Nov 7 2007, 07:06 AM
Ok. I have a coconut. I take a old school 35 mil pic of it. I mail it to Al Sharptree. while the snail mail is doing its thing I develop the pic and study its contents closely. I have already learned sympathetic linking ahead of time and know a few fellows who also are steamed at him. The 3 of us get together and start a ritual circle. I create the link to him through the picture, then we proceed to toast his hoop with a Force N fireball. One less annoying politician.
Do I more or less have the right idea here?(not with the assassination of politicians in general but how the power works)
For a more innocent use, I could nail a picture of my keys to my wall, and use a ritual spell to find them.
Simon May
Nov 7 2007, 07:29 AM
Problem 1: Al Sharptree has aids.
If Al Sharptree is a prominent politician, what happens when his secretary opens the package (and you thought I was going to say he had a debilitating disease...)? Does she suddenly become the one linked instead?
Problem 2: Al Sharptree doesn't like coconuts.
If Al Sharptree chooses to toss the coconut into the trash without taking it out of the box cause he doesn't like coconuts, does the coconut link to him?
Problem 3: UCASPS sucks.
Over the course of it's trip through the mail, at least 4-6 people have touched the package. Does the coconut link to them?
1) Yes, at least for a little while. If he gets it after, it'll link to him, but only temporarily.
2) No. It won't link to him unless he touches it.
3) No, unless they open the box and touch it.
Unfortunately, a photo of the coconut won't help since you need the object itself, unless you're using the photo as a symbolic link (requiring metamagic and multiple parts). Regardless, the link only lasts for a few minutes.
QUOTE (Street Magic @ p. 29) |
[Recently handled objects] can only be used for a number of minutes equal to twice the target’s Essence. |
This means you a) need to know when the package is opened, b) need to make sure its him who picks it up, and c) need to work hella fast. Your better bet is to follow Mr. Sharptree around and grab a burger wrapper or cup that he tosses in the trash or litters.
Even better than trying to send him a coconut and getting it exactly right, grab something important of his. If you can get his comm link, you've got an "oft handled object." If you can grab his wedding ring or favorite tie, you've got a "favored object." Both of these are better for rituals and have longer lasting links. Of course, in all these cases, you'd still need the sympathetic link metamagic.
If you want to spy on him or attack him from afar without that metamagic (gained at initiation if you so choose), you're going to need a piece of him, either a strand of hair, some blood, or another piece of his DNA. Unlike forensics, however, the magic usability deteriorates.
QUOTE (Street Magic @ p. 29) |
If the target is a living being, the material link is a tissue sample. Tissue samples have a limited duration as a material link, however, as decomposition eventually renders the sample useless. The amount of time available varies, depending on the size of the sample and external conditions; a bloodstain from a combat scene may only be useful for a few hours, while a severed finger may be useful for several days. Decomposition can be slowed or stalled by refrigeration or a Preserve spell; chemical preservation, however, destroys the sample’s ritual viability. |
Nov 7 2007, 09:02 AM
Err, I think the idea is to use a symbolic link to the coconut, targeting the coconut with the fireball and catching the real target in the fireballs indirect area.
In other words, this is a magic mail bomb that doesn't show as dangerous until an hour after the start of the ritual. Anything could be used, so long as you can get it into proximity of the target.
Simon May
Nov 7 2007, 09:22 AM
It would still require the sympathetic link metamagic and I'm still not sure a photo could be used.
QUOTE (Street Magic @ 29) |
If an initiate with Sympathetic Linking metamagic can’t find a sympathetic link, he may instead create a symbolic link: a picture, sculpture, or doll bearing symbolic likeness to the target. The most notorious example of a symbolic link is the infamous enchanted voodoo doll seen in many horror simflicks. Though symbolic links can work in cases a material link, sympathetic link, or astral spotter won’t, they are more difficult to use.
To create a symbolic link, make an Intuition + Artisan Test with a threshold determined by the Symbolic Link Creation table (p. 27) and an interval of 1 day. The creator’s Initiate Grade serves as a dice pool bonus to this test. Additional modifiers from the Build/Repair Table (p. 125, SR4) may apply, as determined by the gamemaster.
Once an adequate symbolic link has been created, it can be used for ritual spellcasting. Symbolic links inflict a hefty –6 modifier to the Ritual Spellcasting Test. If the creator of the symbolic link is not a participant in the ritual sorcery, an additional –2 modifier applies. |
Since a photo is created by chemical processes instead of by the mage, I would suspect it wouldn't fit the bolded section above. In addition, since it takes only moment to make a photo, it would destroy the idea of the interval of days to create a symbolic link.
Regardless, I don't see why you wouldn't just pluck a few hairs off the coconut and use that for a material link to the coconut. Of course, the question of whether those hairs would link to the coconut or to the coconut tree is up to the GM.
Nov 7 2007, 11:56 AM
create a symbolic link: a picture, sculpture, or doll bearing symbolic likeness to the target. |
So what's a picture if not a photo? It seems to me that something painted is even farther removed from the original object than a photo.
Nov 7 2007, 12:19 PM
a drawing or painting done by the casters own hands, to grab more then just the image of the person

also, can one use indirect combat spells this way at all? would it not go of the moment it his the nearest wall to the caster?
Nov 7 2007, 01:28 PM
QUOTE (hobgoblin) |
a drawing or painting done by the casters own hands, to grab more then just the image of the person |
So is a photograph, only the tools are different. Unless the drawing or painting is a finger painting or drawn with only the artist's hands alone.
Nov 7 2007, 01:35 PM
Well, if it's really necessary, you can do a sculpture, a painting or a doll of the coconut.
Ol' Scratch
Nov 7 2007, 03:29 PM
Draw a circle on a piece of paper that, to you, looks roughly like the coconut.
Nothing says it has to be a masterpiece of artistry, and it works more because it represents that particular coconut to you rather than it actually representing that coconut. Voodoo dolls hardly look like the person they represent, so why would a picture need to?
Ancient History
Nov 7 2007, 03:53 PM
Ah, this reminds of the old reverse ritual sorcery; where the man with the coconut could use it to backtrack the sender with the symbolic representation. Good times, good times.
Eryk the Red
Nov 7 2007, 04:00 PM
The answer is yes. This works. It'd work with Manaball or Powerball or any other area effect spell. The issue is ensuring that the target will have the object near them when the spell goes off. I think a necktie is a better choice than a coconut, myself.
Nov 7 2007, 04:00 PM
@Doc: Actually you roll an Intuition+Artisan test, so you need to be a good enough artist (or intuitive enough, or edgy enough)
Nov 7 2007, 04:07 PM
Why use symbolic linking at all? Take some hairs from the coconut, and use them as a material link to the coconut to fireball it. That way you don't eat that -6 penalty for symbolic magic.
Nov 7 2007, 04:51 PM
Good catch.
Simon May
Nov 7 2007, 05:18 PM
QUOTE (Slump) |
So what's a picture if not a photo? It seems to me that something painted is even farther removed from the original object than a photo. |
As a photographer, I'd love to argue the validity of the photograph as a work of art and as representative of the subject. Still, the fact is that even the best photographer is at the mercy of the situation. He may frame the photo, choose the props, pick the subject, and adjust shutter speed, focus, and aperture, but at the end of the day, he's still choosing from the photos he's taken trying to pick the best one. The art, in the end, is a chemical process.
With a drawing or painting, the artists invests himself in the process. To me, it's this investment that creates the symbolic link.
QUOTE (Tarantula) |
Why use symbolic linking at all? Take some hairs from the coconut, and use them as a material link to the coconut to fireball it. That way you don't eat that -6 penalty for symbolic magic. |
QUOTE (Simon May) |
Regardless, I don't see why you wouldn't just pluck a few hairs off the coconut and use that for a material link to the coconut. Of course, the question of whether those hairs would link to the coconut or to the coconut tree is up to the GM. |
I'm right with you, Tarantula, but what happens if the material link is to the tree?
Nov 7 2007, 05:29 PM
QUOTE (Simon May) |
QUOTE (Simon May) | Regardless, I don't see why you wouldn't just pluck a few hairs off the coconut and use that for a material link to the coconut. Of course, the question of whether those hairs would link to the coconut or to the coconut tree is up to the GM. |
I'm right with you, Tarantula, but what happens if the material link is to the tree? |
Then the question is, if a tree bursts into flame on a beach somewhere, and no one is around to see it, is it still magic?
Nov 7 2007, 05:34 PM
Fundamentally, the mage cannot use a photograph because of the aforementioned day-long interval to 'create a link'. Unless you rule that linking photos take some severe darkroom wackiness. I personally would be fine with that, but I think it goes against the intent of the symbolic link because the mage is not using a tool to create a photograph - it is the tool itself which creates the photograph.
Kinda like the difference between baking bread and throwing all the ingredients in a bread maker, you know?
Either way, the example holds out. If the mage can't take a photo, he can easily make a representation of the coconut using play-doh and cat hair.
And Simon, the hairs won't link to the tree because the hairs grew on the coconut, not on the tree. Although the coconut may provide a link to the tree, I find it unlikely, as the coconut is a separate object for targeting. Same reason I can't use your blood to target your mom - after you left your mom, you became a separate target.
Nov 7 2007, 05:36 PM
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein @ Nov 7 2007, 10:29 AM) |
Draw a circle on a piece of paper that, to you, looks roughly like the coconut. |
And three holes... don't ever forget the three holes.
Every cartoon coconut in history have 3 "bowling ball like" holes on it.
I'm right with you, Tarantula, but what happens if the material link is to the tree? |
At least for me the hair if from the coconut, not from the tree. Just as someone hair links to the person, and not to his mother.
Adarael has been faster.
Then the question is, if a tree bursts into flame on a beach somewhere, and no one is around to see it, is it still magic? |
Simon May
Nov 7 2007, 05:41 PM
Who's still using film in 2070 anyway? By then digital technology will be extremely cheap and extremely good. In addition, we're currently using up the last of the large format film because we don't have the material to keep making it for very long. Film will cease to be produced around the same time that gasoline rises to exorbitant prices.
Of course, this is the 6th world timeline and not ours, so who knows if film is still being produced. Then again, if all cameras are trids at this point, how do you use film to create trid images?
QUOTE (Adarael) |
And Simon, the hairs won't link to the tree because the hairs grew on the coconut, not on the tree. Although the coconut may provide a link to the tree, I find it unlikely, as the coconut is a separate object for targeting. Same reason I can't use your blood to target your mom - after you left your mom, you became a separate target. |
So pulling a seed from an apple won't link to the apple since it's not the apple? What about a piece of a pinecone linking to a pine tree? Or how about an egg yolk linking back to the chicken? Coconuts have the same genetic material as the palm tree they come from, so I'd assume, much like with a piece of a person's DNA, it would link to the tree.
At least for humor's sake, it would.
Ol' Scratch
Nov 7 2007, 05:44 PM
There's a reason they're called symbolic and sympathetic link. DNA has nothing to do with it, only will and desire. If you pluck a hair from a coconut with the intent of it connecting to that coconut, that's what it's going to be good for. Just like if you pluck a hair from the toupe Mr. X is wearing will let you ritually cast against Mr. X, since that's the desired effect.
Nov 7 2007, 05:46 PM
QUOTE (Simon May) |
So pulling a seed from an apple won't link to the apple since it's not the apple? What about a piece of a pinecone linking to a pine tree? Or how about an egg yolk linking back to the chicken? Coconuts have the same genetic material as the palm tree they come from, so I'd assume, much like with a piece of a person's DNA, it would link to the tree.
At least for humor's sake, it would. |
At least for me it´s more about "from where you taken that piece". If you take the seed from the apple, it should link to the apple... as a coconut would link to the tree if you take the coconut from it... as the hair taken from the coconut link to the coconut. (And, maybe, a piece of the apple seed taken from the seed would link to the seed, not the apple).
Nov 7 2007, 05:56 PM
Coconuts won't have the same genetic material to their tree any moreso than a baby has the same genetic material to its parents. The DNA isn't the same, and they aren't part of the same living organism. Doc Funk, I disagree on your toupee example. Sadly, if you pluck hair from Mr. X's toupee, and ritually cast a manabolt on it, then one day, Mr. X is in his business meeting, when his toupee suddenly shreds itself and a puff of hair explodes off his head, leaving him disheveled, confused, and bald, but not dead, as his toupee is.
Simon May
Nov 7 2007, 06:10 PM
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein) |
There's a reason they're called symbolic and sympathetic link. DNA has nothing to do with it, only will and desire. |
We're talking material link to the coconut here, not sympathetic or symbolic. The point was to avoid the dice penalty.
QUOTE (Tarantella) |
Coconuts won't have the same genetic material to their tree any moreso than a baby has the same genetic material to its parents. The DNA isn't the same, and they aren't part of the same living organism. |
Seven alleles in common in the case of babies. Even more when it comes to plant DNA, which often asexually reproduces. That's not enough?
QUOTE (Tarantella) |
Doc Funk, I disagree on your toupee example. Sadly, if you pluck hair from Mr. X's toupee, and ritually cast a manabolt on it, then one day, Mr. X is in his business meeting, when his toupee suddenly shreds itself and a puff of hair explodes off his head, leaving him disheveled, confused, and bald, but not dead, as his toupee is. |
I'd argue that the toupee counts as an oft handled item. Or, if he's really self conscious, a favored item. Therefore, rather than targeting the toupee, you could use the hair as a symbolic or sympathetic link to him directly. It's even better if the toupee is made from body hair!
Nov 7 2007, 06:13 PM
"That's not enough?"
No, it isn't. Unless you can kidnap a kid, and use him to materially target his mother.
Yes, oft handled/favored, but you choose whether you are casting via material link, or sympathetic link. If you cast via the hair as material link (believing it to be his real hair) then you nuke the toupee. If before the ritual, you find out he has a toupee, and you have toupee hair, then you can do it sympathetically.
Nov 8 2007, 08:07 AM
So could some one else take the picture of the coconut and give it to me to use as the symbolic link?
Nov 8 2007, 09:42 AM
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein) |
There's a reason they're called symbolic and sympathetic link. DNA has nothing to do with it, only will and desire. If you pluck a hair from a coconut with the intent of it connecting to that coconut, that's what it's going to be good for. Just like if you pluck a hair from the toupe Mr. X is wearing will let you ritually cast against Mr. X, since that's the desired effect. |
Genewipe: This treatment is a major genetherapeutic procedure that inserts a tag into the body’ s neurotransmitters that triggers accelerated cell death whenever these cease to receive regular neurochemical signals from the body—causing epithelial cells and hair
to decompose more rapidly when they are removed from the body.
As a consequence, biological trace evidence let by characters with
this treatment irrevocably deteriorates after five minutes (rendering
it useless for genetic profiling or ritual samples).
Nov 8 2007, 01:26 PM
The Preserve spell might be useful in prolonging that duration.
Ol' Scratch
Nov 8 2007, 02:18 PM
QUOTE (Seven-7) |
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein) | There's a reason they're called symbolic and sympathetic link. DNA has nothing to do with it, only will and desire. If you pluck a hair from a coconut with the intent of it connecting to that coconut, that's what it's going to be good for. Just like if you pluck a hair from the toupe Mr. X is wearing will let you ritually cast against Mr. X, since that's the desired effect. |
Genewipe: This treatment is a major genetherapeutic procedure that inserts a tag into the body’ s neurotransmitters that triggers accelerated cell death whenever these cease to receive regular neurochemical signals from the body—causing epithelial cells and hair to decompose more rapidly when they are removed from the body. As a consequence, biological trace evidence let by characters with this treatment irrevocably deteriorates after five minutes (rendering it useless for genetic profiling or ritual samples).
That's because the living samples die and deteriorate at an extremely accelerated rate. A handful of dust isn't going to do you much good.
Nov 8 2007, 02:44 PM
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein) |
QUOTE (Seven-7 @ Nov 8 2007, 03:42 AM) | QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein) | There's a reason they're called symbolic and sympathetic link. DNA has nothing to do with it, only will and desire. If you pluck a hair from a coconut with the intent of it connecting to that coconut, that's what it's going to be good for. Just like if you pluck a hair from the toupe Mr. X is wearing will let you ritually cast against Mr. X, since that's the desired effect. |
Genewipe: This treatment is a major genetherapeutic procedure that inserts a tag into the body’ s neurotransmitters that triggers accelerated cell death whenever these cease to receive regular neurochemical signals from the body—causing epithelial cells and hair to decompose more rapidly when they are removed from the body. As a consequence, biological trace evidence let by characters with this treatment irrevocably deteriorates after five minutes (rendering it useless for genetic profiling or ritual samples).
That's because the living samples die and deteriorate at an extremely accelerated rate. A handful of dust isn't going to do you much good.
Just pointing out, it's actually DNA, not will.
Nov 8 2007, 04:30 PM
Its only actually DNA if you're using it as a material link. Doc Funk was talking about symbolic and sympathetic links. Which don't give a hoot about DNA, especially when you consider you can use someones lucky pen to blow their head up.
Eryk the Red
Nov 8 2007, 05:46 PM
Also, i wouldn't say that the text for genewipe indicates that material links are all about genetics. The sample is no longer valid for ritual samples because it has broken down; it is destroyed. The fact that genetic breakdown is enough to make it an invalid link does not necessarily mean that genetics is the only characteristic that matters.
Nov 8 2007, 05:56 PM
Indeed, I agree its more of the wholistic approach to mana working than it is DNA. Same reason you can take a brick from a building and ritually powerbolt the building with it. Also, if you were to first smash that brick into powder, you wouldn't be able to ritually target the building with it, as its no longer a viable link.
Simon May
Nov 8 2007, 06:15 PM
Perhaps it even depends on the tradition: a hermetic mage may believe wholeheartedly it's the DNA. At the same time, a voodoo mage may believe it has to do with whether the Lwa want to bless the specimen.
Nov 8 2007, 06:19 PM
Magic all works the same, traditions are just how they choose to describe it. However, since we aren't a part of the 6th world, we can view outside the life of someone and see the actual mechanics of how it works, which is all the same.
Simon May
Nov 8 2007, 06:24 PM
For game rules, it functions the same, but I see nowhere that it says it always works the same for the characters. As far as I'm concerned, character perception is reality, and therefore there will be factions of mages arguing that their view of magic is the one true view, especially considering how personal magic tradition is.
Nov 8 2007, 06:31 PM
Sure, characters in the game can argue how it works all they want. It works because the game designers said it works this way. Not because of how fictional people think it does or not.
Eryk the Red
Nov 8 2007, 07:02 PM
The fiction is the reason for all the rules. If you discard the fiction and its logic and points of view, what's the point?
It's even simpler than all this really. It works this way because we choose to play it this way. But all of that is irrelevant in a discussion of the fiction and its workings. Where the rules are unclear, we fall back on the fiction to understand it.
(edited to add that last sentence for clarity)
Nov 8 2007, 07:03 PM
The rules are what govern the working of the fiction. How you explain their working in the fiction is up to you, but the fact remains the rules exist outside of the fiction, and thats whats for discussion here. How the rules work regarding ritual spellcasting, not how characters think ritual spellcastings works based on their beliefs.
Simon May
Nov 8 2007, 07:06 PM
I have to admit, I've never read the fiction, nor do I care to. If I wanted to read stories, I'd be reading and not playing.
The rules alone should be enough to give us a way to play and what the fiction says should be irrelevant.
Eryk the Red
Nov 8 2007, 08:58 PM
For clarity, I should mention that when I say "fiction", in this context I mean anything that isn't hard game rules. All of the stuff that isn't dice and numbers. The descriptions of things and ideas. I find it hard to imagine that playing shadowrun is possible only knowing the hard rules and none of the background. (Which would include descriptions of what trolls are and how tall they are, the idea that magic is the manipulation of mana, and so forth.)
Eryk the Red
Nov 8 2007, 09:00 PM
Summary: I don't read shadowrun novels either, but that's not what I'm talking about.
Simon May
Nov 8 2007, 10:05 PM
Ah, gotcha. So you mean the "fluff" rather than the fiction. I absolutely agree on that call.
Nov 9 2007, 01:12 PM
QUOTE (Eryk the Red) |
Summary: I don't read shadowrun novels either, but that's not what I'm talking about. |
But Simon the novels and all the fiction are considered RAW/Canon. So they do go hand in hand.
Nov 9 2007, 01:53 PM
Why would you want to assiasinate someone important with magic.. magic is tracable.. A bullet loaded by someone else into the clip/gun of your choice is much much harder to trace back to the shooter.. and you can shoot from far far far away.. Heck you dont even need to shoot it yourself, have a smart gun platform or a drone do it for ya.. And any sane politican would have wards around their office etc.. I know I would.. =)
Nov 9 2007, 04:19 PM
Magic isn't that traceable, it takes force in combat turns (half force with astral chameleon) in order to erase the signature completely.
Nov 9 2007, 04:20 PM
The novels are not RAW. They are canon. The novels can't be RAW for RAW stands for (emphasis mine) Rules As Written. Last I checked, novels had no rules in them.
Nov 9 2007, 05:19 PM
QUOTE (Tarantula) |
The novels are not RAW. They are canon. The novels can't be RAW for RAW stands for (emphasis mine) Rules As Written. Last I checked, novels had no rules in them. |
My bad Tarantula, I got the two mixed up, it is just a pet peeve of mine. That something that strains the boundary to the game so much is "official" Talon makes me want to gag so bad. Grrr.
Nov 9 2007, 11:52 PM
I haven't read his novels in awhile, but why does the Talon character nauseate you so?