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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
(Yay, 1st post!)
Hello! I'm a SR2/SR3 gamemaster who recently got a few old 2nd Ed books from a friend, but i've found a little problem I hope you can help me with:
I've always used Spanish-translated books but those few new books are in English; that wasn't going to prevent me from using them since I understand everything, until I noticed damage code letters are different from one language to the other...
In Spanish they're S->L->G->M, so I found the English weapons and critters doing weird damage amounts.
So, what's the order for English damage codes?

Thanks in advance!
Light (L)
Moderate (M)
Serious (S)
Deadly (D)

Light Naval (LN)
Moderate Naval (MN)
Serious Naval (SN)
Deadly Naval (DN)

Thank you!
Wounded Ronin
My navel hurts.
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin)
My navel hurts.

I wouldn't even begin to contemplate it
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