Aug 19 2007, 12:00 AM
The ultimate starting mundane climber build, why? Because, theres a ton of stuff to facilitate it, and I have no idea how it could ever be useful.
BP 400
Race: Troll 40bp
Bod 5
Agi 1 (3)
Rea 1
Str 11(13) 65bp
Cha 1
Int 1
Log 1
Wil 1
145bp remaining for attributes
Aptitude (Climbing) 10bp
Exceptional Attribute (Strength) 20bp
Climbing (Assisted) 7 (+2) 34bp
Gear: 34bp (Spend 167,700, 2,300 remaining)
Core Book:
Balance Augmenter 0.1 ess 5,000 (+1)
Grapple Gun 0.4 ess(alpha) 3,000
Muscle Replacement 2 2 ess 10,000 (Str)
Balance Tail 0.5 ess 5,500 (+2)
Grip Feet 0.3ess 6,000 (+2)
Magnetic System x4 1ess 4,800 (+4)
Retractable Climbing Clawsx2 0.4 ess 4,400 (+4)
Smart Articulation 0.8ess 15,000 (+1)
Essence Total:
Cost Total:
Synthacardium 3 0.3 ess 30,000 (+3)
Reflex Recorder (Climbing) 0.1 ess 10,000 (+1)
Gecko Hands 0.1ess 12,000 (always assited & broken ground)
Gecko Feet 0.1ess 12,000 (+3)
Essence Total:
Cost Total:
Print Removal 0.1 25,000 Optional
Neo-EPO 0.2 25,000 (+1)
Essence Total:
Cost Total:
Grand Totals:
5.5 (cyber) + .5 * ((0.6(bio) + 0.3(gene)= 0.9) = 0.45) = 5.95 Spent
0.05 essence remaining.
167,700 Nuyen.
BP Remaining: 197. 145 availible for attributes. 16 availible for gear.
Total dice on a climbing test:
13 strength + 7 climbing + 2 (specalization; gecko hands is always considered assisted) + 1 (balance aug) + 2 (balance tail) + 2 (grip feet) + 4 (magnetic limbs (all of them) + 2 (ret. climbing claws) + 1 (smart articulation) + 3 (synthacardium) + 1 (reflex recorder) + 3 (gecko feet; balance) + 1 (Neo-EPO) = 42 dice for climbing. Assuming 1/3 hit, he'll average about 14 meters a combat turn. Or 280 meters a minute.
As far as the print removal, I figure if he's gonna be sticking his hands/feet to everything, its not really useful if they can identify its him.
Anything I forgot to throw in there for him?
Edit: Added a second set of ret. climbing claws, and an implanted grapple gun.
Aug 19 2007, 12:12 AM
And he doesn't go over availability on anything, either?
That's just... Just... Ugh. Absurd, is the word that comes to mind. 42 dice pool for any test is excessive, let alone for a legal starting character.
Though he only has one initiative pass.
Kyoto Kid
Aug 19 2007, 12:12 AM
...a character like this could make a good B&E expert but some of those Attribute BPs that are left over should go to a few extra skills.
Aug 19 2007, 12:16 AM
I think he takes a 2nd story artists to a whole new level -- like a 100th floor artist. Basically, climb up the side of a building, punch the window in, grab the loot, and climb out, all in like 2 minutes. Sheesh.
Aug 19 2007, 12:26 AM
Yes availibility is 12 or less on everything. He does still have tons of BP free for just about anything you wanted, and can free up 40 more (20 exceptional attribute, 10 aptitude, 10 from 6 skill instead) just by losing a whole 2 dice to drop it down to 40 instead.
Aug 19 2007, 02:05 AM
QUOTE (Tarantula) |
Anything I forgot to throw in there for him? |
I'm not sure, since I don't have Augmentation. Is enhanced articulation compatible with smart articulation, or is smart articulation an improved, cybernetic version of enhanced articulation?
Aug 19 2007, 02:07 AM
Not compatable and does slightly different things smart allows you to dislocate limbs etc, you want enhanced artic.
Aug 19 2007, 02:16 AM
Theres 3 kinds of articulation enhancement now. Enhanced, which gives you the +1 for physical tests. Elastic joints, which is also bioware, and lets you easily dislocate and such limbs, letting fit through spaces barely wider than your head. Then there smart articulation, cyber. It lets you reproduce elastic joints by setting it loose, and on a rigid setting helps with resisting subdual combat, as well as a bonus die for gymnastics and climbing tests.
None of them are compatible with any other. I chose smart because he gets a bonus die on climbing (just like enhanced would give him) but can also choose to make it loose to fit through a small or narrow gap (something enhanced can't reproduce).
Aug 19 2007, 12:28 PM
My reading of smart artic is that it gives you climbing bonuses for holding in position rather than actually moving, YMMV.
Aug 19 2007, 01:04 PM
heh, i kinda feel like rewriting the classic spider-man theme so that it talks about pider-troll. but i guess homer have allready upstaged that one.
Aug 19 2007, 05:50 PM
Speaking of Spiderman, you should add those Spidey Glands into the mix, just for fun.
Aug 19 2007, 06:53 PM
The spider glands are virtually worthless. They stick as well as packaging tape (so no swinging webstyle with 'em), and if he wanted to use them to rappel down, he'd have to tie them down to something first. Not worth it at all.
Besides, rappeling down is 20meters/turn, and he can just climb down at about 14meters/turn. Pretty good I think.
Ophis: Smart articulation says "+1 to gymnastics and climbing dice pools since the system takes the strain off joints when absorbing the characters weight for short amounts of time."
It doesn't say "only while moving" or "only while holding still". In fact, since it gives a bonus to gymnastics, I'd argue that it definately applies to movement, since how would you perform gymnastics while not moving?
Aug 19 2007, 08:35 PM
Aug 19 2007, 11:19 PM
QUOTE (Tarantula @ Aug 20 2007, 04:53 AM) |
The spider glands are virtually worthless. They stick as well as packaging tape (so no swinging webstyle with 'em), and if he wanted to use them to rappel down, he'd have to tie them down to something first. Not worth it at all.
Besides, rappeling down is 20meters/turn, and he can just climb down at about 14meters/turn. Pretty good I think. |
True, but he could use them to swing from handhold to handhold, or even building to building, and therefore find some utility.
Aug 20 2007, 05:18 AM
Give him some microwire. Or even better yet, an implanted grapple gun. Hes got the 0.5 essence for it, and the nuyen... costs a whole 1 more BP to do that, and it can secure itself instead of needing time to be tied.
The Jopp
Aug 26 2007, 08:29 AM
Here's a little interesting tidbit.
Unless mentioned implants like Cyberfeet and Climbing Claws are per LIMB. Which mean that you can add an additional Grip Feet and three more climbing claws for a +8D6 more.
Aug 26 2007, 09:00 AM
QUOTE (Tarantula) |
Give him some microwire. Or even better yet, an implanted grapple gun. Hes got the 0.5 essence for it, and the nuyen... costs a whole 1 more BP to do that, and it can secure itself instead of needing time to be tied. |
if he had a cyberlimb he could get a grapple hand.
Aug 26 2007, 07:45 PM
No. A cyberfoot is listed as such, a cyberFOOT. Grip Feet are listed as such, grip FEET. Unless you have another pair of FEET then you can't get another set of grip feet.
Good catch on the climbing claws though (since they're described as similar to hand razors) so thats another 0.2 essence gone for another +2 dice.
Cyberlimbs aren't compatible with the Gecko Hands/Feet, which are much more useful than an implanted grapple hand would be, he'll just take the grapple gun instead.
Edited in the new enhancements.
The Jopp
Aug 27 2007, 11:23 AM
QUOTE (Tarantula) |
Good catch on the climbing claws though (since they're described as similar to hand razors) so thats another 0.2 essence gone for another +2 dice. |
Well, I would still say a +6 as you can add climbing claws on your feet as well ^_^
Optimized cyberlegs with (Body+Tech Verticalist) +2D6
Climbing ClawsX2 +4
Grip Feet +2D6
Hydralic Jacks
Modular Cyberarms with Grapple Hands (Smartlinked)
Climbing Claws on Hands +4D6
Add Shock Gloves on hands
Aug 27 2007, 02:28 PM
So you're saying for +2 dice from optimized legs, i should lose the +3 from gecko feet? And for grapple hands (when I already have a grapple gun) I should lose the always assisted climbing w/broken ground for all terrain from gecko hands?
Aug 27 2007, 09:42 PM
I want to know the rationalization for some of the stacking. The gecko hands are stacking with retractable climbing claws how? Seems to me either one or the other would be used. Not both at once. And the magnetic system would only work on exposed metals, yes? And even then the magnets would easily override the gecko hands.
Aug 28 2007, 02:06 AM
Assuming you're climbing a building, you can use the magnetics because buildings are still build using ferrous materials. Gecko hands merely make all surfaces considered assisted and broken ground. Retractable climbing claws actually help you climb. Would you let a climbing harness stack with the claws? It just makes it assisted climbing instead of unassisted, the same as the gecko hands do.
Just because your hands stick to it, doesn't mean having sharp hooks to dig in won't help.
If you want the real rationalization, as I said, RAW highly supports a stupidly good level of climbing. Why do they stack? Because RAW permits them to.
Dec 21 2008, 12:43 PM
anyone fluent in SR4 rules take a look at this again?
anything in arsenal/RC that would make this even better?
Dec 21 2008, 05:05 PM
Impressive! That answers my question in the other thread better than I would have hoped for.
Total dice on a climbing test:
13 strength + 7 climbing + 2 (specalization; gecko hands is always considered assisted) + 1 (balance aug) + 2 (balance tail) + 2 (grip feet) + 4 (magnetic limbs (all of them) + 2 (ret. climbing claws) + 1 (smart articulation) + 3 (synthacardium) + 1 (reflex recorder) + 3 (gecko feet; balance) + 1 (Neo-EPO) = 42 dice for climbing. Assuming 1/3 hit, he'll average about 14 meters a combat turn. Or 280 meters a minute.
The magnetic limb bonus is conditional, but you could make do with the remaining 38 dice. I think the most impressive fact here is that a wallrunner could keep up, given tiny bits of standing ground inbetween.
Edit: Years old, but on Jul 17th 2011 I add the missing quote tags...
Dec 21 2008, 05:43 PM
technically, as buildings are mostly built with ferrus metals, you allways get the magnetic stuff to help you, when climbing up most buildings . .
and if you take exceptional and aptitude away you lose a whole of 2 dice for how many building points? 40 to 50? or something like that.
meaning you can broaden his horizon a little . . and there's probably stuff in arsenal/rc that would help this built even more . .
and with todays/shadowruns building style, the only way the wallrunner could keep up would be using . the . . ultimate . . . mundane climber . . . . as standing ground O.o
Dec 21 2008, 06:41 PM
The way SHadowrun handles movement makes me a sad, sad Hagga.
Dec 21 2008, 06:44 PM
it seems the way SR handles anything is bound to make someone, somewhere, very very sad...
crap, im turning into a grumpy old geezer...
Dec 21 2008, 06:50 PM
It's more the fact that you can outpace a car with a little effort.
Jul 15 2011, 07:20 PM
The world's tallest structure Burj Khalifa in Dubai, which is 828m tall...you can climb at 280m minute...you would be up that in under 3 minutes. That's insane!
Good work
Jul 15 2011, 07:32 PM
Oh, get your building sizes to a Shadowrun scale already
Jul 15 2011, 07:35 PM
QUOTE (stu_pie @ Jul 15 2011, 09:20 PM)
The world's tallest structure Burj Khalifa in Dubai, which is 828m tall...you can climb at 280m minute...you would be up that in under 3 minutes. That's insane!
Good work
and completely rules legal with room for improvement in both directions.
Jul 15 2011, 07:45 PM
Holy Necroposting Avianman!
Jul 15 2011, 09:13 PM
Hey, this thread DESERVES to live again!
This was one of the VERY FIRST broken builts of SR4 . .
And still is one of the few actually imaginative ones . .
Or have you ever seen acrobatics/climbing min/maxed before?
Jul 15 2011, 09:25 PM
Needs paired grapple hands.
Jul 15 2011, 09:27 PM
I just had a memory flash of Bionic Commando in my head.. thanks KarmaInferno.
Jul 15 2011, 09:33 PM
Has at least one Grapple-Hand, i think.
Two would not fit because of essence, if my calculations are correct.
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Jul 15 2011, 09:44 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jul 15 2011, 02:13 PM)
Hey, this thread DESERVES to live again!
This was one of the VERY FIRST broken builts of SR4 . .
And still is one of the few actually imaginative ones . .
Or have you ever seen acrobatics/climbing min/maxed before?
My climber has a DP of 21. And I much prefer him to the monstrosity presented here. *shrug*
Jul 15 2011, 09:51 PM
All kitted out, this "Monstrosity" has 46 dice in climbing.
If you can live with 40 dice instead, it can free up, i think, about 150 BP . .
Law of diminishing returns comes into play very much here i think . .
And nobody is forcing you to use this one. It's just a proof of concept to show what is possible after all.
But you could look at it for pointers on what you could still improve on your climber, if you actually still want to improvie his climbing.
I'd call it a day at 36 dice in climbing i think.
Put some more stuff into soaking damage.
Even if it's HIGHLY unlikely for me to be falling, it could still happen.
Hell, i could see the need to actively jump down from somewhere a bit higher up.
Maybe even as a means of attack. DFA. But i like Troll Monstrosities that do something different than HURR DURR Heavy Damage/Soak!
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Jul 15 2011, 10:00 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jul 15 2011, 02:51 PM)
All kitted out, this "Monstrosity" has 46 dice in climbing.
If you can live with 40 dice instead, it can free up, i think, about 150 BP . .
Law of diminishing returns comes into play very much here i think . .
And nobody is forcing you to use this one. It's just a proof of concept to show what is possible after all.
But you could look at it for pointers on what you could still improve on your climber, if you actually still want to improvie his climbing.
No Arguments... Diminishing Returns gets brutal...
But I see no real need for 46 Dice in Climbing. Even as a Proof of concept, it lacks "something" that gives it that spark of life. I usually look for that something to find a playable character. As for pointers, don't really need any. The Character I have is good enough, without having stats/skills even near maxed (so he has room to grow if he wants to), and has a lot of other potentials, which the Proof of concept lacks. As an exercise, the Maxed Climber is a success, as a playable character, I call him an utter failure.
Just My two
of course, and no disresepct intended
Stahlseele. Not bad for a Dice pool exercise though.
As for your opinion on Trolls, I agree. My climber is a Surged Human, though.
Jul 15 2011, 10:12 PM
The one thing i really hate in this built is, that it is fundamentally incompatible with the one most rad cyberware piece i can find in SR4 . . skimmer-disk-feet/hover-feet ._.
I know you meant no disrespect, you usually don't. And if you do, you usually go out of your way to make it clear too ^^
And . . wait . . your climber is a HUMAN? O.O
OK, then the 21 dice for climbing should be a bit more in perspective, as most of the more extra dice in this build come from being a troll i think ^^
Tymeaus Jalynsfein
Jul 15 2011, 10:21 PM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jul 15 2011, 03:12 PM)
The one thing i really hate in this built is, that it is fundamentally incompatible with the one most rad cyberware piece i can find in SR4 . . skimmer-disk-feet/hover-feet ._.
I know you meant no disrespect, you usually don't. And if you do, you usually go out of your way to make it clear too ^^
And . . wait . . your climber is a HUMAN? O.O
OK, then the 21 dice for climbing should be a bit more in perspective, as most of the more extra dice in this build come from being a troll i think ^^
Indeed, A human... Interesting Story actually, and a really interesting character. At least I think so anyways.
Skimmer disks are very interesting. Saw a Dwarven Tank build using them. Interesting.
Jul 15 2011, 10:29 PM
QUOTE (Tymeaus Jalynsfein @ Jul 16 2011, 12:21 AM)
Indeed, A human... Interesting Story actually, and a really interesting character. At least I think so anyways.
Skimmer disks are very interesting. Saw a Dwarven Tank build using them. Interesting.
Yes, your character certainly does sound interesting.
A Dwarven Tank . . Well, he could add extra Armor to your Legs at least, if you were to push him along in front of you on his skimmer discs *snickers* ^^
Jul 15 2011, 11:00 PM
Is the enemies gate down?
Jul 15 2011, 11:12 PM
QUOTE (Miri @ Jul 16 2011, 01:00 AM)
Is the enemies gate down?
"throw me."
"throw me . . but don't tell the fairy boy . ."
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