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QUOTE (Whipstitch)
...God, I keep having to fight the urge to try grandfathering in a technician named Lister.

You don't specifically have to fight that kind of urge. While on the one hand a cheesy pop-culture reference is cheesy, on the other hand keeping track of a cast of four dozen characters is pretty hard. Having the occassional character who is played by a recognizable actor is in its way quite valuable.

Dr. Praetorius is played by Ernest Thesiger and Dr. Nemanjić is played by David Bowie. This grounds them in the imaginations of the players and I have no problem with it. Other characters are quite clearly played by Robin Williams, Megan Hollingshead, Megumi Hayashibara, and Colin Clive.


Robin Williams is my fault +giggles+

Edit: That is, assuming my 'Patch Adams' reference was caught... lovely movie that one.
So I'm looking over the Matrix rules now.

I assume that the somewhat odd "you too can upgrade the solid block of silicon that is a commlink" rules on page 240 are not used in your system? If you want to upgrade your commlink you can go out and buy a better one? (Or, in this game, order it and await delivery...)

I don't see any explicit listing for implanted commlinks? Is this due to the trivial nature of SR brain surgery, as shown by data jack prices, so you can just have it implanted if you want?
... Here's my ICQ number: 366425001
I don't see any explicit listing for implanted commlinks? Is this due to the trivial nature of SR brain surgery, as shown by data jack prices, so you can just have it implanted if you want?

The Commlink Implantation rules are pretty simple. You pay a modest price "plus the cost of the commlink". So yeah, that doesn't have to change or go anywhere.

I assume that the somewhat odd "you too can upgrade the solid block of silicon that is a commlink" rules on page 240 are not used in your system?


We got character submissions from:


So if noone else gets a character in by Saturday we'll start this weekend anyway.

I've just dispatched my sheet to your gmail address. Personality isn't as fleshed as I'd like, but there are some broad brush strokes in that will do until I get him into play.

Please note that while the bottom line says 404 BP, it is infact 400 as I am being charged 8 BP for the contact when it should be 4.

Indeed, there are now 6 characters.

How does this whole IM thing work?
I now have a client program (Pidgin). How should I go about connecting with you guys on Saturday? Also do I need to register an account with something somewhere? [close your eyes and your almost there... Sorry I couldn't resist...]

(please excuse my ignorance... I don't normally communicate with people over the internet)
You'll need to create an account here:


First is AIM, second is ICQ. Once you've done that, fire up Pidgin, hit 'add account' and use the username and password you created at AIM or ICQ. It is free to register with either, and for simplicities sake I'd recommend AIM.

Use a throw away email account to register smile.gif
My AIM username is FuriousPuffin smile.gif I'm adding people now.
AIM: jackendavoxgsf
AIM is kzt4dumpshock
What time are we starting this anyhow?

I'm on Denver time, but UTC would work also.
AIM: narsetantalus

I think this should work.... (I'm not holding my breath).

So, are we still good for 20:00 GMT tomorrow?(or today, I suppose depending on where you are....)
When II checked in this morning (15 hours ago) he was confirmed for a start in 13 hours from this post, ie 20:00 GMT.

I'm planning on bringing this live in about 15 minutes.

Current Actions of Players:

Catharz: Currently holding Dr Amirthakaii dismembered tongue with one hand and treating Treating the woman with crashcart
Kzt: Going to the comms room to try and patch the depressuration and recover the two people inside -> One is our comms operator, no idea who the other is
Narse: Going to get Dr kellogg

Whipstitch: Going to Catharz

Myself: Currently doing nothing, was security spidering the camera feeds to find the dead people and the soon to be violence.

Scope: Trying to find the mission director, who has just overridden the cameras.

On the to do list:

Stop the Naga from killing everyone in terminal research; and
find Gilbert and Kira

Probably corpse count: 2
Missing Persons: 1
Due to the intresting problems experinced by AIM's chat functionality, next time do we want to give a go? It looks pretty easy.
Maybe not, doesn;t seem to quite have the maturity yet.
Log of session. Please note there is a break in the middle where AIM disconnected me.

Warning: Long

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Question: did people feel that giving different text colors to different speakers was sufficient or would it be better to relay all NPC dialogue as:

Character: "Blah blah blah"?

It got a little confusing, but not horribly. The red all caps computer seemed to work well.

I had some trouble figuring out exactly who you were addressing from time to time when you answered a question.
Yeah, I think people did an admirable job of playing through any confusion that came up. When you consider that it was a first chat game with a good sized group playing new matrix rules a little initial confusion is inevitable, but I think things really started to pick up after a bit. I'm just glad we played through; sometimes there's nothing more fruitless than stopping midgame to reinvent the wheel rather than simply letting the kinks work themselves out through experience. Discussing ways to improve play should definitely be handled here or post session.

As far as the voice thing goes, I think the colors are helpful, but would probably work better if you could give us a key here on the forums to work with beforehand so we can have some Cliff's notes ready to go.
Guys, some bad news. I just checked my ticket and one of my flights is from 21:20 GMT to 23:25 GMT. Allowing for 30 minuets on the tarmac on each side means I will probably not be able to access the internet from 22:50 GMT to 23:55 GMT. Unfortunately this is during the middle of our game time. If I am lucky I will be able to access the internet in the airports, but I am not going to count on that. So, I think that you all will probably have to count me out of this next session. I will try to see if I can't join in while in the airports but, don't hold your breath. Sorry, but I made this reservation 4 months ago and its really important. Hope to see you guys on the 22nd at least.
So, if I turn him to goo and just drag him around in my assaying kit can I have extra karma? biggrin.gif
I bet you don't have enough strength....
Especially not in the Suit Of Death that most of us are running around in now.

On the upside, he cannot die from turn to goo at that point.
Hehehe, the suit of death isn't that bad...

Of course, I'm biased since I actually can almost handle it, only taking -1 to agility and reaction.
I bet you don't have enough strength....

No, but I have plant spirits, and they pack 5 strength at Force 1. vegm.gif
Juichi Takenaka masses 53 kg. Add in Martian gravity and yes, I think many characters could carry him around, as long as you hang up the Suit first.
Thats the awesome thing about turn to goo - you totally don't need the suit. Hell, someone could doggy bag yo and put you outside.
I've been "invited" to my dojo to go over a bunch of kata today. So I'll be late, not sure how late, maybe an hour plus. My characters plans are to go get the people in the decompressed space to medical attention (as I'd tend to suspect that they are not yet beyond the help of 2070 medical tech) and then get Kira to the main gathering area.

Sorry about this, got requested to do it on Friday night...
I'm around, and those of us who are here will start in about 45 minutes. I am given to understand that some people may be late, but as the people have split up to explore the haunted house retrive stragglers, that's not a super big problem.

Catharz Godfoot
My computer is out of commission, so I might not be able to make this one at all. Feel free to treat my character as an NPC. Right now he's holding a tongue in one hand and a bleeding crazy in the other, and bringing an autodoc over.
Dec. 15 Session Log Part 1

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Dec. 15 Log Part 2

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I'm a smacktard and totally forgot that I'm not going interstate when I thought, but instead the 22nd. I'll be back on the 28th.
I'm going to be out of town for a wedding between the 21st and the 23rd, and with family for Christmas obviously, so I won't be available for gaming until the session of the 29th.

- Scope
Sorry I missed that one, sounds like it was a lot of fun. It turns out that the WiFi in both airports wasn't free. Anyhow, I think I should be able to make the next one. Its too bad that others won't be able to.
What with it being just a few days before Christmas, I'm not sure that anyone can make it tonight. But if it turns out that they can, I'll be reachable online.

So, Aiko almost got turned into chaos lobster chow, but didn't thanks to the power of drain cleaner. however he kept Dr Kellog from getting grabbed by black tentacles like a bad manga. But in another 1.5 hours I'm going to crash hard. Goo Guy got carried up to the cafe by Carden's spirit and is ungooed and tranked.

Everyone still alive is in the cafe, with a few exceptions. Like Dr Dellenov and his security guy. The players were on the way to try to fix the pressure problem in main water recycling. Someone was mumbling about vacuum spirits...

Then we were going to fix the pressure issues in communications and look into the flooding.

We found shark, but he's dead in a psuit with many holes in it and was last seen attacking Juichi in the hall under spirit control. The Naga and company were last seen at the site of a good sized explosion. There was a red blood like substance left that was sampled by Carden. Sarah and the technomancer are still missing. We still have far too many devil rats.

Frank Says Lobsters Stick to magnets.

Dec 22 Log part 1
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I'm back. Anyone got a log?
I am around. It's about five minutes before I start turning on the widgits.

Second half of Dec 22 log
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Well, I ended up spending a good part of this game unconscious after I crit gitched a drain roll....

But we got back Sarah.. Yeay! She had a not happy description of what is going on across the gateway.

We lost Shark's body. Not so good. I'm sure we'll see it again.... We are establishing a morgue, I think in Carden's room.

Anyhow we cleared out the black tentacles, 14 rabid watchers (mana static - what a clever idea), three "deathly thin creatures with very long bone hooks on their hands" and the invisible Gargoyle. We got the room pressurized to 30KPa (so I can see if it's leaking) and trying to warm it back up so we can fix it.

We still need to find the other water leak and check out communications. And get the tablet.

An apparently critical discussion with a mad scientist....
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Since Sarah passed the recordings of what happened across the gateway on to Reginn, I thought I'd post the log here.

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The assorted nutjob quotes...

Apfelman, opening scene in the cafe:
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Apfelman again, on commlinks. This is probably not important...
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An apparently critical discussion with a mad scientist....
Dr. Yamato Kochi, about the plan the scientiest have cooked up
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And the first half of the log from the 29th.

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Kzt, dumpshock has a maximum post length feature that snips long posts (hence I cut my first log post up into chunks) it's done it toy our posts here. I've got the rest of the 29th here

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