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Full Version: Uncommon combat modifiers
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I wrote a program to calculate Ranged Combat modifiers (see posting in Community Projects). But there are many modifiers it doesn't handle. It's intended for the many GMs who come up with a great story and opposition but want to simplify the running of combat.

Which of the following uncommon combat modifiers do you think regular GMs encounter most?

Electric Shock disorientation
Seeing by flash-pak
Flash Grenades
Super Flash grenade
Spirit concealment of target
Spirit confusion of shooter
Spell confusion
Spell Enhanced Aim
Penalties for Dwarf/Troll for standard-size weapons
Off-hand shooting
Dual firearms
Firing by Magic Fingers
Firing from body possessed against its will
Shooter forced by Control Actions
Shooter forced by Control Emotions
Firing through a barrier spell (+1 vision mod)
Modified weapon range due to CC design rules
Drug effects?
Other (what?)
Frequent appearances in my games:

Electric Shock disorientation
Seeing by flash-pak
Flash Grenades
Super Flash grenade
Spirit concealment of target
Spirit confusion of shooter
Dual firearms
Off-hand shooting
Firing through a barrier spell (+1 vision mod)
Drug effects? (mostly Neurostuns blanket +2 modifier)

Infrequently or never seen in my game:

Spell confusion
Spell Enhanced Aim
Penalties for Dwarf/Troll for standard-size weapons
Firing by Magic Fingers
Firing from body possessed against its will
Shooter forced by Control Actions
Shooter forced by Control Emotions
Modified weapon range due to CC design rules

For what it's worth smile.gif
Spirit concealment of target
Spirit confusion of shooter
I'd go with the flash Gernades.

I have a Ghoul PC who uses them all the time.
Jr. Woodchuck
I would definitely go with Flashpak, all the spirit options in the list and Drug Effects. All the rest is stuff you'll rarely see.
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