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My internet has been acting up lately; I should be able to play at least part of tomorrow's game, if not the entire session. Hopefully disconnections won't be an issue but I really cannot make any promises.

In related news, Consumer Reports says my ISP (Charter Communications) is the worst of any major cable service provider. Not that I have much choice in the matter; I could get dsl, I suppose, but that would be rather expensive unless I ditch digital cable television entirely. Woo.
Who watches TV anymore?!? wink.gif Hope to see you there.
So we decided to build a fusion bomb. This seems like a bad option, but a necessary option. We get Taro to agree to run the team to do it.

We head for the reactor room to get some critical parts. We find it kind of odd that the computer tells us that there is no reactor room. . . .

So we (minus me) go in and notice several things, all bad. A hole in space appears, leading somewhere "else". There is an astral lizard with it's head stuck in the the reactor. There are odd shadows everywhere in the room. And the pressure starts to drop...

Three shadow like critters follow Carden's astral link back and decide that they have better use for his body than he does, so they materialize. Sarah kills one and Carden nukes the rest with an mana static.

We talk about it and go in the get the stuff we need. A giant tentacle from beyond tries to grab Taro and Juichi shoots it. Which is just as well as the rest of us can't see it.

Then we manage to kill the radiation spirit munching on the reactor. It contaminates the room trying to kill Carden with it's radiation attack, but when it's dead the computer figures out that it does have a reactor after all.... Very odd.

So having got all the stuff we need we head out. The reactor room still won't hold pressure.

We head over to the terminal research area. We determine that there is not real evidence of the explosion we heard (there are no drone parts, for example) and that the devil rats are acting much too smart, playing jenga. The smart devil rats would concern us more if they weren't doing this in a room with no oxygen.... We file it in the too hard pile and go on.

We recover half the tablet. We can't read it, so we plan to head back up to the cafe. That's were we cut it.

Part1 (I started late, does anyone has the first 30 minutes?)
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Part 2
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part 3
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There isn;t 30 minutes. We started late as both yourself and whipstich where late. Here's what you've missed

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This session was kind of ugly.

We decided it was time to figure out where the 12L/minute leak was. I also have the computer pressurize communications to 5 KPa.

The computer offered suggestions of Dr. Yamato's bathroom, the vehicle cleaninig facility or Water Aeration unit 2.

We decided to go check them out. The Dr's shower was running a bit, but not 12 L/minute. We then went up to the Vehicle Cleaning Facility, where we found it was full of toxic and caustic oil outgassing chorine. We didn't go in the room when this started to fill the airlock.

We backed out and looked more carefully, finding it was background count 2. So Carden astrally sneaks in and finds that we have a little Gorgon nesting in our lifter. This seemed bad. But we figured, how tough could it be? So we run in astrally to take it down. It takes some damage (from Carden - I get nothing), summons a spirt and it generally is about to kick our ass when we boogie. The summon spirit part was NOT in our script. It then starts to depressurize the entire base.

So we go to plan B. Plan B involves the heavy combat drones. Reginn deploys an assault T-bird. We get the computer to crank open the roof the VCF. Using only the secondary weapons he manages to fry it with an anti-armor laser. It also destroys what is left of the lifter, but it was already pretty trashed. Drone takes some minor damage from lightning bolts. Spirit apparently vanishes.

We close the roof back up and head down to the water aeration plant. The door is locked and the maglock is dead. I poke in astally and see an awakened anenome hanging on the wall of the mostly full of water room. With an alchera trying to form.

We decide to drain the room. This works fine except for the mini-anenomes that we notice running into the drain... I tell the computer there is a biocontaminate in the drain and stop the flow. We talk to Michelle Wan and she is not happy. We decide that we need to do something and then we end the session without actually putting together a plan.
Yeah, the inital plan was 'drill a hole in the door, draining the room, then shoot the big anenome in a big way' but the mini anenome thing is a major downer to that strategy - but the door still has holes in it.
I've got a cart of tools, parts and supplies to fix leaks with and 9 dice of plumber iirc. It's only 5 feet or so of water. It might not be totally water tight long term, but it doesn't need to be.
I got disconnected a few times so this log is not entirely complete.
Part 1:
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Part 2:
*NOTE*: there is a 20 minute gap between this & part 1
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Part 3:
Note: 9 min disconnection.
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Part 4:
Note: no disconnect for this break.
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Problem: the power is out in my flat and I probably will not be able to be on line tomorrow night. Hopefully this will resolve itself.

Good luck. I hope you at least have heat...
I'll turn up to see if it's fixed smile.gif
There is power again.

I should be around next Saturday. That was... very lame.

Word today was that that Frank had some totally bizarre issue that prevented him from running AIM. Plus the various dumpshock issues. . . . We'll see.
'kay. Here's hoping things can get back on track at some point.
Same here smile.gif
Well, Franks back on dumpshock . . . .
Is the game on for 7 hours from now?
I am back on line and could indeed run a game again.

Thread necro due to feelings of severe lack of closure. This was a great little Event Horizon campaign that I really wanted to know what was going to happen next in. Any chance of continuation (highly doubtful) or a synopsized conclusion of how things might have turned out?

Also, was this a published adventure or did Frank just come up with it? Because it's terrific and since I may be getting back into Shadowrun, I'd love to run it with my group.

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