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Zhan Shi
On second thought...maybe increasing the drain value by 1 to represent the strain of giving the magical weapon a reach of +1. In this case, the dv would be (f/2).
Zhan Shi
another thought...since Jedi place such emphasis in controlling their emotional states, "sterilists" may be a better choice if they go toxic.
Zhan Shi
Rather than trying to figure which spirits the force tradition would conjure, one could simply say spirits don't figure much in their paradigm. Instead of going with the aspected magician quality, which would reduce arcana, etc, you could declare that a Jedi has Incompetence in binding and summoning, while keeping banishing to deal with "dark side entities" or hostile spirits.
Zhan Shi
New Metamagic: Deflection

This metamagic is unique to the Jedi. It allows them, while carrying an activated lightsaber, to add their ranks in Exotic Weapon(Lightsaber) when defending against ranged attacks.
I like that meta-magic, fluff wise it could represent the lightsaber "melting" the bullet.
I am a little confused on the lightsaber. Do you use unarmed DV for base damage, or a melee weapon formula?
QUOTE (Zhan Shi @ Aug 29 2007, 09:33 AM) *
Rather than trying to figure which spirits the force tradition would conjure, one could simply say spirits don't figure much in their paradigm. Instead of going with the aspected magician quality, which would reduce arcana, etc, you could declare that a Jedi has Incompetence in binding and summoning, while keeping banishing to deal with "dark side entities" or hostile spirits.

A case could be made for Possession Traditions as well - since the force is INSIDE everything.

I do like the incompetent idea though

All else aside I think this is one of the best necro-posts I've ever seen....

Seriously, you just revived a 5 year old thread!
QUOTE (ZeroPoint @ Aug 20 2012, 11:09 PM) *
All else aside I think this is one of the best necro-posts I've ever seen....

Seriously, you just revived a 5 year old thread!

It wouldn't be difficult to go back and revive a 9 year old thread. I've decided against doing it just for the hell of it, though. There's an interesting short discussion on page 979 of this board about running speeds with SR3 rules being too slow for top of the line runners I could have revived, for instance.
Lol, it lives! was hopeing for a response though. meh im just gonna go with unarmed DV lol
What about cultures that don't fall on eithdr side of the light/dark divide? And I would drop the sith descriptor. The rule of two kind if precludes it's use as a magical tradition.
QUOTE (Arz @ Jul 18 2007, 04:03 PM) *
The Force Tradition

Concept: The force is an energy field generated by all living things. Practitioners learn to attune themselves to it through the guidance of a master and self-reflection. Ultimately one strives to become one with the wishes of the force.
Combat: Beast
Detection: Guidance
Health: Plant
Illusion: Man
Manipulation: Task
Drain: Willpower + Intuition

Small nitpick, but your choice of spirits smacks of powergaming to me. Along with Guardian, the 5 spirits you chose are probably the best in the book.
Since this is revived, I will throw in my nitpick for future necro-reviving reference.

Fun fact: All tradition with task spirit are Possession tradition. No exception.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
QUOTE (shinyjam @ Aug 21 2012, 08:00 AM) *
Since this is revived, I will throw in my nitpick for future necro-reviving reference.

Fun fact: All tradition with task spirit are Possession tradition. No exception.

Fun Fact.... ALL CURRENTLY WRITTEN CANON Traditions with Task Spirits are Possession Traditions. That does not mean you could not have one that was not. Since there is a potentially unlimited variability in Traditions, saying that there are no exceptions is hubris of the highest order.
Fair enough, since there isn't any rule for it, do what you like.
The Jopp
This thread is still alive? wobble.gif
could be an undead thread smile.gif
i have a Jedi in my current party, but he's not using this tradition unfortunately. Maybe I'll point him this way.
yea, I revived it in a hope to get some questions about the light-saber answered smile.gif
Jareth Valar
LOL. For the Lightsabers I used in my game I just used the stats for a monofilament whip with a Reach of 1. Worked beautifully, also kept those without the skill from trying much with it. cyber.gif

Created abilities that allowed the parrying of bullets/lasers including the redirecting of energy attacks. Also that increase the AP of the saber (cutting through walls/doors aspect). Never got unbalancing. I can dig around and post them if you're interested Raiden.
So if this thread was dead and now it's alive again then maybe it's undead.
If it's undead then it might be suffering from HMHVV
Since Raiden was the one who revived it then he to must be infected with HMHVV.

Sssooooo....... Revive threads often, Necro-Raiden. biggrin.gif
sure that would be awesome Jareth,
QUOTE (Jareth Valar @ Aug 22 2012, 09:32 PM) *
LOL. For the Lightsabers I used in my game I just used the stats for a monofilament whip with a Reach of 1. Worked beautifully, also kept those without the skill from trying much with it. cyber.gif

Created abilities that allowed the parrying of bullets/lasers including the redirecting of energy attacks. Also that increase the AP of the saber (cutting through walls/doors aspect). Never got unbalancing. I can dig around and post them if you're interested Raiden.

I'd like this. The 'refluffed monowhip' was the same approach I was taking - after all, a jedi is supposed to EARN their saber privilegesby constructing their own.

Honestly I was thinking of a custom Foci type for adepts that lets a weapon channel Adept powers, like penetrating strike.
The Jopp
QUOTE (Jareth Valar @ Aug 23 2012, 04:32 AM) *
LOL. For the Lightsabers I used in my game I just used the stats for a monofilament whip with a Reach of 1. Worked beautifully, also kept those without the skill from trying much with it. cyber.gif

Created abilities that allowed the parrying of bullets/lasers including the redirecting of energy attacks. Also that increase the AP of the saber (cutting through walls/doors aspect). Never got unbalancing. I can dig around and post them if you're interested Raiden.

Well, I agree on that part. We can easily make a troll that PUNCHES through doors with impunity and adepts that eat concrete bunker walls for breakfast.

A monowhip is a very good example for a lightsaber and it almost have the elemental effect already.

Due to it being a rigid object unlike a flexible whip we should make the cost greater.
Jareth Valar
QUOTE (Raiden @ Aug 23 2012, 12:56 AM) *
sure that would be awesome Jareth,

Sorry it took so long. Pulled extra shifts at work. (Who says "day" job isn't a negative quality). nyahnyah.gif

Anyway, I could post them here (if anyone else is interested) or PM.
doesnt really matter to me haha.
Jareth Valar
These are just 2 that I have had to type in. Tried to reword them to be usable for more than just lightsabers, like Katanas (Wade grinbig.gif
, shields nyahnyah.gif etc.)

Focus (Weapon)
Prerequisites: Attune (Item)
This metamagic gives an adept or mystic adept greater control and precision over their attuned weapon. This allows him to greatly increase the efficiency of the weapon in question.
This allows the character, by spending a Free action, to add one half (round up) of his initiate grade to either the DV or AP of the weapon (chosen when the power is activated). This requires concentration to maintain, apply a -2 die penalty to all actions until the ability is dropped.
This is believed to be an evolution of Attacks of Will, as it has no apparent effect on ranged weapons.
NOTE: Focus (Weapon) must be chosen for the same item he has chosen Attune (Item) for.

(Item) Parry
Prerequisites: Attune (Item)
This metamagic allows the adept or mystic adept to use her Missile Parry adept ability with fast moving projectiles (i.e. bullets, lasers, single target indirect combat spells etc.)
If the GM feels the parrying item/weapon in question is capable of it, the character may attempt to redirect where the attack is deflected to. To do this, the character uses the net hits of her parry roll as an attack die pool (range as per original attack), normal modifiers apply. The maximum number of hits available for this redirection is capped at your initiate grade.
If the character is using the full defense option with this ability she adds her skill in the appropriate weapon instead of Dodge the defense check. If the character chooses to attempt to redirect while on full defense, it uses up the characters next available action.
NOTE: (Item) Parry must be chosen for the same item he has chosen Attune (Item) for.

Thought Attune (Item) was neer perfect to represent the Jedi's ability with the lightsaber, down to the part of Attune that the character can bond it by building ot from scratch.
Jareth Valar
As an aside, we were tossing around an alternate mechanic for Focus (Weapon). Instead, it allows you to use the bonus dice from Attune (Item) to affect either damage, die pool, or AP. So a grade 6 initiate would get 3 extra dice for an attuned weapon, she could use it for the +3 to her die pool, +3 DV, -3 AP, +1 die Pool and -2 AP or any combination thereof.

Never playtested this one, but at first glance it seems less powerful than the above version.

ALSO, these were never abused in my game. Never got out of hand. So, YMMV. wobble.gif
Jareth Valar
Recently my group has been asking about trying an actual SW game using the SR mechanics (considering the direction the new SW game is going, but that's a rant for a different thread) and been discussing Missile Parry. Given the spell Deflection works on ALL ranged attacks we see no reason that there couldn't just be an Advanced Missile Parry that allows it to be used on faster projectiles. Maybe 1 PP. Possibly work better than my original ability.
So do races go here or another thread?
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