Dec 10 2007, 01:16 AM
Vas lingers around the hosue for a while, in no hurry to run back out into the rain with a warm meal in front of him. He takes his time finishing his meal before heading out again.
[ Spoiler ]
Destination - bar
Intent - Gather Information
Lure - new Silver
Dice to roll - you tell me
Dec 10 2007, 06:08 PM
Seraph takes several hunks of the meat Vas bought into the kitchen sounds of cupboards and jars rattling fill the house for a few minutes, then she darts out the door seemingly eager to get on with the job Seraph heads out into the rain, seemingly enjoying the downpour, hopping through puddles. She spots a young friend huddling under a makeshift shack and wanders over,
Mikalos! My sweet. How are you today? Well I trust. Here a little gift. She hands over a waxed paper parcel. She smiles encouragely
That should help, but I need your help finding someone.[ Spoiler ]
Much as Vas but going round her urchin and "working" friends paying for info with food, drink and silver as appropriate. Trying to keep her conversations with working girls out of her brother's earshot
Dec 11 2007, 11:15 PM
Korian heads out into the wet streets with Seraph, keeping his distance and watching out for any trouble.
He doesn't seem to mind the rain
Jan 4 2008, 10:22 AM
Vas has no problem to find out which part of Kratas is controlled by Trapan Quickhand - the quarter that is nicknamed "the Old Kaer", one of the oldest parts of Kratas. During the theran occupation of the city (prior to the Scourge) a huge fortress has been built at this quarter.
The back of the keep was flush with the cliff side, and in front of it was a wide area cleared for troops to muster and airships to land. This parade ground was eventually walled in and became Temple Plaza. The keep itself was expanded and further fortified over the years. In order to weather periodic sieges, the governors dug back into the hill to build storage vaults for rations. Successive generations of administrators expanded these vaults, adding elemental water fountains and armories as well.
The Old Kaer can be split into two main sections: the old keep outside of the cliff face, and the excavations carved behind it, though a Name-giver traveling through its corridors would notice only the lack of windows when moving into the interior sections.
The keep overlooks the center of the city. It is six stories tall, and covered with imposing battlements and fortifications. Its windows are little more than arrow slits, and the remains of siege weapons litter its roof.
One of the few things of interest to the general public remaining in the Old Kaer is the presence of the elemental water fountains. Clean drinking water is at a premium in Kratas, with most of the aqueducts wrecked and the wells controlled by gangs. The Force of the Eye controls the elemental water fountains, and charges residents a minimal fee of 1 copper piece per person for all the water one can carry out of the kaer in one trip, though the gang charges obsidimen and trolls 2 copper because of their greater carrying capacity.
Jan 4 2008, 10:27 AM
Korian & Seraph
Mikalos smiles briefly and looks around quickly. It's a pleasure to see you. Business could be better, but with this weather... anyway. Whom are you looking for?
Jan 4 2008, 11:31 AM
I loose terms Seraph explains who they are looking for, never mentioning names but with wordplay that makes one swear she must have said it. She even shows the picture to the urchin.
Jan 4 2008, 12:17 PM
A beautiful girl like her shouldn't wander around in Kratas alone. Stranger things have happened then a nice young girl getting lost in the city. Had she been accompanied by someone?
Mikalos pauses. I've seen her a couple of times, when my business brought me closer to the Old Kaer. But I haven't been there for some time now. You know, a new bunch of thugs have made their home in this quarter and I can't leave my posessions alone.
Jan 10 2008, 02:41 AM
After a few hours of wandering the streets and pubs, and just a tad inebriated, Vas ambles back home, careful to keep his shoulders from sagging or his gait from becoming uneven. The last thing he needs to finish his day is to pain himself as a target.
Well it's a start. Nothing along the lines of "oh yes his arch-emesis who's threatend kidnapping before is the 'Mysterious Mr X the Swordmaster". But it's a start....
Jan 10 2008, 12:28 PM
Are they just the usual band of bullies or are they working for someone bigger? I hadn't heard of a new player in town...
Jan 10 2008, 02:13 PM
I haven't received any, uh, requests to pay protection money by anyone. They don't seem to be interested in money nor do they work for someone who is - they're destroying interior, stealing goods and beat up people who pass by.
Jan 10 2008, 11:19 PM
That seems a little odd... What are they living on? Do they sell stuff? Or are they pimping. Where can I find them? Seraph become intense, switching from her benign vaugeness to deep interest.
Jan 12 2008, 05:12 PM
My guess is that they're tainted by a Horror. Or followers of Raggok. I don't know and I don't want to. All I want is that these people don't come back.
Jan 12 2008, 06:31 PM
I think I can play this about right to Vas.
Any idea if the have any beef with anyone important?
Jan 13 2008, 12:43 PM
I don't have a clue. They simply appear, destroy the interior of a closed shop or market place and disappear. After the first couple of times, the poor J'lrael tried to follow them. He is, uh, was good in sneaking around even though he isn't.. wasn't an adept, but the thugs got noticed of him and... slid him open. Since then, noone dared to follow them.
Jan 13 2008, 07:41 PM
Ooooh a challenge, Vas should like that...
Are putting yourself in danger telling me this? Actually make up something about animals that I was asking you, if any one asks. Where do they hang out mostly or to they only get visible for causing trouble?
Jan 17 2008, 01:25 PM
They're not from this part of Kratas, otherwise we would have at least an idea who they are. I don't know if they have eyes and ears here and if I'm in danger when telling to you, but I don't care. A merchant telling with strangers is nothing too suspectible, right?
If you can help us out, we owe you many many favors.
Jan 17 2008, 06:24 PM
I'll see what we can do.
Jan 17 2008, 06:29 PM
The Passions will bless you for this!
Even if it's uncommon to hear such words in Kratas, it feels good.
Jan 19 2008, 01:09 AM
Seraph simply grins, winks at the man and wanders off along the street with not a care in the world.
Jan 20 2008, 06:09 PM
Korian follows initially at a safe distance, but once they have moved a little ways, he speeds up to catch up to Seraph.
So, did you find out anything useful?
Jan 20 2008, 11:40 PM
Somethings, that could come in handy.
She then quietly explains what she found out. All the time making sure that no one is listning in or following them.
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