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GAME IS CLOSED If you want to get on the waiting list, tack idea on the end.
When you make a character, be sure to put your name in the creator slot!

You wanna be bad? cool.gif

Well, here's the opportunity.

Characters created by whatever method you want- 123 BP, Sum to 10, Priority, whatever.

The only availability restrictions are on cyberware, which is 12. Otherwise go hog-wild- the taxpayers are paying for it rotate.gif Remember, the Sioux nation relys on skills, nothing so crass as cyber. Although if you want Beta 'ware or cultured bio, you can do it.

Need the Sioux Wildcat MA from Cannon companion at at least 4. (Or unarmed if you don't have the book)

Grey: 1 Master Sergeant (NCO)

TinkerGnome1 medic- remember you can own controlled narcotics for medicinal purposes.

tanka: 1 weapon specialist- if it shoots, you should be able to use it.

Dr. Funkenstein1 demolition specialist- If it explodes, you should be able to use it

Digital Heroin1 communication specialist- and at least part-time decker(if you can manage it)

HMHVV Hunter1 or 2 shamans of Native totems or Idols.

Kurukami1 Rigger- Miltary vehicles and fire support

You all have the day job flaw at -3 and points from it. You also make 75,000 nuyen.gif a year
Two contacts are the CO (Captain Tim Raging Bison) and the Quartermaster(Master Sergeant Kyle Howling Dog)

And we'll be playing on this board, unless the group thinks AIM would be better.
Contact me at:
And make sure you say "Shadowrun" in the message title, or it gets deep sixed.

Changeling does not cost the 5 bp, so add 5 bp to your total if you want to be SURGEd. Remember, some of the negative SURGE effects might disqualify you from a Spec Ops role.

Tribal affiliation is important. The major tribes are the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Sioux. The other major one is the Cherokee. Second-tier tribes include the Chicksaw, Choctaw, Creek and Blackfoot. Minor tribes include the Ojibwa, Mohawk, Apache and Navajo.
Oooh, oooh! I call weapon specialist!

*goes to work on it*
Quick question... Is there a Sioux language? I'm pretty sure there isn't, but I'm asking just in case.
Yes there is. If you are using NSRCG, use the Salish language.

Sidenote: I'm working on a character too, I'd like the demolitions spot.

Also, grades of cyber/bio allowed? Just Alpha- and normal-grade?
Ol' Scratch
Shoot, not quick enough to get the demolitions expert slot. smile.gif In that case, I wouldn't mind giving a shaman a try. I'll get to work on him tomorrow sometime; kinda busy today. Sounds like a fun game, though -- I love alternate games. smile.gif
Yes you are... Just the weapon specialist is taken.
QUOTE (tanka @ Nov 20 2003, 01:02 PM)

Also, grades of cyber/bio allowed?  Just Alpha- and normal-grade?

Go ahead. Just, not too much. Remember, it's the UCAS that does the cyber, not the Sioux.

If some of the slots aren't filled in the next couple days, I'll open up some other possibilities.

If you want to be the NCO, remember you get to boss the other players around. However, you are going to be somewhat of a part-time GM, since you'll be hollering at the other players.
Dr. Funkenstein- Do you have a Totem or Idol in mind?
Whoops... I guess I can't read. =\

Didn't see Grey's claimage. Sorry 'bout that.
If you want to take Sioux in NSCRG, just use the "New Skill" tool. Otherwise, I'll assume you really do speak Salish.
Dr. Funkenstein - If you want the Demo Spec go ahead and take it. I'll take the NCO slot. I just got a great idea for one. smile.gif

When you say take it easy on the cyber, just -how- easy do you mean? What would we be ok to take? Is it that certain items are frowned on, or would it be the ammount of essence one has, rather than the item itself?

Also, being military, do we need to buy our equipment, or will it be provided for us?
I want you to "buy" your starting equipment, for balance's sake, but you only really need to purchase cyber/bioware.

You can take any sort of cyber/bioware you want. It's purely a judgement call on my part when you have "too much". For instance, your character could probably have a lot of comm headware, but if you got a cybertorso and articulated arm, that'd be too much.
Is cultured bioware ok?

Sorry for all the questions, I just want to get them out of the way now so I don't have to redo my sheet 10 times. wink.gif

A note to everyone(no offence intended)- check the intro post. I keep updating it with questions and answers.
What? Beta allowed? eek.gif

Er... biggrin.gif
Remember- use too much, character gets axed.
Aww... Well, I only have Wired 2 (Stepped), Smartlink II, comm stuff, and eye and ear stuff. That too much?
Sounds ok.

But you're kind of pushing it.

(Meaning, that's enough)
Mmk. It's all Alpha except the Wired. I know with the resources I have left I could only beta a few things out, but the rest would stick Alpha. OK or no?
Sounds good to go.
More or less done. Will continue working on him once I get home from work.

Oh, and he still has about 1 Essence. Is that Sioux-friendly enough? biggrin.gif

I'll have to look at the sheet.

But that's pretty low.
This one I'll have to run by everyone. I'm thinking about taking a Tactical Computer with BattleTac installed. Everyone else would need to have either an internal (prefered) or external receiver. What do you guys think?

Unfortunately, I don't have my books here at work with me, so I'm not certain that I'm going to do it (I need to refresh my memory on it).

EDIT: Nevermind, I just saw that it would cost me 400k and I don't have that kind of resorces to throw around.

EDIT2: However... I could get the BattleTac Reciever unit as use an external master unit.... hmmm....
OK, OK, I'll work it out while at work if I'm not busy (Yeah, right...) for a lengthy amount of time.

Will probably drop the ear stuff and stick to eyes for the time being. Maybe Alpha (Or Beta, if I can afford it) the Wired. Maybe.
Sounds good folks.

Yeah, I thought about BattleTac too. And I forgot the prices too.

Maybe when you guys do better...
Well, OK, just dropped ears... Up to 1.8 Essence. Can't Alpha the Wired, and still have 100,000 laying around. Probably going to go into some more ammo. Anything you think I still need to work out, moose?
I can't say for sure without seeing your sheet.

You might want to trade in some of your resource BP for stats or skills. Do you have Enhanced Articulation yet?

Also, if you want stuff that seems outside of the military's purview (sport rifles for hunting, bikes, wierd guns, etc.) you could do that.
I can't just trade in 100,000 unless it's on BeCKS, which I'm not using.

Yes, I have Enhanced Articulation. What kind of silly boy do you think I am? grinbig.gif
How about some contacts?

When I said "trade in" I meant drop your level of resources.
Resource points skip from 1,000,000 to 650,000.

Contacts might be a good idea. I am thinking about culturing my Orthoskin, though. After that a few more contacts would probably do it.
Digital Heroin
*ponders tossing his hat into the ring, possibly as the comm specialist, or one of the Shamans*
A scanner or radio would be nice.

A cerebral booster would help with your use of launch weapons.

Thermosense organs?

Trauma Dampener.

Sleep regulator

Ares redline.
DH- Go ahead. Just choose one of the two and we can get started.
Didn't take any Launch Weapons. Not enough Skill Points. I could take the Booster as a plan-ahead kind of thing.

Ares Redline? Thermosense organs? Not a clue what either of those do...

Got the Trauma Damper. Sleep Regulator might be handy too.

Edit: Off to work. Will be back with more on my mind later tonight.

Edit #2: Just read the blurb in NSRCG about Thermosense Organs. Silly me. biggrin.gif
Ares Redline is a laser pistol from Fields of Fire.

Thermosense organs allow you to pick up even invisible people based on their heat.

Heavy Military Grade armor? (Sioux can't afford that)
How about Medium Mil Grade?

Oh, and the Booster and Thermosense are in.

Now I'm off. Really. I am.
I think we'll see light as the top- after all, it's heavy and expensive. The Sioux nation is not poor, but it's not that rich either.

Now, if this was the PCC....
Any room left in the game?
Heck yes. Need a shaman, comms and medical officer.
I'll take a shaman spot, I have a few ideas, can we be initiated at startup?
No, but you will be able to shortly afterwards.

Remember to choose an appropriately Native Idol or totem.
Almost done... Revised to have Launch Weapons too.
HMHVV Hunter
If you guys are going AIM, i'm interested.
I can't play AIM, but if the rest of the group wants to I'll go majority rules and bow out.
The only reason I can't do AIM is due to work and the scheduling therein. I can see many conflicts arising due to it. PBP is easier, as it allows people to post when they have free time.
HMHVV Hunter
Alright, well I guess I'm not gonna join then.

Sorry, but after a game by AIM, I can't go back to PBP. So much faster.

Oh well.
Yeah, I could see that... Same with playing in RL then going PBP, kind of slow, but you also get to play with a bunch of people you'd never meet otherwise.

Edit: Sorry to see you won't, though. frown.gif
Ol' Scratch
QUOTE (Grey)
Dr. Funkenstein - If you want the Demo Spec go ahead and take it. I'll take the NCO slot. I just got a great idea for one. smile.gif

Cool! I'd really like to take that slot if at all possible, as I can't seem to come up with a Shaman concept that really jumps out at me. But I do have a few ideas for a demolitions expert, maybe even an adept one.

So if Grey is still cool with it, Tanka, I'd like to take that slot instead. smile.gif
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