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QUOTE (kzt)
I don't know. How much damage would you expect from having a 26 pound object fall onto your head from 300 feet up? dead.gif

Alot, more then that, no... still more. Come on, keep thinking. Ok, now your getting close. Ok, you've got it.

Fun fact, bullet fired from an AK 97 has impact energy of 1692.8 J Which as we all know from the fact that getting shot hurts, is quite a bit. Now, the impact energy from this crazy ball thing is 11616 J That is nearly seven times more energy then a bullet. A baseball going 44 m/s is going to hurt (why do you think they wear helmets?) This object hitting you is going to be like taking a cannon shot. As for how much damage you want it to do, well that is entierly up to you. By a realistic standpoint your looking at assult cannon level damage here, but for a game balance standpoint I'd leave it at something like str/2 + 1.

Incidently, can you sustain a spell while sleeping? I kind of though unconciousness broke your concentration on the sustained spells.
I would agree about the sustaining part except that he is using his initiation power to sustain it, spending Karma.

Edit: And I have looked forever to find some line which says you break sustaining spells when you sleep if you are using a Focus Item or Initiation power. It would solve a TON of issues for me. Granted I would expect a re-roll if that did turn out to be true.

Also he has to still make the attack roll but at 12 force, it won't likely limit his hits.

So its listed as (Magic / 2) + DV.

I was thinking about having it be around 4 so in this case it would be:

(6 / 2) + 3 = 6S

plus net hits.

It's not game unbalancing really, but he never has to worry about running out of ammo which has happened in some of my games longer fights.
wait, he quickened a force 12 levitate?

does he realise that as soon as there is any ward, anywhere, that this is going to complicate things massively?
Jaid is right, this guy is going to have serious trouble with wards and such. First off any time his orb passes through a ward it'll alert the person who made it. Second it'll have to make an opposed test against the barrier every single time (though the orb will have 36 dice, so maybe not such a big deal, but against a force 12 barrier (24 dice) there is a chance it'll be disrupted). Third, you should be more then justified in either a. making it impossable to control the orb through the barrier or b. give a -force to his DP.

Speaking of DP what are you having him roll to hit people with this?

I'd assume your giving him the standard spellcasting + magic, but that is being very soft on him. Make him use exotic ranged weapon + agility, as that is what this is, an exotic ranged weapon (One of the many disadvantages of using this over the standard fling spell)

Overall I think this is alot of work to get a 6S spell at no drain. I mean if he can't do stunbolt at force 6 and handle the.. what 2 drain, it causes, then how did he survive making this sphere. As a bonus, don't forget that since the orb does stun damage, it won't be able to injure drones, walls, or anything else inanimate.

But of course he -has- spent 12 karma to create a highly ineffective weapon, so I suppose you can give him some sort of a break. If this was some sort of character concept sort of thing (magneto) then cool, but if this is a power game attempt (which it seems to be) then I say stick it to him.

As a final little thing, let me see if I can do a pro/con list here (as compared to stunbolt of force 6, which is basicly what it is)

Doesn't leave magic to be traced down by.
Doesn't have drain (Oh no, drain of 2S, please don't hurt me)
Can be used from the astral plane (Be very careful about allowing this, as it may be one of the things he is going for, and I don't see why he couldn't do it. Be sure to give him penelties to try and hit people though)

Sets off astral alarms all over the place.
Can only move 44 meters per IP.
Kinda stands out ("Sir... why is there a large metal sphere floating next to you?" and note that it -will- set off metal detectors)
Cost him 12 Karma to make
Can potinetally be dispelled (not likely, but it could happen.)
Can be misplaced and lost forever (Be inventive, a simple door slamming shut could cut his LOS needed to move it. Really, painfully easy to lose this if he isn't very careful.)
Can be tracked back to him if somehow lost.
Might require an investment in a new skill and attribute to use proplerly (see above about having him use exotic ranged weapon + agility. Just because he is good at magic doesn't mean he is good at making a floating ball hit someone, that is where the actual fling spell comes in.)
Did I mention it cost him 12 Karma? I did? Oh, well maybe that is because it cost him 12 freaking Karma!

All in all if you've got it set down at 6S for the damage, and follow all this stuff I don't see it being too bad (untill he tries killing people with it from the astral plane). It did cost him 12 Karma, which is a rather large investment (What, two runs or so?), so as long as he doesn't try breaking the game with it, I don't see why you shouldn't allow it. As stated it isn't really any better then casting a force 6 stunbolt.
QUOTE (Dayhawk)
I would agree about the sustaining part except that he is using his initiation power to sustain it, spending Karma.

Edit: And I have looked forever to find some line which says you break sustaining spells when you sleep if you are using a Focus Item or Initiation power. It would solve a TON of issues for me. Granted I would expect a re-roll if that did turn out to be true.

Also he has to still make the attack roll but at 12 force, it won't likely limit his hits.

So its listed as (Magic / 2) + DV.

I was thinking about having it be around 4 so in this case it would be:

(6 / 2) + 3 = 6S

plus net hits.

It's not game unbalancing really, but he never has to worry about running out of ammo which has happened in some of my games longer fights.

You mean Quickening? That flying cannon ball is potentially quite dangerous, but Quickening a Force 12 spell costs 12 points of karma. That's a horrible way to use your hard earned points. Quickening is quite a serious step in that once you've committed the karma, you can't drop and recast the spell. If the mage wants to sneak through a ward for example, that spell will have to be "pushed through," alerting the ward's creator. That spell is also going to glow like a beacon on the Astral plane.

But if a PC is willing to blow 12 karma points on a flying ball, they ought to get something in return. Maybe 7P would be a good baseline, but a Complex action to attack with it and a ranged attack roll must be made. 7P is generous in terms of game balance, but realistic in comparison to clubs and other blunt melee weapons. And the target can (and probably will) attempt to dodge whilst Impact Armour should count full. There are worse things a mage with Magic 6 could do with a Complex Action. 7P wont overshadow the Samurai types if they're well-built. But it is good. Range might also be a problem. I went with Physical rather than the Stun in the spell description because I see it as comparable to blunt melee weapons like clubs. Also, Stun can be harder to resist than Physical due to the damage rules. Sneaky, but it's true.

But mainly I'm coming from the point of view that the player has spent a significant amount of karma and is clearly enjoying having this, and it's not doing anything a samurai can't do.

I'm glad no-one has ever pulled this on me, but I'd probably allow it and see how it went.

Hope this helps,

isn't force twelve magic comparable to a tac nuke in terms of legality, no matter what the spell?
Details.... wink.gif
What is this "legality" that you speak of?
Traditionally in Shadowrun (although I am not sure if it is mentioned as of yet in SR4), the use, or even mere possession of any type of Magic or Magical apparatus of Force 3 or over is restricted, and licenses are necessary (when they can actually be acquired) for any and all such usage.
OK well I think im going to go with:

DV = kg / 3

So basically 4 points for his 12 kg ball.

That will give him 7S.

Btw, the player figured that his character was very into vintage movies and grew up watching Starwars so much that when he was one of the lucky few to become magical, he would become a Jedi Knight.

I already had a huge talk about Light Sabers and got him to drop that atleast.

Thanks for the help everyone. As always, this board amazes me with the sheer amount of support and help everyone gives.

Maybe someday I will understand SR enough to help others =)

Hummn, you should check out this discussion:
Boo! I purposely avoided checking out that Jedi thread earlier. frown.gif
I couldn't be unhappier if I had been Rick Rolled.

...and you know, if lightsabers are simply going to be a manifestation of magic and the will, wouldn't they have been more accurate referring to the tradition as using the Schwartz? *ducks*
QUOTE (Dayhawk @ Jan 3 2008, 12:59 AM)
OK well I think im going to go with:

DV = kg / 3

So basically 4 points for his 12 kg ball.

That will give him 7S.

Well, the minimum Levitate picks up (Threshold 1) is 200kg. If he's going to be throwing a 12kg ball, he can move a 200kg thing the same speed. (Granted, he isn't going to be carrying a 200kg thing around with him, but if he figures out it'll do DV 66, he might start levitating an invisible 200kg lead weight around everywhere he goes. Or flinging trolls at people.)

That's why for big things I like using the Ramming Damage table (SR4, pg160), with the Body of the thing being equal to the Threshold to lift it (1 per 200kg), modified by the speed it travels.

For little things, like things that would do damage if you actually threw them, I'd probably go with something like effective STR = (Force/2)+Net Hits. So if you shot a sword at someone with a Force 4 Levitate with three net hits, it'd be as though a STR 5 person was hitting with it. (STR being half force times the net hits mainly to keep Levitate from being a better attack spell than the ones in Combat.) That might still be a little high, but its where I'd start.

As for what he's flinging, almost anything worth flinging at someone is listed on pg 149 of the SR4 book, on the Melee Weapons Table under the heading of Sample Improvised Weapons. Chairs, frying pans, metahuman bodies all have listed DVs.
Mercer, I don't know about you, but if you're ruling that body equals the threshold needed to lift something then there's a huge gap in your logic.

Harley-Davidson Scorpion, a chopper. Body of 8. I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure there isn't any bikes running around that weigh 800kg... (almost a ton).

And you're saying that a lockheed optic-x stealth vtol drone weighs between 200 and 400kg?
i'd probably say things weigh approximately body x 10 . .
but if you make them too light levitate becomes WAY too powerfull . .
Imagine some magician throwing TANKS around O.o
Well I kind of decided that the rules we would use are the Fling rules. Mostly because under levitate it says that objects flung into other objects should use the ranged attack rules (Fling).

So I am not letting him throw anything larger then 12 kg (F in kg) at anyone for the purpose of an attack.

But since the spell was sustained, his hits are already determined, thus so is the weight he can lift... right?
Since the spell is sustained the specific object is determined and cannot change without recasting.

You cast Levitate on an object, and you can levitate that object. If you want to switch from the cue ball to the 8 ball you have to recast.
QUOTE (Demerzel)
Since the spell is sustained the specific object is determined and cannot change without recasting.

You cast Levitate on an object, and you can levitate that object. If you want to switch from the cue ball to the 8 ball you have to recast.

Yeah. The weight limit is already set, but he cast it on that one particular object (the orb) so it doesn't matter that he could have lifted 2200 Kg or whatever, he is lifting the 12 Kg orb.

Now, this does perhaps mean that if someone where to grab onto the orb and maintain a grip, he could lift them, but that is about it (can't balance a car or something on it.)
Mr. Unpronounceable
QUOTE (Stahlseele)
i'd probably say things weigh approximately body x 10 . .
but if you make them too light levitate becomes WAY too powerfull . .
Imagine some magician throwing TANKS around O.o

body x 10?

So a limo would weigh 120kg, or about 264 lbs?
A bulldog stepvan would weigh 160kg, i.e. 352 lbs?

A mage could levitate nearly any vehicle in the book with a single success (past OR) if you use that conversion!
(except for the Ares Dragon - that'd take 2)

A better approximation for machines would probably be something like:

bikes & drones
(body x body + armor) x 2 kg

Steel Lynx: 50kg
Harley-Davidson Scorpion: 136kg

cars, trucks, hovercraft, military & security vehicles
(non "light" military vehicles like tanks would probably go in the next category when introduced)
(body x body + armor) x 5kg

Honda Spirit: 350kg
Mitsubishi Nightsky: 770kg
GMC Bulldog Step-Van: 1320kg
Chrystler-Nissan Patrol-1: 550kg
Ares Citymaster: 1380kg

boats & subs, winged planes, rotorcraft, vtol/vstol
(body x body + armor) x 10kg

MT Sea Nymph: 3300kg
Cessna C750: 3280kg
Ares Dragon: 4920kg
GMC Banshee: 4180kg
That still seems on the light side. I mean even small cars are going to be a ton or so, and I thought bikes where supposed to be really heavy. Like more in the 200-300Kg range.

Also, about 4 tons seems absurdly light for a yacht (then again, it is super cheap.) but still, large boats tend to weigh dozens of tons at least.

I think your going to have to make a more call by call decision.

P.S. When I say ton, I don't mean a metric ton. I mean 2000 lb or about 900 Kg
Mr. Unpronounceable
Oh, I agree it's still way too light for many of the vehicles - but once a mage needs more than 15-25 successes to levitate them it's pretty much moot.

edit: and I was trying not to make too many variables ala rigger2
QUOTE (Mr. Unpronounceable)
Oh, I agree it's still way too light for many of the vehicles - but once a mage needs more than 15-25 successes to levitate them it's pretty much moot.

edit: and I was trying not to make too many variables ala rigger2

True, it becomes moot quickly, so the high end stuff like tanks don't really matter that much, but it can be really important for things like bikes, cars, and drones.
hrm, okay . . somehow my body x 10 seemed plausible for drones an bikes with a body of 5 or something like that . . i owned a motor bike once, they are not THAT heavy . . a Human of not too much strength and body has to be able to lift it if it were to tip over *g*
I can't believe I missed that simple fact about levitate and sustaining. eek.gif

The player was under the assumption that once you cast the spell, its always in effect and that he could just change targets at will.

I never questioned that fact.

Thanks for the clarity.
QUOTE (Tarantula)
Mercer, I don't know about you, but if you're ruling that body equals the threshold needed to lift something then there's a huge gap in your logic.

No, I was ruling that the Threshold for lifting something could be used as its Body rating for determining damage of Levitated rams.

Cars, drones, and people already have Body ratings, so there's no need to calculate them. And they also typically have weights, and there is little if any correlation. (A Body 4 Person isn't going to way the same as a Body 4 car, a Body 6 Troll is going to weigh more than a Body 8 ork, and so on.)

What I was advocating was, for the purposes of figuring out how much damage Levitated objects do, using the Threshold to determine a Body rating (which is a base DV) for a ram, and use the Vehicle Ram Table.

The reason for this is primarily simplicity. I'm not going to go through and figure out the Body rating of desks, streetlamps, dumpsters, baby carriages (with babies), and anything else that might conceivably be around when someone decides to Darth Vader something at someone. I will already have to eyeball the weight when he casts it (and odds are, the player will be asking for something within a specific range), and Threshold to Body makes a very simple conversion. Since the casting of the spell also determines the velocity, everything is already done for me. The Vehicle Ramming table has a column for speed and a column for "Body" (which is really a base DV), so just by casting the spell I already have a pretty good idea what sort of damage it will do.

This puts damage for flung objects fairly low, but for me anyway, that's intentional. Levitate is already an incredibly useful spell, it doesn't have to be that efficient as an attack. To really do some decent damage you're looking at the F12 range of castings, and as has been pointed out, there are easier ways to kill people with a Force 12 spell.
QUOTE (Dayhawk)
I can't believe I missed that simple fact about levitate and sustaining. eek.gif

The player was under the assumption that once you cast the spell, its always in effect and that he could just change targets at will.

I never questioned that fact.

Thanks for the clarity.

Lol. Now we see why he really wanted to keep up a force 12 with 11 hits levitate spell. He was hoping to be able to switch it from the orb to other things and start chucking around cars and such at will.

No, the spell is quite non-transferable, just like all other spells.

Also, I just though of this: As much as it looks really cool right now, after a few combats it is going to be dented and pitted and look like a flying piece of junk.
QUOTE (Dayhawk)
Thanks for the clarity.

Must stop EverQuest™ flashbacks... silly.gif

Um, yer welcome...
Mr. Unpronounceable
well, the steel lynx is the heaviest drone in the base book, and putting it at 50 kg, or 110 lbs seems about right for it's size.

the scoot weighs in at 36kg, or 79 lbs, which seems about right for a future-materials Vespa/Mo-Ped

the sport bikes are 80, 84kg - so 176-184 lbs, liftable, but not really carryable for most people (str 8 to carry without a test per pg. 130)

while the scorpion is a whopping 136kg or about 300 lbs - maybe a bit light but close enough for guesswork.

the spirit comes out to 350kg, or 771 lbs...very light for a car, but then, have you ever seen a Geo or a SmartCar?

The rest of the cars work out a bit light too, but I'm assuming that the move away from sheet-metal to lighter composites isn't going away anytime soon, so it's probably not too far off for a "two-hands & flashlight" type quick estimate.
wait, that means high STR chars CAN just simply go and lift off a bike from the ground and carry it away? O.o
and a good done Troll STR Built with some luck/Cyber/Bio could possible lift small CARS? x.x . .
QUOTE (Stahlseele)
wait, that means high STR chars CAN just simply go and lift off a bike from the ground and carry it away? O.o
and a good done Troll STR Built with some luck/Cyber/Bio could possible lift small CARS? x.x . .

Lol, I can see it now, a troll just walking around with a car held over his head, going to the nearest chop shop.
Mr. Unpronounceable
Well, from my quick-estimate table:

only the scoot and the two sport bikes were carryable by orks or enhanced-strength humans.

Magically strong or cybered trolls with 14 strength could carry a scorpion without a test

but noone could carry even the lightest car - it'd take strength 35.
you can LIFT STRx15 Kilo without test . .
you can CARRY STRx10 kilo without test
according to SR4 Core Book
everything above that needs a test and every success gives you 15 more kilo for lift or 10 kilo more for carry . . with STR of 15 you'd be able to LIFT 225 kilo without test and be able to CARRY 150 kilo without test . .
let's say you throw your 15 dice and come up with about 5 to 10 successes that goes up to and above 300 kilo for lift and 200 kilo for carry O.o
and then there's still the option of cyber-limbs maxed out for strength and redlining them O.o
Mr. Unpronounceable
Well, yes -


A) at 350 kilos for the lightest car, even the troll at his racial augmented maximum strength of 15 is going to need 8 successes to lift over his head for one turn, or 20 successes to carry for a turn.

B) one is rather unlikely to get very far before blowing one of those tests...and I wouldn't want to be under (or even near) the cybered troll when he loses his grip.

still, it'd make those strongman competitions a lot more interesting.

edit: maths
Just a FYI. I own a sport motorcycle. Its a 500cc engine (the norm is 600cc for a sport motorcycle). Wet, (that is with oil fuel and all that) its officially listed as 409lbs. (Roughly 185kg).

Taking a Honda GoldWing (one of the biggest cruiser motorcycles around), its official wet weight is, 911 lbs. Nearing half a ton.

You don't carry motorcycles around, maybe Mr. Universe could, but in general, it doesn't happen.
Well, they are talking about augmented trolls that would make Mr. Universe's lift and carry capacity seem like a bookish school girl.
For reference, the steel lynx is about the size of a human (see Fields of Fire if you have access to that). 50 kg is way too low IMO, should be closer to the 200 kg you can lift with a threshold of 1 on levitate. Seeing strength 3 chars carrying a Steel Lynx around would feel wrong for me.
The Jopp
For reference, the steel lynx is about the size of a human (see Fields of Fire if you have access to that). 50 kg is way too low IMO, should be closer to the 200 kg you can lift with a threshold of 1 on levitate. Seeing strength 3 chars carrying a Steel Lynx around would feel wrong for me.

50 kilos for a steel lynx might not be entirely wrong. It all depends on material.

lightweight polymers and ceramics surrounding a lightweight structure of aluminium that houses an electrical fuel cell and the CPU brain.

I would say that 50 kilos would be the unladen weight. A machine gun with 200 rounds of ammo would easily add 10-20 kilograms. Then we have sensor loadout that would add even more weight.

A fully kitted out steel lynx could be around 100kg.
QUOTE (Mr. Unpronounceable)
bikes & drones
(body x body + armor) x 2 kg

Steel Lynx: 50kg
Harley-Davidson Scorpion: 136kg

That's WAY too light for a motorcycle...

Motorcycles (even crotch rockets) weigh a LOT more than 300 pounds...

Hell, mine weighs more than twice that, and it's not all that big.

Even with futuristic SR4 motorcycles made out of unobtainium I don't seem them weighing that little...

QUOTE (Stahlseele)
hrm, okay . . somehow my body x 10 seemed plausible for drones an bikes with a body of 5 or something like that . . i owned a motor bike once, they are not THAT heavy . . a Human of not too much strength and body has to be able to lift it if it were to tip over *g*

It's trivial for someone of average strength to right a 700 pound motorcycle that's tipped over.

It's not like you're lifting 700 pounds when you do it...
Mr. Unpronounceable
Like I said: two hands + flashlight estimate - I was just going for a heavier-than-a-person, less-than-2-tons motorcycle.

Take it as the absolute low-end estimate, with the high end as current weights. Assuming progress is made in polymer and composite materials, that's not unreasonable.
Weigth is not a purely negative property for outdoor combat drones, as you don´t want the drone to flip upside down the first occasion it gets. So I do think if armor got lighter they would simply add more. But your POV is valid, they might actually be pretty light, we don´t know.
Weigth is not a purely negative property for outdoor combat drones, as you don´t want the drone to flip upside down the first occasion it gets. So I do think if armor got lighter they would simply add more. But your POV is valid, they might actually be pretty light, we don´t know.

I would assume the ones that fly or float are fairly light, but otherwise I think heavy would be the way to go. I mean, if your combat drone barely weighs anything, it is going to have real trouble staying standing when being shot at, and have even more trouble staying upright when dealing with the recoil from its weapons (Linx can hold 3 LMGs). I'm hoping that Arsenal will provide at least some baselines of weight for various thing.
QUOTE (Karaden)
QUOTE (Ryu @ Jan 5 2008, 04:43 AM)
Weigth is not a purely negative property for outdoor combat drones, as you don´t want the drone to flip upside down the first occasion it gets. So I do think if armor got lighter they would simply add more. But your POV is valid, they might actually be pretty light, we don´t know.

I would assume the ones that fly or float are fairly light, but otherwise I think heavy would be the way to go. I mean, if your combat drone barely weighs anything, it is going to have real trouble staying standing when being shot at, and have even more trouble staying upright when dealing with the recoil from its weapons (Linx can hold 3 LMGs). I'm hoping that Arsenal will provide at least some baselines of weight for various thing.

i think you've misunderstood the rules for weapon mounts.

you may have one(1) weapon mount for every three(3) points of body that the drone has. armor doesn't count for this purpose at all.

a steel lynx, from memory, has a body of four(4), which when divided by three(3) gets you one(1) with a remainder of one(1).

this means that you can have one(1) LMG on a steel lynx, no more.
My bad, it does only have a body 4, but it can mount 2, as it comes equiped with 1 as part of it being what it is, then you can mount a second one. So you can in fact mount 2 on them, and the recoil would likely be enough to knock it over if it is trying to fire two LMGs on Full Auto if it weighs a meisly 50 Kg. Of course even firing a single LMG when it weighs only 50Kg is going to be kind of sketchy.

QUOTE (SR4 @ page 341)
Vehicles may be equipped with a number of weapon mounts equal to their Body ÷ 3 (round down).

that is how many you can *have*, not how many you can add.

the steel lynx already has one. the maximum number it can have is also one. therefore you cannot add anymore.

in any case, for largely arbitrary reasons afaict, you can only use one at a time in any case.

QUOTE (SR4 @ page 239)
A rigger may order a single drone to arm or disarm one of its weapon systems. A drone may have only one weapon system armed at any one time.
QUOTE (Jaid)

QUOTE (SR4 @ page 341)
Vehicles may be equipped with a number of weapon mounts equal to their Body ÷ 3 (round down).

that is how many you can *have*, not how many you can add.

the steel lynx already has one. the maximum number it can have is also one. therefore you cannot add anymore.

in any case, for largely arbitrary reasons afaict, you can only use one at a time in any case.

QUOTE (SR4 @ page 239)
A rigger may order a single drone to arm or disarm one of its weapon systems. A drone may have only one weapon system armed at any one time.

QUOTE (SR4 @ page 341)
Steel Lynx Combat Drone: A hardened ground-combat machine. Carries one weapon (LMG or smaller), and is equipped with Defense 3 and Targeting 3 autosofts.

It says that it carries one weapon, not that it has a weapon mount on it. If it ran with the same rules and used up 3 points of body like a weapon mount then the text would simply say 'comes equipped with a weapon mount' instead of 'carries a weapon'. This implies that you are still free to add a mount to the drone.

Hmm, I've not read the rigging stuff in a while, forgot that you couldn't arm more then one weapon system at a time, but it does seem very stupid to be unable to have more then one armed. Of course it does say weapon system, not individual weapon, which could be up for grabs as to if a system can consist of only one weapon. (Though I'm more then willing to accept that you can only fire one weapon at a time for game balance reasons, and it isn't the point of the discussion anyway.)

The point remains that for a large combat drone, 50Kg seems like too little mass to be able to stand up to the rigours of combat. Of course it really doesn't help that nowhere in the book does it actually say how large a large drone is. Are we talking like a troll is large? Or do we mean large for a drone, which may be rather small compared to people? Honestly I don't think they provided nearly enough info on drones and vehicles in the book (an entire {sarcasim} two pages for 36 items is not nearly enough to do them properly)
fine, if we're going to split hairs about what the RAW implies, then *technically* the lynx *requires* a weapon mount in order to *use* the weapon, because otherwise it can only *carry* the weapon.

seriously, if you want to just give out extra weapon slots, go ahead. i don't personally see the need. nor do i see the need to restrict to one weapon system active, for that matter. (i do understand that they might have some concerns about people trying to do 5 LMG bursts with 50 rounds in one burst, but that's just as easily resolved by saying "each weapon is considered separately" and adding in a simple rule about splitting dicepools between all guns. i can't say i'm all that worried about some tricked-out rigger splitting 20 dice between 5 targets to get 4 dice per shot, really...
QUOTE (Jaid)
fine, if we're going to split hairs about what the RAW implies, then *technically* the lynx *requires* a weapon mount in order to *use* the weapon, because otherwise it can only *carry* the weapon.

I'm not trying to split hairs, I'm just saying that it makes sense that the weapon included with the drone is part of the design, and you would thus be able to put a weapon mount onto it. Like I said, the entire section (of two pages) leaves alot to be desired, including weights, actual sizes, and things as simple as if a lynx can have an additonal weapon.

Oh, and if you really do want to split hairs, note that the weapon mount only says that it can hold a weapon, nothing in there about firing it. (Please note this is a joke, I don't want to get into a hair splitting contest)

You are right about having to split dice pools I'm sure, but what happens if you have something with 5 white knigts all fire on one target and act as if it is a single weapon firing a 50 round burst?
QUOTE (Karaden)
You are right about having to split dice pools I'm sure, but what happens if you have something with 5 white knigts all fire on one target and act as if it is a single weapon firing a 50 round burst?

Digressing further from Levitate... new thread, or are we duplicating previous threads on drones?

My interpretation is that most vehicles and drones are sold with neither weapons nor mounts installed, and that the Doberman and Lynx are unusual in being standardly sold with one mount pre-installed; that mount takes up all their capacity. Errata establishes that the stock price does not include a weapon installed in that mount.

However, a Bulldog stepvan could install five mounts, and presumably could install four extra Pilot devices, so that each gun has a computer to direct its aim, which would enable five separate attacks each with its own DP (you could adapt the hardware from a Smart Firing Platform, with Pilot 3 and Target LMG 3 for DP 6). However, installing the mounts so that all five can bear on the same target is unlikely; I'd borrow from Car Wars, with two sponsons front, one on each side, and a top turret, which might get some overlapping fields of fire. Roll and resolve each attack independently. If you're a true purist, you roll Initiative separately for each Pilot, as you would if the Bulldog had five metahuman gunners each staffing a targeting console. That's quite a gun platform. None of the guns is fired very accurately, but the defender takes Multiple Attacker penalties and sooner or later one of the attacks will get a good roll. You can get the same damage as LMGs, with less range, less recoil penalty and much lower cost, mounting AK-97s.
in point of fact, it's quite easy to get the guns to be reasonably accurate. the smart firing platform (which, for the record, can be mounted on a drone without any sort of house rules at all, since guns can by default have accessories, nothing changes in that from drone rules, and smart firing platforms are gun accessories) you can easily get pilot 3 + targetting 3 + smartlink + hits on a sensor test (or swap out sensor for pilot if you don't want to actively target).

given you can share data between them, i would think it stands to reason that you could to a teamwork test on all the sensor tests, which means that it shouldn't be too hard to get +3-4 dice from the teamwork test for active targetting.

and heck, if you upgrade the platforms to pilot 4, targetting 4 (i don't think you'd need to boost the response, they seem to me like something that would at least be security gear) you can get 10 dice on the test. if you have them all firing wide bursts, that's gonna be hard to dodge against.

in any case, like i said, if you treat all guns as separate, there is no 50 round burst.
I see no reason why we couldn't have multiple drones linked together to fire on a specific point/target. We can do that today with multiple weapons. Give current tech 65 years and I think it'd work even better, and be seriously dangerous.
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