SoyKaf Adict
Oct 3 2008, 05:51 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 10:02 AM; AuburnSpades; PAN=StealthIt was over before he knew it. One second he was trying to concentrate on the battle, the next second that flew by his head like a barely missed shot,
Sam was next to the car passing off the parcel to
Ramses' curious hands. She had spoken her piece and was on her way again.
Spades was more than anxious to get on the road, he wrapped himself tighter in his white sheet makeshift babushka outfit as he put the car in drive, he made sure the machine pistol in his lap made it discreetly back into the box... Safety on, before they moved.
"Mind putting that in the back so it's not as obvious? I'm getting my Mary Magdalene hoop outta here." He let the GPS do the navigation of the main streets until they hit highway, keeping at a leisurely pace of the city speed limit. Once the glorious stretch of open road happened upon them he would be much less shaky. Somewhere midway between traffic lights, he tore away the sheet and threw it back over his shoulder on top of his cardboard box. He was just one car among many now, and safely unattached to the crime at hand, at least as far as cameras could go, and hopefully this new hacker was as good as
Spades assumed they were.
[ Spoiler ]
HIS cardboard box is set inside the foot well right behind the driver's seat, so there shouldn't be that much trouble reaching behind and tossing the sheet straight on top.
Oct 3 2008, 09:55 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 10:02 AM; Auburn
While Jazz continues her work in the Matrix, the decker sends a message to the team.
<< [Jazz] I see you are moving already. Very good. The Star will show up here sooner or later. I'm gonna wrap things up here and then head back to safer realms myself. >>
Jazz goes on to remove any traces she can find and also removes the spoofed IDs from the logs. After going back to another node, she grants her own commlink and the one from the team she was working through another ID spoof right away.
Oct 8 2008, 12:35 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; ~10:20:AM; Puyallup City, Puyallup
Jazz cleans up what traces she can of the team's passing. The only one's that cause concern are any left before she spoofed all the IDs. Once she spoofed the IDs, all that was left in any log was a dead end. Having p0wned the camera covering the parking lot, she feels much more comfortable that video of their passing would be cleansed from her end.
The team meanwhile made their way out of the district, avoiding the Star squad cars converging on the scene. Once they crossed back into Puyallup city, they breathed a collective sigh of relief at having gotten their collective hoops back to a district with a much lower security rating.
Shadowscene Tabloid-Feed
The scene queues up to a dark studio. The silhouette of a shapely elven woman opens the scene. "Roxy-Bottoms reporting for Shadowscene Seattle. This just in from the Auburn. A team pulled a run in the last twenty minutes in broad daylight. Here is what we know:"
The scene cuts to grainy video. By the level and motion, it appears to have been shot from the camera on a com from across and down the street from where Spades was parked. It is focused on the bike at the back of the delivery car. The car's front doors are open on both sides, then the back door opens on the passenger side. A package levitates out and a voices can be heard in the background, "Are they shooting a trid?" "No way dude. This is the real deal!" "No way!" The package floats out the door and over the bike. The bike then moves across the street to a car (Spade's car). The package disappears inside and by vehicles exit the lot. "Was that magic?" "It had to be! Did you get the driver?" "Can't tell. Maybe the video will come out.."
The video replays without the recording time commentary, the tabloid reporter providing the narrative this time. "Major mojo here. I'm told that Star counter magic units are on the scene now collecting evidence along side forensic investigators. We are still waiting for a team to claim responsibility as well and will update you if that occurs." Lamination increases off stage left, though it does not add to the viewers ability to discern the features of the reporter. "The contents of the package are unknown, as are the names of either the shipper or the receiver. It is unclear if the magic was levitation based, invisibility or a spirit though my sources are saying invisibility. It appears that we have a team of two runners, maybe three. Wait-"
There is a pause, then she starts speaking again. "An unnamed source also confirms that security cameras in the area were tampered with. So we have magical and matrix-" she again pauses. "Ok, stick-n-shock add a shooter. Speculation from our experts place the team size at three. One shooter, one mage and a hacker."
The story continues with speculation about the the corp that was hit as well as an interview with the young man and woman who shot the video.
Oct 8 2008, 01:14 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; ~10:30AM; Ramses' Apartment, Downtown, Puyallup Barrens
Sam;PAN=passive[LTG] SIN=Roxanne Vega
Sam found a place to park her bike acros the street from the Professor's apartment. A light drizzle was still falling, and her clothing was soaked since her makeshift rain protection had failed in several places. Her long coat still kept the bulk of the rain off of her, but she was too wet to care at this point. She waited until the traffic subsided, then she crossed the street, and too refuge under the awning leading into Ramses' apartment building. She took off her helmet, and shifted from side to saide to try to stay warm while she awaited her companions' arrival.
<<@Jazz [Sam] If you home in on my signal, you can meet me at the rendezvous, amiga. >>
Oct 8 2008, 07:46 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 10:30 AM; Auburn
<< [Jazz] Sure thing. I'm on my way. Did you get the video? There might be a few more, but they shouldn't help them much. Biggest worry is your com IDs, before I could get them a set of new ones. If you ran them in stealth all the time, it should at least be difficult to get any useful information out of that. Oh, and what about the vehicles? If those can be traced back to you, you should do something about it. >>
After sending the message, Jazz jumps on her bike and drives towards the rendevous point.
SoyKaf Adict
Oct 9 2008, 03:44 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 10:18AM; HWY 167, Pullayup Outskirts.
Spades; PAN=Active; SIN=Sam Gorret
Spades was unconvinced they'd gotten away fully, but being on the highway with nothing except open road, and the occasional car, made him relax greatly. They were almost to the turn off into real Pullayup territory, and while he was relaxing he felt social now, unlike some 15 minutes ago when it was a 'get the hell out of dodge' situation. Spades also detested the empty sound of rain reverberating through the silent cab of his car.
"So, you always been a mojo man, Ramses? Is that what got you into 'Running, or was it after you were already in the shadows?"
Monday March 17, 2070; 10:29AM; Downtown, Puyallup Barrens
The drive through upper Pullayup city was dreadful with the foot traffic and broken-down cars dotting the urban landscape. This place was hell if there every was going to be a location suitable enough, and everyone had that sign of knowing that all over their faces. It was a slow haul, but they would make it to Ramses place within the hour... maybe two... Maybe this weekend. He envied Sam's mobility that the bike could offer. However, he didn't envy the knowledge that there was a very wet, cranky, possibly worried Elf waiting on them. They would get there soon, or not at all, that was the way of things.
Oct 15 2008, 03:40 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; ~10:18AM; HWY 167, Pullayup Outskirts
Ramses replies to Spades, "Funding actually. Without a corporate sponsor, magical research is out of the financial reach of most. The shadows provide an alternate source of income to corporations or governments." After answering the question, he looks outside the window for a moment before getting distracted with something in AR.
Monday March 17, 2070; ~10:45AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
Spades pulled the car into the parking lot of the Forbidden City Chinese Restaurant on Main Street in Puyallup City. They open early and the buffer is reasonable as long as you don't ask where the meat comes from. The team easily finds a place to sit, well ahead of the lunch rush.
After hot tea is delivered, Ramses gets up, appearing very distracted. "Sorry, I can't stay for lunch." He pauses a moment. "I have something I need to take care of."
Monday March 17, 2070; ~10:55AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
Another ten minutes pass, just Sam and Spades, before an attractive woman walks up to the table. Team Net identifies her as Jazz.
Oct 15 2008, 03:52 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 10:55 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
The blonde woman, dressed in a light colored jeans outfit complemented by a green top that leaves her midriff exposed and is definitely meant to underline her slender figure, immediately reckognizes the two (she has seen them on the camera before after all) and walks up to their table, setting up a friendly smile, her gaze wandering between them both.
"Sorry, that I have kept you waiting. I'm Jazz. Nice to meet you."
SoyKaf Adict
Oct 16 2008, 08:19 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:05 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
Spades had been somewhat worried, Ramses had been acting quite distracted already, not withstanding his new tendency to disappear with hardly a word as to where he was going. He mentally shrugged, as long as he wasn't some corporate spy, Spades was amiable.
With the arrival of their mysterious Matrix Guru of the hour, Spades had had plenty of time to wash his mind of what troubled him, bringing him to matter at hand. He was 1 v 2 with a couple of fairly attractive women, something he'd been silently thanking the Almighty for the past 10 minutes. Introductions had taken place, orders were taken, and drinks served... Victory meal number one. The chatter was idle, and definitely not work oriented. The less rumors and hearsay reached the ears of others, the better. Mostly the topic of conversation now was how the food tended to move if you weren't staring straight at it. Another one of his crowd-pleasing mindless humor numbers. This was a point in time he'd have been happy to still be in bed waiting for his late night shifts at Shackles, at least there he was doing legal things. Yet, in the case of illegal acts, the only reason stealing that courier package was illegal was because it was from a corporation, they could care less what was stolen in the Pullayups, as long as it wasn't from them. Greedy slots. He interjected in a moment of awkward silence, while they idly drank their beverages, referring his question to Jazz.
"So, whats it like to cruise the big data highways? I get on only when I have to, just doesn't feel right after a while. Maybe I'm just not built for it, or I should get myself more chrome to truly understand. Either way, I'm talking the BIG ones, not this public access mumbo-jumbo."
He had a slight far away look as he tried to picture the excitement of hacking a mainframe, before she began speaking.
Oct 16 2008, 05:57 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:05 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
Sam took a sip of her Diet Coke, in an effor not to chime in over Spades' chit-chat. Then she opend up the paper-wrapepd bamboo chopsticks and dug into her noodles an broccoli. She didn't trust the meat in the place, and the veggies looked real anyway. She caught Spades staring at her a few times.
I wonder what the Raging Hormone is thinking?
Then she caught him starign a Jazz.
No way. Typical, I suppose...
"What he meant to say was welcome aboard, Jazz!" Sam interjected after finishing a bite of noodles.
Oct 18 2008, 02:30 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:05 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
"You have to go full VR to truely understand, of course a 'trode net won't do it, the connection isn't as clean as a direct hook-up to the brain via a 'jack or built-in com. And you need the right hardware and software as well. It's like the difference between driving a Jackrabbit and a Westwind. What it's like? Hard to explain with mere words. It's huge. It's freedom. You can do or be whatever you want... well, there are some constraints, of course, but not many. It's like being inside the veins and arteries of a human body, just that instead of blood they transport information at the speed of light. Probably more like the nervous system, but you get the idea. And it's not just one, it's millions joint together. Everything can be found there, if you just dig deep enough. And then there is the excitement of getting into places you are not supposed to be at, of course. I believe you know that feeling very well, even from another perspective."
SoyKaf Adict
Oct 19 2008, 06:31 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:05 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
Spades raised his eyebrow at Sam as her little outburst dripped contempt for his interest in VR. With Jazz not skipping a moment to describe her experience in the Virtual world with another soul, at least this hadn't brought the conversation to a stand still. He was knee deep in interest, processing the description and forming his own picture of unhindered exploration of the universe that was VR. He spoke out of some meaning to correct Sam's perhaps jealous misinterpretation of his "priorities."
"Yes, in a way, I had meant to say we welcome you to the group Jazz that goes without saying, but I had to hear from experience how it must feel. It satiates my curiosity for this moment. Sam and I are both fairly tied to our meat bodies, but yes a good B&E can be quite entertaining, not to mention exhilarating. Just as likely to be the last mission, as any other. We use bullets and coercion, you use code and back door programs. All the same, and all very necessary."
He moved his hands in tandem with the motions of his descriptions, telling a good story was just like conducting a symphony... Even if you felt as if you could speak the directions, moving one's hands was a requirement for it to continue and flow forward. Ending on his hands clasping together to signify necessity, his eyes fell on Sam after he was finished.
"And we all make mistakes in judging our opposition, it's the only way we learn and grow up to be larger than life. Or die trying."
He looked to Jazz as he continued.
"Not my first choice mind you. Yet, inevitably, we will find that one Mr. Johnson that throws us that last raw deal. I'm all for staying one step ahead. Jazz, this guy shouldn't be too hard to get info on. Not Kilroy, but our own little Mr. Johnson, who I think you haven't met yet. I would personally love to know if he's on the level before we shine too much light on our faces doing these jobs for him. Call me cautious, but for our sakes, this should be done as soon as a free moment presents itself. Considering your expertise with VR, and from what reputation would allow... Great skill as well. I'm wondering if you haven't done it already."
His smile brazen with a flash of mischief.
Oct 19 2008, 08:33 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:06 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
"Well, I got this call from Kilroy when you were already about to start, so there wasn't exactly a whole lot of time for preparations or anything else. I can surely take a look around, but it would be helpful to actually know who this person is, some point to start at least. So what do you know? Besides, so far there hasn't been any talk about compensations or target specifications, but given that Kilroy has been recommended by someone I can usually trust, I just went along. And trust is, while not always possible, something we just have to live with in our line of work. It would be nice to know at some point, what the details of this job are, however."
Oct 19 2008, 02:20 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:07 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
Sam finished a bite of her noodles before replying to Jazz, "Well I can vouch for Kilroy. I've never "met" him, but I've worked with him for a while and he's never let me down. I agree with Spades ...did I just say that?... it's Johnson I don't trust. I half think he was the one that set up our little debut on the Tabloid Feed. I'd at least like to KNOW that he didn't."
"As for the job, in a nutshell the arrangements were: intercept 3 packages. YOU being a subcontractor will throw off the salary quotes, so I'll just give totals here: 3,000 for the first package, 6,000 for the second package, and 7,500 for the third. Details forthcoming 20 minutes before the job comes down... at least for the first package. Dreky, huh?"
Then she smiled coyly and patted Spades on the knee. Just as quickly, her face went hard, flushed red and she caught Spades with a pointed elbow under the floating ribs. A few stray noodles landed on top of his head as she scolded, "Underestimate THIS, pretty boy. I didn't see you doing too much when the lead started flying. It looked to me like you were checking out some scantily clad jogger and NOT paying attention. I'm all for playing hard, but you gotta WORK hard first. You gotta keep your hoop in THIS game, Spades, or you won't last long in the Shadows."
Then in a brief moment of remorse, she added, "I apologize for the snap judgement... maybe you're not a player. But even an invisible BUTT hanging out in the breeze is vulnerable without good backup... I miss the professor..."
She went back to eating he noodles, and a marked frown was still on her face.
SoyKaf Adict
Oct 20 2008, 03:27 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:07 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
She may have been surprised, but then again in the Shadows it got to be a habit, but as her hit landed she noticed her hand hurt a lot more than it should for jacking someone's rib cage. She was rewarded by a grimace and a slight coughing fit, but little more.
I should've seen that coming... Then again, a fire is never tamed by a fan.
He coughed slightly, even managing to unconsciously apply etiquette, with the covering of his mouth. He straightened his back, as a twinge of pain made itself evident on his face.
"... Just because the Star tends to be tardy ninet-- *cough* --y percent of the time, doesn't mean they always are. Surely, if it's not the Star we're going to be worrying about, it'll be the increasing security measures used by the courier's company. Don't worry, you'll see me-- *cough* -- in action soon enough. But we all have our nifty secrets."
He smirked knowingly in spite of the inconvenience. The effort was made more to cover his current weakness, then to have them wonder what all he could do.
Oct 23 2008, 08:54 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:08 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
"I see. Not a whole lot of time for preparations. Anyways, speaking of the data search you want me to do. That still doesn't give me enough information to actually start. Johnson. You know how common that name is?" Jazz says, winking.
Nov 8 2008, 01:26 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:09 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
Sam thought about that for a moment, and responded, "You know... I don't think we really have enough yet to really track that gringo down yet. I kknow I didn't record any video of the guy. You coudl do facial recognition if we had that, at least..."
"Maybe check back into Zephyr Securities and see what kind of mierda we kicked up there?"
Nov 9 2008, 07:24 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:09 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup BarrensJazz"
OK, I'll see what I can come up with... any more details about what happened from your perspective would be welcome, and helpful."
Jazz then begins a (fairly harmless) data search for
Zephyr Securities for starters.
[ Spoiler ]
Dec 11 2008, 03:23 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:09 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens@Jazz[ Spoiler ]
There is quite a bit of media buzz about Zephyr Securities at the moment. It seems that one of their deliveries was hit by a group of shadowrunners in broad daylight today. Ok that was a given. Kuji Pharmaceuticals has issued a press release stating that they are exercising a service level clause in their contract with Zephyr Securities and canceling their contract for secure deliveries. Zephyr Securities stock also took a 5.7% drop on the news that a shadowrun team had been successful against one of their courier teams.
Dec 14 2008, 10:10 AM
Monday March 17, 2070, Somewhere...
The first thing Jake does upon receiving the message is contact Rex: "Rex, you in on this? Where can I pick you up?"
Dec 15 2008, 05:46 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:09 AM; Puyallup City, Puyallup BarrensAnon[ Spoiler ]
It didn't take long for the local tuffs to take note of you and Rudolf having taken up residence in the abandoned building. The usually shake down commenced followed by the unusual magical response involving both a spirit, invisibility and stun bolts. That caused a with drawl of the gangers, though only temporary. The next visit did not go so well. They brought tasers and bag of flour. Invisibility didn't work so well in an enclosed space with a bag of flour burst open and the spirit didn't stick around around Anon was tasered unconscious.
When he awoke, Anon found himself in a room with a number of the gangers. They all wore native garb, though it was clear most of them weren't. An especially mean dwarf they called Pin, as in hair-pin, was kicked back in a chair with his feet on Anon's chest and a shotgun in his hands. As Anon started coming too, the dwarf simply patted the gun in his lap and pointed across the room. Looking over, Anon found a man in his fifties with a strong Ameri-Indian lineage sitting in another chair across the room.
"You gave my braves quite workout on the first encounter." The smile that follows isn't exactly reassuring to Anon given the dwarf's boots resting on his chest. "I like that... and I'm going to make you an offer. We could use some mojo and it appears you need a place to crash."
Deciding that it was an offer he couldn't refuse, Anon accepted. The gang leader is known as the Chooser and the gang the chosen. He and his lieutenant Pin had led the gang for two decades, a length almost unheard of. They ran under the radar and maintained their turf with a number of rules. Every gang member goes on a spirit quest to find a mentor spirit, the Chooser's being Dog; He is very protective of his turf and the people on it.
A few weeks later, Anon was introduced to Kilroy; A fixer who recruited from the gang sometimes. Kilroy is always looking for magical talent and the introduction, it was all virtual; Kilroy never meets in the flesh.
After a few more more weeks, the first call came in......
<<@Anon [Kilroy] I have a job that needs some magic back up. The next segment pays 1,500
each. Interested? Do I even need to ask?. --> Contact ARO: Sam <-- Give Sam a jingle and she'll connect you up with the rest of the team. . --> Contact ARO: Jake <-- Jake can give you a lift. >>
Dec 15 2008, 09:36 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:15 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
"Looks like ZephSec is in some trouble due to a certain, recent incident. Contract being cancelled, stock drop. Maybe they are the target? I don't know... but it could be something in this direction. Or they are just a means to achieve something else. Or the package was really what J wanted? Hard to say, but there are some scenarios, that appear possible."
Dec 15 2008, 03:12 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:11 AM; Rex's doss, Northern Pullayups
Rex checks the two messages he just received from Kilroy and Jake.
<< @Kilroy [Rex] I'm in. Pay seems pretty good. >>
<< @Jake [Rex] 'course I'm in. <-- Coordinates for pick up. --> >>
Rex gears up, picks up his trusty axe and heads out.
<< @Sam, Jake [Rex] Jake and I are in. Where to? >>
Dec 15 2008, 04:28 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:11 AM; Rex's doss, Northern Pullayups
<<@Sam [Kilroy] Located a replacement mage. The Johnson contacted me. He expects the threat rating to increase so I'm adding a pair of runners to augment your team. --> Contact AROs: Jake, Rex, Anon <-- >>
Dec 17 2008, 12:00 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:11 AM; Rex's doss, Northern Pullayups
<< @Sam, Rex [Jake] Just make sure you guys are clean, ok? >>
Jake drives to the coordinates to pick up Rex first and then Sam. He greets them the usual way-wet tissues liquid soap and decontamination spray.
While Rex is used to Jake's visage to Sam he will probably look like a overzealous surgeon getting ready for complicated procedure. Face covered with breather mask, clean, sterile coat, gloved hands and protective googles. There is little of the man or his skin to be seen really, hic face now covered with protective creams and powders.
Dec 19 2008, 04:01 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:15 AM; Random street corner
<<@Killroy[Anon] You throw in lunch and you got a deal. Hell, who am I kidding, you got yourself a runner.>>[/color]
Gareth sighs and looks at his com wondering whether the guys Killroy hooked him up with are up to snuff. It didn't really matter, dying was slightly better than living off of roasted rat.
<<@Sam[Anon] Hoy, I got a call sayin' you're looking for a day laborer? I think I'm your man.>>
<<@Jake[Anon] Hey Chummer, I need a cars in the>>
SoyKaf Adict
Dec 20 2008, 06:34 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:16 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
He couldn't help but find Sam's frustration a little funny. He silently chuckled to himself as message after message barraged her commlink. In off-beat intervals it would chirp and send her into a fit of typing before the next message attacked her phone. He turned his attention away for a moment considering what Jazz had said.
"Zephyr? Courier companies are numerous enough, and even if they weren't security firms would pick up the slack. Unless Zephyr has some bit of information our man Johnson is hoping to buy low and sell high. I somehow doubt it's the target, wherever the package was going seemed pretty important, and that should be the focus. Good job digging up the dirt, now all we have to do is find the closet and the skeleton. Later, though, ..."
He made Sam the center of his attention for the continuation of his comment.
"Sam seems a little too busy at the moment... So what's the update? Is this your serial psycho ex or are you trying set a record for most amount of text messages in a minute?"
He folded his arms with a smirk on his face as he waited for her reply.
Dec 20 2008, 09:26 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:17 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
"Yeah, it's not much, but it's a start. Does Kuji Pharmaceuticals ring some bell? They are the ones that cancelled the contract, probably because of the lost package. Next guess in line... maybe someone wants to actively change the courier company working for them?"
Dec 20 2008, 03:42 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:17 AM; en route to next pickup point
<<@Anon[Jake] Send me the coordinates and I'll pick you up. Make sure you are clean and germ free..>>
"So, Rex, what have you been up to these days?" Jake asks as he drives. He sounds like he is in one of his better moods. Money is always a good motivator.
Dec 21 2008, 04:38 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:18 AM; en route to next pickup point
Surprisingly, Rex was in the mood for conversation.
"Not too much, I just enjoyed the money. Got out a few nights, bought drinks for friends, stuff like that. Watched a whole lot of TriD too. There's some amazing stuff I didn't know about - I really liked Mutant Blood Drinkers. Anyway, after this run, I'm bringing you to a nice joint I like. We can talk about stuff then, and maybe you can finally explain to me what are those frekking Bakderias of yours. "
"How about you. What'ch'you spending your hard earned 'yens on?"
Dec 21 2008, 10:16 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:19 AM; en route to next pickup point
"Bacteria. They are called bacteria. Simply put, they enter your body and kill you from the inside. And the worst part is that you can't see them with your eyes. They are so small. But there is more. They are highly adaptable and they mutate. Just as you think your medicins will work -WHAM!-you die because bacteria gets more resilent." Jake shakes his head "It's a hard world we live in my friend. We are lucky we have reached our age.
As for me, my roto drone got rather banged up when the mob after us so I was sterilizing it and doing repairs. And.." a triumphant look can be seen in Jake's eyes: "I went for a thorough clean over! 100% germ free. And I found this new soap they produced. It's magnificent. It has extended duration, so it keeps you clean several hours after you use it. Here, I can give you a sample."
Jake fishes a piece of soap wrapped in paper in his pocket and tossess it to Rex.
Dec 22 2008, 07:26 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:18 AM; en route to next pickup point
Rex can't help the dumb expression on his face while Jake explains the bacteria. Yeah, okay, they're like poison, I get it. He doesn't really get it. I know it matters a lot to you.
Rex catches the soap. Are you trying to tell me that I stink? Cause you know, I always use deodorant. And I'm clean too. I'm a classy troll, you know that. And he gives back the soap.
Rex was very proud of his personal hygene and smell. He usually puts on cologne and he always stays dressed impeccably with shirt and tie. To him, it meant everything to look respectable. He hated that some trolls were treated with disrepect for their lack of manners or cleanliness and definitely didn't want to be associated with them.
Dec 24 2008, 06:18 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:18 AM; en route to next pickup point
"As you wish. But if you die due to some illness, don't expect me to come to your funeral."
Dec 28 2008, 11:26 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:20 AM
Well, I'm not being followed...At least I don't think I am. Shadowrunners...always with their slang and paranoia. Anon pauses for a moment not realizing that Killroy isn't talking about bugs or tails. Luckily, he's already had his weekly shower.
<<@Killroy[Anon] I'm on the corner of fifth and main. Don't worry no one's following me>>
Jan 11 2009, 06:45 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:20 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
"Suppose that's it for now. We will need some more input to be able to dig deeper. Let me know if you have anything. What do you think when the next step will happen? There were three parts to this job and this one you pulled off today was just the first, right? Hopefully for the next one there will be more time for preparations. I can help you a lot better that way."
"If it is unlikely that anything will happen today, I might as well get my stuff sorted and find a more decent place to stay for the next couple days or so. The last one wasn't exactly great."
Jan 12 2009, 09:11 AM
[ Spoiler ]
<<@Killroy[Anon] I'm on the corner of fifth and main. Don't worry no one's following me>> - I asume he meant @Jake
<<@Anon[Jake] That is a bonus to know but what I really want is that you are disease free.>>Jake drives to pick up the newest team member and greets him with usual wet handkerchiefs and steriliser sprays.
Jan 12 2009, 07:04 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:13 AM; Forbidden City Chinese Restaurant, Puyallup City, Pullayup Barrens, Seattle
<<@Rex; CC: Jake [Sam] -] GPS ARO Attached [- Forbidden City. I would steer clear of the egg drop soup - its got a greenish tint and the chicken-on-a-stick tastes more like cat, but the Chow Mein and General T'so's are tasty. Welcome aboard.>>
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:15 AM; Forbidden City Chinese Restaurant, Puyallup City, Pullayup Barrens, Seattle
<<@Anon [Sam] -] GPS ARO Attached [- Kilroy gave me the heads up. Welcome to the team. We have several other new additions as well.>>
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:17 AM; Forbidden City Chinese Restaurant, Puyallup City, Pullayup Barrens, Seattle
Sam turns to Spades, focusing back on the real world. "Sorry. Blitz of contacts. Kilroy is sending over a replacement for Ramses and adding two more runners based upon a perceived threat rating increase by the Johnson; Jake and Rex are inbound. I don't know either of them vary well, but I have heard their names around for a while since I started using Kilroy. Memory serves that Rex is a mountain of troll and axe. Jake is a drone rigger; I will warn you, he is a little different."
She then turns to Jazz. "I guess the next leg of this run will allow us to hone in on whether Zepher, Kuji or possibly neither are the target." She ponders for a moment then smiles. "All in all, today went well though." She then gets up and heads over to get another plate of food.
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:22 AM; 5th & Main, Puyallup City, Pullayup Barrens, Seattle
Jake and Rex arrive at the spot selected by Anon for the pickup. As people come and go, they locate a single man loitering that appears to be their mark.
Jan 12 2009, 08:48 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:20 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
"Yep, I guess we will learn more about it then..." Jazz replies to Sam. "A mountain of a troll you say? Always good to have someone to hide behind," she then adds with a grin. "While I can handle myself, when things get a lil rougher, I prefer to stay away from such trouble. Doesn't always work out that way, of course."
SoyKaf Adict
Jan 13 2009, 04:39 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:20 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
Jazz had been making a few comments on her end, but Spades was trying to piece together whatever was going on while she made them.
Once Sam was off the comm, she finally resumed the conversation, oblivious to his prodding, he diverted his disappointment in the unfortunate listing of two new members, sans Ramses.
"How is a big walking sign going to help us? Sure security is a problem, but we have this thing, it's called stealth, it helps us on the job because we don't want to be noticed... Not to mention, we're supposed to subdue the couriers, not put them in the DocWagon... I don't like it." He sighed, continuing before anyone could fill the void with a rebuttal. "The Drone Rigger is good news, we won't be invisible, but we'll have an eye in the sky. I don't know if the two cancel out, but we'll make do, I guess.
He looked at Jazz, her job didn't always involve being on the scene of the crime, which was what prompted his next comment. More his usual self, rather than the annoyed, yet concerned attitude he'd had a moment earlier.
"I don't see any reason why you'd have to be involved any where near the matter. Everything we're doing is on the street, out in the open. You could jack in anywhere for these missions, so you've been involved in more close quarters maneuvers then?"
He ended his question on point, it poked at her past, and for once he'd actually not meant to intentionally ask... He was curious, and actually interested for once.
Jan 13 2009, 08:43 AM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:21 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
"You do not always have that luxury. Some systems are not accessible from the outside. And I have a few more talents that come in useful from time to time. Since you are going to ask, anyways, what I mean is... I'm pretty good with people, yeah I know, not quite the typical Matrix reclusive, and I'm a good driver, too."
Jan 13 2009, 04:17 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:15 AM; Puyallup City, Pullayup Barrens, Seattle
<<@Sam; CC: Jake [Rex] We're on our way. We're about to pick up Anon. >>
I haven't had chinese in a while, can't wait to try out that chicken - or whatever they serve that tastes like it. Hmm, I bet it's not your favorite kind of place to go to, huh?
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:22 AM; 5th & Main, Puyallup City, Pullayup Barrens, Seattle
When the car comes around the corner, Rex opens the back doors for Anon. Hey chummer, jump in.
Jan 13 2009, 05:38 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:21 AM; Forbidden City, Puyallup City, Puyallup Barrens
<<@Jazz [Sam] Almost forgot -] 3x Contact AROs [- Here are the contact AROs for the new guys so you can subscribe them to TeamNetâ„¢.>>
Jan 13 2009, 05:43 PM
Monday March 17, 2070; 11:22 AM; 5th & Main, Puyallup City, Pullayup Barrens, Seattle
"If the food is properly cleaned and sterilised and if the place is sanitized..."
Once Anon is properly clean, Jake drives to their meeting point.