's a feature!

Seriously, having modifiers on specific ware for alpha and delta grades made for retarded goings-on. While a delta move by wire might be very hard to come across, the TN modifier on a datajack for making it be delta grade was negligible. Of course, to get a delta datajack, you necessarily had found a delta clinic - thus begging the question of why you couldn't just ask for more expensive and difficult to find equipment (what with the fact that you were manifestly in the secret base of one of the elite doctor units that performed such surgery in order to get your shiny delta grade head socket).

In SR4, getting ware of different grades is no harder or easier. But in order to get a delta grade anything you have to go through a delta clinic. And delta clinics are hard to find.

See how much better that works than availability modifiers to individual items based on grade?

So, what, should there be an availability test fo rfinding a (blank) grade clinic?


Beta Clinic (Availability 16)

Delta Clinic (Availability 24)

It'd explain why it was you couldn't start with the gear...
the problem with that is that, at least at this point, you don't need a delta clinic to get deltaware installed. i suspect that will change, in Augmentation... but it is a change.
I'd imagine that finding a delta clinic would not be a matter of any individual test and would, in fact, require a great deal of roleplaying.
QUOTE (Wakshaani)
So, what, should there be an availability test fo rfinding a (blank) grade clinic?


Beta Clinic (Availability 16)

Delta Clinic (Availability 24)

It'd explain why it was you couldn't start with the gear...

I think that's a very good guess, and mirrors some of my own reasoning. I think I'll wait until Augmentation is actually out though.

QUOTE (hyzmarca)
I'd imagine that finding a delta clinic would not be a matter of any individual test and would, in fact, require a great deal of roleplaying.

it should still involve tests. i mean, we're not playing Feng Shui, here.
QUOTE (mfb)
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Jul 21 2007, 06:33 PM)
I'd imagine that finding a delta clinic would not be a matter of any individual test and would, in fact, require a great deal of roleplaying.

it should still involve tests. i mean, we're not playing Feng Shui, here.

hmm, hitting heavy users of cyber with surge, now thats a thought rotfl.gif
QUOTE (mfb)
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Jul 21 2007, 06:33 PM)
I'd imagine that finding a delta clinic would not be a matter of any individual test and would, in fact, require a great deal of roleplaying.

it should still involve tests. i mean, we're not playing Feng Shui, here.

Tests, yes, not a test. Just rolling etiquette to find a delta clinic would be a bit too easy, even with huge thresholds. This is something which basically requires selling one's soul to a megacorp figuratively, or literally, depending on how much work you want done.

This requires face-to-face negotiations with important people and a great deal of effort to even gain meetings with these people.
i'll agree with that. or possibly an extended test with a high threshold and a long interval.
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
Tests, yes, not a test.  Just rolling etiquette to find a delta clinic would be a bit too easy, even with huge thresholds.

But that's it. The only other way is to use Networking if you don't make the Extended Test on your own.

QUOTE (hyzmarca)
This is something which basically requires selling one's soul to a megacorp figuratively, or literally, depending on how much work you want done.

Getting custum grade stuff is primarily a question of money... finding the manufacturer if he doens't advertizes is not really a problem. The most time is spend waiting in queue...
QUOTE (mfb)
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Jul 21 2007, 06:33 PM)
I'd imagine that finding a delta clinic would not be a matter of any individual test and would, in fact, require a great deal of roleplaying.

it should still involve tests. i mean, we're not playing Feng Shui, here.

I had wondered where the heck the Buro had got to.
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