These are just 2 that I have had to type in. Tried to reword them to be usable for more than just lightsabers, like Katanas (Wade
, shields
Focus (Weapon) Prerequisites: Attune (Item)
This metamagic gives an adept or mystic adept greater control and precision over their attuned weapon. This allows him to greatly increase the efficiency of the weapon in question.
This allows the character, by spending a Free action, to add one half (round up) of his initiate grade to either the DV or AP of the weapon (chosen when the power is activated). This requires concentration to maintain, apply a -2 die penalty to all actions until the ability is dropped.
This is believed to be an evolution of Attacks of Will, as it has no apparent effect on ranged weapons.
NOTE: Focus (Weapon) must be chosen for the same item he has chosen Attune (Item) for.
(Item) Parry Prerequisites: Attune (Item)
This metamagic allows the adept or mystic adept to use her Missile Parry adept ability with fast moving projectiles (i.e. bullets, lasers, single target indirect combat spells etc.)
If the GM feels the parrying item/weapon in question is capable of it, the character may attempt to redirect where the attack is deflected to. To do this, the character uses the net hits of her parry roll as an attack die pool (range as per original attack), normal modifiers apply. The maximum number of hits available for this redirection is capped at your initiate grade.
If the character is using the full defense option with this ability she adds her skill in the appropriate weapon instead of Dodge the defense check. If the character chooses to attempt to redirect while on full defense, it uses up the characters next available action.
NOTE: (Item) Parry must be chosen for the same item he has chosen Attune (Item) for.
Thought Attune (Item) was neer perfect to represent the Jedi's ability with the lightsaber, down to the part of Attune that the character can bond it by building ot from scratch.