The Jopp
Jul 18 2007, 12:25 PM
The Force
Concept: The force is an energy field generated by all living things. Practitioners learn to attune themselves to it through the guidance of a master and self-reflection. Ultimately one strives to become one with the force.
Magic Quality: Always Mystic Adept
Negative Quality: Aspected Magician (Sorcerer Aspect)
Geas: Gesture Geas
Fitting Sith Mentor Spirit Archetypes: Dark Goddess / Raven / Trickster
Fitting Jedi Mentor Spirit Archetypes: Bear / Dog / Wise Warrior
Combat: Beast (Sith) / Guardian (Jedi)
Detection: Guidance
Health: Plant
Illusion: Man
Manipulation: Task
Drain: Willpower + Intuition
The Tradition
The Jedi tradition emerged from within the pop culture at the end of the 20th century from a flat screen production called Star Wars. At the beginning of the 21th century it had become a small (miniscule) but legitimate fringe religion. With the awakening the movement became stronger and individuals emerged who could control what they called “The Force�. Although clearly magicians they insist that magic is just a reflection of the force and not the other way around. It was not long before malcontents within the order split from the Jedi and called themselves the Sith (something that was rather inevitable)…
Many force users are approached from an early age by both sides and trained in their respective traditions but some refuses and strike out on their own to learn the hard way and sometimes creates their own path to the force.
Mentor spirits usually shows up as ancestor spirits or a guiding voice and in dreams and takes the form of a metahuman of some kind and not the usual animal mentors.
Although spirits aren’t an inherent trait within the tradition several force users have acknowledged that they can, with difficulty summon force entities that appear as ghostlike glowing entities or dark whispering shadows.
The Paths of the Force
Depending on the force users training and focus their abilities might differ somewhat but all of them have some knowledge in their opposing fields of Spiritual vs Physical. Although the below is the norm of trained force users there are always oddities.
Most Jedi and Sith follows a very strict training regime and the path to understand the force is a long one, only after several years can an experienced force user move items with his mind and influence peoples minds.
Although they are all mystic adept not all of them have chosen to advance themselves in the force as much as they have improved their combat prowess – but they are expected by their masters to initiate themselves into the true power of the force.
A few force users finds the art of the lightsaber and even physical combat crude and ineffective, relaying solely on their force powers and other mundane means.
The Holocrons
A Holocron is small compact Holoprojector and teaching device that is activated by voice command by a force user and can be of varying size compiled by Jedi and Sith masters of old. Usually a holocron is the size of a grown mans fist but unlike the traditional knowledge about the holocrons force users in 2070 have shrunk them down to more manageable size so that the smallest of them are the size of golfballs and usually worn as a necklace or even attached as a integrated part of the lightsaber handle.
Larger holocrons are usually found in magical groups as teaching tools usually connected to a network and projects simulated teachers. Depending on Jedi or Sith traditions the holocrons might take different shapes, Jedi usually have cube shaped ones and Sith’s are pyramid shaped.
Holocron Technical Data
Holocrons can be used as any kind of foci and are often used as a combination of Foci and Fetish or stacked foci. All types of Holocrons require a Holo Projector as an integral part of it’s design (See equipment section of SR4.) The holo projector is a basic appliance with matrix attributes of 3 but usually it’s Wi/Fi turned off so that is only responds to touch and voice commands. They also contains a wide focus camera and a microphone so that the user can communicate with the Holocron persona through audio and video. They are also fitted with a biometric safety with voice print so that only those registred as Jedi or Sith may use it (although new force users would have to be added in order to use it).
The Holocron usually has a Virtual Person software emulating the Master who has recorded the data on the holocron - They can also include simulated personas of famous and infamous characters like Yoda, Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker among others and also includes Datasoft of the following knowledge skills: The Force, The Jedi, The Sith of varying levels.
Holocrons as teaching tools and not foci contains one or more Tutorsoft. These Holocrons usually have improved Response and System attributes to handle such programs.
Holocron Hardware Components
Biometric Safety (Voice Print)
Holo Projector
Sensor Tag (Camera)
Sensor Tag (Microphone)
The Lightsaber
Mystic Adepts of the force tradition shape their abilities very differently from other more mainstream traditions and will appear rather differently from them, the most notorious is the lightsaber. The lightsaber is no technological weapon or spell at all but a blatant display of magic due to a mix of adept abilities channelled through a Talisman that is the lightsaber handle. Lightsabers vary in size and design but a normal lightsaber have a concealability modifier of 0. The double bladed version has a concealability modifier of +2.
The following minimum adept powers constitute a regular lightsaber
Killing hands
Critical Strike (Minimum Lvl 3)
Elemental Strike (Light)
Improved Ability : Lightsaber (Rating 2 to simulate Reach)
Smashing Blow
Counterstrike (Minimum Lvl 1)
These powers have Talisman (Lightsaber) Geas and requires the exotic weapon skill “Lightsaber.�
Since they require a GEAS they only cost 75% of listed cost. A beginning force user that has learned to use a lightsaber will have at least a magic rating of 3 and 3 points of adept powers invested in his lightsaber abilities.
Lightsaber Talisman Designs
Each force user creates his own Lightsaber talisman and usually have rudimentary knowledge in Enchanting and a possible specialization in Artificing. The Lightsaber Talisman consists of three elements.
The Handle: Usually an embossed metal tube with one or more buttons approx 10� long.
The Crystal: The crystal sets the colour for the blade.
The Powersource: usually a mere battery from a commlink
Exotic Weapon skill and Specialization.
Depending on traditional style or training the force user can choose what kind of lightsaber style he will use.
Single Blade (Most traditional amongst both Jedi/Sith)
Dual Wield (Split Dicepool for multiple attacks)
Double Edged (Heavy Pistol Concealability, mostly used by Sith)
Block/Parry (Most used amongst jedi)
The single blade style is the most usual and what most Jedi would use, the dual wield requires a split of dicepool but gives the opportunity of two attacks. The double edged style AKA darth maul blade would be concealability drawback as the blade handle would be around half a metre long or perhaps two handles stuck together for a possible choice of dual wielding. Block/Parry is rather self explanatory and would include all styles but of a defensive nature.
Jul 18 2007, 12:33 PM
I like that you specified that it's a mystic adept path; adds a certain flavor to it. What spirits are connected to the spell categories?
Jul 18 2007, 12:44 PM
I love this tradition. It takes the crossover nature of Shadowrun to a new level.
I would clarify that the mentor spirit appears as a past Jedi master rather than literally an animal. In which case, all mentor spirits are available based on the Jedi's orientation towards Light or Dark side.
I would say that Jedi are aspected mystic adepts (EDIT:meant to say mystic adepts instead of magician) that can not use Conjuring. If they were allowed to summon spirits, I would say they are a possession tradition and can summon spirits of Guidance, Man, Guardian, and Task. I'm not sure about the 5th spirit, maybe Fire spirits in the form of beings of pure light.
Jul 18 2007, 12:48 PM
I could swing with an aspected sorcery tradition.
The Jopp
Jul 18 2007, 12:50 PM
Well, it seemed more apt to have them as mystic adepts since they are both combat and/or spell focused.
At first glance the Lightsaber might look a bit overpowered but since it is highly visible, close combat only and mostly at F3-F4 it’s no worse than other weapons. Not to mention that there are no blaster bolts to deflect in Shadowrun…
I’m actually not entirely sure about the spirits, I would probably play with an aspected mystic adept that cannot use spirits since they aren’t really part of the tradition. Ancestor spirits might possible but doesn’t feel right.
The Jopp
Jul 18 2007, 12:53 PM
QUOTE (Buster) |
I would clarify that the mentor spirit appears as a past Jedi master rather than literally an animal. In which case, all mentor spirits are available based on the Jedi's orientation towards Light or Dark side. |
That was basically the idea but it could also be the classical “voice in the head� telling luke the shadowrunner to use the force instead of his smartlink.
I picked a few of the mentors from SR4 as their description fitted the aspects of Sith and Jedi from manipulator to stout defender.
The Jopp
Jul 18 2007, 12:56 PM
Edit: Lightsaber is now an exotic weapon much like monowhip.
Jul 18 2007, 12:58 PM
I would also add that Lightsaber has to be learned as a fetish spell (focus is the grip). It is almost always sustained within an Anchored focus in order to sidestep the high drain of the spell.
Also, Jedi apprentices don't necessarily have to learn the Lightsaber spell right away. Traditionally, Jedi masters are expected to give their apprentices an Anchored Lightsaber focus upon entrance to the Order. Jedi masters are expected to learn the Lightsaber spell and Anchoring metamagic and create anchored Lightsaber spells for themselves and their apprentices. The apprentice is expected to learn the Lightsaber spell and Anchoring metamagic in order to graduate to master.
Jul 18 2007, 01:05 PM
QUOTE (The Jopp) |
Well, it seemed more apt to have them as mystic adepts since they are both combat and/or spell focused. |
Sorry meant to say mystic adept instead of magician.
The Jopp
Jul 18 2007, 01:07 PM
QUOTE (Buster) |
I would also add that Lightsaber has to be learned as a fetish spell (focus is the grip). It is almost always sustained within an Anchored focus in order to sidestep the high drain of the spell.
Also, Jedi apprentices don't necessarily have to learn the Lightsaber spell right away. Traditionally, Jedi masters are expected to give their apprentices an Anchored Lightsaber focus upon entrance to the Order. Jedi masters are expected to learn the Lightsaber spell and Anchoring metamagic and create anchored Lightsaber spells for themselves and their apprentices. The apprentice is expected to learn the Lightsaber spell and Anchoring metamagic in order to graduate to master. |
I had already put that into the drain code of the spell as a specific condition (requires Sustaining foci, -1 to drain).
Agreed, one can wihtout a problem create a pure "mage" type of force user that perhaps gains a lightsaber at initiation or builds it himself.
Jul 18 2007, 01:08 PM
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Jul 18 2007, 07:50 AM) |
Not to mention that there are no blaster bolts to deflect in Shadowrun… |
Maybe the Lightsaber anchor focus includes an anchored Deflection spell too.
Or maybe we should create a new adept ability called Deflection that allows him to use his melee skill to parry ranged attacks. Kung fu masters are famous for deflecting arrows and spears (and now bullets in modern movies).
The Jopp
Jul 18 2007, 01:18 PM
One could also use a Stacked Foci (but the cost or difficulti in making it can be staggering...)
Jul 18 2007, 01:18 PM
QUOTE (Dashifen) |
I like that you specified that it's a mystic adept path; adds a certain flavor to it. What spirits are connected to the spell categories? |
I would think that all the spell categories are covered by spirits of Man or Beasts (the Force drives through every living thing). The other option is using the elements of Man, Beasts, Fire, Earth, and Water. These are the elements that all living creatures and plants are rooted to. Birds may fly in the air but they have to land on the ground from time to time.
Jul 18 2007, 03:50 PM
Another possible approach to the lightsaber spell is to say that the -2 penalty (or -1 with Focused Concentration) for sustaining a spell does not apply to melee combat rolls (attack and parry) made with the lightsaber. Leave the sustaining penalty in there for everything else, and if they stick it in a sustaining focus they don't get a bonus, either. All in all it's a pretty minor effect, but might make things more managable.
Just an idea.
Jul 18 2007, 04:03 PM
I am currently playing a Jedi similar to these lines. I posted the tradition a while back in another thread. Instead of using a lightsaber spell I instead have a modified monosword that I attached glow strips and a noise-maker. He also runs around with a VR overlay _at all times_ which gives him a warped view of all metahumans he meets. He usually tells most trolls he meets that he doesn't understand Wookie.
The Force Tradition
Concept: The force is an energy field generated by all living things. Practitioners learn to attune themselves to it through the guidance of a master and self-reflection. Ultimately one strives to become one with the wishes of the force.
Combat: Beast
Detection: Guidance
Health: Plant
Illusion: Man
Manipulation: Task
Drain: Willpower + Intuition
Two sects of adherents follow the force tradition. They believe the force to be a natural universal energy that certain people are more sensitive towards. These sensitives are marked by higher than average medichloreans that allow them to manipulate the force around themselves and others. Peace, serenity, and knowledge form the light side in which the Jedi believe themselves to be the purified form. The Sith oppositely represent the truest of the dark side that consists of aggression, anger, and fear. The universe is a place of balance and so both sides are part of the natural order.
Although there are many sensitives only certain are chosen by force masters to learn its refined techniques. These techniques are passed on until one has internalized them sufficiently to undertake personal exploration. Practitioners learn to focus upon their side of the force to manipulate the force around them. Certain beings, objects, and places are pools for the force that allow greater manipulations. Force users strive to move beyond focusing techniques to natural willpower. Sorcerous techniques start with enhancements of physical ability to pure external application. Conjuring is rare as these beings are seen as representatives of the force often manifested as past masters that have become one with the force.
The tradition of the force originated with a series of pre-crash movies that garnered a sustained cult of fans. Although scoffed at by older traditions force users believe other paradigms are valid if somewhat less pure in their technique. Force users can often be found searching for lost source material from a galaxy far away and long ago, including the mythical digital movies and prequel trilogy. The tradition has spread throughout the world via the matrix. Although there are many temples and academies few hold practitioners with real talent. The most recognized of these are Master Morpheus and Darth Agent who hide in the shadows of the galactic corporations.
Jul 18 2007, 04:10 PM
First I would have a lightsabre do the "laser" damage type not fire.
Also I'm not sure how to bring things more in line. Maybe with a custom mentor spirit.
The disadvantage would be limiting spells to known cannon abilities. For example magic fingers and influence, maybe a weaker form of levitate(Jedi can't really fly just jump and fall really well). Probably some boosting health spells for the jedi.
However as a bonus it would provide enough bonus die that a Jedi could cast those spells with only a point or two in magic. Leaving most of magic to go to adept skills.
I'm thinking something like
magic for spells 2
magic for power points 4
combat sense 4 (2 PP)
gymnastics 4 (1 PP)
lightsabre combat 2 (1PP)
Solomon Greene
Jul 18 2007, 04:49 PM
This is good stuff.
As I was reading it, a new NPC I'm going to force my PC's to deal with (heh heh, puns!) sprang to mind:
A horrific nerd who's had reconstructive surgery to look and sound like Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn. During the run, his vocal reconstruction will become damaged and he'll go from one of the best voices in Hollywood to a horrible version of Jerry Lewis at his prime with Deano.
Oh, this will be fun.
Jul 18 2007, 06:43 PM
Actually I rather like the potential of this. The reason being that SR jedi should play well. They don't have access to the really munchy stuff. and can do more of the flipping around and whatnot that is fun. From a GM point of view I forsee fewer problems with Jedi than with many regular adepts and pretty much every mage.
The Jopp
Jul 19 2007, 05:48 AM
QUOTE (sunnyside @ Jul 18 2007, 04:10 PM) |
First I would have a lightsabre do the "laser" damage type not fire.
However as a bonus it would provide enough bonus die that a Jedi could cast those spells with only a point or two in magic. Leaving most of magic to go to adept skills. |
Laser/Light would work fine to but I was a bit concerned about the glare modifier but it would fit.
I do NOT want to create special new abilities for the force user but rather use what is available.
Not all force users are adept at using a lightsaber or even owning one so it is entirely up to the player how his/her force user would be designed.
Many force users would most likely use regular swords, especially if one looks back to the time before the Jedi/Sith had lightsabers.
A pure combat force user with adept abilities could be your usual blade adept with force like abilities and the force master "mage" could have the potential to use a powerful lightsaber - if one manages to get hold on a sustaining foci powerful enough.
Remember also that a beginning force user would be limited to a Force 3 lightsaber sustaining foci thus giving a maximum weapon profile of:
STR/2+3P (Half impact Armour) Element: Light.
Jul 19 2007, 03:14 PM
Further notes on rounding out the tradition.
Detection spells are used equally by Sith/jedi with the most common being Mindlink, Detect Life, Dream, Clairvoyance, and Combat Sense. Personally, GM's should disallow players taking Combat Sense spell and adept power and any other overlap abilities. That's just the way of the power gamer, not the jedi.
Combat/Illusion spells are the specialties of the Sith. There fondest spells are Slay, Mask, and electrical effects. Sorry, not playing one so no help here.
Healing/Manipulation are the specialties of the Jedi. They have a fondness for TK spells, deflection, heal, hibernate, influence, and limited mental manipulation.
On the adept powers list combat sense, counterattack, attribute boost, and quick draw are pretty important to jedi who are mainly defensive in combat.
Spirits and mentors are incredibly rare to the tradition and GM's should strongly discourage them. Luke only saw Obi-wan on a handful of occasions. The Sith really hate spirits since they are usually former masters trying to kill you.
Jul 19 2007, 04:06 PM
Read some of the material sometime. Sith don't care one way or another about Spirits. If they have a need for specific knowledge and a spirit has it, they'll beg, borrow, steal, plead, etc to get what they want.
Dark Side Spirits aren't exactly uncommon. Granted, they don't appear on every doorstep and street corner either.
But yeah, Sith would most certainly consult with a DSS. There are many examples of such happening when people wanted to take up the mantle of the Sith, that they would search out a Dark Side Spirit for instruction.
Jul 19 2007, 04:15 PM
Another option for the lightsaber is killing hands, critical strike, and elemental strike, all with a talisman geas and some fluff for appearance. If only there was a power to give your elemental strikes a Reach of 1, it would be perfect.
Jul 19 2007, 05:10 PM
Or you can use a hologram, PAN to PAN sharing, or VR overlay to make any weapon you swing look like a lightsaber. I think yinz are getting too attached to exact replication. It's best to give it a little SR twist.
Other thing I forgot to mention. Jedi in general dislike foci as a crutch since they believe only in the power of living objects. Talismen of all types are just crutches to a true jedi.
Jul 19 2007, 05:17 PM
This is really cool. I'd been working on one such tradition myself, playing a Star Wars nerd who apart from the rest of the herd actually has some talent. You know, to break the Fourth Wall in a way.
I was going to incorporate the Jedi Character Classes from Knights of the Old Republic and the prestige classes for KotoR2 into the "magical" types.
For example:
Jedi Guardian - Focuses on combat training and masterful use of the lightsaber.
Jedi Consular - Focuses on Force powers.
Jedi Sentinel - A balance of the two.
Jedi Guardian
Mystical Adept
Jedi Guardian
Jedi Sentinel
Jedi Consular
These would be the paths they'd likely follow. An Adept wouldn't have much, if anything, of "Magic" but there are a few Adept powers that are a decent approximation.
Similarly, a Consular would only know the preliminaries of Lightsabers.
The summoning part of the tradition would be based on Possession. These would mimic the various Lightsaber and Force forms.
Also, a few modifications of classic favourites like Levitate for Force Push/Tornado/etc. and Influence with "These are not the drones you are looking for" situations.
Adepts wouldn't be left out, with Commanding Voice they could mimic the hand-waving Jedi powers. And if Lightsabers were spells with sustained foci + fetishes you could allow an Adept to use Elemental Strike to light up a sword.
A Monowhip would probably work best.
Jul 19 2007, 05:18 PM
Well personally I like the idea of a "lightsaber" as being a combined Sustaining Focus and Fetish (Provided of course that the "Jedi" still has to learn Enchanting to make it themselves.).
Hmm, in fact I think I'll have to introduce a mage who uses a similair idea, even though I think I'll nix the idea of "Jedi" themselves.
The Jopp
Jul 20 2007, 07:22 AM
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk @ Jul 19 2007, 04:15 PM) |
Another option for the lightsaber is killing hands, critical strike, and elemental strike, all with a talisman geas and some fluff for appearance. If only there was a power to give your elemental strikes a Reach of 1, it would be perfect. |
Hmm, I’ll think I will run with that idea.
The adept powers are a combination to create the illusion of a lightsaber with multiple GEAS effects on the adept powers (Not sure, but can’t you choose individual GEAS for each adept ability, thus reducing their cost by -20%)
Killing Hands, Critical Strike, Elemental Strike & Penetrating Strike all share the same GEAS of Blatant magic (Lightsaber blade) and talisman (Lightsaber Handle).
In order to use those adept abilities for combat they must have a lightsaber and all adept powers must work at the same time.
All that would cost less than 3PP.
This way there is no break from Canon with odd spells or new abilities.
Still, what SKILL would one use for this?
Unarmed? Edged? Clubs?
Now, the abilities are for unarmed but the lightsaber handle is basically swung like a club but the adept is indeed using a sword?
I would say Edged with specialization on lightsaber, that way one is sure that the adept abilities cannot be used with unarmed.
Jul 20 2007, 07:31 AM
QUOTE (The Jopp) |
Still, what SKILL would one use for this?
Unarmed? Edged? Clubs? |
Exotic Weapon Skill.
The Jopp
Jul 20 2007, 07:49 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Jul 20 2007, 05:22 PM) | Still, what SKILL would one use for this?
Unarmed? Edged? Clubs? |
Exotic Weapon Skill.
Hmm, yes, that would be most fitting. But I would stress that a specialization should be possible as there are several configurations of blades. I cannot se anything unbalancing here as we are already making it harder to be a Jedi than a regular combat adept.
Single Blade
Dual Wield
Double Edged
The above specializations would only be for flavour and have their own disadvantages. The single blade style is the most usual and what most Jedi would use, the dual wield requires a split of dicepool but gives the opportunity of two attacks. The double edged style AKA darth maul blade would be concealability as the blade handle would be around half a metre long or perhaps two handles stuck together for a possible choice of dual wielding. Block/Parry is rather self explanatory and would include all styles but of a defensive nature (also common amongst jedi, less common amongs sith).
Jul 20 2007, 08:59 AM
I don't see the big problem with allowing a specialization within the Exotic Weapons Skill (regardless of what canon says). After all, it grants no advantage over any other character.
The Jopp
Jul 20 2007, 09:55 AM
Ok, edited the first post, looks good if i may say so myself.
Jul 20 2007, 10:33 AM
I like the work, can I get that Lightsaber spell. I had some hellish GM ideas with it.
The Jopp
Jul 20 2007, 10:49 AM
QUOTE (bmcoomes) |
I like the work, can I get that Lightsaber spell. I had some hellish GM ideas with it.
Thanks, Brent |
You sure you want to? Due to the drain it is almost useless (yes, can be powerful to the extreme and only limited by the sustaining foci).
Without demand of a sustaining foci it would be drain F/2+5 (with sust foci F/2+4)
Damage: STR/2+Force
Elemental Effect: Light
Damage: Physical
Hmm, somewhere along those lines i think.
Jul 20 2007, 11:07 AM
QUOTE (The Jopp) |
You sure you want to? Due to the drain it is almost useless (yes, can be powerful to the extreme and only limited by the sustaining foci). |
Oh yeah, I'm thinking of using it in an end game for the villain. So he would be already set up with it so as far as the characters he'd have no drain.
Jul 20 2007, 03:03 PM
QUOTE (The Jopp) |
The adept powers are a combination to create the illusion of a lightsaber with multiple GEAS effects on the adept powers (Not sure, but can’t you choose individual GEAS for each adept ability, thus reducing their cost by -20%)
Killing Hands, Critical Strike, Elemental Strike & Penetrating Strike all share the same GEAS of Blatant magic (Lightsaber blade) and talisman (Lightsaber Handle).
In order to use those adept abilities for combat they must have a lightsaber and all adept powers must work at the same time.
All that would cost less than 3PP. |
It's a 25% reduction in cost, BTW.
And technically penetrating strike can't be used with elemental strike. Most elemental damage types are going to be ignoring half armor as it is. GM could allow it, of course.
The Jopp
Jul 20 2007, 03:04 PM
Soo...after designing someone who has focused his entire training on combat and travelled to a new teacher to learn force powers (through initiation and such) we have a troll that do the following BASE damage with his lightsaber...(yes i know, a normal adept can do it too but a large glowing blade is cooler).
10P 1/2 Armour
Now, a bulldog stepvan gets to resist base damage with 3 armour. I have this nice image in my head of a large troll slicing a bulldog stepvan in half with a hugle lightsaber...
The Jopp
Jul 20 2007, 03:06 PM
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk) |
QUOTE (The Jopp @ Jul 20 2007, 02:22 AM) | The adept powers are a combination to create the illusion of a lightsaber with multiple GEAS effects on the adept powers (Not sure, but can’t you choose individual GEAS for each adept ability, thus reducing their cost by -20%)
Killing Hands, Critical Strike, Elemental Strike & Penetrating Strike all share the same GEAS of Blatant magic (Lightsaber blade) and talisman (Lightsaber Handle).
In order to use those adept abilities for combat they must have a lightsaber and all adept powers must work at the same time.
All that would cost less than 3PP. |
It's a 25% reduction in cost, BTW. And technically penetrating strike can't be used with elemental strike. Most elemental damage types are going to be ignoring half armor as it is. GM could allow it, of course.
Ah, I just saw that one. No penetrating strike as a prerequisite for lightsabers then
The Jopp
Jul 25 2007, 01:55 PM
Tradition now updated, see first post.
Added Holocron and reshaped the lightsaber powers.
Jul 25 2007, 04:26 PM
QUOTE (The Jopp) |
Tradition now updated, see first post.
Added Holocron and reshaped the lightsaber powers. |
I think the Sith and Jedi would have the same spirit association for combat. The jedi understand that anger rules combat hence the reason they try to avoid it and using the force in direct aggression against living creatures.
I like the info on the holocrons. I don't read the novels so I can't provide any specific info.
I strongly disagree with the tack you have taken on lightsabers. I think a weapon focus would suffice. I believe it best to remember you are playing a Shadowrun game first, not Star Wars. Although your character creates a tradition based on fiction not everything will match with fiction. An aproximation is good enough.
Good work otherwise.
The Jopp
Jul 26 2007, 07:11 AM
Well, i wanted to keep the image of a force user who whips out a glowing sword from nowhere and a weapon foci has it's own drawbacks...
1. Its a big honking sword - concealability
2. Its hideously expensive even if you take a low-force one.
Sure it takes a lot of adept powers and restricts them to the talisman but you have a few good things from that.
1. looks cool when the blade appear
2. concealability - lĂke a regular CC adept you cant SEE those abilities.
3. High force users would be more powerful than an adept with a foci in the end.
One could use a weapon foci, that is entirely up to those who wants to use these rules to modify for their own games.
A weapon foci could in that way represent the blades that existed before the lightsabers that were swords, albeit swords that could block blaster bolts and lightsabers (since none of those really exist a weapon foci could be sufficient.)
I agree that the restrictions and especially the lightsaber talisman gimps the force user somewhat but the alternative would be a spell that basically summoned an energy sword with a hideous drain of F/2+5 (add talisman for a +4 instead). Sure a fetish restriction could be used for +2D6 VS drain but the force of the blade would be rather low (max equal to sustaining foci).
And my view on a Jedit or Sith would be that a fully trained force user would be several levels of initiation higher than someone who begins in the shadows so it will take initiations to truly improve.
And in the end, it's a tradition made by star wars geeks, not powerhouses of destruction.
The Jopp
Jul 26 2007, 07:25 AM
And for those that really wants to have a moving trashcan with an attitude...
GM-Nissan Doberman �Astromech� model
The GM-Nissan Doberman Astromech model also known as �ARTOO� is a spitting image of the droids from Star Wars and comes in several different colour schemes. The available models are listed below:
R2 Series “Bestseller�
R3 Series
R4 Series Limited Edition Model
R5 *Discontinued*
Technical Data
Cost: 6000+
Attributes as Nissan Doberman
Targeting (Yamaha Pulsar) 3
Clearsight 3
Manipulator Arm Slide Yamaha Pulsar
Manipulator Arm (STR 2 / AGI / 2 / BOD 2)
Connector Arm with Jackpoint Plug
Large Smuggling Compartment
Holo Projector
Manipulator Arm Slide with Grapplegun
Optional Addons
Sensor Suite upgrades
Response Upgrades
Maneuver Autosoft
Defense Autosoft
Electronic Warfare
Targeting (Grapplegun)
Data-Lock Rating 1-6
Hardware Toolkit
Hardware Autosoft
Zhan Shi
Aug 23 2007, 05:23 AM
Hey, Jopp. really liked your work; I think I'll run with it in my game. If you will do me the honor....I'm bored and can't sleep, so I came up with this.
The Force Tradition
Concept: "Magic", to a follower of this path, is simply a reflection of the Force. The Jedi Knights, as they are called, strive to balance introspection with action, and ultimately to become one with the Force (note: my attempt here is to bring Star Wars into Shadowrun, not vice versa).
Combat: Guardian
Detection: Guidance
Health: Man (or plant, or earth)
Illusion: Man (or air, or water)
Manipulation: Task
Drain: Willpower + Intuition
(note: I'm not sure if you can use the same spirit more than once when designing a tradition)
The Jedi spring from the cultural phenomena of the "Star Wars" films, which began near the end of the 20th century. Still going strong in 2011, the films served as inspiration for a number of newly awakened (meta)humans, who eventually gravitated towards one another, forming the Jedi Order (later).
Followers of the Force tradition believe their ability to wield magic comes from the midichlorians, microscopic life forms residing within the Jedi themselves, through which the Force speaks to them, granting them power (note: shades of the possible genetic basis for magical ability). All Jedi Knights are mystic adepts; it is unknown if this tradition simply appeals to them, or whether the influence of the the adept's own subconcious subtly channels the expression of their Gift. Although they acknowledge the existance of the metaplanes, the Jedi do not waste time in idle speculation; they are firmly grounded in the Gaiasphere.
The path to becoming a Jedi is a lengthy and difficult one, in part because they do not use "spell formula" in the traditional sense (see later: holocrons). Jedi must either learn spells through intuitive practice and meditation, or from another Jedi (typically a Master) who already knows the spell. Learning to create the Lightsaber also takes considerable time and effort. During training, much emphasis is placed on ethical behavoir, in order to avoid plunging into the abyss of the Dark Side (see The Sith Tradition: Toxic Jedi, later). Young Jedi are taught to act only when in a calm, clear state of mind.
Spirits are considered to be emanations of the force, sent in response to the Jedi's plea for aid. As such, they are always asked, never commanded, to perform services (note: Imcompetence negative quality in Binding. this would also mean they can't have ally spirits). All Jedi find themselves drawn to a mentor spirit they call "The Light Side of the Force". This entity communicates subtley through dreams, visions, or (very rarely) as a humanoid figure surrounded by a nimbus of light.
At first regarded with derision by the larger magical community, the Jedi are now mostly accepted as equals (if somewhat odd) among the more widespread magical traditions. They are well known as satlwart champions in the battle against both mundane villains as well as the myriad magical threats of the Sixth World (note: forgot, this is a "materialization" tradition, NOT a "possesion" one).
Mentor Spirit: The Light side of the Force (note: I based this mentor on my understanding that mentor spirits are, at least in part, formed from the awakened's own subconcious. Also, none of the available mentors seemed quite right, although "Wise Warrior" came close.)
Subtle and mysterious, the Light Side guides the Jedi in their journey towards greater understanding of the Force (magic). It encourages the Jedi only in a calm state of mind, to avoid fear and anger, and to use the force only for knowledge and defense, never to attack.
Advantages: +2 dice for Detection or Health spells (choose one), +2 dice for Counterspelling tests.
Disadvantages: Jedi may not learn spells which cause Physical damage to living beings.
"WHEW!" I'm bushed. More later, unless you all think it sucks, in which case I won't bother.
Zhan Shi
Aug 24 2007, 06:53 AM
More Jedi stuff.
I would have Jedi use gesture as a centering technique for spellcasting, etc., and meditation/calming the mind as centering for adept powers.
Holocrons: Essentialyy unchanged from Jopp's description. The Jedi could use these as spell formula, provided a particular spell was recorded by whomever made the holocron.
Lightsabers: The most visible and distintive feature of the Jedi, these weapons are a result of the tradition's followers channeling several adept powers through an enchanted talisman (the lightsaber handle). Some potential problems with this, and how to address them:
how to give the saber a reach of 1, how to give the balde itself physical substance, how to make the elemental strike power work more quickly (normaly requires a simple action)
I believe these can be solved by using the unique enchantments rule from steet magic. I would also specify that the radical reagent for the talisman ids the crystal, which sets the color of the blade. This rule could also allow the Jedi to use attunement: item for attack and parry rolls (normaly, this technique cant be used with enchanted items). A new Jedi with this now modified weapon would have the following: killing hands, elemental strike(light), smashing blow, quick draw, counterstrike (1 level), improved ability(lightsaber, 1 level), critical strike (3 levels), deflection (2 levels).
The quick draw power solves the elemental strike problem (drawing and activating the blade are now a free action)
The deflection power is the same as the spell in street magic, and costs .25 per level
Exotic Weapon(Lightsaber) skill is used as normal
Zhan Shi
Aug 24 2007, 07:14 PM
The Jedi Order
Purpose: The Jedi Order exists to identify and train followers of the Force tradition. The order actively opposes both mundane villains and magical threats, and disseminates the ideals of the Light Side to the world at large.
Members: ?
Strictures: Attendance, Deed, Geasa, Oath, Obedience, Service
Resources: High. No dues (fully funded).
Patron: ?
Description and Customs: The Jedi have five ranks: younglings (who can be of any age), padawans (likewise), knights, masters, and members of the Council. Younglings are new members taught in small groups by a knight or master. Padawans have advanced beyond this initial training, and are put under the individual tuteledge of another knight or master. Knights are are fully trained Jedi. Masters are Knights recognised by the Council for their experience and accomplishments. The Jedi Council is composed of the most wise Jedi Masters the Order has to offer. Younglings and padawans have Obedience to their instructor, as well as Attendance. All members have Obedience to the Council, and Geasa (train/meditate). All members except younglins may be sent on missions (Deed). All members must swear an Oath to uphold the ideals of the Light Side, and are expected to work on the Order's behalf (Service). The Oredr provides living space and a small stipend, and may provide additional funds and equipment as neccesary (any loaned equipment and unspent funds must be returned). Before becoming a padawan, a membermust have taken the Oath ordeal. Befor becoming a knight, a member must be able to summon his lightsaber blade, and perform a Deed. Befor becoming a master, a member must have successfully trained at least one padawan, and be at least initiate level 5. Before being admitted to the council, a member must be at least initiate level 8, and have demonstrated extraordinary comittment to the Order's purpose and beliefs.
Aug 24 2007, 07:35 PM
I like the idea of making Lightsaber a new adept power consisting of Killing Hands + Elemental Attack (Light) at 75% of the cost of those two powers because it is restricted to a talisman. However, I would give Jedi the option of buying Lightsaber as a spell instead so magicians can join the tradition too.
I'm not sure that addons like improved ability, critical strike, counterstrike, etc would get the talisman discount because those can be used on anything, not just with that lightsaber ability.
Personally I would drop the holocron since Shadowrun already has it's own technological devices. Unless your intention is to show that the jedi fanboys are slavishly recreating everything they read in the books rather than just basing a magic tradition on the jedi.
Good stuff, thanks for the updates.
Zhan Shi
Aug 24 2007, 07:44 PM
The Jedi would purchase all lightsaber powers with the Geas: Talisman(lightsaber) limitation. Of course he could, if he wanted, purchase them for use without the saber. I agree with Jopp that mystic adepts fir the model of the Jedi best, but a lightsaber spell would be possible, and it would'nt even have a high drain. It would be an elemental manipulation spell with the fetish(lightsaber) limitation, and drain would be further reduced by having it as touch range, and very restricted target (the lightsaber fetish). In order to hit something with the spell, the mage would have to roll exotic weapon(lightsaber)+agility.
Zhan Shi
Aug 24 2007, 07:59 PM
I decided to keep the holocron idea because it added flavor to the new tradition. I also could'nt quite decide how spells in the force tradition would be represented. Perhaps something like a pictorial featuring something similar to martial arts katas, along with a detailed written commentary on how to"open ypur mind" to that particular aspect (spell) of the force. I also liked the idea of having Jedi develop spells through personal practice and meditation, rather then just downloading a formula from the net. It seemed to fit better with their paradigm.
Zhan Shi
Aug 24 2007, 09:10 PM
Toxic Jedi: The Sith Tradition
A vile parody of the Jedi's beliefs, the Sith are follwers of the Force tradition who have embraced their anger and lust for power. Far too selfish to work in unison, each Sith takes one apprentice, who evenyually attempts to kill his master and steal his power. Sith would use toxic versions if the Force tradition's spirits for each spell category, and have no compunction against Binding or using damaging combat spells. A DarK Sider would begin his path as a Twisted Jedi, slowly descending into the abyss (think of how Annakin gradually deteriorates in SW 2-3). Finally, he would abandon the Light Side altogether and embrace (or be embraced by)....
The Dark Side of the Force
The polar opposite of the Light Side, this evil entity never manifests physically, instead whispering in the the minds of the Sith, encouraging them on every foul impulse. Advantages: +2 dice for Combat and Manipulation spells. Disadvantages: -2 dice for health spells. Sith must make a Willpower(3) test to show mercy to a foe, or to act in a way which does not benefit them.
Zhan Shi
Aug 25 2007, 03:56 AM
Forgot: the Jedi Order also has exclusive membership and exclusive ritual.
new spell: lightsaber (category: manipulation)
type: p range: t duration: s dv: (f/2)-1
reach +1
+2 to resist drain (fetish limited spell)
the reach thing is iffy, but as I said earlier, I think this can be solved by using the unique enchantments rule from street magic.
drain modifiers: very restricted target (lightsaber fetish handle)-2, touch range-2, physical spell+1, elemental effect+2
the magician would have to roll exotic weapon+agility to hit the target
Aug 25 2007, 05:45 PM
The Lightsaber spell would have to be a Combat spell. In SR spells are categorized by what they do rather how they do it. (personally I don't like it that way, but there it is)
Zhan Shi
Aug 26 2007, 02:41 AM
from Street Magic, page 159:
"Note that how a spell accomplishes its effects is more important than the effects themselves for for determining its category. For example, if the intended effect of a spell is to kill the target, but the effect is achieved by transforming and manipulating matter (filling the target's throat and lungs with fluids so that he chokes to death), then such a spell would be most accurately created as a Manipulation spell, not a combat spell."
That's why I made lightsaber a manipulation spell. Of course, it goes on to say that the gamemaster has final word. The saber thing was just IMO.