Hey folks, I'm Hound from the BlackHammer Cyberpunk Project (one of the surviving mega-sites for the old CyberPunk 2020 RPG).
Anyways, one of my recent projects that evolved from several others is the Future Firearms Archive. It's a blog-style website that has a new near-future firearm posted every Friday with stats for a variety of near-future RPGs (including Shadowrun 4).
However, I would like to include stats for earlier editions of Shadowrun, but I don't have the experience with them that I do with the other systems I post on the site. I played SR1 when it was released and played a few games of it, then skipped SR2, picked up SR3 when it came out but didn't play it, and finally scored SR4 at GenCon two years ago.
So, anyone up for writing up conversions for any of the earlier editions of Shadowrun for the site?
Drop me a line, either here or through the Archive site.