Dread Polack
Oct 30 2007, 01:04 AM
I'm on a mission from my GM to find out what book contains Cleopatra's Needle. I'm hoping to save a little time by putting it to the DS crowd. So, where can I find this crazy thing?
Dread Polack
Oct 30 2007, 01:16 AM
No clue. have anything more on it than the name?
Oct 30 2007, 01:26 AM
NeoAnarchist's Guide to North America seems to ring a bell.
Ancient History
Oct 30 2007, 01:58 AM
Aye. That or the London Sourcebook, but I don't recall a reference off hand.
Oct 30 2007, 02:04 AM
There are no hits for term "cleopatra" in the books currently released as PDFs, though neither of the books mentioned are among those.
I should add, books from before the publication of Mr. Johnson's Little Black Book.
Zhan Shi
Oct 30 2007, 02:08 AM
My bet would be "NeoAnarchist's Guide to North America". There is an Egyptian obelisk in Central Park, New York City, called Cleopatra's Needle.
Ancient History
Oct 30 2007, 02:12 AM
Aye, but there's another in London and a third in Paris.
Zhan Shi
Oct 30 2007, 02:16 AM
Wounded Ronin
Oct 30 2007, 04:47 AM
I've got a small hunch that the NYC one is Cleo's needle. I used to go to the Met a lot as a little kid and I think I vaguely remember some lecture or something saying that was the one.
That being said, it would be funnier if Cleopatra's Needle were in fact Marc Antony's small preserved penis or something.
Simon May
Oct 30 2007, 05:58 AM
Wait, it isn't?
Well there goes that entire run down the drain...
Zhan Shi
Oct 30 2007, 07:36 AM
Ah, Wounded Ronin, that was priceless. I have not laughed so much in a long time!
Daddy's Little Ninja
Oct 30 2007, 01:55 PM
The one I thought of when I read the name was in London near the Thames but that is in RL.
Oct 30 2007, 01:59 PM
QUOTE (Daddy's Little Ninja) |
The one I thought of when I read the name was in London near the Thames but that is in RL. |
Real life has one in Central Park too, as was mentioned previously.
Daddy's Little Ninja
Oct 30 2007, 02:14 PM
Sure, I read that(never seen it and I'm a new Yorker). I was putting in my $.02 as to what my initial gut reaction was to the name.
Oct 30 2007, 02:19 PM
QUOTE (Daddy's Little Ninja) |
... never seen it and I'm a new Yorker... |
For shame!
Dread Polack
Oct 30 2007, 03:12 PM
There's no reference in the NAGNA. Does anyone actually remember reading about it in any of the SR books. Is my GM having an acid flashback?
Dread Polack
Daddy's Little Ninja
Oct 30 2007, 03:59 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (Daddy's Little Ninja @ Oct 31 2007, 12:14 AM) | ... never seen it and I'm a new Yorker... |
For shame!
I have also never skated in Rockefeller Center or mugged a tourist.
Oct 30 2007, 04:03 PM
QUOTE (Daddy's Little Ninja) |
I have also never […] mugged a tourist. |
For even more shame!
Ancient History
Oct 30 2007, 04:21 PM
I have to check a reference when I get home, but if I'm right your GM might be recalling a horrible pun.
Wounded Ronin
Oct 30 2007, 10:10 PM
QUOTE (Daddy's Little Ninja) |
QUOTE (Fortune @ Oct 30 2007, 09:19 AM) | QUOTE (Daddy's Little Ninja @ Oct 31 2007, 12:14 AM) | ... never seen it and I'm a new Yorker... |
For shame!
I have also never skated in Rockefeller Center or mugged a tourist.
I grew up in New York City and you are making me sad. Have you...
1.) Visited the Museum of Television and Radio?
2.) Gone to Chinatown to a random restaurant down a back street with no English menu and ordered some random item on the menu which you couldn't read?
3.) Drank Japanese style coffee in the Rockerfeller Center Kinokunia bookstore while that was still available?
4.) Bought a bullwhip from an African import store back in the early 90s?
5.) Eaten Turkish pastries from an immigrant bakery in the Bronx?
6.) Gone to the Metropolitan Opera?
7.) Gone bowling on a day trip to New Jersey?
8.) Gone to the Bronx Zoo?
9.) Eaten at Mike's Pizza on around 2nd avenue and 25th street or so?
10.) Walked around the East Village secretly laughing inside at the pierced dudes and Japanese dropouts?
If not, you might be a depressing yuppie.
Oct 30 2007, 10:12 PM
If anywhere I'd expect it to be in the old London sourcebook, Sargent and Gacoigne had a thing for objects like that.
Caine Hazen
Oct 30 2007, 10:28 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
QUOTE (Daddy's Little Ninja @ Oct 30 2007, 10:59 AM) | QUOTE (Fortune @ Oct 30 2007, 09:19 AM) | QUOTE (Daddy's Little Ninja @ Oct 31 2007, 12:14 AM) | ... never seen it and I'm a new Yorker... |
For shame!
I have also never skated in Rockefeller Center or mugged a tourist.
I grew up in New York City and you are making me sad. Have you... 1.) Visited the Museum of Television and Radio? 2.) Gone to Chinatown to a random restaurant down a back street with no English menu and ordered some random item on the menu which you couldn't read? 3.) Drank Japanese style coffee in the Rockerfeller Center Kinokunia bookstore while that was still available? 4.) Bought a bullwhip from an African import store back in the early 90s? 5.) Eaten Turkish pastries from an immigrant bakery in the Bronx? 6.) Gone to the Metropolitan Opera? 7.) Gone bowling on a day trip to New Jersey? 8.) Gone to the Bronx Zoo? 9.) Eaten at Mike's Pizza on around 2nd avenue and 25th street or so? 10.) Walked around the East Village secretly laughing inside at the pierced dudes and Japanese dropouts? If not, you might be a depressing yuppie. |
Hell, I've done 2, 5, 7, 8, and 9 and I'm from Ohio...
OK, so my sis did live there for 6 years and I went when I had a chance.
I'm going to second Flak on this though and say check London next.
Mr. Croup
Oct 30 2007, 10:37 PM
Just to clear up any confusion, Cleopatra's Needles are indeed a trio of obelisks that can be found in London, Paris and New York City.
For more RL info, i'd suggest visiting the
Font of All Knowledge, Both Real and Imagined.
Oct 30 2007, 10:44 PM
Font of All Knowledge, Both Real and Imagined? Excuse me whilst I piss myself laughing.
Oct 30 2007, 10:48 PM
It's true, provided you interpret the "imagined" part correctly.
Mr. Croup
Oct 30 2007, 10:51 PM
i was wondering if the sarcasm would come through or not, the net can be such a pain for that.
Ancient History
Oct 30 2007, 11:39 PM
Well, a quick glance through Dreamchipper doesn't find anything.
Oct 30 2007, 11:54 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
I grew up in New York City and you are making me sad. Have you... |
Hell, even
I've done #'s 1, 5, 6, 8, and 10 (and #3 if we count normal coffee ... and #7 but not as a day trip.
) ... and I have never really lived in the States for more than a couple of months at a time.
Oct 31 2007, 12:28 PM
Since I'm a native New Yorker
1.) Visited the Museum of Television and Radio? |
Nope but I've done the met and lots of local stuff.
2.) Gone to Chinatown to a random restaurant down a back street with no English menu and ordered some random item on the menu which you couldn't read? |
Hell no! I want to live. But I've asked what stuff is for a snack
3.) Drank Japanese style coffee in the Rockerfeller Center Kinokunia bookstore while that was still available? |
Not there but enough places in mid town that I couldn't put a name to. and I'd avoid overpriced tourist traps
4.) Bought a bullwhip from an African import store back in the early 90s? |
5.) Eaten Turkish pastries from an immigrant bakery in the Bronx? |
Italain pastires, please, but I had turkish coffee-dang stuff with the grounds packed in.
6.) Gone to the Metropolitan Opera? |
No but plenty of stuff on broadway
7.) Gone bowling on a day trip to New Jersey? |
Of course not. what self respecting New Yorker goes to 'jersey?
8.) Gone to the Bronx Zoo? |
1st date with my husband.
9.) Eaten at Mike's Pizza on around 2nd avenue and 25th street or so? |
Maybe. I use to do a lot of collection work on the east side. I didn't keep track of names
10.) Walked around the East Village secretly laughing inside at the pierced dudes and Japanese dropouts? |
Only tourists walk around. There was a great BBQ place where you could get a picture window and watch the wack jobs strolling about.
I'll add one more, visited the late "Magical Childe"? before it's demise in the late 90's it was one of the oldest, creepiest, best know occult stores in the world existing back to the 1960's.
Oct 31 2007, 07:28 PM
Okay, is anyone else having trouble seeing all of Snow_Fox's post?
Oct 31 2007, 07:41 PM
oh good, so it's not just me.
Oct 31 2007, 08:09 PM
I can see it all ... it's just really messed up.
Mr. Croup
Nov 1 2007, 01:37 AM
I can see it too, it's just the last half seems to have partly migrated into the top of the header for the next post by Flak Jacket.
Nov 1 2007, 01:51 PM
It's weird, I've tried to fix it several times and that's the best it comes out. I mean we reach a point of me counting the 'quote' '/quotes' to try and get a balance.
ok got it done.
Where in central park is the needle?
You never mentioned visitng the Dakota or Strawberry fields.
Nov 1 2007, 06:53 PM
QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Nov 1 2007, 11:51 PM) |
Where in central park is the needle? |
It's just across the street (to the west I think) from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Wounded Ronin
Nov 1 2007, 09:16 PM
My life is overflowing with bushels of jiggly joy because there are people on this forum who went to NYC and did non-yuppie things. Hooray!
Nov 1 2007, 09:37 PM
Yeah well ... I'm far from anything that could be called a 'Yuppie'.
Wounded Ronin
Nov 1 2007, 09:50 PM
It's just that right now bland yuppies are overrunning NYC. And Disney corp bought out all those seedy places that used to have porn. It kind of makes me sad. Gentrification tends to make a city more boring. I like behavioral disturbances.
Nov 1 2007, 11:05 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
Disney corp bought out all those seedy places that used to have porn. |
Nov 2 2007, 12:18 AM
Until you apply Rule 34. Which means we will soon see MickeyPorn being sold on 42nd street.
Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing is for you to decide. Personally, it makes me cry in pain.
Nov 2 2007, 12:49 AM
Anonymous will find out everything you ever loved as a child. And then Anonymous will make porn of it.
Anonymous does not forgive.
Nov 2 2007, 02:17 AM
Mickey porn already exists. And no, I'm not linking to any.
Simon May
Nov 2 2007, 05:46 AM
Why would anyone want porn involving Rocky's trainer?
Nov 2 2007, 08:55 AM
Because it can teach you to crap thunder?
Nov 2 2007, 09:00 AM
Thundercrap!?! Isn't that some kind of Hentai attack?
Wounded Ronin
Nov 4 2007, 10:24 PM
I think I would feel better if cheesy Mickey porn were being sold on the streets of NYC. However, that stuff mostly just exists on the internet. Mainstream society is not yet ready for Mickey porn; mainstream society can't even deal with Janet Jackson's Nipplegate.
Nov 4 2007, 10:51 PM
For god's sake man, think of the children! If a baby sees a nipple, it'll grow up to be a serial killer.
Nov 5 2007, 04:32 PM
I wanted to answer WR's little questionare, so....
1.) Not yet.
2.) No, I woudn't risk it.
3.) No, too expensive. Besides, I don't drink coffee.
4.) Back then, if I had brought home an African bullwhip, I'd be homeless.
5.) No, but I might, if I remember it when I'm in that area. See #8.
6.) No.
7.) Gods, no. Why go to Jersey when there are half-decent bowling alleys near me?
8.) I'm going with my GF on the 14th.
9.) No, but I have eaten what my GF calls "secret pizza", the stand behind the Port Authority.
10.) see #2.
Nov 5 2007, 04:39 PM
other questions might be: been to the top of the Empire State building?
Taken a ride on the Circle Line?
Nov 5 2007, 04:51 PM
Blown up the Statue of Liberty?
Seen someone with Grey Death?
Met the Duke of New York?
Bought some rope for a dinner party?
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