Zhan Shi
Aug 31 2007, 11:08 PM
In addition to normal perception tests, and defending against the Search power, does Concealment protect from...
1. Assensing?
2. Astral Tracking (ritual or otherwise)?
3. Detection Spells?
Zhan Shi
Sep 5 2007, 04:31 PM
Just trying to keep this thread alive for a bit longer. I've tried emailing Rob, but no response as yet. Any feedback as to official rules I may have overlooked, or house rules you may use on this issue, would be welcome. Thanks.
Sep 5 2007, 06:33 PM
QUOTE (Zhan Shi) |
In addition to normal perception tests, and defending against the Search power, does Concealment protect from...
1. Assensing?
2. Astral Tracking (ritual or otherwise)?
3. Detection Spells? |
p. 287 SR4
"Concealment subtracts a number of dice equal
to the critter’s Magic from any Perception Tests to locate the
concealed subject."
1. Assensing = Int + Assensing
2. Astral tracking = Assensing + Intuition
3. Detection Spells
- Active = Magic + Spellcasting
- Passive = Int + Perception
So according to the simplest intepretation based on the dice pool only Passive Detection spells are at penalties from the use of the Concealment power.
Sep 5 2007, 07:02 PM
Concealment and Invisibility are both active magical effects. Thus they have Astral Signatures. Concealment's whole purpose is to remain undetected and out of sight, one can assume this means in astral space as well (or else I'd just astrally percieve and start shooting at the bugger).
Simply put, Concealment also acts against any attempts to astrally detect it as well. If not, Dual Critters couldn't hide from each other very well now could they?
'Perception' is also more than just the skill 'Perception', any time you are looking for something 'abnormal or strange' then you are making a perception test. Just because the dice pool for the astral plane (or matrix, or wherever) isn't the same as the meat world doesn't mean it's not a perception test.
Sep 5 2007, 07:19 PM
My personal take is that Concealment is obvious on the astral and thus pointless on the astral. I really don't want to open up the "mana illusion spells in astral" can of worms, but concealment cannot hide an aura.
Zhan Shi
Sep 5 2007, 08:23 PM
Too true. No magic currently known may hide an aura, although they can be disguised (masking). I'm thinking of treating Concealment as a ward equal to its power rating for astral tracking, and using the rating as a threshold for detection spells.
Sep 5 2007, 11:49 PM
To hide in the Astral get a good Infiltrate skill and the Masking+Extended Masking Combo.
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